The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 454 My brother Xun has the best eyesight in the world! 1K

Roman's luck has always been good.

Of course, this kind of "good" is in his own opinion. In the eyes of others, Roman's luck is already against the sky.

This is actually quite normal.

In the eyes of others, Roman can pick up treasures at will, just like God's own son.

But Roman himself actually knew more.

That is, although his luck is good, he has never encountered a lot of dangers, but every time he happens to be able to turn danger into good fortune.

In many cases, when encountering danger, it is not by luck to solve it, but by relying on what you have learned and your own experience to avoid the crisis.

Among them, helping the old man and then being in danger, in Roman's medical career, he actually encountered a lot, so after helping Ren Pingsheng out of trouble, he was actually prepared and not too nervous.

With his combat power and Ren Pingsheng, even if he is in danger, it is not very scary. So what happened that made Roman so terrified and screamed?

Of course, it is not a simple thing.

But "monster"!

"Wow——" Roman hurriedly dodged, only to hear a bang, and a huge black columnar object fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a bang.

"Dog, eat grandpa and dominate the world!!" On the other side, Ren Pingsheng's eyes were about to burst, he jumped out, and waved his hands towards the huge stick. Two fist shadows came out from it, banging on On the top, it didn't shake the giant pillar at all, but only left two white marks on it!

"Ahhh——" Roman screamed again, quickly changed the way of punching, and hit Ren Pingsheng, and then opened Ren Pingsheng before the huge pillar swept across.

After Ren Pingsheng took a punch, it didn't hurt or itch, and he even felt a little comfortable. He muttered in his heart again, what kind of punches did Pavilion Master Luo practice, it was weird.

"Hahaha, Roman, if there is a way to heaven, you will not go, but if there is no way to hell, you will come!" A voice came from the sky, "If you lose it, you will lose it. It is much better than a princess to catch you!"

This is true.

Who is Roman?A living Bodhisattva who saved 10,000+ people, a true miracle doctor, a disciple of a boxing master, and the young master of Jishi Pavilion. In terms of value alone, such a person is much higher than a princess with a very low succession.

To put it simply, even if martial arts and background are excluded, a medical genius like Luo Man who has become a "golden doctor" at a young age is worthy of being protected by a famous person in the world.

After all, no one can guarantee that he will not get sick. Even if he is a master, it is difficult to say whether he will encounter a terminal illness. The son and prince of the majestic Emperor Wu will all die of terminal illness. Who dares to say that his resources are better than the prince? more?

Although Roman may not be able to cure all illnesses, at critical moments, each of these golden doctors and genius doctors is his second life!

If you capture the princess, you will be intimidated at most, but if you capture Roman, it is not a threat, it will definitely scare you off!

It was also for this reason that Jiang Tianmu and Zhao Wumian were startled when they heard Roman's voice, and rushed over here without caring about Shuang Manqiu.

Couldn't Shuangmanqiu last for a day or two?Hold on first!You did it yourself anyway!

If Roman was thrown on Blood Spirit Island because he saved the princess, and was caught by the people of Blood Spirit Island, who would be able to afford it! ?

However, although the three of Xun Wu acted almost at the same time, it was Xun Wu who arrived first.

"Hmm... what is this?" Xun Wu stood not far away, not in a hurry, but frowning.

"Mother, is this one?" On the other side, Zhao Wumian followed closely behind.Naturally, his lightness kung fu is not a well-known one like Xun Wu's, but after all, he has been a first-class master for several years, and he has already practiced his lightness kung fu, so it's not bad.Only Jiang Tianmu, who has learned too much and too complicated, lags behind everywhere.

"Strange, monster?"

The three raised their heads and looked not far away in surprise.

Not far away, a huge black "monster".

It was a huge creature with five or six "feet". Each of its legs was several meters tall, and each leg was as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

And in the center of these legs is a black ball in the air, it seems to be a huge metal layer, a person is wrapped in it, only one face is exposed, laughing loudly, looking at the ground .


Dr. Octopus?

This image reminded Xun Wu of some things he had seen before time travel.

In addition to works such as martial arts and fairy tales, Xun Wu has also dabbled in superheroic themes. He especially likes Baitman and Sibai Dama. Seeing this kind of image, he naturally associates it.

But soon, he came back to his senses.

In this world, although mechanism science is also very developed, it is certainly impossible to create an AI...

Is that supposed to be some kind of armor?

A golden light slowly appeared in Xun Wu's eyes——

Right now!

