The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 446 No time to explain 4K

Quality of life, a word that Xun Wu is familiar with but a bit unfamiliar.

Familiarity is that before Xun Wu crossed over, he often saw some big hands on the Internet use this kind of term, and countless "economists" used it to talk about mountains.

Xun Wu was just a high school student before time travelling, and he didn't even think about applying for the School of Economics. Interested.

What a mess, no matter how good your martial arts are, you have to be just right!

Xun Wu has been struggling in the rivers and lakes for three years, what is the thing he has done the most?

Is it chivalrous and righteous, punishing evil and promoting good?


It's moving bricks!

A penny is hard for a hero. Xun Wu is not only a gangster, but also has no martial arts. He can't hunt or catch fish. If he doesn't move bricks to make money, is it possible to wait for death?

Ask Xun Wu to say that the most delicious thing he has ever eaten in his life is the bowl of clear soup and hot noodles that he ate after he had been hungry for a long time in the year he just traveled through.

In terms of taste, there is actually no taste, but it just feels fragrant.

Xun Wu himself does not have the ability to maintain the quality of life in such a crisis-ridden place, but he knows someone who can.

Frost is full of autumn.

For things like Qibazhen, the taste is second to none. The materials are really the only ones that Xun Wu has seen in his life, so the impression is quite deep.

He detoured for a while, dropped the things wrapped around his body, and buried them. Finally, after going back and forth a few times, he settled on a place, tapped the wall lightly, and whispered, "It's me."

No sound.

This is normal.

There are all kinds of martial arts in the world, and there are all kinds of things. Xun Wu's voice is not as unique as Cong Yun and Yue Sishou, and it is difficult to imitate. If someone on Blood Spirit Island has seen Xun Wu, imitate it Xun Wu's voice shouted everywhere, Shuang Manqiu and the two went out in a daze, wouldn't that be sending them to death?

Fortunately, apart from Xun Wu, it was easy to decipher it.

However, just as Xun Wu dismantled the mechanism, a horizontal long straight sword cut out from the shadows, Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, tilted his head casually, and dodged away.

Well, I should be right.

He turned around, just in time to see a familiar person.

First-rate guards, second-rate abilities, third-rate brains, nasty...cough cough cough.

"Xun Wu!" Seeing Xun Wu, Shuang Manqiu immediately smiled and grinned, "That's great——"

"Where's Your Highness!?" Xun Wu didn't have the time to catch up with her.

"I'm here." The heart hanging in Ye Zhenji's heart finally fell.

Just now, she heard Xun Wu's voice, but she couldn't be sure that it was from Blood Spirit Island.

She knew that the people on Blood Spirit Island were frantically looking for her now, and once they found out where she was, they would definitely send a lot of force to catch her.

Her status is too noble, if the people of Blood Spirit Island catch her, the people in the court here will definitely be wary.

One thing to say, she even thought about whether she would commit suicide if someone found out.

Even if he died, it was better than falling into the hands of the people on Blood Spirit Island.

Fortunately, at this time, Xun Wu found them.

As expected of Xun Wu, he can always do the most correct thing.

Xun Wu was somewhat relieved when he saw that the two of them were intact, that there were no missing arms or legs, and that they looked healthy.

After all, the two are also his friends, even if there is no identity problem, he doesn't want anything to happen to them.

In fact, a lot of things have happened in the past two days. Shuangmanqiu and Ye Zhenji didn't intend to hide in Blood Spirit Island. If they could, they didn't want to play "the most dangerous place is the safest place." "After all, this kind of thing is always a very risky thing.

But in order to rescue Ye Zhenji from the sea, Shuang Manqiu took down a small boat without thinking, and found a small island to rush to. Under the control of Lingdao.

Although they have not been discovered, they are actually being driven by the people of Blood Spirit Island, and they are getting closer and closer to the hinterland of Blood Spirit Island. If they drag on, they will reach the core area sooner or later. By then, they will be completely There is nowhere to hide.

"Xun Wu, do you have a boat there?"

This is the most important point.

If there is no boat, it is too difficult to swim out in this vast sea, and it is possible to be caught by the patrol boat of Blood Spirit Island at any time.

Although Shuang Manqiu seized a small boat at the beginning and moved violently with the help of internal energy, the small boat was quickly overtaken by the follow-up people from Blood Spirit Island and destroyed, otherwise, the two of them would not have been like this passive.

Xun Wu asked Cong Yun and Roman to find the boat before, but he wasn't sure whether the two had snatched the boat.

