The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 465 Burning Will 4K


In the distance, the person in the mirror whispered in surprise.

When Xue Mei heard his surprise, she immediately shook her head from side to side, trying to find something unusual.

Such a peerless powerhouse would definitely not speak out rashly. Since he would be surprised, there must be something unusual.

But although Xue Mei's eyesight is not bad, it is too difficult for her to see clearly the details of the battle between Xun Wu and Jue Long from such a long distance.

However, the person in the mirror seemed to have heard her heart, and said softly, "Xun Wu's sword is extraordinary."

Blood Charm couldn't see it.

Firstly, she was too far away, and secondly, she really didn't understand swords.

The man in the mirror did not continue to explain to her, but took a sip of wine in surprise.

In this world, although swords and knives are rare, they are not uncommon. Although most of the swords and knives belong to those sects, it does not mean that there are few of them.

After all, a sword is different from a person. As long as it is not rusted or broken, a sword can be handed down for hundreds of years, just like the returning birds of the Dongshan School. If it weren't for the gambling between the head of Chen and Feng Daowang, it would not be broken into two halves. .

The more than 1000-year history of the rivers and lakes in the Central Plains has naturally produced countless swords and swords. Even if some of them are like the "Famous Swords of the Eight Desolations" of the first generation, even if they break and rot, there will be newcomers who will re-forge them. There are not many swords and swords in the rumor, but in fact the stock is not small.

But these precious swords, in the final analysis, still have a limit.

The Twelve Divine Swords of the Sword League are taken from meteorites from outside the sky—but the truth is that there are too few fine steels circulating in the rivers and lakes, and there are just such iron meteorites from outside the sky, so people in the rivers and lakes have the opportunity to obtain this high-quality iron ore Forge swords.

Forging a sword requires not only technology, but also materials. If you want to forge a famous sword handed down from generation to generation, you need first-class materials and technology.

As for Xun Wu's knife... its material is probably the best in the world, and it must be forged with some kind of extremely hard animal carapace. In other words, the material is already the best in the world, and even more advanced materials , it can only be the scale armor of a beast of the level of Tyrannosaurus—that kind of thing, even the people in the mirror will be moved.

In terms of technology, this knife is obviously forged twice, the first time it is cast into its body, and the second time it is reforged to make it stronger and more powerful... The person who forged it the second time is probably a master-level master .

Where in the world can we find so many master-level masters who have the kung fu to study knives?That is, how many of them will help you forge knives when they are free?

In other words, the casting technique of this knife is also the best in the world.


And that's not the most surprising thing about the person in the mirror.

Even if this sword is already the best in the world in terms of material and technology, it doesn't mean that it can far surpass swords such as Juque, Longyuan, Wuxiang Sword, etc. The most important thing is its spirit.

People in the world don't know how the "sword spirit" was born, but the person in the mirror is very clear about it.

The so-called "sword spirit", in the final analysis, is the change of the "qi" of the world. Evil energy makes the spirit dirty, righteous energy makes the spirit pure, and domineering energy makes it crazy.

The spirit of a magic weapon basically comes from its first owner.

"Hmm..." The person in the mirror couldn't help taking another sip of wine, and couldn't help but say, "No matter how sharp or tough a weapon is, the most important thing to look at is actually the person.

In the hands of the strong, even if it is an ordinary iron sword, as long as it wins against the master holding the magic weapon, it is a peerless magic weapon; in the hands of the weak, even the sword of the world's best sword cannot be controlled, and it will only fall into the hands of others.

Weapons and people have always complemented each other. I know that Xun Wu's character and ambition are pure, and there is no filth in his righteousness. "

The person in the mirror couldn't help laughing.

Although I can't seem to see Xun Wu being deflated, it's quite interesting to be able to witness the birth of a peerless sword. The mentality of the man in the mirror is much stronger than that of Emperor Shengwu. For him, as long as it is interesting, it doesn't matter whether it develops or not. It doesn't matter if you slap him in the face.


On the other side, Juelong had no choice but to speed up instantly, like a galloping bird, shifting in front of everyone in an instant.

Juelong is a genuine strongman, and his martial arts has reached the limit of a first-class master. Whether it is martial arts, inner energy, or lightness skills, they are all at the top level. Therefore, even when Xun Wu is about to add his sword, he can still Get out of the way.

However, no matter how fast he is, the sword has been added to his body after all, even if he hides, he will still be injured.

