Can the sword practice?

What's the matter, has this world been upgraded to a fairy world?Has Sword Spirit really become Nana Moe's girl?

Xun Wu immediately had many associations.

But soon, Xun Wu understood that there was a difference between the "cultivation" Hilda mentioned and the kind of cultivation he imagined.

With Xun Wu's thinking speed, he naturally immediately thought of all kinds of strange things like monsters and ghosts, such as wolves howling on a full moon night, absorbing moonlight for cultivation, and becoming a cute girl with wolf ears.

Obviously, though, the sword is far from that outrageous.

Because it was relatively complicated, Hilda couldn't speak Chinese clearly to Xun Wu, so she rummaged through the place beside her and found a box of things.

She opened the box, and a burst of silver light radiated from the box, causing Xun Wu to squint his eyes a little.

"This is Mithril." Hilda showed it to Xun Wu.


Zhang and Fang were a little puzzled, but Xun Wu then asked, "Oh, it's the silver iron that is stronger than steel but lighter?"

"Ah—you know that Xun Wu is arresting the head!?" Hilda was taken aback.

According to her understanding during this time, the Central Plains does have things similar to cold iron and meteorite iron, but there is no Mithril. I never thought that Xun Wu had heard of it.

Mithril is an alloy made by special means, which is similar to steel but stronger than steel. Even in their church, it is a rare material, and the annual output is very fixed. However, Hilda, as the white-haired witch, alchemist As a magician, you can naturally pay a share when you leave.

Hilda took out a small piece of mithril from the box with tweezers and put it on the sword body. Then, she walked to the other end and twisted the mechanism vigorously, trying to turn the table.

Xun Wu shook hands with her, reached out to grab the hilt of the sword, and raised the sword steadily.

Several people frowned wildly.

With this strength, without the support of internal energy, they estimated that Xun Wu could knock all three of them to the ground with one punch.

"Spin?" Xun Wu asked.

Hilda nodded.

Xun Wu held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and slowly turned it in the air. After a while, the sword made a full circle, and the side where the mithril was placed before was flipped to the bottom.

But... Mithril didn't fall.


Fang Xian and Zhang Bumo were also aroused by their curiosity, and walked to Xun Wu's side together, leaning over and looking at the sword.

"Is this secret...silver sucked on the sword?" Fang Xian asked in surprise.

"Yes." Hilda snapped her fingers, then signaled Xun Wu to turn over and put the sword back on the table.

A group of people returned to the table, only to see that the original mithril seemed to have disappeared on the sword.

"Is this absorbed????" Zhang Bumo opened his mouth wide in shock.

Can this sword absorb other metals to strengthen itself?

If the returning bird had this characteristic, it would have repaired itself a long time ago!

"It's similar, but it's not like that." Hilda heard Zhang Bumo's shock and explained to everyone.

After a day of research, she discovered that this sword has the special effect of "refinement". If there is no accident, this sword should not be so big and heavy. Roughly speaking, it may be similar to Xun Wu's previous big sword Heavy.

And the reason why this sword is much heavier than before is that every time this sword collides with other people's weapons, it will secretly steal part of other people's weapons.

This kind of stealing effect is not very obvious, and those "low-end" metal materials, it may also "look down", so it doesn't necessarily swallow all of them, only those metals that have an amplification effect on it.

"Wow..." Xun Wu was a little surprised this time.

Not to mention how powerful this ability is, just the ability to steal other people's weapon materials, Xun Wu felt that it was very suitable for him.

He practiced the sword-cutting technique, coupled with his ability to see through, now it is very easy for him to chop up other people's weapons when others are not paying attention, so for him, the real difficulty is in the fierce In the battle, use swordsmanship and knife technique to smash the sword protected by inner energy.

However, if this giant que can destroy the quality of other people's weapons, then if it is combined with Xun Wu's own eyesight and saber technique, then one plus one equals two by no means.

"That's just one aspect."

"Only one side!?" Fang Xian shouted, feeling that his common sense of the world for so many years had been broken.

Hilda nodded, picked up her book again, and flipped through two pages: "This sword will continue to be refined, but this behavior requires fuel.

The so-called fuel is the internal gas. "

This is also normal, Xun Wu can understand.

But Hilda's next sentence, he really felt a bit outrageous.

"The fuel does not have to be provided by the holder himself. When fighting with others, a small part of the internal energy collision and the aftermath of the sword energy can also be stored as fuel and gathered at the core of the sword. What is usually consumed for refining That’s it.” Hilda took out a pen and drew blankly at the place above the hilt, thinking that there was the core “Besides, these internal qi from all over the world and from different places have been refined by the sword, and can also be It will become a pure Qi."

Fang Xian felt that he couldn't close his mouth.

This means that the internal gas can also be reabsorbed?

As a scientific researcher, Hilda will not stop now that she has started to introduce it. She puts her hands green and frowns: "But the only problem is that I don't know how to sign a contract with this sword, so I don't know the follow-up conversion ratio."

She didn't know how Zhongyuan described "acknowledging the master" here, so she used the description of signing a contract. Zhang Fang and the two of them didn't understand, but Xun Wu still understood.

"It's okay, I will slowly figure out a way, and I will show you a demonstration when the time comes." Xun Wu replied.

Hilda suddenly showed a very heart-warming smile. Her appearance is different from that of the Central Plains, but she is also closer to the Central Plains. She just maintains the same appearance, so she rarely smiles. This time Xun Wu saw her With a smile from the heart, I immediately felt a lot better.

It was as if there was something magical about her smile.

"Okay, okay! Thank you, Xun Wu!" She was so happy, her hands trembled, she didn't know where to put her hands, and she started dancing.

However, she coughed a few more times soon, and returned to her upright appearance.

"However, even if the contract is signed, this sword will not have any further special abilities, Xun Wu, don't be disappointed..."

"I'm not a greedy person." Xun Wu shook his head, and reached out to grab the sword. "A sword that can be refined automatically, becomes harder and stronger, and can slowly provide the user with inner energy... It's strong enough gone."

"Next, I'll think about it, can I... um... feel the spirituality of this sword."

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