The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 242 The Mystery of the Sword

Understanding the sword spirit sounds simple, but it is difficult to do.

Zhang Bumo can say that because he has peerless talent.

As a time traveler, Xun Wu relied on his understanding of being different from ordinary people and transcending the times. He learned many sword and saber techniques very quickly. Wu said it was too much trouble.

However, Xun Wu still has some special methods.

That is - "Sword Cutting Sword Technique".

Xun Wu has been learning this kung fu, or this knowledge for half a year, and he already knows most of the conventional swords very well.

Xun Wu already remembered the structure of some ordinary swords very clearly, which is why Xun Wu was able to easily chop Luo Changfeng's sword and the swords of the third prince's guard into pieces.

Of course, if the opponent uses internal energy to protect, or in a hasty battle, it is difficult for Xun Wu to cut it up in an instant, but in any case, Xun Wu's understanding of conventional swords is almost the same.

Furthermore, Xun Wu still doesn't know much about the details, but it is enough to deal with the situation Xun Wu is currently encountering.

Xun Wu doesn't know how to contact the sword spirit, but Xun Wu knows how to cut it...

Yes, although Xun Wu still doesn't know how to comprehend the sword spirit, if Xun Wu was really asked to chop the [Ju Que] with a knife, Xun Wu would be able to cut the Ju Que into two pieces, which is better than [Returning Bird] ] Still miserable.

But as the saying goes, one method is mastered, and ten thousand methods are mastered. In "Sword Cutting Sword Art", there is indeed a shortage of sword spirits, but it is too normal.

"Sword Cutting Sword Technique" is what the old swordsman learned for the master in order to cut off the sword in his heart. In order to cut the sword, the old swordsman not only learned the whole book, but even cast the sword himself, To learn how to cut a sword.

During this process, he is not only learning the sword-cutting technique, but also modifying it. After so many years of modification, the knife technique of this ordinary weapon has been changed beyond recognition, and it cannot even be described as first-rate and second-rate martial arts. Rather, it is called "learning".

But the old sword master is well-informed, he has seen all kinds of things, but he has never made a sword with a sword spirit, so of course he doesn't know how to record it.

Obviously, in the hands of Xun Wu, "Sword Cutting and Sword Art" will be further revised and revised to become more comprehensive than the old sword master's version!

At night, when Xun Wu and others returned to the Yamen, he approached Hilda without hesitation.

There was a lamp hanging in Hilda's room, and the whole room was very bright. Her room was filled with all kinds of repeaters and hand crossbows, and she herself stood by the table in the center of the room, facing Ju Que was seriously writing something in his notes.

Zhang Bumo and Fang Xian followed Xun Wu into the house without disturbing Hilda. Xun Wu looked around for a few times before asking.

"Ah, Xun Wu catches the head." Hearing Xun Wu's voice, Hilda received the pen and notebook together, turned around and looked at Xun Wu, with a smile on her face first, then immediately changed her face, looking serious Get up and salute politely.

"I haven't finished writing yet, you can try the hand crossbow over there first." Hilda pointed to the hand crossbow beside the table.

From the appearance point of view, it is no different from Xun Wu's previous hand crossbow.

Xun Wu went up, picked up the crossbow, and called the two out of the house.

In the previous time with Mr. Snake, and in the later time with Luo Changfeng, Xun Wu and the others met many people with crossbows. Those from the Ministry of Criminal Justice were left to a part of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the rest were brought to the yamen for Hilda's study.

Xun Wu's idea is to study the technology and compare it with several forging factories in the city, but Hilda is obviously not very good at this kind of work, and is better at absorbing and learning.

Xun Wu fiddled with the hand crossbow for a while, and suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a small passage under the launch port. Xun Wu touched it, but didn't quite understand it.

He shook his head, pressed the trigger on the target not far away, and with a "shoo", an arrow flew out.

Doesn't seem to make a difference?

Xun Wu looked at the target in the distance, no matter its power or speed, it seemed that there was no change.

Xun Wu thought for a while, then took out another crossbow arrow from his pocket, and stuffed it into the hand crossbow with great effort.

The reload speed has not increased either.

So... shouldn't it?

Xun Wu tried injecting inner energy into it, and the next moment, Xun Wu really felt a thread that could supply inner energy, he was startled, and shot at the target, the crossbow really carried Xun Wu's inner energy. The air flew out!

Afterwards, the hard target that caught the crossbow bolt before was cut through half by this crossbow bolt!

The power has more than doubled!

"Amazing..." Xun Wu was taken aback.

Inner qi can be added to any weapon, and can even be charged into armor. This is actually very normal, but if there is no corresponding "martial arts method", it will be difficult to exert the effect of inner qi.

The so-called methods are actually various sword techniques and saber techniques. Generally speaking, unless Xun Wu learns some bow techniques and crossbow techniques, filling the crossbow with internal energy can only make the crossbow a little harder. Holding it as a brick, it is impossible for the arrow to have a boosting effect.

But Hilda was able to let her inner energy pass through the body of the crossbow and fill it directly into the arrow, so that she could effectively and high-strength strengthen the crossbow.

Xun Wu finished trying the crossbow and returned to the house. Hilda had also finished writing by this time, and was waiting for Xun Wu and the others to come back.

"Hilda, you are amazing." Xun Wu gave a thumbs up.

Hilda blushed.

Although she has heard many compliments since she was a child, she still couldn't help being a little excited when she heard the praise of Xun Wu, an overly outstanding elder brother in her eyes.

"Is this thing energy-producing?" Xun Wu asked again.

In fact, Xun Wu himself didn't use crossbows very often. He usually used swords. Moreover, there were so many arrests in the yamen.

Hilda thought for a while, then shook her head: "Materials are difficult to obtain, and they require very precise techniques."

Then there is no way, Hilda is not a tool person, it is impossible for Xun Wu to let her do nothing every day and just make crossbows.

"Well, if you have time... oh, no, if you want to make a new crossbow one day, you can ask other policemen to help with the experiment."

Hilda nodded quickly, feeling a little excited again.

Researchers are still keen to invent new things.

"Ah, that's right—Xun Wu, the headhunter, look at this sword." Hilda remembered the important point, "This sword is too powerful."

Xun Wu, Zhang Bumo, and Fang Xian looked at each other, and the reason for calling them to visit came.

"How powerful is it?" Xun Wu asked.

Hilda turned the book to the middle pages, pointed to the middle section of the giant tower, and said to Xun Wu, "This sword can actually be cultivated!"


What the fuck?

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