The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 464 The Flame 4K

On the bright white sky, a roll of emerald green images slowly spread out, Juelong stepped lightly on the ground, and then moved forward——


There is no internal qi, no burst of fist qi, just the most ordinary punch!

But this punch, like the art of breaking a mountain and breaking rocks, aroused gusts of wind, tearing and shredding the branches of several big trees around!

Xun Wu's eyes widened, he raised his giant cock, and only heard the sound of "Peng", his body leaned back, and he almost fell backwards and retreated!

"A horse?" Ren Pingsheng's eyes widened.

"Mother—" Zhao Wumian subconsciously exclaimed.

Juelong's punch was actually purely relying on the power of his palm, and he just released a burst of "fist style". It is the fist style inspired by this ordinary fist, which is no less than the attack of ordinary first-class masters!

It's just the wind from the fist!

But it's not over.

Whether it is Ren Pingsheng or Zhao Wumian, they all clearly know one fact - this is not the full strength of Juelong!

When they were fighting Juelong, one didn't know why, and the other felt pressured, but they had never seen Juelong use this kind of fist style, that is to say, just now, Juelong was still suppressing his own strength.

This kind of suppression is not simply restricting one's internal energy and martial arts, but the suppression of basic abilities!

To achieve this effect with the wind of his fists without exploding his inner energy, it means that his physical strength has reached an outrageous level!

"Hmm—" Xun Wu took a breath, but he was not injured.

After all, it is still very difficult to injure Xun Wu, who has the characteristics of a steel bone, just by the strong wind caused by his fist.

But Xun Wu didn't panic or worry like Zhao Wumian and others, instead he looked happy.


Jue Long frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

"What am I laughing at? You should know better than me." Xun Wu smiled and didn't waste any time, returning to "You obviously have such a powerful power, but why do you want to limit yourself? Isn't it very simple? Because you want to complete your so-called Dao.

Before, Brother Zhao, before and during the battle with you, I have seen...

You're always excited to see his subtle moves, often excited about it, as if you want to have a good fight.

But in fact, whenever this happens, you will quickly suppress your emotions and calm yourself down.

Because these things run counter to what you want to insist on! "

Juelong himself has made his thoughts clear, so it is naturally impossible for Xun Wu to fail to understand.

From the current point of view, for those who are expected to break through the first-class masters, the biggest problem is "heart knot" - it can also be called "heart disaster".

They need to break the knot in their hearts, and they need to be able to break through the shackles in their hearts. What they need is "possession" and "breakthrough".

But the Juelong in front of him was different.

He is not like that.

What other people need is to become better.

But Juelong is different, if he wants to become a grandmaster, what he needs is - to give up.

Abandon those "more" out.

"Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu!" Although Xun Wu said so, the pressure was still great. After all, Juelong's combat power was too high. A sect for the welfare of the people.

I have also met Mr. Zhou Yun, he is not a bloodthirsty person!

You said that you broke away from the Sisu religion and came out to build it yourself, so what did you do! "

He turned his head slightly, and looked at the substantial red mist: "How many young people's blood poured out this bloody mist?!

In the past ten years, have you completed your so-called ideas back then? "

"That kind of thing doesn't matter!!" Juelong didn't care about Xun Wu's words, nor was he afraid of the sharpness of Xun Wu's words. A large expanse of emerald green inner energy was released, and a huge green dragon phantom appeared, "Does how many people die have anything to do with me!?

To live in this world, you have to live on your own, trash is not worthy of living in this world! "


Xun Wu didn't have time to speak, a large piece of pure white inner energy rose from his body, he waved his giant que, shouted loudly, and responded in the style of a king wolf.


As if being hit by a shell, Xun Wu was knocked back a few steps amidst the bang, leaving two long marks on the ground!

"Damn it!" Zhao Wumian's complexion changed drastically.

Juelong is too strong!

He couldn't help but think about the worst plan in his heart.

Now it seems that this Wu Wuwu is not a one-on-one win at all. Apart from Roman, Xun Wu is the most important person in this trip. He is young and capable. die here-

"Bah—" Xun Wu was smacked by the dirt a few times, wiped the corners of his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

"What hero, what blood spirit island, what four ghosts, those messy things, I don't care!!" After Juelong punched, his face was not red and he was not panting. He moved the fingers of his right hand lightly and snorted coldly. Say "Anyway, I don't need this bunch of crap."