But the problem is not very serious, because he knows-


In the sky, another pure white sword energy shot up into the sky.

"It's Teacher Bai's sword energy." Ye Zhenji frowned again.

"Your Highness, old brother Bai has been fighting all afternoon, there must be support, and there must be a big ship after that." Xun Wu said.

Ye Zhenji thought for a while, then nodded.

The possibility is extremely high.

That's a lot of peace of mind, as long as you move in the direction of the sword energy, you will have a chance to run.

As long as it runs away, there is no problem at all!

"It's not too late, please go quickly." Xun Wu said hastily again.

Ye Zhenji still wanted to ask a few questions, but Shuang Manqiu directly hugged her up: "There is no time to ask any more questions, so let's run quickly."

Ye Zhenji's Qinggong was just like that. At this time, she had no way to refute, so she was hugged by Shuang Manqiu and moved quickly with Xun Wu.

At this time, Xun Wu has no time to dodge slowly, and the most urgent thing is to leave as quickly as possible.

However, the defensive strength here is actually several orders of magnitude greater!

This is so normal.

With Xun Wu's in-depth investigation, and as Xun Wu spent more and more time, people must have noticed what he did, and he didn't have time to completely dispose of the corpse. The corpse of a red scarf thief would sooner or later be people see.

And as long as he is seen, the guy in command can roughly calculate Xun Wu's direction of travel.

This is inevitable.

If Xun Wu hadn't killed the red scarf thief, this kind of thing would have happened later, but if the red scarf thief was killed by Xun Wu, this kind of thing would have happened, and at other times, it might have been hidden for a few days , but when this kind of blood spirit island is mobilized, there is really no way.

This is also the trouble of going deep into the enemy's rear. After all, Xun Wu is a fast catcher, not the legendary robber saint, so it is impossible to achieve perfection.

If you don't kill him, you will be entangled with that person for a long time. If you kill him, you will definitely be exposed. In Xunwu, you can only choose a relatively time-saving option.

On the other hand, it wasn't just Xun Wu who was looking for someone, but the people on Blood Spirit Island were also being searched extensively.

Even if Zhao Wumian is there to interfere, even if Xun Wu can directly ignore the interference of Losing Zhao Wumian, Xun Wu alone must not only ensure that he will not be discovered, but also reduce his sense of existence and prevent the people of Blood Spirit Island from passing by. Pay attention to yourself early to prevent the people on Blood Spirit Island from taking advantage of the number of people to forcibly find the direction Xun Wu is heading for. It will take a lot of time to go back and forth.

As for Blood Spirit Island, the number of people can be used to forcibly make up for all shortcomings.

The number of people is power.

No matter how hard Xun Wu tried, this kind of thing could not be avoided after all.

Fortunately, Zhao Wumian and Bai Yupan bought him enough time, he had already found the princess before the Blood Spirit Island, which allowed them to change from "no initiative at all" to a "balanced" situation situation.

But now, what they need to do most is to get the princess away as soon as possible. As long as the princess is no longer on Blood Spirit Island, the imperial court has plenty of ways to kill the people on Blood Spirit Island.

However, before Xun Wu and others ran halfway, Xun Wu felt that the number of people around him had increased significantly.

I'm afraid that the commander of Blood Spirit Island has already made a decision.

Xun Wu had no choice but to pull out the giant gate and kill those who blocked the way, which further exposed Xun Wu's position.

A moment later, a large group of people gathered outside the jungle, waiting quietly for Xun Wu and the others.

Xun Wu sighed in his heart.

The grove was in a hurry, and it was really too dangerous.

In front of Xun Wu and the other three stood several people, one of them was carrying a big box with empty arms, and his face looked extremely pale.

"Hehe, Xun Wu? The frost is full of autumn? I have been waiting for a long time." Guiwen smiled and bent slightly to the two, and then said, "It is such a pleasure to have friends from afar. Why are you so anxious? Now that you are here On my island, why don't you sit down and have a few cups of tea?"

Xun Wu glanced twice.

Two or three red scarves, among them, the guy with the box on his back standing in the middle, although his arms are broken, looks the most powerful, obviously the leader of the group.

Three crossings and four ghosts?

Seeing that Xun Wu and the others were silent, Gui Weng didn't mind, and introduced himself: "Your Majesty, Gui Weng, Tian is one of the four ghosts, and today I'm lucky enough to see Sword Warrior Xun Beixia and Invulnerable Shuang Manqiu. "

Ghost urn?

Is he the conductor in that minion's mouth?

Xun Wu narrowed his eyes.

