
"It's hot, it's hot—"

Shuang Manqiu tried to touch the fire wall, but was quickly burned back by the flames.

Now she is trapped in a small circle of flames. The fire circle is not big, but there are walls of fire all around, and the temperature is quite high. Shuang Manqiu can feel the burning sensation of the flames even if she doesn't touch the wall of fire, so she has been Unable to break out.

The Essence Devouring Magic Art she practiced is one of the most powerful top-notch exercises in the world, both in terms of quality and cultivation speed, it is better than most martial arts, and this magic art is not as overbearing as the Yantao Yunxia Mingming Divine Art Incomparable, it can be cultivated with other internal skills, and it is precisely in this way that she can practice "two-phase miraculous skills" while practicing magic skills.

However, one of the earth and water elements she has mastered is to enhance physical strength and focus on physical combat, and the other is to increase actions and change body skills. In this case, neither of them can help her.

If it was a white jade plate, with her internal strength, she could destroy the formation from the inside with just the sword energy.

But after all, she is what she is, a guard who is still specialized in defense even with the help of the two-phase miraculous skill and enhanced destructive power.

It is precisely because of her weakness that this ghost has a way to force her here and trap her here.

"Mother, it's not easy to start." Zhao Wumian rubbed his beard stubble, licked his teeth with his tongue, and made a low-pitched comment.

Xun Wu looked around and nodded.

Shuang Manqiu is not a small shrimp or millet, so naturally she won't just be watched by a group of minions.

Shuang Manqiu was trapped in a depression in the island, but there was no water in this depression, surrounded by walls of fire, the scorching flames even deformed the air, which looked particularly terrifying.

Apart from the firewall, there are still a large number of guards around.

Although it is impossible to observe their specific combat strength, there are three of them with red scarves wrapped around their arms, and one of them is Du Xin, who put Xun Wu under great pressure.


"Brother Zhao."

"You said."

"Except for the monk with hair, don't pay too much attention to the other two red scarf thieves."

"Oh?" Zhao Wumian glanced at it, and could only see that they were indeed Lianjiazi, but they really didn't know how strong or weak they were. "How to say?"

Xun Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the two people, and said, "It's fake."

"Those two people are not red scarf thieves."

Zhao Wumian was slightly stunned, then looked over, observed carefully, and found something strange.

Theoretically, these two red scarves should be the top executives of the Blood Spirit Island, but when they acted timidly, they didn't have that kind of arrogance when facing others, which was really weird.

"Amazing." Zhao Wumian exclaimed in a low voice, "Maybe it's the people from Blood Spirit Island who changed the red scarves in order to deceive people outside the island, let them relax their vigilance against those little minions, and then take the opportunity to sneak attack.

Xun Wu, your eyesight is really amazing. "

Xun Wu chuckled and nodded, showing no humility.

It's not that Xun Wu is joking, his ability to see through is ten times and a hundred times more important than martial arts.

Du Xin is a person who has seen or at least heard of Dajuguan, so he knows that Xun Wu can see through other people's martial arts, but even if he can see through other people's martial arts, there is a limit. As long as he does not use martial arts, he will not reveal his secrets .

It was based on this kind of information that Guiwen thought of a way, that is, let those ordinary minions wear red scarves to attract attention, and let the real masters hide in the crowd and try to sneak attack.

His thinking cannot be wrong, and it is actually quite smart.

The longer the battle with the Blood Spirit Island, the more people from the outside world will pay attention to the "red scarf". It is indeed a very smart way to use people's inertial thinking to catch people by surprise.

It's a pity that Xun Wu doesn't like this.

Although the people on Blood Spirit Island have many flaws due to practicing evil skills, from the outside, even first-class masters have flaws on their bodies.But flaws in martial arts may be able to deceive people, but flaws in behavior cannot be hidden at all.

A group of temporarily disguised minions and minions, no matter how much they hold their heads up high, they can't change the gap between them and the real red scarf people.

Zhao Wumian stretched out his hand, made gestures, and silently observed the small miscellaneous fish around him. After a while, he said, "A few people are obviously more energetic, and they are still vigilant about their surroundings. They are much better than ordinary small miscellaneous soldiers. But it’s hard to say in detail.”

Xun Wu nodded.

In this regard, he is not easy to distinguish.

"Well, how about I sneak attack with a bow later and catch them off guard?"