Juelong looked at the scars on his forearm. The scars on his left arm were relatively shallow, while those on his right arm were extremely deep, and even the bones could be seen.

Surprised in his heart, Cui Guang gathered his arms, only to realize that although his left arm seemed to be slightly injured, it didn't mean that the injury was light - Xun Wu's strength was enormous, and Ju Que was also a heavy weapon. , Even if it is just rubbing and touching, without precautions, it can smash his bones. The left arm looks like a light scar, but in fact the arm bone was smashed.



The bone in his left arm was shattered, and the bone in his right arm was almost severed. Even if he tried to stop the bleeding with internal energy, such a serious injury could not be recovered in a short time.

In other words, for a short period of time - even for a day or two, he could not move his arms, let alone fight head-to-head with a sword.

He looked back at Xun Wu with a ferocious smile on his face.Although Xun Wu injured him, he didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him. Instead, he was more careful, gasping for breath, and staring at him firmly.

The smile on Juelong's face was even brighter: "Awesome——awesome, Xun Wu!"

His body couldn't help being excited, and his whole body trembled a little: "I know you can see through other people's flaws, but I am confident that I have no flaws at all. Confidence is nothing to worry about.

But I didn't expect that you actually caught a slack in my heart, caught the slack in my heart when I saw you were seriously injured, and at this only moment, using the fastest, fastest and not so powerful moves relaxed my guard , and finally use weapons to abolish my hands——

Xun Wu, you are amazing! "

He laughed and was extremely excited.

Xun Wu silently extinguished the fire and returned to the previous state.

The strength of Juelong is unquestionable and flawless.

Among the many opponents Xun Wu has encountered, there are several "first-class top" masters, such as the old man Juetian, He Jing, and Zhong Xiu who is holding a scorpion fairy. They are all first-class top masters. One or two A-listers are completely out of hand, but they're all flawed.

The old man Juetian is old and suffers from amnesia, plus he has no intention to fight, so he can fight; although He Jing has no problems with martial arts and weapons, his mentality is extremely chaotic, and he can attack in groups, so he can naturally win; holding the bell of the scorpion fairy Xiu, the threat to Xun Wu in the battle was stronger than the previous two, but after all, he was controlled by the sword, so it was easier to defeat.

And Juelong...martial arts, internal qi, and body skills are all top-notch, and there is no flaw in his body. Even if he loses a hand, even if his arms are crippled, he can still laugh out loud, without the slightest look of panic , This mentality is even more terrifying.

Xun Wu couldn't catch his flaws, and didn't have the hard power to break his martial arts, so he could only use his own brains, set up traps step by step by himself, and gave him the illusion that Xun Wu couldn't hurt him in advance, so that he could fall into the trap. Fall into the trap, forcibly create a flaw that is not a flaw, seize the opportunity, and abolish Juelong's most terrifying hands!

But——although Xun Wu's method is successful, he can't accumulate momentum, which is not powerful enough to kill with one blow. At the same time, he awakens Juelong, so that Xun Wu can't take advantage of this time to attack. It is possible to be defeated by Juelong with that peculiar "wind".

Juelong twisted his neck, and now he understood that Xun Wu didn't use his sword spirit before, just for this blow.


"Hehe, even though your move really made it impossible for me to move with both hands." He looked at his arms with his eyes, and his arms had been forcibly sealed by his internal energy and pulled down to the sides. Although the blood no longer gushed out, But it still looks extraordinarily ferocious and terrifying, "It's also right that you don't take advantage of this moment to make moves.

In this world, arms and legs coexist with it. Hands and feet are the things that people are most proficient in and good at in this life. For a warrior like me, the weapon I am best at is myself. "

There was a smile on the corner of Juelong's mouth. Not only did he say, he lifted his right leg lightly at the same time, and stepped on it suddenly. Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the wind blew violently. Several wind blades scattered like invisible magic knives, and easily smashed the two sides together. Several of the trees were cut in two!

Not only did he want to say it, but he also performed it himself to let everyone know that what he said was definitely not false!

"This monster—" Ren Pingsheng cursed in a low voice.

How can there be such a perfect master?

Xun Wu's ability to abolish Juelong's arms already made him dumbfounded, but Xun Wu was deeply injured in the end, and now, at most, he can only bring Juelong back to the same level as him. If Juelong has no other moves, With the advantage of weapons, Xun Wu may be able to win.

But now, this absolute dragon actually has tricks...

How could there be such a monster? !

