The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 425 3 crossings and 4 ghosts 4K

On the ocean, a giant ship was sailing slowly. A woman stood at the bow of the ship, facing the wind and waves, laughing and shouting.

Not far behind the woman, a young man dressed in neutral clothes, unidentifiable as male or female, rolled up his fan, gently brushed his forehead hair back, and smiled lightly.

These two people are naturally Shuang Manqiu and Ye Zhenji in the "Four Famous Detectives Two in One".

Ever since the crown prince Ye Yong died, Ye Zhenji hardly traveled much. Even if she prepared a meal for Xun Wu before the game, she didn't go out to watch Xun Wu's game afterwards, and she looked groggy of.

This time, after hearing what the second prince said about "the No. 1 arrest in the world", he finally gained some energy.

With the sea breeze blowing, I seem to feel much better.

"However, why hasn't it arrived yet?" Ye Zhenji whispered in confusion.

They left the capital early and went out to play. Although they wasted a little time on the road, they only took the water. It stands to reason that they should have arrived in Fuzhou a long time ago, and they would not be floating on the sea.

"Our boat is moving slowly!" Although she was only muttering in a low voice, Shuang Manqiu could definitely hear it. When she heard her say that, she immediately raised her voice and said, "Go slowly, so that you can see more scenery on the sea. Well!"

Ye Zhenji has never been out at sea. For a while, she was really interested in the scenery on the sea. She even watched Shuangman Qiu fish in the water, but it has been almost two months, and she is still floating on the sea. No matter how interested she was, she was a little tired, not to mention that the sailing speed was really slow, which made her wonder if she was circling in the sea.

If you want to ask if you are going around in circles, there are actually some circles around.

But this is not because Shuang Manqiu told people to simply turn in circles, but because the sea is not land after all. For those who are not familiar with sailing, it is not that simple to walk according to the chart.

However, Shuang Manqiu did indeed hide it from Ye Zhenji.

Perhaps, Mangzi is really a master, Ye Zhenji never thought that Shuang Manqiu would take the initiative to change the route without telling her.

Based on the situation of the two of them, Ye Zhenji shouldn't have failed to see this kind of thing, but Shuang Manqiu would never hide things from Ye Zhenji. Zhen Ji didn't expect or think of it at all.

Although this kind of thing is estimated to only succeed once, at least for now, it is very useful.

On the other side, Shuang Manqiu was relieved to see Ye Zhenji closed her eyes again and began to practice silently.

Letting her lie to Ye Zhenji was indeed quite stressful.

And the reason why she did this... is naturally simple.

Some time ago, she dug out what Yue Rushou had left behind.

Those were things that Yue Ruichou hadn't had time to transport away. Most of them were old information and could no longer be put on the stage. Comparatively speaking, it is an intelligence of extraordinary value.

Blood Spirit Island is located above the dragon veins!

Shuang Manqiu didn't understand the so-called dragon veins, but Shuang Manqiu had seen the sea charts, and for Ye Zhenji's actions this time, she didn't try to fish or fool around, and worked hard every night to memorize all the things that could be used, Her rusty head seemed to be working gradually, and she, who was not stupid at all, had gradually sorted out a lot of things.

Now, she is silently leading the way on the sea, as long as she can find the "road" that she calculated and deduced, she will definitely not go to Fuzhou, and go directly to Xueling Island in this way.

It's just... Now, she has been sailing at sea for a while, but she is still not completely sure.

If this continues, Ye Zhenji may also become suspicious, and her idea of ​​giving Ye Zhenji a surprise will fail. Now it seems that there may be several more, and I can't tell them apart for a while. luck.

On the other hand, Ye Zhenji did not pay much attention to these things. Recently, because of boredom, she began to practice "two-phase miraculous skill".

In fact, she has eaten a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures, and she already has a lot of internal qi, but now she is still only second-rate. Whether it is the change of the nature of the internal qi or the release of the internal qi, she has not grasped it at all, so she wants to use "second-rate Try "Xiang Qi Gong", but unfortunately, I still only have a general feeling, and I can't quite figure out the first-class method.Fortunately, the two-phase martial arts that she had already learned were now more refined by her, and she finally learned some advanced collocation martial arts, and finally looked like a stronger second-rate master.

With her current situation, she might be able to enter the top [-] martial arts exams. If she works hard, except for second-rate geniuses like Lu Yingxiong, they should all have a chance to win.

Of course... In the eyes of Shuang Manqiu, it must be useless.

