The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 229 Reasonable Framing

"Put explosives in the capital? What a daring thing..." Dali Siqing couldn't help but shook his head. Compared with the other colleagues, he had the mildest temper and couldn't bear such things the most.

"I'm afraid this person still has some secrets, so let's stay here for now." The censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate also said immediately.

In terms of secrets, this Luo Changfeng did have a secret, which even Xun Wu didn't figure out.

That is, why did this man kill General Deng Yuan?

Even Hai Baozi didn't ask Luo Changfeng about this point. After thinking about it, Xun Wu thought it might be because Luo Changfeng himself didn't know why he wanted to kill this person.

After all, he is just a killer responsible for killing people. Although he may have a high status within the organization, he is still just a hands-on, not a great decision-maker.

Therefore, he didn't know why he wanted to kill Deng Yuan.

But he didn't know, it would be too difficult to get news from him again.

At this time, there was also a person who said something similar to Xun Wu, and this person was naturally the third prince.

The third prince, Ye Shou, spoke again at this critical juncture: "My lords, this person murdered my courtiers of the Sheng Jin Dynasty and raided the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. Naturally, there are also people behind him, and there must be their purpose."

Although the third prince dismissed the previous incident in a second, and did not mention at all what he insisted was done by the prince, but his words are naturally reasonable.

"I don't know what your highness thinks?" the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments asked.

"Great opinions are not counted, but there are still some ideas." Ye Shou showed a very gentle smile. Because of his appearance and demeanor, this person seems so honest and honest, which is also a kind of talent, but this kind of talent It is not limited to being compared with Hai Baozi, so everyone will rarely be deceived by his disguise "If you want me to say that this person killed General Deng Yuan, he must have a purpose.

If it's just to expand the influence, or to find a scapegoat, who can't do it, why do you have to kill General Deng? "

This is also true.

Xun Wu lowered his eyebrows and remained silent, waiting for Ye Shou to continue.

thump thump-

As if they sensed some order, several arresters took sticks and threw at Luo Changfeng's body again, but Luo Changfeng was also stubborn, and kept his mouth shut.

"Hmph." Ye Shou snorted coldly, "Even if you don't say it, it's actually easy to guess.

Either, when they stole the gold, General Deng Yuan became their resistance; or, General Deng Yuan held a reason that only he knew, and this group of people had to kill him! "

The courtroom suddenly fell silent, waiting for the third prince to continue.

The third prince stood up and came to the central avenue. While walking, he walked around Xun Wu, Zhao Wumian, and Luo Changfeng, and said, "After General Deng sent the gold to the capital, my second and sixth younger brothers and I personally delivered the gold to the capital. The Deng mansion he sent back, General Deng was safe and sound for the next few days, so naturally it couldn't be their resistance to stealing gold.

In other words, he killed Deng Yuan just to hide his secret! "

Xun Wu looked at Luo Changfeng. Luo Changfeng himself didn't quite understand this matter, but after being mentioned, he seemed to have a feeling that the conspiracy had been exposed.

But this may not be true, because although he doesn't know the reason, but these days, the gold theft case is full of troubles, and he will naturally think about the joints, and make some guesses, and it is very possible to confirm certain things .

"My lords, I have been punished these days. Naturally, I have worked hard to find out the truth. A few days ago, according to the head arrester, I caught a few craftsmen who made molds, and finally got the real answer from them. !"


Xun Wu glanced at Zhao Wumian.

Zhao Wumian noticed Xun Wu's gaze, nodded reluctantly, but frowned tightly.

there's something-

The third prince commanded a bit, and asked his subordinates to distribute some papers to the public ministers, while he continued to stand up straight and raised his voice: "Everyone, compared to everyone, you should have not forgotten that more than half a year ago, that The matter of Yunzhou.

The magistrate of Yunzhou died suddenly one after another, and his father had no choice but to adopt his elder brother's suggestion, and promoted Bao Huaiying, who had been assigned early, to be the magistrate of Yunzhou.