As a conductor, appearing in this kind of place?

Xun Wu calculated silently, guessing the surrounding scene, at this moment, he was startled, a sense of fear arose spontaneously, and he couldn't help but jump at a high speed.

call out--

Xun Wu's figure was like a hunting cat jumping away, and he reached several meters away in one breath!

This is exactly the effect of the mixture of Xun Wu's traits of vigilance in the morning and evening and the vigilance of wild cats!

When encountering danger, the speed exploded several times, and the instant dodge, let alone a sneak attacker, even Shuang Manqiu standing beside Xun Wu was startled.

However, although Shuang Manqiu was frightened, his movements would not be slow. He supported Ye Zhenji with one hand, drew out the long sword with the other hand, and slashed horizontally with the other hand, easily resisting the golden light .

"That's right." A moderate voice came out from the other side of the woods.

This person was dressed very differently from other members of Blood Spirit Island. He was wearing...monk robes!

It was a monk!

"Master Duxin!" Several red scarf thieves shouted when they saw Duxin.

Guiwen had a look of pity on his face.

Through his command and design, Xun Wu and others had to choose the direction with the fewest number of people to break through, and they stood here, attracting Xun Wu's attention, and secretly ambush Du Xin, one of the three crossings.

He didn't expect to kill Xun Wu or Shuang Manqiu at once, he thought it would be good if he could be injured, but he didn't think that these two were really powerful, and they were not injured at all.

Moreover, the speed of Xun Wu's explosion just now is really amazing, ridiculously fast, just like teleportation.

"Amitabha." Naduxin was barefoot and looked about 40 years old. He wore a monk's robe, but he was not shaved or bearded, and his hair was loose. He walked forward slowly. Holding the palm of the Buddha in his hand, he muttered words.

Xun Wu was extremely vigilant.

This "Maomao Yijiling" is not triggered at any time. Generally speaking, unless it is a move that poses a great threat to Xun Wu, it will not work at all. The fake monk in front of him can use it silently. This level of attack made his heart sink again.

At least four first-class masters.

A group of elites with significantly higher equipment than ordinary minions.

There are people everywhere.

This kind of siege is far more terrifying than the so-called "Southern Demon" I met before, especially this Du Xin is even more astonishing.

Of course, it was not without good news. For example, just after Du Xin made a move, Xun Wu recognized at a glance that it was the Buddha in the information Zhou Yun left behind in the palace.

"Huh?" Seeing the faint golden light in Xun Wu's eyes, Du Xin couldn't help squinting, and lost his voice, "Grand Orange View?!"

Xun Wu was startled.

Du Xin hurriedly took two steps back, and then said to the ghost urn: "Ghost urn, be careful, try not to use the same move too much, and don't let him see too much."

Guiwen was also taken aback, he didn't expect Duxin to be so vigilant, but he was willing to accept other people's suggestions, so he nodded.

"No wonder there are rumors in the world that you, Xun Wu, have amazing eyesight... It seems that you have mastered a kung fu like Dajuguan, which ordinary people can't practice at all? It's amazing." Du Xin naturally recognized Dajuguan.

Because of his special status and inheritance, he knows a lot of unpopular and rare martial arts.

This view of the big orange is a miraculous skill created by a wizard who observed the big orange, and then slowly observed other creatures. It is difficult to describe it simply by "several streams". It is not as good as a third-rate punch for unsuitable people. When a powerful person uses it, it is [-] times more terrifying than a first-class magical skill.

Looking at it now, it is obvious that Xun Wu can get the title of "amazing eyesight" in the arena, which is obviously the latter.

Fighting against this type of person, you can't take advantage of it and want to use the advantage to slowly accumulate and overwhelm the opponent. The longer you fight, the more unfavorable it will be!

Moreover, this type of martial arts is a complete set. Now that he has mastered the Great Juguan, he should have studied various similar martial arts to some extent.Moreover, the most important thing is that it is difficult for him to be sure whether Xun Wu will know the most terrifying and terrifying secret.

Strange Book of Mountains and Seas!

Just like Yantao Yunxia Mingming Divine Art can be divided into two parts, and there are three volumes in the division and combination of knife techniques, this view of the Great Orange is just a part of the unique classic of mountains and seas.

But then, he relaxed again.

The kind of things that peerless powerhouses are curious about and can't find are not so easy to show up in the world. At least this Xun Wu seems to have only a big orange view.

On the other side, Shuang Manqiu slowly moved closer to Xun Wu, his expression gradually becoming firm: "Xun Wu, I have an idea..."

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