The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 228 One Pound of Yali

Luo Changfeng's words really shocked many people in the courtroom.


When it comes to the prince, it cannot be underestimated.

For a while, the entire courtroom became noisy, and many officials from the Sanju Division had a discussion with their acquaintances nearby. The three leaders of the Sanju Division glanced at each other, but they did not stop them.

If it was Bao Huaiying, he would just shoot it down and shout for silence.

However, this is not a vegetable market after all, and soon, the discussions gradually dissipated, and many people thought they were already caressing.

After all, these princes are all in court, so they can't discuss it much.

The Baxian King's hearing is excellent, and he has listened to it a few times, and he knows it well.

There are very few people who believe in Luo Changfeng.

After all, everyone is not an idiot, and it is impossible to listen to what the criminal Luo Changfeng says.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice glanced at Zhao Wumian. Although the man had dark circles under his eyes, he was very energetic at this moment, and shook his head at the Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

In the courtroom, Luo Changfeng was still wailing, and several people from the Ministry of Punishment wanted to beat him up, but the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment waved his hand to signal that they didn't need to do this.

He opened his mouth and said, "You keep saying that the crown prince ordered you to do it, so how can you prove that you really belong to the crown prince?"

"Yes, yes!" Luo Changfeng cried out in pain, "My sword has the imprint of His Highness the Crown Prince, and I also have a piece of jade pendant from His Highness the Crown Prince—"

Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment frowned.

That Luo Changfeng wore a flattering smile, Zhao Wumian frowned, and under the instruction of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, he stepped over the crowd and came to Luo Changfeng, patted his body, observed a little, and immediately found that Luo Changfeng was hidden together jade pendant.

Luo Changfeng smiled, and shook his eyebrows at Xun Wu, as if announcing victory, while Zhao Wumian also frowned, and gave Xun Wu a subtle look.

What's going on, it's impossible for Xun Wu not to discover this kind of thing?

Zhao Wumian frowned, but didn't stay any longer, but took the jade pendant and walked around the entire court.

Looking at the jade pendant, Bao Huaiying couldn't help thinking of the evidence he found from Zhao Lue. From the perspective of style, they were indeed similar.

But, it's just similar.

"His Royal Highness, is this something from your house?" In the end, the jade pendant was sent to the prince, and the minister of the Ministry of punishment asked.

The prince coughed and shook his head: "No."

"Ha!" At this moment, the third prince Ye Shou suddenly patted the table and shouted loudly, "Brother! This is clearly the jade pendant from your house. I have seen it a lot, so how could it not be from your house!?"

The prince's expression was calm, not panicking at all.

And right now.

Xun Wu raised his hand, pointed at Zhao Wumian, and shouted, "One catty of duck pears!"

Of course, the above is just Xun Wu's conjecture. In court, he must not speak the island language.

Xun Wu's yelling was naturally formal, but that didn't matter.

"Oh? Does Xun Huwei have any evidence?" Minister of the Ministry of Punishment looked surprised.

Xun Wu nodded.

Luo Changfeng frowned suddenly.

What's going on, I've been hiding so well these days, I didn't say anything, how could Xun Wu find out the problem?

"My lords, what Luo Changfeng said is all nonsense, and the jade pendant in his hand is just an imitation!"

"Oh?" Ye Zhenji, an excellent teammate, launched an assist in a timely manner before the Ministry of Justice asked a question, "I don't know how Xun Huwei judges?"

Xun Wu nodded, took out a small square box from his pocket, and pointed to a place under the box: "My lords, the reason why I say this jade pendant is fake is because I have seen it before.

Adults should have known about Yunzhou. At that time, a skilled craftsman was coerced and had to make copper coin molds. In order to show his position, he deliberately left a mark on the mold he made—similarly, this piece of jade On the same mark! "

According to what Wumian heard, he lowered his head and took a look, and then he was shocked - this mark is also on the mold of the bronze statue!

He didn't think too much, and hurriedly showed it to others according to the meaning of the Minister of Criminal Affairs. After the others read it, they nodded in unison, especially when the prince's guard took out the jade pendant for comparison, it was even more obvious.

Luo Changfeng couldn't help but cursed.

"You are really a thief, I was almost deceived by you, and His Highness was wronged!" Dali Temple Secretary flipped through the information, and was shocked and fearful, "You may have participated in the bloody case a few years ago??"

The murder a few years ago?

Many people became suspicious, but did not delve into it.

Luo Changfeng snorted coldly and didn't argue.

When he was caught, he was dead.

Even if it is their people, it is impossible to think about saving him at this time, and maybe they will do everything possible to think about killing him.

Murdering the court general, and cooperating with others to steal 50 taels of gold with molds, plus framing the prince, there are many other things that Lingling always doesn't know, ten lives are not enough for him to die, so there is no need to think about arguing.

Anyway, as long as he didn't say anything, these people would have no evidence. Therefore, no matter how the policemen tortured him, he kept his voice muffled and looked like he didn't care, which caused many court officials to suffer from headaches.

Xun Wu looked at Luo Changfeng's dead pig who was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and smiled.

This smile not only made Luo Changfeng shudder, but also stunned those who knew Xun Wu somewhat.

The princess, Fang Xian, and the four famous arresters, those who seldom see Xun Wu smiling from the bottom of his heart at work, couldn't help being surprised at this moment.

What was going on that made Xun Wu so happy?

It's very simple, when breaking through other people's defenses psychologically.

"My lords, although this Luo Changfeng is cunning, in the past few days, I have obtained a lot of useful things from sealing up the state government."

"Oh?" The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice couldn't help being a little surprised.

It's all like this, can I ask something?

"Hahaha——" Luo Changfeng couldn't help laughing when he heard Xun Wu's words, even though he was beaten a few more times, he didn't panic at all.

What the hell, what kind of Bei Xia is this worthy of?

Since you put me in prison, have you seen me once or twice?After three days, there is no one but the guards, so what else can you learn from me?It's ridiculous!

As if guessing what was going on in his mind, Xun Wu looked down at him again, showing a very gentle smile, which made Luo Changfeng tremble with fright.

"Yes, I have deduced from Luo Changfeng's behavior habits, daily actions, daily looking direction, etc., that the direction he looks at every day must have something he is thinking about and thinking about.

In order to find this person, we conducted detailed deduction and calculation, and finally, yesterday, we discovered what Luo Changfeng was thinking about!

It's dynamite! "

Luo Changfeng's pupils shrank, and his whole body trembled.

What, how is it possible, this is impossible——

How could there be such a powerful person in the world?

Just because of my daily habits, to infer this conclusion, to find the explosives we placed?

this, this-

Could this guy be a monster?

He was so frightened that he subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

This is human instinct, the instinct to seek support in isolation and helplessness.

But he quickly suppressed this urge, but unfortunately...

Everyone is not blind.

Although it is not very clear, it really has a general range.

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