The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 212 Senior Save Me!

The matter of the Ministry of Criminal Justice was so tragic and obvious that all the various forces, dignitaries, and high-ranking officials in the city all knew about it in the daytime the next day.

So many people were called to attack the prison of the Ministry of punishment?

Who is this brave?


What a stupid and unreasonable thing this is, would a normal person do such a thing?

What's more, since you've done it all, why not just do it all?Isn't this mentally handicapped?

Someone who makes such a decision must have a problem in their head.

Soon, the leaders of some forces came to such a conclusion.

But these things have nothing to do with Luo Changfeng.

Luo Changfeng opened his eyes and saw the familiar broken stone roof, which was basically the same model as the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

He sat up slowly, a little dazed, chanting words, as if he was reciting poetry again - this is not only his habit as a scholar, but also Xiang Gemen's way of mastering martial arts.

However, after he read it again and circulated his internal energy, he was shocked to find that he couldn't produce any sword energy or phantom energy, and he tried again and again, but he still couldn't transfer his internal energy.

What about my inner gas!

Luo Changfeng screamed in horror.

Where did my invincible inner energy go! ?

But soon, he became excited again—no, no, no, stop!

Ha ha ha ha!This bad work finally stopped, and I finally don't have to suffer anymore!

Once Yantao Yunxia Mingming Divine Art is fully practiced, it will continue to run automatically endlessly. For the vast majority of people in the world, it is a great skill.After all, since this internal function works on its own, there is no need to specialize in meditation and exercises, it can save an unknown amount of time to do other things, and the remaining time can be used to practice an unknown amount of other kung fu.

Just like Xun Wu, if his internal strength can be operated on his own without any need for self-cultivation, Xun Wu would not be bothered by the young hero's professional affairs, and he would be done while doing things while practicing.

Of course, Xun Wu now does have the "on-hook type" peace knife technique, which has already achieved some success.

However, for Luo Changfeng, this effort was torture.He used to rely on his high martial arts skills to take away other people's internal strength and wanted to switch to practice, but this magical skill is not the kind of inner strength mentality that can be changed at will, it is really overbearing.Want to change?That depends on whether you have that talent!

Furthermore, this is what he obtained by disobeying his master's order and bullying his master and destroying his ancestors. He has not practiced well, and of course he will have some ideas, complaining that his master did not explain it clearly to him, and complaining that his master did not explain it clearly.But this kung fu itself is a mark, a shame, and the best evidence to prove his stupidity and unfilial piety.Therefore, although he is indeed very strong, although he can still easily win against ordinary Jianghu people, he still lives in torture every day.

But now, his internal energy is gone!

How could this not make him ecstatic!

But then he had to frown again.

Without his inner energy, without his sword, his hands were shackled, and his feet were still shackled, wouldn't he have no choice but to run away?

Those few colleagues of his will definitely not come to rescue him.

"Brother, why are you sighing?" At this moment, he heard a weak voice asking.

Luo Changfeng's face turned cold, and he immediately wanted to say "None of your business", but when he raised his head, he immediately closed his mouth.

It turned out that it was not the government's arrester, but an old prisoner lying in the cell opposite his cell. He had a wretched appearance, a disgusting voice, and wrinkled skin. He should be young, but he seemed to be in his seventies, skinny and bony. Very weird.

Luo Changfeng knew this person.


He couldn't help but gasped.

It is rumored that the arresters of the Yunzhou Yamen have a very terrible enemy, that enemy is omnipotent in the world, every time Xun Wu leads someone to catch him, he will use unimaginable methods to start anew. Escape and continue your dark plan.

And the things he participated in are even more terrifying. The first "rebellion" is already something that ordinary gangsters and green forest heroes need to look up to. Later, he is going to join forces with the gangsters to murder Xun Wu and other Yunzhou people. People, let a crazy person go on the path of madness, wanting to wash Yunzhou with blood.


Luo Changfeng went through the information in his mind, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the predecessor of the "rebellion" cause!

Luo Changfeng couldn't help twisting the corners of his mouth, opened his mouth forcefully, and said hello.

Indeed, this honor of Haibaozi will indeed bring some villains closer to favor, but if it is not because of Haibaozi's "great achievements", Luo Changfeng may not really talk to him this time, after all, Luo Changfeng obviously left The "coquettish" type, the situation of the seal, is really a little bit he doesn't want to see.

"Yeah, okay, okay." Hearing Luo Changfeng's greeting, Hai Baozi was flattered and nodded his head several times.

This is the person who dared to attack Xun Butou?How much ambition and guts does it take to do such a thing?Seals don't dare to mess with them.

Luo Changfeng couldn't help frowning.

Is this what... mob titans look like?Why doesn't it look so decent?

Could it be that the rumors in the world are exaggerated, and this seal is a person in name only?

That's right, it is said that this seal can easily leave the heavy-duty Yunzhou Prison. How much harder is the prison in the capital than in Yunzhou?Why didn't he sneak away when Xun Wu had no time?

Luo Changfeng slowly opened his mouth.

He watched in shock as Seal took out his clothes, found a key from inside, opened the lock of the cell easily, and walked out in a daze.

Fuck! ! !

Luo Changfeng was beyond shocked.

What is a mafia tycoon?What is the legend of the green forest?

He had personally experienced Xun Wu's cunning, but the seal went out so easily, as easily as visiting his own home?


its not right!

He got up excitedly, ran two steps, staggered, and tripped over the shackles, but he didn't care at all, and excitedly grabbed the iron door of the cell.

"Senior—senior, senior—take me out!" Although he is over 40 years old and obviously older than Hai Baozi, everyone knows that he has deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors, and he definitely doesn't want his face.

Seal didn't think it was calling him at all, poured himself a pot of tea outside, walked slowly to the previous room, put the tea on the table, closed the door cheerfully, and sat back.

Every day is leisurely and leisurely, and there is money from the court, so I am so happy.

It was his idea, and he did it.

On the other side, Luo Changfeng was already astonished.

He thought that the seal was going to run away, but he turned back and drank tea swaggeringly!

How arrogant is this?

How confident is this?

Legend has it that Saint Thief also came and went in and out of the prison at will, playing tricks on the jailers and police officers of that era. He always thought it was nonsense, but he didn't expect that there were such fierce people in the world!

"Senior—Senior, senior, what can I do to let me out?" Luo Changfeng was a little excited, and the other accomplices who were listening with their ears up could not help being curious.

What they do is head-losing work, no matter what it is, as long as they are exposed, they will die, if they can run, they must want to run!

"Let it go?" Seal didn't think too much about it, "Then you all have to explain it?"

This is obviously the literal meaning, which means that as long as the confession is clear, the guilt can be reduced or something.

But Luo Changfeng didn't think so.

He was a little excited, and said that the sky will not kill me, and looked around.

Although the inner energy is sealed, but the experience of walking the rivers and lakes is still there, it can be seen that no one else is eavesdropping.

I get it, I get it, the boss knows that we want the whole big thing, I'm interested, I want to get involved, right! ?

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