The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 424 Dragon's Territory 4K

The divine beast has only been heard by name, and has never seen the existence of its true face.

In this world, although grandmasters are rare, those who have names and surnames are basically known in the world.Although the "peerless masters" who are above the masters have almost never appeared in front of the Jianghu people, the disciples of the various sects have heard of their names to some extent, and many sects even had contact with peerless masters at one time.

Only this "divine beast" only listens to its name and does not see its real body.

About two years ago, there were rumors of a unicorn living in the snow-capped mountains. The Eighth Prince and his companions worked together to search for it, but they didn't see a living unicorn. They only saw a crazy unicorn that was dying. It's not something that Jianghu people can touch and get close to. There may be hundreds of Jianghu masters who were affected and killed by the poisonous blood of the unicorn.

"Kirin" can also be called a beast, but compared with the four great beasts, it feels a lot worse.

Although unicorns are rare, there is a "clan" after all, and they don't seem to have such a long life. Compared with the deeds of the four great beasts that have been passed down since ancient times, they are much worse.

"The four great beasts are special." Roman thought about the information, while whispering to Xun Wu and others some things that ordinary Jianghu people would never know in their lifetime.

"Brother Xun should have read my book, right? You know how powerful some strange beasts are."

Xun Wu nodded.

Naturally, we know that many rare and rare beasts are not only powerful, but can even make people hear and see, strengthen their bodies, and increase their internal energy out of thin air. The "Qi Ba Zhen" meal offered to him was quite delicious.

Moreover, in addition to this matter of increasing skill, another matter also made Xun Wu have a strong interest in this strange beast and a very serious vigilance.

That is...Scorpion Immortal!

Although the scorpion fairy was made by craftsmen, you cannot say that the birth of the scorpion fairy is entirely due to the craftsman and its first owner. The scorpion fairy can cause such a big impact, and even once in history, all the people around the mountain Being ravaged by the plague is definitely not without additional factors.

This additional factor is naturally the strange scorpions in the closed mountain. Their individual combat power may not be high, far inferior to those powerful strange beasts or divine beasts, but their collective strength is still extremely terrifying.

Under such circumstances, Xun Wu naturally paid more attention to and became more vigilant about the "Four Divine Beasts".

"Hmm... where should I start?" Roman rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and then asked Xun Wu: "Xun Butou, do you know about qi? It's not internal qi, evil spirit, blood qi, just qi."

Xun Wu nodded, and on the other side, Hilda tilted her head curiously and asked, "Could it be magic power?"

"'s similar, but not all of them." Roman looked at Bao Yuan again, and noticed that she was frowning, obviously not quite understanding, so he expanded it a little bit, and said carefully, "My master told me , the alchemy in your area is essentially a technique of matching and combining various things of the world and the earth through special techniques, and matching the qi among them to produce a certain effect... Theoretically, it is similar to mechanism art, but It has not touched the source of qi."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, he really didn't know what was going on, and Hilda also opened her mouth wide, as if she had learned something new.

"Because your cognition and understanding of qi are different, so you develop very slowly in your own cultivation, but you are very good at mixing and matching, but in fact there is no big difference. Those geniuses who are truly amazing and talented can get the same skills as a master. achievement..."

Xun Wu pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"I understand what you mean. You mean, no matter what it is, if you want to have these powers, you must adjust your Qi? Just like a sword needs a sword spirit, those strange beasts also have Qi?"

Roman nodded: "Otherwise, how could it be possible to increase the internal qi after eating those rare and exotic fruits? It is precisely because of the extremely pure qi in their bodies that they can nourish the human body and increase their power... Similarly, those evil skills , and it is precisely for this reason that one can increase one's internal energy through methods such as killing people or sucking blood..."

Xun Wu nodded again.

Although the man in the mirror didn't teach him these things, Xun Wu has been practicing righteousness and singing for so long, and he has also tried to create a lot of internal strength. His understanding and ability to accept such things has indeed increased a lot, and soon Just figured it out.