The dragon veins are the basis for the construction of the base on Blood Spirit Island.

Dragon veins are also the most critical information for finding the location of Blood Spirit Island!

When Xun Wu and the others heard this term from Jiang Tianmu's mouth, they were also a little confused. They didn't know what the so-called "dragon vein" was referring to.

There have always been legends of dragon veins in the Central Plains. Generally speaking, the dragon veins here refer to the "dragon veins" in Feng Shui. They are usually mountains with special shapes. Dragon veins can cut off the fate of the country, or there are various treasures on the dragon veins, etc.

If you really want to say, in fact, some "dragon veins" do have a lot of good things, but this is not because they have the power of dragons, but the accumulation of primitive deep forests.

At present, the ancestor of dragon veins recognized by Fengshui and Taoists is Kunlun Mountain, which is also known as "the ancestor of ten thousand mountains".The Snow Mountain School established by Mr. Xue and the others is a small mountain in the branch of Kunlun Mountain.

At the same time, Kunlun Mountain is also one of the few places where Tyrannosaurus has appeared in clear records.

Of course, the dragon veins mentioned here, Xun Wu and others knew after a little thought, it is definitely not the dragon veins in the sense of Fengshui.

The so-called "vein" refers to blood vessels. People in the Central Plains like to think of these mountains as the blood vessels that transmit the aura of heaven and earth, but in places without mountains, it is not without aura. The dragon veins in such places naturally have completely different meanings.

At least in the place where the tyrannosaurus lives, the dragon's veins definitely don't mean that.

At this moment.

In Ningcheng, an old Taoist priest licked his face, laughed, and offered tea to someone respectfully.

This person is not ordinary. To explain why he is unusual, the first thing to talk about is the layout of this room.

This room is very quiet, with good colors. There are two bonsai trees in the room, and there are not many people in the room, only a few scattered people, talking and laughing, while lighting a box of silver coins.

A man with a red scarf tied on his arm looked at the old Taoist priest, cursed and said, "Niubi, what did I tell you before? Dodge when you meet Xun Wu, how dare you pretend you didn't hear it!? "

"Hey—my lord! My lord—you said at the time that Xun Wu was wearing a suit of white clouds with a red background, but the little old man remembered it very clearly! But that Xun Wu didn't wear what you said today. Just an ordinary policeman... you can tell from this and that..."

"Hmph!" On the other side, another man wearing a red scarf raised his right hand, and pinched it violently from a long distance away. The old Taoist suddenly felt pain all over his body and screamed.

The man with the red scarf had a ferocious mouth and a bloodthirsty smile on his face, full of viciousness.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Okay, okay." At this moment, a peaceful voice sounded, which brought the red scarf man back to his senses, snorted coldly, and put his hand down, which saved the old Taoist from dying of pain.

"My lord..." The red scarf man who asked the question at the beginning tugged at his companion's clothes, and the two turned around, fisted with both hands, and saluted respectfully.


The old Taoist was shocked.

He has been in this room for so long, and he didn't see any extra people?


Why are there people who are afraid of these two "Red Scarf Lords"?

You know, in Fuzhou, the red scarf thieves can be said to be a tyrant. Whether it is a big faction or a loose person in the rivers and lakes, they should be feared three points, especially because they are all masters of martial arts. After the door, it can be said that he can dominate the whole Fuzhou, and he has always been very arrogant, opening his mouth every now and then to chop off the opponent's hands and feet.

But now, they actually held back their urge to treat this seemingly inconspicuous person... "Heshun"?

"To startle the snake...or..." The man pouted his cheeks, thinking carefully.

This person has a white face and long beard. He looks like a scholar. He may be around 40 years old. He mutters softly: "Sun San, what do you think?"

"My lord... I don't think you can hesitate." Upon hearing this, the expert Sun surnamed immediately bowed and said, "I know Xun Wu's ability, but we must not allow him time to prepare."

"Indeed." Another red scarf master also nodded his head in agreement, "After observing the previous water battle, I think our evaluation is indeed correct.

Although Xun Wu's on-the-spot reaction is also very strong, his preparation is his greatest weapon compared to his on-the-spot reaction.

A prepared Xun Wu is a tortoise shell that can at least break teeth; an unprepared Xun Wu, even a trash like Jiang Hong, can hit a dozen. "

"Really." The scholar-like man thought for a moment, then nodded, "It makes sense."

When the two masters heard what he said, their eyes lit up, they smiled happily, and thanked them.

