Inside the room, the second prince Ye Chang patted the table with resentment on his face.

His two confidants looked at each other, one of them hesitated for a moment, took a step forward, and asked: "Your Highness, the head arrester is not a stupid person, but what happened?"

The day before, Yang Mo's battle report had already spread to the palace, and they had a general understanding of the battle situation.

As the rear commander, if he wins the battle, even if he doesn't help much, he can still gain some military exploits and promote some.

This is the "superior level", this is the "regent".

It's just that the second prince knew that this time he supervised the country, not to put money on his face, but to show his ability to satisfy Emperor Shengwu.

Even if he is not satisfied, given the current situation, Emperor Shengwu feels that the problem is not serious and can be changed slowly.

The battle was won, and it was barely a pass, but Emperor Shengwu would not ignore the details!

Ye Zhenji is not only his younger sister, Emperor Shengwu's favorite daughter, but also represents Sheng Jin's face, and she was almost kidnapped. This is a great shame, and she must find a problem!

This Shuang Manqiu took Ye Zhenji around outside the base camp of others, almost captured him alive, so who is to blame?

Blame Shuangmanqiu?

But she completely followed the rules this time, and searched for Blood Spirit Island according to the rules, and there was nothing out of the ordinary. If she wanted to blame it, she would blame the people on her ship for not being strong enough.

However, Shuang Manqiu himself has no problem. He can fight against several first-class masters by himself, and he can hold the princess, seize a small boat by himself, and escape with a burst of internal energy.

You can't blame Shuangmanqiu!

This is wrong, not Shuang Manqiu's fault!

So there are too few soldiers on the strange ship?

No!It's also not possible, because according to the rules, they can't bring too many soldiers to avoid being noticed, not to mention that the number is counted by his second prince's subordinates, no wonder the guards!

Who is to blame?

Xun Wuzhao sleepless white jade plate?

That's impossible!Not only did the three of them make no mistakes, but they also worked together to rescue the princess. They each made great contributions and lived up to the expectations of the court!Even that Jiang Tianmu took action. It seems that the future is promising, and there is no room for throwing the blame away!

Who can blame?

Can only blame him!

This, absolutely not!

In the eyes of the second prince, this is the result of Zhao Wumian's "incompetence" - he obviously got the unique information from him and seized the opportunity, why did he find the Blood Spirit Island almost at the same time as Bai Yupan and Xun Wu? Even slower than Shuangmanqiu!

What are you eating! ?

If you found it earlier and let the little girl leave, what would happen later!

His first anger was that it was not good for him to do things without sleep.

The two ministers are the second prince's confidantes. After hearing what the second prince meant, they looked at each other again. The person who asked the question before frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then said: "Your Highness thinks so...I'm afraid it's going to be cold." According to the heart of the head...

Zhao's head-hunting ability is superb, his martial arts are amazing, and he admires His Highness. This battle has also played a big role. If he is blamed, it will not only hurt Zhao's head-hunting heart, but also those who want to vote for His Highness. Human heart wow..."

The second prince also frowned, and sighed: "I don't know... I have helped my brothers many times according to the head arrester. They are loyal and capable, and they are a great help to me... The same is true. Here, complain with the two of you."

Anger is anger, you let him punish Zhao Wumian, blame Zhao Wumian, that is absolutely not acceptable.

And this time, I have to find an explanation...

The two confidantes thought for a moment and looked at each other. The person who had been silent all this time nodded silently and pointed to himself.

Seeing this scene, the second prince was taken aback for a moment, and hastily asked, "What good plan does Mr. Ban have?"

The man took a step forward, bowed slightly, and didn't talk nonsense: "There is no one else, just cut off the tail to survive."

"Break the tail to survive?" The second prince blinked, then immediately waved his hands, saying, "No! Absolutely no!"

"Your Highness, at this moment, we need to cut through the mess quickly, and we can't delay it for a long time. Let His Majesty take the initiative to hold him accountable... Your Highness only needs to write a letter, saying that this plan is all from me, and it can be easily solved."

Simply put, it is "temporary workers".

"But if that's the case, then I'm afraid you will suffer in the future..." The second prince shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, I don't think His Highness will let me suffer a serious crime." The adviser surnamed Ban didn't care either.

But now, there was one more thing to do.

That is to say, "No.1 catcher in the world", how to do it.

According to the theory, Shuang Manqiu should be the number one arrested this time, but even if Shuang Manqiu is innocent and is really the first person to land on the island, she still caused Ye Zhenji to sleep in the wilderness for a day. Even if Ye Zhenji protects her and refuses to convict her, it is impossible to give him this title.