"However—" While Ren Pingsheng was cursing, Juelong didn't rush forward, let alone make another move, but murmured cautiously: "Even so, I can't underestimate you anymore."

He looked at his body with his eyes, the emerald light flashed on his body, and after a silent calculation in his mind, he thought: "Excluding the internal energy used in moves, repairs, and sealing, my internal energy has not been reduced.

From this point of view, your weapon did not burn my inner energy.

It is also true, if this treasured knife really burns my internal energy, how can my left arm be injured?After all, there are differences between the blades. The sword spirit of a precious sword cannot reflect the sword spirit of a sword, and it is even more impossible to control the changes of the sword spirit.

This knife of yours swallowed the flames of the dragon's veins, it should be a change of some kind of anger, but it neither burned me, nor your body, clothes...

Could it be that this knife is actually...meaning? "


Many people were taken aback.

Sword Intent and Saber Intent are the least practiced martial arts directions in the world. Normally speaking, those who cultivate "Qi" are the most mainstream, and naturally there are few people who understand it.However, the people sitting here are all people with high martial arts skills, and they also know that "sword intent" is not uncommon.

It's just... Whether it's sword intent or saber intent, in the final analysis, it is still necessary to rely on real skills. A powerful "intelligence" master can directly pull the opponent into the world of consciousness and fight in the world of consciousness.

But this kind of battle is absolutely fair. No matter how powerful your consciousness is, in the end, the sea of ​​consciousness cannot make you stronger. Among them, a strong will only makes the conscious world more real, but if you want to hurt someone, you can't. Can only rely on skills.And after the battle, the damage received in the conscious world will also be fed back to the human body!

But... even if the battle in the sea of ​​consciousness is only a moment in the eyes of the outside world, how can Xun Wu defeat Juelong in a frontal battle with only technology?

This is not martial arts!

"Peerless sword... It is indeed a peerless sword..." Juelong didn't care what others thought, he had full confidence in his own judgment, "Every martial art in the world has a direction, and every opportunity to achieve it. A master can become a master by gathering potential, and it is natural to be willing.

And martial arts in this world, no matter what type it is, has all kinds of changes. The inner energy can be released and changed, the momentum can be condensed or dormant, and there are even talented warriors like you, who can take shape and shape with momentum. Cheng Yin, hurting people with force...

You can do it naturally! "

Xun Wu was silent.

This guy, in terms of character, behavior, and martial arts, is really flawless...

Yes, this desirelessness is the knife of will.

Moreover, it has a further and more terrifying effect than Longyuan's sword that increases the power of the will - forming with the will!

Although the qi can resist the momentum, it can't resist the will!

That is to say, those warriors who purely cultivate Qi are defenseless in front of Xun Wu!

Xun Wu's favorite way of describing it is - the opening time of the sword spirit, and Xun Wu's attacks are all "real damage".

"I understand." Juelong squinted his eyes again and thought for a moment, "Although you are annoying, you are indeed an upright and selfless person that is rare in the world. This knife is so sharp and so strong. .

The two of you complement each other, a pure and flawless sword, coupled with the most just belief, coupled with the fire of dragon veins, burns away all impurities...

I am afraid that this desireless sword will be handed down for thousands of years and become a magic sword praised by the world. In the future, countless people will flock to it, and the more impartial and selfless people are, the stronger they will be when they hold this sword...

It's a pity.

Xun Wu, although this saber is strong, it is a dead thing after all, and it has limitations. You have to burn your own energy and saber intent to maintain the effect of this saber—and, although your aura and momentum are strong, the path of your intention is real. It's unremarkable...

Roughly speaking, you can only use this knife... for the time of a cup of tea.

Calculated now, even if you only erupt suddenly at a critical moment, I am afraid that you have already consumed a quarter of it. "

Xun Wu took a breath.

A cup of tea lasts 10 minutes. Juelong thinks he can use the function of this knife for 10 minutes, but he is actually overestimating him.

Or, it is also possible that Juelong is not good at calculations.

According to Xun Wu's own calculations, the time he can use is within 8 minutes—and now, after the initial short-term experiment, forced treatment of injuries, showing weakness to the enemy, and sudden outbreak, Xun Wu has only a little more than 5 minutes left to use up!

"I didn't know that you hurt people with your intentions, but now... the way of intentions, I am also not bad!

Xun Wu, cherish the last half of your life for a cup of tea! "

Juelong laughed and issued a declaration!

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