The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 213 Eight Famous Swords

Early the next morning, Xun Wu got up late which was unusual.

Although Xun Wu insisted on following the "nine to five" path, he has always been very conscientious, no matter what case he encounters, he will try his best to handle it well, and there are indeed a lot of things recently, so Xun Wu's rest time is limited. Much less.

And just this morning, someone knocked on the gate of the yamen and sent some things to the yamen.

A sword, a sword specially given to Xun Wu.

The one who was in charge of delivering the sword to Xun Wu was the second prince's guard that Xun Wu had seen before. He was muscular and looked particularly strong.

Xun Wu didn't see anyone else, and when the guard was holding the big sword in both hands, he subconsciously grabbed the hilt with his right hand.

He subconsciously lifted it casually, but found that he didn't lift it all at once. He was a little surprised, and then he raised the big sword slowly with one more forceful move.

His hands were heavy, even though Xun Wu had almost doubled his strength now, he almost couldn't lift the great sword with one hand.

Seeing Xun Wu raised one hand, the guard's eyes lit up, and he clasped his fists and exclaimed: "Xun Catcher is indeed born with supernatural power."

He is so strong that he needs both hands to support him. Compared with the general Jianghu people, Xun Wu's figure is actually quite standard, but compared with him, he can only be described as "thin and weak". But I didn't expect that the strength was stronger than him.

"Wonderful praise." Xun Wu replied subconsciously, looking at the sword.

As a learner of sword cutting and saber techniques, Xun Wu watched it for a while before discovering some powerful points.

This sword is definitely not what the second prince said, it is the sword that this guard used before, but a sword that was specially crafted long ago, waiting for someone who is destined!

Moreover, a lot of scarce and exotic materials are definitely added to this great sword. Xun Wu's internal energy is entangled, and it is far easier and smoother than the previous sword. This also means that this sword The sword moves released will also become more powerful.This is not something that ordinary swords can do.

He lightly tapped the blade with his left hand, there seemed to be a faint sound of bells and chimes, and then he touched the blade a little, and the blade was rather blunt, like a hammer surface, not like a blade, but more like A giant ruler.

On the hilt of the sword, Xun Wu saw a word "leaf", but the marks are very new. Obviously, it was specially engraved later, indicating that this is the meaning of the imperial bestowed sword.

On the front of the sword, where the sword body and the hilt are connected, there are a few words engraved on it, "Strength and Straightforwardness", which should be the expectations of the sword maker for the sword user.

A person's name was engraved on the back, and Xun Wu glanced at it and wrote it down.

"Strong and straightforward, that's called martial arts." Although the second prince's guard looks like a muscular man with no brains like Shuang Manqiu, but he is thick and thin. I know that Xun Wu must be curious about the sword now. Other details "The name of this sword is Juque. It was made by Ou Ye's handed down skills. It is also mixed with fine steel from outside the sky and blood iron from the Ice Country. It is extremely blunt and heavy. It is the strongest in the world. It is very usable. It is the name of the Eight Desolation One of the swords.

His Highness heard your name, Xun Huwei, and heard about some of your deeds in Jianghu, and admired it very much. He thought of this sword, and thought of giving it to a hero.

Now, seeing Xun Huwei lift up the sword so effortlessly, I guess the sword will not be buried. "

Eight Desolation Famous Swords?

Xun Wu was a little surprised.

He originally only thought that he was busy with a terrible job, and it would not be a problem to receive a reward, but he never expected that it would be the famous sword of the Eight Desolation.

This is a sword that is famous in history books and has been handed down in the hands of countless kings and swordsmen!

Like this kind of sword with a name and surname written in history books, Xun Wu's knowledge of cutting swords and sabers is recorded in great detail.

The currently known Eight Desolation Swords are actually not the original swords. Most of them were later re-made by the master craftsmen of later generations based on the prototype, according to the same inherited skills, and attached more excellent forging materials. Those eight famous swords are not the same one, they just inherit the names.

If you want to talk about the difference between these swords and ordinary iron swords, there is an example in the sword cutting method.

For example, the Dongshan School's Zhenpai sword "Returning Bird", which is the half of the broken sword that Zhang Bumo carried with him.Although his body was already covered with cracks and looked like he would fall apart at any moment, he could keep going, he could follow Zhang Bumo to compete with all kinds of powerful men, and he could even use it to release his sword energy without worrying.

Ordinary swords would have broken long ago after such tossing, but Gui Niao couldn't.

The biggest difference between these swords and ordinary swords is the "sword spirit".

Of course, it's not the kind of Da Nana sword spirit who lives in the sword and can chat with you and fall in love with you. There is no such thing in this world.

The "sword spirit" here refers to "spirituality". Just like some rare and exotic fruits in this world can enhance people's inner energy, the divine sword forged by a master craftsman will also have some special effects.It can be as small as increasing the power of internal qi, the size of sword qi, changing the nature of sword qi, or as large as directly attaching sword intent, attaching sword moves, affecting the mind, absorbing other people's internal qi, healing the user, etc...

Using Xun Wu's easier-to-understand description, it is equipment with skills, such as the Sword of the Ruined King. As for the sword, whether it is a passive skill or an active skill depends on the "spirit" of the sword. What is the tendency.

The returning bird has no special abilities because only half of it is broken, but this giant que is still intact.

However, special skills are not something that everyone can use, and the user needs to realize it slowly in order to understand the mystery of the sword.

Obviously, the second prince is really optimistic about Xun Wu, and he is sure that Xun Wu will be able to realize the true meaning of the sword.

In other words, in the eyes of the second prince, this sword of Zhige, which is "strong and straightforward, mighty and virtuous, overcomes disasters, and rules the people with the law", should be used by someone like Xun Wu.

After receiving such a reward, Xun Wu couldn't help asking again: "Brother, why did the Second Highness give me such a valuable thing?"

In terms of levels, this sword is far more valuable than the "Kirin Fruit". Even for a nobleman like the second prince, it is considered an extremely rare and precious treasure, but it was given to an irrelevant person?

The guard hesitated for a moment, then stretched his brows and said, "As a servant, I shouldn't have said much, but Xun Wu... I might as well tell you.

The reason why the Second Highness admires you so much is because, Xun Wu, your name, your temperament, and your ambition are indistinctly consistent with the meaning of this famous sword, so you will not bury this famous sword.On the other hand, it is because you are the person His Royal Highness values, and His Highness respects His Royal Highness the most.Now Xun Huwei, although you are in the whirlpool, the wind and waves will never stop you easily, and you will definitely prove yourself.

This sword is just icing on the cake for you..."

Xun Wu frowned, why did he mention his name again?

But even though he was puzzled, he couldn't ask any further questions on this question. He could only sigh, put the sword behind his back, and said hello to him: "Thanks to wrong love, Xun Wu will definitely not dishonor this sword."

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