Shuang Manqiu actually took the initiative to offer suggestions?

"Don't think about it." Ye Zhenji, who was protected by the two, couldn't help but get angry.

It's not that she thinks it's enough for Shuang Manqiu to be a person who can't use his brain, but she thinks that at this time, it's really unnecessary for Shuang Manqiu to make suggestions to disturb Xun Wu and her own thinking , even if Shuang Manqiu puts forward a suggestion that can be used to eliminate it, it is a waste of time.

"..." On the other side, Xun Wu didn't act like a princess, but was silent for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that you want to..."

Ye Zhenji was taken aback.

what happened?

Why did Xun Wu ask?

"That's right." Shuang Manqiu actually nodded.

Ye Zhenji was stunned again: "Could it be———"

"Don't worry, Your Highness." Shuang Manqiu narrowed his eyes, moved his fingers, and said without looking at Ye Zhenji, "I..."

On the other side, the ghost urn seemed to realize something, the box behind it suddenly boomed, and a large pile of emerald green gas spread out from it, forming a huge emerald green arms!

These green arms are the arms that Guiwen has cultivated over many years. Because he was born with a broken arm, Guiwen has always wanted to make up for his own incompleteness. This miraculous skill has been practiced by him for several years. Ordinary people are not bad at all, and they can become bigger and smaller, and with the effectiveness of poison gas, they have an advantage in battle.

A pair of giant arms several feet tall swung down from the sky, and the two red scarf men put on their masks and surrounded them from the side, doing all kinds of weird and tricky moves.

If it were someone else, faced with this situation, I'm afraid I would have to retreat three feet to avoid its sharp edge. However, Shuang Manqiu did not retreat at all, his face remained unchanged, and his long sword swept across. He blocked the thrust of a red scarf man, and then moved a little bit, turned his body slightly, and blocked the other man's hidden weapon with his scabbard.

This is not over yet, when the arms of the poisonous gas arrived, Shuang Manqiu just raised his arms slightly, and blocked the big punch without any panic!

She was able to block the attacks of three first-class masters with only one move without consuming much internal energy at all!

The expression on Shuang Manqiu's face remained unchanged, and he continued to say: "I am invincible!"

Shuang Manqiu is not a proud person, not a pursuing person, not an extremely smart person.

It is extremely unreasonable to put her among the four famous arresters.

And the reason why she and Ye Zhenji became the so-called four famous arresters is due to the fact that Emperor Shengwu really likes the youngest daughter, Aiwujiwuxia, Shuangmanqiu is not Ye Zhenji's sister, People who are better than their own sisters are also cultivated by Emperor Shengwu.

However, Shuang Manqiu's personal ability is actually very average. Fortunately, she at least knows how to reflect on herself all the time.

Just like after meeting Xun Wu for the first time, Shuang Manqiu realized how powerful Xun Wu was, so she kept listening to Xun Wu; after discovering that exhaling internal energy and external energy is really important for vision, she concentrated on practicing .

But this time, in order to make the princess happy, she hid the information from others and came to this kind of place with the information she got from Yue Rushou. She was attacked fiercely by Yue Rushou, and the princess was trapped for several days. It forced Xun Wu and the others to take risks, and made her reflect on it for several days.

She finally realized now——"Four Famous Arresters Two in One" After all, they are two and a half fools, and Nanji Beidou is not worthy of the name.

It was her playful mentality that cheated the princess.


Since she did something wrong, she couldn't always count on Ye Zhenji to deal with her aftermath.

She's not a real cop.

But she wants to prove that she is the number one guard in the world!

Ye Zhenji looked at her stupidly.

"Okay, Your Highness, there is no time to explain!"

Shuangmanqiu came to Xun Wu and Ye Zhenji.

"Xun Wu, Your Highness has left it to you!"

"Man Qiu—"

Xun Wu didn't speak, bent down, put one hand through the princess's leg, and supported Ye Zhenji's shoulder with the other hand, and came a very standard "Princess Hug" that fit the meaning of the word.

This movement was a little strange, the princess had to curl up her body, knees close to her chest, curled up, and got close to Xun Wu's body, her left hand subconsciously touched Xun Wu's shoulder, unexpectedly very relaxed.

There is no need to consider Xun Wu's strength. It doesn't matter if the princess weighs twice as much, not to mention Ye Zhenji is very light.

Without saying a word, Xun Wu hugged herself directly, Ye Zhenji couldn't help but blushed, but just for a moment, she immediately gritted her teeth and shouted at Shuang Man Qiu: "Man Qiu, survive! "

"Hey—" This is a bit outrageous, it's not that Shuang Manqiu is boasting, as long as there is no one who must protect the princess, she will never be surrounded to death.

On the other side, Ye Zhenji, who was picked up by Xun Wuheng, didn't talk nonsense.

She is a smart person herself, although she is reluctant to part with Shuang Manqiu, she will not insist on staying and adding trouble to Xun Wu and Shuang Manqiu.