"However, spirit beasts, alien beasts, and strange plants are not human after all. They have no spiritual intelligence and skills, and it is difficult to control their power. Therefore, their power is maintained within a certain range. Some weak alien beasts , are not opponents of first-class experts at all, and there are even some fish, flowers and fruits that have no combat power at all. I have seen two people who are full of inner energy, and they have relieved them...

But no matter what, as long as it reaches the first-class realm, this kind of strange beast alone will not cause much harm or threat to people.

And on top of that... Divine beasts, the qi in their bodies is enough to completely change their bodies, just by refining the body with qi, it is enough to make it impossible for first-class experts to hurt them. Miles of land will be affected by their wreckage.Under such circumstances, it is almost delusional for a first-class expert to face the divine beast alone, and only a grandmaster can have a chance to fight..."

Roman paused, while Hilda quickly took notes with a pen. The whole person was very excited. Bao Yuan and Xun Wu looked at each other, but didn't speak. Bao Yuan didn't hesitate until Hilda finished recording what Roman said. Then asked: "The four great beasts?"

"Four Great Beasts...Naturally, let's go one step further..." Roman said in a serious tone.

"The four great beasts... are no longer something that a single person can face." He said so absolutely that Bao Yuan couldn't help frowning.

"Brother Xun, you also know that internal energy is extremely important when walking on the rivers and lakes, but if you are marching and fighting, facing the overwhelming evil spirit, the internal energy will be weakened infinitely. Let alone a first-class master, it is a master master. It is also unable to use it, and can only retreat in the face of the army.

This is the qualitative change caused by enough evil spirits.

And... the existence of the four great beasts, their body size is more than ten or twenty times larger than normal beasts, and there is a towering giant tree like the wood god that can cover the entire island... the body of them Qi, of course, is as much as shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

What's more, hundreds of thousands, or even more hours of training, even if they don't have the aid of skills and martial arts, they have already mastered an unknown number of driving methods...

My master bluntly said that even he is powerless in the face of the existence of the four great beasts..."

From what it means, the boxing master seems to have fought with one of the four great beasts?

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But it's normal when you think about it, since you are all peerless masters, there is always something to do, even if the master of boxing goes back to the mountains, it is inevitable that there will be itchy hands. It is also normal to look for the four great beasts.

Peerless masters can't beat the four great beasts... What about Suicune?

Although there is no record of peerless masters fighting in the rivers and lakes, many people believe that Suicune is definitely stronger than the boxing master and the man in the mirror, and much stronger. Many people even think that Suicune is stronger than the two combined—— — Xun Wu didn't know if this statement was correct, because he couldn't see it at all.

He has met the person in the mirror quite a few times, and even met Suicune once, but if Xun Wu really wanted to make a comparison, then Xun Wu would not be able to tell at all.

But just like there are gaps between first-class masters and masters, there are gaps between peerless masters and the four great beasts, some are strong and some are weak. These things are singled out, and there is not much need to ponder.

"If it's really near Tyrannosaurus, it's too dangerous... After all, even the four great beasts are still beasts with their own sense of territory." Roman said with a serious face.

"Oh——" Hilda carefully remembered this kind of thing that she didn't know at all, and then tapped her nose with a pen, looking a little confused "But it doesn't seem to matter Bar?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Bao Yuan looked at Hilda, first spoke in a conventional tone, then slowly slowed down her tone, and explained to Hilda more gently, "Since you have territorial awareness and can control your qi, That means that if any creature dares to set foot in the places that belong to its territory, it will definitely become vigilant."

Bao Yuan said this, although it was very "gentle", but the momentum did not feel bad at all.

For Hilda, she still has a good impression, because Hilda is different from other people, she is simply eager to learn, simply likes research, and simply likes the culture of the Central Plains, although her understanding is often confused because of the differences between the two places A joke, but still very likable.

Most importantly, there is no "emotional conflict" with her.

In fact, Bao Yuan is not easy to say. What kind of feeling is this? In short, after hearing the discussion between Bao Huaiying and his wife, Bao Yuan began to think about her own affairs, Xun Wu's affairs, and Xun Wu's surroundings. She seems to have a clearer understanding of everyone than before, and pays more attention to everyone's actions, especially some women, who have become extremely sensitive.