"Huh—" Xun Wu panted a little, and glanced at Sandu from the corner of his eye, and found that the expressions of the three were as usual, and there was no surprise at all.

Obviously, to Juelong, it doesn't matter how many people die on Blood Spirit Island, as long as he and his brothers live, that's enough.

As for his brothers, there were obviously only these three left.

Blood Spirit Island, it’s just that he fulfilled his goal, the disciples on the island, the money earned by the red scarf thief in Fuzhou, the huge network of relationships, etc., and so on—even the dragon veins are all the same to him Things are tools used to accomplish his goals.

And obviously, he doesn't care what the tools are like.

As for Xun Wu, he was the one who destroyed his tools and prevented him from accomplishing his goals.

After clarifying, Xun Wu took a deep breath.

The vast majority of people on Blood Spirit Island, maybe even all of them are mentally ill. The exercises they practiced made them what they are now.

Juelong is incapable, can't he manage it?

Or maybe Juelong is too busy practicing martial arts to discipline him?

No, he just indulged his disciples like this.

According to what he said before, Jing Xinzhi is such a kung fu. Observation, imitation, and reflection, whether it is the so-called four ghosts or those young people who are seduced by him with the blood spirit technique, are just for him to illuminate. mirror image.

A person who is incapable is not scary, and a person who has a bad heart is not scary.

The scariest thing is that a person is both capable and evil at the same time.

The line is wrong, the more knowledge the more reactionary.

Sure enough, such a terrible cult, fundamentally, cannot be normal.

Xun Wu wiped the corner of his mouth, his face became colder: "Juelong!"

"You have committed a heinous crime!

Today, under the order of the regent, I will arrest you and bring you to justice, so as to make an example of you! "

"Pfft——haha, Xun Wu, I didn't expect you to like joking!" Juelong laughed, then his face turned cold and expressionless, and he punched Xun Wu violently, "Then you let me See how you're going to catch me!"

Long Ying moved again, but this time, Xun Wu did not sit still and wait for death, but predicted in advance before Juelong made a move, while dodging the move, he rushed in front of Juelong, his whole body exploded with vigor, and his hands Grabbing Jue, he slashed at Juelong's waist!

Seeing that he had missed a punch, Juelong didn't mind at all, he laughed loudly, the phantom on his body disappeared, and he directly hit the blade with his left hand.


Fight with fists and swords!

There was the sound of dragons soaring and tigers roaring from Xun Wu's body, and there was also a phantom of a green dragon on Juelong's body. The two of them just stood in a stalemate. Several phantoms collided with each other in the forest, causing countless explosions.

However, Juelong is a top-notch strongman with no flaws. Even if Xun Wu's dragon soars and tigers roar with unparalleled aura, combined with "ceremony first and then soldiers" and "drums and horns in unison", it is difficult to overwhelm Juelong in terms of aura. After the shadows collided, they finally turned into bubbles and dissipated in the air.

"Ha! Make a knife with momentum! What a powerful sword technique! What a powerful Xun Wu!" Although he easily blocked Xun Wu's sword, Jue Long's eyes really lit up when he saw Xun Wu's move. Can't help but praise it.

"Hahaha—awesome! You are more interesting than that Ren Pingsheng, Zhao Wumian!

Next, give me another trick! "

In the sky, the astrology changes and gradually converges into a tongue-like astrology. Under this change, Juelong shouted: "The Wind of the Canglong!"

Wind blows!

There is a saying in general customs: "The master of the wind is also the star of the Ji. The master of the Ji wins and lifts, which can cause the atmosphere."

As the shadow of Jishui Leopard Qinglong Xingjun, Juelong is best at storms!

In an instant, with Juelong as the center, a huge wind field no less than the dragon's veins erupted instantly. Ren Pingsheng screamed and had to hold the ground to stabilize his figure. Jiang Tianmu, who hadn't run far just now, was even more shocked by the sudden The storm blew away directly and hit a tree in the distance, suffering from this indiscriminate disaster.

Cong Yun couldn't help being a little worried for Xun Wu.

She is far away, and she has to rely on trees and rocks to stabilize herself. What will happen to Xun Wu who is in the center of the storm!