You said it was a coincidence, this Bao Huaiying had just become the magistrate of Yunzhou, so he easily survived the siege of the Demon Sect and the Five Immortals Gang, avoided murder several times, and even united his subordinates, two The Jianghu people worked together to destroy the Gang of Five Immortals, and also discovered Zhao Lue, the mastermind behind the Gang of Five Immortals!

What's more coincidental is that this Bao Huaiying is still a good friend of the elder brother, this Zhao Lue was wronged by the elder brother Ping back then, and he is his protégé, and the Tian Zhongxing of the Demon Cult was let go by the subordinates of the elder brother! "

"Third brother, what do you mean?" The second prince couldn't help frowning.

"What I want to say is." The third prince looked at Yin Bao, with a gloomy expression on his face. He seemed to have finally revealed his true colors, sneered, and said, "The reason is very simple. The violent rebellion in Yunzhou was not at all What Ye Fengge did was ordered by his elder brother!

Later, the reason why they were eradicated was because it was too costly to rebel in a remote place, so they found a way to use this matter to get Bao Huaiying promoted and attract the attention of his father, so as to make a smooth progress and return to the capital. Center of power!Be his right-hand man! "

The third prince said categorically, and it sounded reasonable at first glance.

This time, it was not as lively as before. All the ministers and policemen did not discuss, but frowned and pondered. Several high-ranking officials looked at each other and nodded affirmatively. Looking at Bao Fuyin, he seemed to be watching his reaction.

Bao Fuyin was naturally quite angry, but anger did not make him lose his composure, and he remained expressionless.

As for whether hearing this will make her face black or something, obviously it won't get any darker.

"Third Highness, there is no basis for what you say, but do you have any further evidence?" The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment asked tentatively.

The third prince chuckled, raised his hands, and asked his own people to call for someone. Not long after, the three craftsmen guarded by the Ministry of Punishment were taken to court by someone.

The Minister of Justice frowned.

Damn, I didn't ask you to bring someone, why did you bring them up?

However, since the person was brought up, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment would not pretend that he hadn't seen it, so he interrogated the three craftsmen. Compared with Luo Changfeng and other assassins, these three people were too cooperative. After seeing so many senior officials, they trembled He began to talk about what he had seen and heard, and he explained everything in a short while.

According to what they said, they were indeed invited by the people of the Prince's Mansion to make specially made hollow statues. They even had a jade pendant from the Prince's Mansion, and it was genuine.

"Hehe——" the third prince sneered, and then said that Deng Yuan was killed by someone sent by the prince just because he knew the inside story, and since the prince killed him, the gold was naturally stolen by the prince!

At this moment, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment fell silent, and the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate knew that it was time for him to speak: "Mr. Bao, what advice do you have?"

After all, Bao Huaiying was personally appointed by Emperor Shengwu to be the prefect of Fengzhou. Even if there was suspicion, it was impossible to use too harsh words.

When Bao Huaiying heard that he was being called, his face remained normal, and he patted the table with his right hand. Although he was just a scribe without martial arts, the table he slapped made a loud noise, which shocked countless people in the courtroom: "Blood spitting people, it's a piece of nonsense. !"

"Oh...then how do you explain it?" The third prince sneered, "I see that you are clearly ashamed and dare not speak out!"

Bao Huaiying frowned, but did not panic.

Sure enough, the next moment, Xun Wu shouted loudly: "Dissent!"

Everyone looked at Xun Wu again in unison, and many people were dissatisfied with his sudden utterance.

Ye Zhenji couldn't help showing a smile, and hurriedly assisted: "Oh? Does Guard Xun have another opinion?"

Xun Wu nodded with a smile, and shouted loudly: "That's right!

My lords!The Third Highness and several craftsmen are just the words of one family, and I have a witness who has a different opinion! "


In the courtroom, many people were quite puzzled.


"The forger of the bronze model of Yunzhou, the jade pendant of the prince, and the bronze statue of His Majesty, Huang Dachuan!"

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