Xun Wu nodded again.

As Wumian's proposal is very good, there is no need to fix it.

"The remaining problem is to break the formation." Zhao Wumian was a little worried, "This fire formation does not look like an ordinary flame. Although I have seen military formations, I am really not very good at how to break them.

I heard that you also have some research on the military formation, have you done this? "

"Not very good." Xun Wu shook his head.

He could see the flaws in this formation, but those flaws looked weird and not normal.

"I called Mr. Xue, wait for him to come, shall we do it again?"

"Jiang Tianmu? So he understands formations? That's really good." Zhao Wumian changed his view of Jiang Tianmu a little bit.

Arrays are not things that can be learned casually, just like Xun Wu, even if he can see the flaws, he doesn't know the internal logic of the arrays, and if he does it rashly, there may be problems.

What if the flaw is destroyed and the entire formation explodes, and the people inside are directly burned to death?Or this flaw is just a flaw in the outer formation, and if the outer flaw is broken, the inner formation will automatically cycle and become another look?

Arrays have a complete system that is completely different from martial arts. It is something that the world and the generals of all dynasties dare not claim to fully understand. Compared with cultivation, the time wasted will not be much less Go, therefore, Zhao Wumian was a little surprised when he heard that Jiang Tianmu actually understood the formation.

The time it takes is really not small, how can one be able to cultivate to the first-class level at this age and master the formation at the same time?Then Jiang Tianmu is really worthy of the name of the Four Great Masters of Jianghu.

As for why Jiang Tianmu is not here...

He is a "son" eh, he has to go to the main battle zone anyway, to show himself in the crowd, Xun Wu felt that he was busy, and it was a bit of hard work, so he didn't care, just let him look for him as soon as he was done pretending .

Fortunately, although Jiang Tianmu is a prostitute, he is indeed a person who abides by the agreement. After a while, he finally found Xun Wu's side.

In order to prevent being discovered by others, he still changed into a suit of minions' clothes.

But... to be honest, it doesn't really work.

The reason is the same as Xun Wu's, Jiang Tianmu's appearance is too good.

You let Zhao Wumian wear this suit, just sit there, with his unshaven and decadent appearance, it is estimated that few people will doubt him.

But if you want energetic young people like Xun Wu and Jiang Tianmu to hang around in Blood Spirit Island, it's really easy to be targeted.

"Brother Jiang, how are you? Can you see it?"

Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian didn't say much, they just asked him if he could understand the fire formation.

Jiang Tianmu coughed and hurriedly observed carefully.


A boy who made movies with others in Langzhou in his childhood, was picked up by his master in his teens to learn Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. He practiced inner qi for several years. He happened to become friends with the Eighth Prince, and then specialized in learning how to be invincible in the ring. He learned various, A person with miscellaneous things, how fine do you expect him to learn?

Jiang Tianmu's learning, like his martial arts, looks very gorgeous, but in fact it is extremely limited.

Fortunately, he has indeed learned something, and his brain turns quickly. Although the army is average, but at this time, being stared at by Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian—especially Zhao Wumian, who once "looked down" on him, It also inspired his competitive spirit and kept using his brain.

After a while, when Zhao Wumian couldn't help but ask him if it was okay, he finally realized.

"Ah, I see!"

Zhao Wumian retracted the words that almost blurted out, pouted his head, and listened curiously.

"This fire formation is fake—no, no, it's not a fake one, but a small one."


Zhao Wumian was stunned for a moment, but didn't react for a while.

On the other side, Xun Wu followed quickly and said: "You mean, this fire formation is just an external fire formation, the real fire formation is in another place, and only by destroying the formation eye there can we break this side? "

"That's right! Brother Xun's quick response, Jiang admires it." Jiang Tianmu hadn't figured it out yet, but Xun Wu thought too fast, and he immediately completed his train of thought, and he hurriedly followed up.

Looking at his excited state, Zhao Wumian and Xun Wu didn't open their mouths to expose anything. They lowered their heads and began to think carefully. After a while, they raised their heads almost at the same time, and said the word——

"Dragon Vein!"

"This is the only possibility." After saying this word, Zhao Wumian continued to rub his beard and said, "That's right, this kind of army formation can't be maintained for a long time without a large enough energy source.