"Stop them quickly!" Guiweng was taken aback, and couldn't help manipulating more poisonous gas, trying to pass Shuang Manqiu to stop Xun Wu and Ye Zhenji behind her.

But that kind of thing might have been possible in the past, but now, it has become impossible!

"Yan Ren!" Shuang Manqiu yelled loudly, and turned his hand into a knife, slashed across the poisonous gas, and scattered it.

Du Xin's face froze, and he jumped up, wanting to chase Xun Wu, but before he could get close to Xun Wu, a large wave of internal energy suddenly appeared on Shuang Manqiu's body, under the sound of gurgling water , Shuangmanqiu caught up behind him in an instant, and the horizontal sword slashed down. Du Xin didn't dare to bet on the power of Shuangmanqiu's sword, so he could only dodge again, watching Xun Wu holding the princess and running towards the belly of Blood Spirit Island .

"Oops!" Seeing that Xun Wu didn't turn his head, Guiwen couldn't help but exclaimed, regardless of Shuang Manqiu's life-and-death attitude.

In order to force the three of Xun Wu to run to this place, they have already wasted a lot of manpower, and when they complete the encirclement, there will be fewer manpower in the abdomen, and even fewer manpower to stop Xun Wu.Xun Wu could take this opportunity and turn back to another direction!

The price is just a frosty autumn!

But soon, he calmed down again.

No, although Xun Wu can run back and avoid the encirclement in this way, they still have a numerical advantage. Even if Shuang Manqiu is stuck here to prevent people from chasing him, he can still let the people around him disperse and carry out the first attack. The second raid, encirclement and suppression.

This will not change the status quo!

As long as they are blocked in this place, the princess and Xun Wu will have no way to rush to the warship, so Xun Wu and others will still be trapped!

To some extent, this strategy of separating from Shuang Manqiu is not necessarily very good.

"Forget it." Guiweng watched several companions fight with Shuang Manqiu, Shuang Manqiu fought and retreated, with ease, and was not in a hurry. He turned his head and continued to command "After all, they don't have a unified voice. Working together, it's still difficult. Follow my orders."

While giving orders, Ghost Urn attacked with both arms with poisonous gas, diverting his attention to two purposes, but he didn't make a mistake, but he didn't make any achievements, especially when he found that Shuang Manqiu was in the poisonous gas seven times, and there was no weakness. On the contrary, it seems that after the internal energy has increased by half a point, he doesn't bother to do it hard, and concentrates on directing honestly.

The Yuan Devouring Magic Art is really powerful.

Compared with the "evil arts" of Blood Spirit Island, such things as magic arts are also abnormal, but they will not affect people's mind and body like evil arts.

The only shortcoming of magic skills is the waste of resources, and the only reason for the lack of resources is lack of money.

If you have money, who wouldn't want to practice Yuan Devouring Magic Art, which is simple, convenient, large-volume, long-lasting, and immune to toxins?

On the other side, after Xun Wu turned and left, Ye Zhenji somewhat recovered her composure.

Although being hugged by Xun Wu like this, I feel a little embarrassed.

However, she knows that her kung fu is really not good, and her lightness kung fu is also very bad. Now that life and death are at a fast pace, it is most reasonable to be hugged by Xun Wu honestly.

But she was still blushing, very shy, and asked Xun Wu in a low voice what to do next.

Xun Wu drove Youzu, who had trained to the third level, and with the powerful inner energy of Zhengqi Changge, he quickly ran away without first-class masters tracking him down.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I still have plan two."

Although there is no way to go directly to Bai Yupan's boat, the problem is not particularly serious, and he still has the most original plan.

That is, the work assigned to them before going to the island with Roman and Cong Yun.

Because when the three of Xun Wu landed on the island, they couldn't land together and were forced to move separately, but this didn't affect them, as long as they could find a boat and bring it near the island where they landed.

He rushed out of the jungle, and because he was holding the princess, his image was particularly obvious, and he was spotted by many minions at once.

Xun Wu who has both hands is not easy to fight, Xun Wu who has a sword and a sword dare not fight, now you are hiding everywhere with a princess in your arms, brothers, if you don't take advantage of this time to make contributions, it will be unreasonable! ?

When a patrol captain saw Xun Wu's scene, he was overjoyed immediately, and asked his younger brothers to stop him.

Just when they approached Xun Wu with grinning grins, Xun Wu snorted coldly, glared, and shouted angrily, "Get out!"

This sound was so shocking that it caused several people to take a few steps back almost instantly, and faintly, bells and drums rang together, tigers roared and dragons chanted, which made many people hesitate to move forward.

Although the captains who came from Blood Spirit Island were afraid, they could only shout angrily when they saw Xun Wu, and they were relieved.

As long as you can't kill yourself, then do whatever you want!

But before they could do anything else, Xun Wu's expression darkened, and he shouted in a low voice:

"Your Majesty!"