"However, although the effect of the surprise attack looks good, you can't do it indiscriminately." The scholar glanced at them and said to the two of them, "You should prepare more, bring enough things and people, and take everything you think can be used." Bring it, firearms, explosives, all of them, if you think it's not enough, take those things away too.

Although it is very important to catch the slaves by surprise, you must not go without being prepared, otherwise there will be some gaps at that time, and Xun Wu will seize the opportunity to break through and exploit the flaws to expand the advantages, but it will be all bad.

Don't be afraid of consumption and waste, if you can kill Xun Wu, no matter how much you waste, it's worth it.No matter how much you spend, I will carry it for you.

As long as you can kill Xun Wu and make meritorious deeds, I will ask the leader for your merits. At that time, not to mention all kinds of treasures, even the opportunity to soak the dragon veins, I will definitely invite you to come down! "

The two immediately looked at each other, each seeing the excitement in the other's eyes, then they nodded fiercely, knelt down in unison, and bowed to the man: "Thank you, Duren! We will definitely work together to kill Xun Wu!"

As expected of the island's excellent reputation, the leader of the three crossings, Mr. Duren!Sure enough, just like the legend, he is very easy to communicate with, and like the legend, he likes to support talents!

I must seize this opportunity, perform well, and strive to gain a higher status!

As "red scarf thieves", they naturally have a general understanding of the staffing of Blood Spirit Island.The so-called three crossings means crossing people, crossing people's hearts and crossing oneself. The three are all veterans of Blood Spirit Island. Not to mention their high martial arts skills, all of them are capable people. A good hand.But after all, they are the elders of Blood Spirit Island, and they are two factions from the four ghosts who later joined Blood Spirit Island and emerged.

Originally, it would be more appropriate for latecomers like them to follow the Four Ghosts, since they are all newcomers after all, but...

Compared with the gentle and refined Sandu, the four ghosts are a group of lunatics. Following them, even a group of gangsters who lick blood at the edge of their swords and occupy roads to rob, can't help but worry about their own safety.

The predecessor of Blood Spirit Island was the Demon Cult, and it inherited a small part of the team from the Demon Cult. Although there is no grandmaster, there are still quite a few first-class masters.But in fact, in this Blood Spirit Island, only a very small part of the masters who are really walking outside are the original people, and more are newcomers who were slowly absorbed later.

In order to win more "seats" and obtain more resources, these newcomers tend to behave even crazier, and they will be extraordinarily cruel in dealing with various matters. Among them, the four ghosts are here A new core born in a meat grinder like a grinder.

The two, one old and one new, seem to be completely hostile, dividing the entire Blood Spirit Island into two factions, but if you really want to say that, it's not always the case.

"Hey hey hey hey, teacher, hey hey..." Just after everyone left, a black figure appeared outside the door.

It was a woman in rather revealing clothes. She was about 17 years old. She looked small, with a wide smile on her face, and she was relatively short in stature. Zhenji is much older, she looks cute and evil at the same time.

She was wearing a black half-pack armor, with a weird decoration like dragon horns on her head. In the form of rolling, she jumped into the room a few times, and touched the ground with one hand, like an acrobat in the room. He rolled twice in the middle, and when he reached Duren's eyes, he waved the thing in his hand violently.

It was a black long-handled axe, dark in color and full of murderous intent.

Duren was not surprised. He didn't see any movement, so he "floated" backwards for a distance, avoiding the woman's attack.


There was a loud bang!

Not only was a huge hole smashed out in the place where the giant ax fell, but the whole room was also shaken violently, and a lot of rubble rumbled down.

"Hey hey - long time no see, teacher."

She is one of the four ghosts, Demon Girl Xuemei.

Duren didn't care about Xuemei's sudden attack at all, but stood up flat and glanced at his disciples: "Seeing that you are still so lively, I feel relieved."

"Hey hey..." Xue Mei scratched her head and smiled, as if she really thought she was just saying hello in a friendly way.

Compared with the normal Sandu, the Four Ghosts are not normal.

But who is really abnormal, and how can he explain it so simply?

"You go and follow them."

"Five first-rates, a bunch of explosives, weapons, a dozen second-rates, miscellaneous soldiers, and a few guys who have practiced the Blood Spirit Demon Sutra. It's not interesting at all. I don't want it!"

"Wouldn't it be interesting if Xun Wu survived such a situation?" Du Ren slowly raised his hand and said, "For those who escape from danger and gain hope, swing the iron ax called despair!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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