She couldn't tell what this feeling was like, it seemed to be just a pure instinct - and it was because of this kind of understanding and feeling that she felt that this Tyrannosaurus would definitely not see some "little bugs" in front of her eyes Bounce.

Xun Wu also nodded.

He is naturally not as "emotional" as Bao Yuan. When thinking and handling cases, he has always been very calm and proceeded from logic. In his opinion, it is very normal for wild beasts to have territorial consciousness, and it is not surprising at all: "Even if that Tyrannosaurus really doesn't care if there are people around him who build a camp or stronghold. I think it is impossible for Blood Spirit Island to choose to build a base next to Tyrannosaurus. That would be too strange and inexplicable.

Not to mention anything else, if a camp is built next to the divine beast, no one will dare to disturb it easily, but if the divine beast gets excited one day, runs, turns over, and stretches its muscles and bones, the people on Blood Spirit Island can still go to sleep?Maybe once you close your eyes or open them, the base is gone, or even worse, once you close your eyes, you can't wake up again. "

Roman and the others nodded.

"So, if you deduce it further... Blood Spirit Island should be in one place, a distance away from the Tyrannosaurus, but not too far away, which can facilitate them to collect some kind of strange substances and allow them to avoid ordinary people and spies. Can you take a boat to the place where the activities are held in Fuzhou?"

"I added a lot of attributives." Hilda nodded her head while recording and muttering softly. After finishing writing, she couldn't help poking her cheek lightly with the pen, and her skin was gently poked down by the pen. A little bit, pouted, quite cute, "It's just...although the scope has been narrowed down, it should be quite difficult to find it at sea, right?"

What Hilda said was somewhat optimistic.

When she was studying in her hometown, she also took boats in the inland sea of ​​Europa many times, but compared to the small inland sea of ​​Europa... looking for an unknown island in this vast ocean is really literal, The meaning is doubled "finding a needle in a haystack".

Of course, if you really want to say, there are actually not as many as you imagined. Although the Ryukyu Islands are quite numerous, as long as you can find the location of Tyrannosaurus, and then use that as the center to investigate in all directions, you can always find some clues. If there are enough people, each island sends a group of people to investigate, and clues can always be found.

Although this method seems "stupid", it has to be said that often this method of handling cases, which is similar to the exhaustive method, is the most direct result-Xun Wu himself is very familiar with this method , because in fact, even in the era of his previous life, this kind of plan is still a very reliable method in handling criminal cases.

Often, some "perfect murder cases" that the prisoners have worked out with all their strength, deliberation, and racking their brains will be directly and forcibly cracked by the police through a one-by-one investigation and evidence collection plan, and the prisoner will be caught.

Surveillance, face recognition, information network, interrogation one by one, although there is no technical content, but in criminal investigation, the important thing is not "skills", but "truth".

Unfortunately, although Xun Wu wanted to use this method, he couldn't use it.

On the one hand, his manpower is far from sufficient. On the other hand, using this strategy in this place will undoubtedly sacrifice a large number of grassroots police officers, and in the end, serious leaks will be made.

For Xun Wu, there is actually the safest and least expensive option, which is to let Ji Lian'er and himself investigate separately. This is much safer than, but this way, the time is far from enough.

If you don't need to consider the issue of time, Xun Wu has plenty of ways to take it slowly, but when he thinks of the No. 1 arrest in the world, Xun Wu can't help but feel restless.

The title of the four famous arresters is already strong enough, how much bonus should be given to the No.1 arrester in the world?

How is it possible to let go?

At this moment, a person shouted at Xun Wu with a loud voice, interrupting Xun Wu's thoughts, Xun Wu turned his head to see, why is it you again——

big disciple!

"Xun Butou, there is a guest visiting."


"It's Young Master Xue."

"Oh? Oh - got it."

Xun Wu laughed lightly.

Being kind to people seems to be quite useful.

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long night fire

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One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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