And since this is the case, how should the remaining people choose?

Now that an order has been given to let the four famous arresters participate in the decisive battle with the Demon Cult, and to come out with a "command", then of course we can't let it go like this, we have to talk about it anyway. .

For personal reasons, the two counselors are more supportive of Zhao Wumian, because Zhao Wumian's ability is not a problem, but since Zhao Wumian recommends Xun Wu and thinks that Xun Wu is more suitable to be the chief arrester, they will not have any opinions.

Looking at the battle report, although it was relying on the wheel to fight, and the Juelong didn't break through the master until he was dying, there was no problem with Xun Wu's record. He was indeed the one who killed the master. There is no problem with his performance, and the four famous arresters are more obedient to Xun Wu and recognize Xun Wu, so it is very suitable for him to be the chief arrester.

From this point of view alone, Xun Wudang, the chief arrester, is really expected by everyone.

But why does His Highness disagree?

Obviously this Xun Wu also had a good experience with His Highness.

The two are well aware of this.

"Your Highness—Master Bao, please see me!"

Just at this moment, outside the door, a guard walked into the house and shouted at the three people inside.

Upon hearing this address, the second prince's hand subconsciously shook, and then he wanted to slap the table, but he quickly held back, pointed at him, and said two words from between his teeth: "No... see! "

The guard froze for a moment, hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Your Highness... this is the third time Mr. Bao has come..."

The meaning of the words is that there must be a reason for this.

The second prince took a deep breath.

"You, go out and tell him that Gu is sick and bedridden!"

The guard nodded, turned and left, trotted all the way, walked outside, and told Bao Huaiying.

A moment later, a series of very obvious and angry voices came from outside the door: "Your Highness!

Soldiers, the important affairs of the country, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be observed...

Now, the southern battle report has been returned, and His Highness needs to study it.

And...according to the replies from Butou, Commander Bai, and Xun Huwei, there are many mistakes and omissions in this incident, and there are many side issues.

After a while, Bao Huaiying seemed to feel that he had finished speaking, and took another breath, and shouted: "Since your Highness has been working hard, I hope you can keep your body well. I will see you again in the future."

After speaking, the voice disappeared.

The second prince frowned, summoned the guards, confirmed that Bao Huaiying had indeed left, then slapped the table hard, and cursed: "That Heitan!

How dare you insult me ​​like this! "

He got up, stood up, walked back and forth in the room, pointed outside, and yelled at his two confidants: "Gudu already said that he was sick in bed, yet he still shouted inside from such a distance!

Who did he think Gu was!Three-year-old urchin!

Also, what did he mean by that!

darn thing-

What a jerk!

Fortunately, Gu didn't ask him to come in. If he came in, would he still want to scold me in front of me! !

Qi kills me, Qi kills me too! ! "

The second prince was so angry that he paced back and forth, venting his anger.

Since Xun Wu and others arrived in Fuzhou and sent relevant information to the capital, Bao Huaiying came to him almost every day. In the first two days, the second prince could chat with him with a smile on his face, but as the situation escalated, Shuangman Qiu and Ye Zhenji wandered at sea for a long time and lost contact, the second prince became more and more irritable.

A few days before the arrival, the news about the battle on Blood Spirit Island began to come back, and the second prince became more and more angry day by day. tone.

But even so, Bao Huaiying didn't stop!

Originally, during the period when he was just regent, he could still endure Bao Huaiying, but after two months, Bao Huaiying made him feel uncomfortable almost every day, especially during this time when he was upset and irritable, which made him even more angry.

He really wanted to rush out and scold Bao Huaiying, but he held back.

No way, he tried, but he couldn't.

It was after Bao Huaiying left that he dared to vent his grievances like this. After a long time, he took a deep breath again and looked back at his two confidants: "Xun Wu must not be the chief arrester!"

The two looked at each other again.

Everyone knows that Bao Huaiying is closer to Xun Wu than his own son. Although there are obvious differences in appearance and handling of things, they are completely the same in terms of handling things.

Furthermore, Xun Wu is a complete Bao Huaiying family, and now, Bao Huaiying is the one who bothers him the most.

Although Bao Huaiying was originally stayed by the prince to assist him, he personally agrees that Bao Huaiying is reliable in every aspect.

If it is still like before, the second prince can stand aloof from the world and not care about it.

But now, he couldn't stand such a guy dangling in front of him all day long!He needs, absolute power!

"Hmm..." The adviser surnamed Ban pondered for a long time, then looked at his companion, "Brother Liu, do you have a good plan?"

Liu Dong smiled wryly.