"Prajna Palm!" Suddenly, a shout rang out, and a shining golden Buddha's palm came towards Xun Wu. Just as Jiang Tianmu was about to strike, Zhao Wumian hurriedly moved his sword and knocked the Buddha's palm away.

But the purpose of the person who took the palm has already been achieved - disturbing Xun Wu's sight and thinking!

The three of Xun Wu hurriedly focused and looked at the visitor.

Like Xun Wu, there was also someone who ran over to guard the fire array before, but he came here not because of Roman, but because this place is too important, he must come to guard it!

It's just that, after all, he is behind Xun Wu and others, and his lightness kung fu is not particularly good, so he lags behind a lot.

With his voice, Iron Spider also noticed their movement.

"Hmph, someone!?" In the center of the iron spider, the man looked at the situation below and shouted to the back, "Zhou Xi, go help them!"

"But—" a young man suddenly looked embarrassed and hesitated when he called out.

"What are you dawdling about!" The man in the air sneered and shouted while manipulating the iron arm, "The Mad Slaughter Armor is perfect!"

Seeing him like this, the young man felt a little helpless, but he still nodded and led people around to Xun Wu, wanting to help Du Xin!

"Daju Guan has the effect of detecting martial arts and finding loopholes." While slowly turning the beads, Du Xin whispered, "You want to detect the flaws in Tianjie's martial arts?

Let me pass this first. "

Xun Wu frowned.

On the other side, Zhao Wumian couldn't help rubbing his beard again, feeling a little puzzled, as if hesitating.

It's not that he has any problem with Xun Wu's martial arts, but he looks a little familiar with the person in front of him.

He couldn't help but licked his upper teeth with his tongue again, then tapped his fingers in the air a few times, frowned, and muttered: "Do you look familiar?"

Hearing what Zhao Wumian said, the long-haired and bare-footed Du Xin couldn't help looking at Zhao Wumian, frowning, and began to think carefully.

According to what Wumian said, he also has some feelings.

"Oh—I remembered!" Zhao Wumian's eyes lit up, and he said randomly, "Aren't you the student at Mr. Zhou's house?"

Xun Wu glanced sideways at Zhao Wumian.

"You actually recognized me from more than ten years ago?" Du Xin was slightly surprised.

He has an impression of Wumian, that's because Zhao Wumian was very popular and famous more than ten years ago, and he is the idol of many young people. It may be different from Xun Wu now, but he is also a generation of young rookies.

As for him, he only studied in Zhou Mansion for a period of time, and met Zhao Wumian by chance, so he didn't have any sense of existence at all. After so many years, his appearance has also changed, but unexpectedly, Zhao Wumian still recognized him.

"Hehe, you don't have that much ability, why should you be a fast arrester?" Zhao Wumian laughed softly, then pointed to the person next to him and said, "It's not just you, the kid next to you is named Zhou, right? The remnants of the Zhou family? Good guy , I didn’t expect to make a great contribution this time, it’s a worthwhile trip.”

Compared with Xun Wu and Bai Yupan, Zhao Wumian is indeed too philistine, but this is also his "truth".

At least he won't act like he doesn't care.

"It's a pity that Mr. Zhou is an upright and good man, but you have students and relatives like you." Zhao Wumian couldn't help but sighed softly.

"What are you talking about!" Before Du Xin could speak, the young man named Zhou Xi next to him, with an expression on his face, scolded angrily, "You know what kind of guy Zhou Yun is, so you just said that?"

Zhao Wumian became interested, and said again: "Then tell me, who is Zhou Yun?"

"Zhou Yun, who kills like hemp, has blood on his hands, and is the core of the Demon Cult, do you know that!?"

"Impossible—absolutely impossible—" Before Zhao Wumian could speak, Jiang Tianmu subconsciously yelled.

Zhou Yun is the role model and idol of scholars all over the world. As a scholar, Jiang Tianmu naturally looks forward to Zhou Yun very much.

"Hmph, everyone in the world thinks that he was the one who killed Qinglong Xingjun, a miracle among first-class masters, but that's just his way of deceiving the world! In fact, he is Qinglong Xingjun!" Zhou Xi yelled angrily, "This kind of thing! ,do you know?!"

"Impossible—" Jiang Tianmu screamed again.

At this moment, Zhao Wumian patted his shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't be surprised."

Jiang Tianmu was stunned, looking at Zhao Wumian.