And the flames of this fire array are so strong that they can force even that silly girl Shuang Manqiu to rush out, so naturally it is not an ordinary fire. "

You can say that Shuang Manqiu is not as good as Zhao Wumian and Bai Yupan in terms of brainpower, but you can't say that Shuang Manqiu's combat effectiveness is inferior.

When the four famous arresters competed with Zuo Yanhan, Zuo Yanhan alone could beat him and Bai Yupan violently. If it weren't for the addition of Shuang Manqiu, they would have no chance to maintain a [-]-[-] balance with Zuo Yanhan .

How powerful Zuo Yanhan's ice is, but Shuang Manqiu can still offset it with his inner energy. Living with her is still not an easy matter.

"How long can Guard Shuang last?" Xun Wu didn't know how much internal energy Shuang Manqiu had, it was hard to say, so he asked Zhao Wumian.

"Based on what I know about her, she should be able to last for two days."

"So long?!" Jiang Tianmu on the side almost shouted.

"Two days?" Xun Wu thought about it for a while, "No one has done anything with her, just using flames to grind, it shouldn't be a problem.

But there shouldn't be two days. "

"One day at most."

Zhao Wumian nodded.

Shuang Manqiu was already forced into the formation. Even if she could persist for two days purely relying on her internal energy without eating or drinking, she would not be able to stay in this formation for long. What's more, when she was almost exhausted, the people around her would be exhausted. If you help people, you can rush forward. One day is the limit.

Although he couldn't keep up with the speed of the two's discussions, Jiang Tianmu still tried his best to make suggestions: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to find the dragon's veins in one day, right?"

"It's not impossible..." Xun Wu frowned. "This fire formation can use the power of the dragon vein, which means that the dragon vein must be nearby, and there must be a connection near the dragon vein."

"Observe the staffing, start the investigation from the place with many people, it should save a lot of time." Zhao Wumian said softly.

Just as the two were discussing, Jiang Tianmu worked hard to study, absorb, and follow up, when suddenly, a loud bang erupted in the distance.

What followed was a scream that made the three of them very familiar!

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

"Damn it." Jiang Tianmu subconsciously shouted.

"My mother—" Zhao Wumian also stayed in Bengbu.

Isn't that Roman's voice! ! !

The two looked at each other, and then hurriedly looked at Xun Wu.

Xun Wu didn't talk nonsense, and nodded immediately, and then, the three of them ran towards the direction of the sound almost at the same time.

At the same time, the party guarding the fire formation was also taken aback. After noticing the direction and location of the explosion, their expression changed drastically. The two people in minion clothes almost looked at Du Heart, crossing the heart is no nonsense, just get up and jump out.

Where the sound came from, two people, one old and one young, were fighting with people.

These two people are none other than Luo Man and Ren Pingsheng whom he saved.

After successfully curing Ren Pingsheng's eyes, Roman tried to remove the things that trapped Ren Pingsheng, and finally succeeded in freeing Ren Pingsheng from the "manger".

After following Xun Wu for such a period of time, he has improved to some extent, and he knows that Ren Pingsheng must be silenced, so as not to attract people.

This Ren Pingsheng was originally out of trouble, he wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, shouting "Bastard, I, Ren Pingsheng is back!", but when the savior said so, he naturally had no reason to refuse, obediently and obediently crawled out of the prison out.

But is it okay to climb out like this?

I can't!

I have been trapped here for so long my whole life, and I still have to be humiliated. Am I short-tempered?

Don't you want the dragon veins of my Ren family?

Pavilion Master Luo Shao, I think your body is not very strong, let's go, I will take you to find the dragon veins of Blood Spirit Island, and directly use the dragon veins to temper your external skills, so that your Nirvana Sutra can be improved to a higher level!

After hearing this, Roman was not surprised.

It's too normal, he has experienced too many things like being thanked and given gifts by the senior after saving the old man.

But there is a little "little" problem in the details.

No one has supervised Ren in his life, but it does not mean that there is no supervision.There are organs in that room!When Ren Pingsheng escaped, the mechanism in the house rang, and someone at the core of Blood Spirit Island immediately responded.

And although Ren Pingsheng was out of trouble, his internal energy was still so little, he tossed around in his territory, and forcibly dragged Roman to walk with him. Seeing that his body had just recovered and he was still an elder, Roman felt embarrassed to refuse.


These two people were confronted by the person who was going to arrest Ren Pingsheng and the person who was setting up an formation outside the dragon's veins.

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