This sound was not loud, far less shocking than the first sound of rolling words.

But this sound, like a ghost, spread to the hearts of all the surrounding minions. It was even more frightening and frightening than Xun Wu's vibrations and drums before!

puff puff.

As if the wheat had fallen, countless minions fell down, one after another, like dominoes, covering a huge area in an instant.

"It's amazing." Seeing this scene, Ye Zhenji couldn't help being amazed.

She didn't feel anything about Xun Wu's move, but she was familiar with Xun Wu and knew that what Xun Wu was best at was momentum. No matter what enemy, a single "kneel down" can make the opponent bow his head and surrender, and he will be absolutely invincible in the battle.

After all, hitting someone on your knees is basically getting a beating.

"Xun Wu, here!"

At the same time, not long after Xun Wu rushed out, Xun Wu heard a shout.

He turned his head quickly, and immediately saw Cong Yun who was swinging the Lengyan saw and also coming towards him.

"It's that killer star!?" Ye Zhenji was taken aback.

Her impression of Cong Yun is still the same as last year. She only knows that Cong Yun used to be under her nephew Ye Fengge, or a member of the Demon Cult. He didn't object to anything, but got closer to Xun Wu.

Maybe a little bit?

After Cong Yun heard about the task Xun Wu gave her, she immediately ensured her safety and was not in a hurry.

As a person who has been hunted down by the imperial court for several years, and also hunted down Blood Spirit Island for half a year, she has rich experience. Find.

She didn't look for the boat immediately, because she knew that if she acted rashly, it would definitely attract the attention of Blood Spirit Island, but since she agreed to Xun Wu, she must complete Xun Wu's work, which is what she has been doing all along. uphold morality.

Not long ago, she finally discovered that the staff of Blood Spirit Island had been transferred quite frequently, a series of turmoil had broken out in the distance, and there was a kind of internal energy that she was very familiar with—the Essence Devouring Magic Art.

Others may not be able to see Shuang Manqiu's kind of battle, just think it is ordinary, but she has fought with Shuang Manqiu, so she has a good impression of it, and Xun Wu also took action to kill some people who blocked them , she suddenly understood that Xun Wu was finally coming out.

Chaos occurred on Blood Spirit Island, this time is the best time for her to take advantage of the chaos to seize the ship!

In order to complete the work Xun Wu gave her, she squatted by the sea for nearly six hours, and finally succeeded in squatting until the perfect moment!

Now that Xun Wu was in danger again, she rushed over without hesitation and joined Xun Wu.

"Huh—" Xun Wu had finished using the method of lore killing the king, and thought he was about to fight a fierce battle, but he didn't expect Cong Yun to come directly.

At this time, Xun Wu didn't need to hug the princess anymore, the three of them quickly boarded the boat, and Cong Yun quickly asked, "I don't know where Roman is."

"It's not a big problem, let's take the princess away first." Xun Wu was not worried about Roman's life.

Cong Yun nodded quickly, mobilized his inner energy, and quickly pushed the boat. On the other side, Xun Wu finally had time to raise his sword to block the arrows of the regrouped Blood Spirit Island archers.

Taking advantage of this time, Xun Wu also had time to introduce Cong Yun to the princess.

"So..." The princess didn't expect that there would be people from the Devil's Cult who could turn from the dark to the bright, but it wasn't a big problem.

Didn't Xun Wu say that he has been trying to win an identity for Cong Yun?When she went back this time, she personally told Emperor Shengwu that the problem of Cong Yun's identity was completely gone.

Save the princess!

A great achievement.

As Xun Wu and the others retreated, countless small boats hurriedly chased after them on Blood Spirit Island, but before they could catch up with them for a long time, a burst of piano sounded suddenly, and a series of white snow swept across Xun Wu. The floating swordsman also took a small boat to clear away Xun Wu's worries.

"Brother Xun, I brought my brothers back!" Jiang Tianmu laughed loudly.

Heavenly Court's fleet has also rushed over!

They have been prepared for a long time, and now, they have successfully docked with Xun Wu!

Although Jiang Tianmu only completed Xun Wu's task, he Xiang, after all, participated in the work of saving the princess, which was a great achievement, not to mention that the relationship between the Eighth Sage King and the princess is also very good, at least it didn't help. If you lose the chain, you can count it as a profit.

"Xun Wu——" Seeing that Xun Wu had arranged everything, Ye Zhenji breathed a sigh of relief, but then her heart came into her throat again.

"Don't worry, Your Highness." While protecting the princess, Xun Wu wanted to say something, but he heard a series of drums and horns sounding continuously on the sea.

It's the white jade plate, it's serious.

Xun Wu took a deep breath.

Xun Wu's success in rescuing the princess could not have been possible without the intangible assistance of the other two. Now that he has succeeded, he cannot leave it alone.Mutual help is the only way to develop rationally.

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