After a while, the storm gradually subsided, and everyone no longer needed to cover their eyes with their hands to prevent flying sand and stones. They were finally able to observe what happened to the center of the storm.

There, Xun Wu, who was not injured much at first, seemed to be cut by hundreds of weapons all over his body. There seemed to be scars everywhere on his body. According to a rough estimate, there must be at least 20 cut marks, and one more was actually scratched. over his throat!

However, even so, Xun Wu still did not retreat a single step, showing no fear at all!

In contrast, Juelong was still standing there with no scars on his body, but compared to before, his expression now was more unexpected.

"Good! What a Xun Wu!

He was able to take over my Azure Dragon Wind!

Your strength and talent are several times stronger than my three brothers, even Wumian! "

Jue Long's eyes were full of surprises: "Unexpectedly, in this gust of wind, you caught a ray of life, and with this ray of life, you burst out your inner energy and resisted all the collisions of fatal wounds with your inner energy!

Your big orange vision, your eyesight, really like Wu Mian said, probably the best in the world.

And your ability to seize opportunities and vitality is even more amazing.

None of those trash four ghosts can compare to you! "

Xun Wu was also speechless at this moment, and took two steps back, leaning on the giant tower, and finally stood firm.

Then he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Cough cough cough-"

The corner of Juelong's mouth curled up, and he was a little excited, but he calmed down a little, took two deep breaths, calmed down his emotions, and then looked at Xun Wu: "You are very good. If you and I are the same age, or if you have the inner feelings of Ren lifetime If you are angry, you may not have a chance to defeat me!

It's a pity, after all, it's too late for you to practice martial arts - you've already lost, call the next one to come up! "

Roman wants to come up to help Xun Wu.

"do not come!"

Xun Wu yelled, blood was still flowing from the corner of his mouth, and blood was oozing everywhere on his body, but he didn't mind at all, and without turning his head, he looked directly at Juelong, took a breath, and said, "No need!" Take care of me, just take a good look at it."

"Xun Wu—" Cong Yun couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped out from behind the tree, "You have been seriously injured!"

"It doesn't matter!" Xun Wu shouted, and then slowly lowered his head, saying, "I'm fine!"

"Xun Wu, you don't have to hold on." Even Jue Long, who was his opponent, couldn't help shaking his head, "The gap between you and me was already obvious. You've already got my approval, so you can come back later." Death, there is no need to rush on the road at this time."

Xun Wu wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand again, took a deep breath, and pulled out Wuyu.

A burst of flames burned on Xun Wu's body, but the flames weren't hot, and didn't even seem to hurt—no, what's more, the wounds on Xun Wu's body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Oh?" Juelong was a little taken aback when he saw this scene, "Oh... yes, since resentment, blood and anger can heal wounds, this treasured sword that has absorbed a lot of power from dragon veins can naturally heal wounds.

But I can see that this is not the power of the sword spirit, but the healing effect of fire energy. The sword spirit of this sword is not the kind of sword that heals the user like the pharmacist Jian Yan Wudi.The external wounds can be healed, but the internal wounds cannot be recovered in a short time. "

"Cough, cough, cough—" Xun Wu didn't need to say anything, this burst of coughing was enough to prove everything.

Everyone was worried again, and Cong Yun made up his mind that if Xun Wu didn't care about her own life in the future, even if she was beaten to death by Juelong, she would come out to rescue Xun Wu.

"What are you talking about, Wu Wuwu?" Xun Wu slowed down for a while, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at him with a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, "Don't you think I didn't come out with a sword? Why, are you dissatisfied?"

Juelong frowned.


Xun Wu took two deep breaths, his body glowed with pure white inner energy, and the red light on the knife slowly covered his whole body——

"I didn't try my best either!"

Juelong froze for a moment, then became furious, but before he could open his mouth, Xun Wu took the initiative to attack, holding the sword without hesitation, and slashing left and right, pinching Juelong.

Juelong was furious, the emerald light reappeared, the shadow of the green dragon appeared, and he stretched out his hands, intending to block the sword with his forearm.

At this moment, he felt heart palpitations, and then, in his horrified eyes, the red light on Xun Wu's body burned all the inner energy on his arm in an instant, exposing his body directly to Xun Wu's body. Under Wu's sword and sword!

what! ?

He was shocked!

What is going on with this temperatureless flame! ?

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