They are not fighting with others, and what needs to be considered is not the enemy, but Emperor Shengwu.

In the current situation, how can there be any good strategy?

"Well.. there is only one strategy that is not a strategy."

"Oh?" The second prince's eyes lit up, "But it's okay."

"...Procrastinate." Liu Dong was very helpless.

Can't have a white jade plate, can't be full of frost, and Zhao Wumian himself refuses, and can't support Xun Wu, where can I find a fifth one?

"Your Highness, although this matter has been settled, there was disharmony among the people during the process..." Although the disharmony was entirely due to the second prince, there was indeed a "plus, first find the blood spirit." The one on the island is the frost guard who caused Her Royal Highness to live in the wilderness of Bloodling Island...

It stands to reason that she should be the No. 1 arrester, but the merits and demerits balance out... So according to the rules, she does not meet the conditions, so let them compete next time.

As for...what to do after going to Yingzhou, let them judge for themselves and discuss how to proceed..."

This is really what he can think of, it is not a solution.

Since the selection rule is to find the island, and Shuang Manqiu found it, but it cannot be accepted, then pretend it never happened and come back next time.

Now that we have arrived in Yingzhou and need a unified voice to assist the generals there to investigate and explore, then let them discuss and act.

Anyway, judging from Wumian's reply, they should all listen to Xun Wu, and there will be no troubles. The three of them are smart people, they won't help, and at the same time, they can work together as a team.In this way, the work of assistance is considered complete.

As for when the war in Yingzhou is over, or depends on when Emperor Shengwu will bring up this matter again.

Or you can pray that Emperor Shengwu forgets, but he himself has no hope.

Such a thing is unlikely.

To be honest, according to his opinion, let Xun Wu be the chief arrester and it's over, so why hesitate?

But after the second prince listened, he thought carefully for a moment, and finally smiled: "Okay, let's do it like this."

at the same time.

Less than a thousand meters away from here, in the Lenggong Palace, an old man with a cane, watching a luxurious man practicing martial arts in the room, kept nodding his head.

"Wonderful, wonderful..."

On the side, Hua Wuji was also speechless.

Ye Fengge didn't respond to the two of them, but continued to swing his fists around the room, and after a while, there was a gust of punching!

"Hiss..." Hua Wuji was startled.

Ye Fengge himself has internal energy. After all, as a child of the royal family, he would have a little internal energy. But he didn't practice seriously before. He was probably fishing for three days and drying the net for a hundred days. Now that he practiced, it was completely different. in the past.

"Although this set of Leopard Boxing is only a second-rate kung fu, it is quite complicated and obscure. Even the masters in the Jingzhong Boxing Gym will spend a year or two practicing it... Your Highness can master it in just half a day... .It really surprised me." Hua Wuji said bluntly.

A year later, Hua Wuji was not as painful as before. While teaching Ye Fengge culture, while practicing martial arts under Duan Long's guidance, his kung fu can be described as advancing by leaps and bounds.

It's just that compared with Ye seems to be more than a star and a half behind.

Duan Long on the side couldn't help but nodded: "Although it's been a year, I'm still surprised to see you again... In just one year, His Highness has reached the second-rate level without eating any rare and exotic fruits, and he is even more able to control himself. Enlightenment boxing style...even if you have accumulated a lot of money, it is not easy.

According to the old man...I'm afraid, His Highness's talent is only slightly worse than Zhang Bumo's. "

After speaking, he couldn't help sighing again.

Such great talent!

I only started practicing martial arts at the age of 20!

Waste, great waste!

"Haha, Master Duan doesn't need to be sorry." Ye Fengge laughed when he heard Duan Long's sigh. Half of it is enough!"

Duan Long couldn't help laughing when he heard his response.

Compared with talent, the change in the emperor's eldest grandson's mentality made him more satisfied.As the prince's confidant, there is nothing more exciting for him than this change.

dong dong dong-

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the cold palace, and then several letters were delivered to the palace, Hua Wuji walked over, picked them up, glanced at them, and then suddenly stayed on the spot.


Yue Ruchou was killed by Bai Yupan himself?


There was another inexplicable sigh in his heart, he just felt that the world was changing too fast, teachers, brothers, and the world, all kinds of things were unpredictable.

"Has the letter from General Man arrived again?" Duan Long also took it over. "Just in time—His Royal Highness, take a break and take a look at the battle ahead."

"Oh?" Ye Fengge stopped moving, "That's what we should see, learn how to learn from police officers, police officers in vain, and how Mr. Xun and the others behave...

Ha, I guess after this, Mr. Xun will be the first to be arrested. "

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