At this time, Zhao Wumian was not surprised at all, and even looked very calm. He turned his head, looked at Zhou Xi, and said, "That's it?"

"Just... this...?" Zhou Xi was dumbfounded, "You actually knew?"

"How fresh?" Zhao Wumian chuckled, turned his head slightly, and asked, "Xun Wu, you know that too, right?"

Xun Wu nodded and said, "It's not surprising."

Zhou Xi was stunned here, and after a long time, he came back to his senses and shouted angrily: "Since you know, you are still indifferent, so you are worthy of being a fast arrester?"

"Hehehe..." Zhao Wumian couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed softly, "Young man, you are so stupid."

"In this world, no matter what you do, you have to pay the price, and to do evil, you have to pay the price in blood.

I already knew about Mr. Zhou. Do you think that Mr. Zhou didn't need help when he was besieged and killed by Qinglong Xingjun?Do you think this kind of thing will be airtight?

For the sake of justice, Mr. Zhou broke away from the Demon Sect, and did his best to help our court wipe out the Demon Sect. He has been working hard for the whole day, isn't it meritorious?

How long has he been in the court, and does he have time to go out and kill people?

When everything is over, will he be alone?No, of course not!

Otherwise, why do you think His Majesty sent him to the frontier?

Are you guys worthy of implicating him? "

Every sentence Zhao Wumian said was contained in Zhou Xi's heart, and every time the words fell, Zhou Xi couldn't help but take a step back. When he heard Zhao Wumian's last sentence, he was even more furious and his face flushed red.

"You bastard..." Maybe it's because he's been there for a long time, but Zhou Xi's native language is pretty good.

"Zhou Xi, don't be deceived by him." Suddenly, Du Xin interrupted him, and said quietly, "Don't look at him being so calm, he must have just found out that Mister is Qinglong Zhenjun."

Zhou Xi was taken aback.

Zhao Wumian touched his chin lightly, and smiled slightly: "You are not bad, you have learned a lot from Mr. Zhou, right?"

Du Xin's complexion remained unchanged, and he recited Amitabha softly.

This scene is quite weird.

Although this Du Xin is wearing a monk's robe, but with disheveled hair, he doesn't look like a serious monk, but when he recites Buddha, he looks decent.

Watanabe made a good guess.

When Zhao Wumian found out that Qinglong Zhenjun was actually Zhou Yun, he was actually taken aback, but after all, he is an old catcher with rich experience, knowing that at such a time, especially not to show timidity, he even talked to Xun Wu For a while, the performance was very calm.

When fighting in groups, momentum is very important.

Compared to him, Xun Wu was really indifferent.

Xun Wu had given too many hints about this matter. Xun Wu had already guessed it, but there was no way to be sure. After all, there was no evidence, so Zhou Xi said it directly this time, which made him affirm a problem.

Xun Wu was quite happy.

What he likes most is the process of finding out the truth and the process of revealing the truth, which is very interesting.

Although it was a bit boring to reveal the truth, and he didn't come by himself, but after confirming such a matter, he finally felt relieved.

As for knowing that Zhou Yun is the Azure Dragon True Monarch...

So what's the matter with Xun Wu?

As long as Zhou Yun doesn't do evil, what does it have to do with him?

Cong Yun didn't kill many people in Yingzhou, did he?After awakening, Xun Wu would not arrest or kill her.As long as you don't violate Sheng Jin's law, Xun Wu has nothing to do with it.

For Xun Wu, the affairs of the older generation are just a matter of probing interest. What Xun Wu really cares about is the present!

"Brother Zhao, hit the navel of the armor!"

Suddenly, Xun Wu spoke!

It turned out that Zhao Wumian was actually buying him time just now, letting him find a loophole!

"Okay!" Zhao Wumian heard that, his eyes lit up immediately, he took the bow quickly, took out a feathered arrow from nowhere, put it on the bow, and shot towards the Kuangtu armor!

"What!" Du Xin was taken aback, and hastily shot. As soon as the Buddha's light came out, he wanted to resist, and exclaimed, "I obviously didn't see the operation of Daju Temple!"

The feather arrow was resisted by the Buddha's light, but it didn't slow down at all. It went straight through the Buddha's light and headed straight for the heavenly catastrophe in the sky.

"Haha." Zhao Wumian punched hard on the spot, twitched the corner of his mouth, and laughed again, "Do you think my brother Xun became famous because of that kung fu!?

Brother Xun's eyesight is the best in the world! "

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