The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 204 Stupid move

Soon after, Xun Wu brought people to the Ministry of Punishment.

This was also the first time that Xun Wu came to the gate of the Ministry of Punishment in person, so all the three judicial departments came here once.

The first thing Xun Wu saw was the hopeless Zhao Wumian. Compared with Zhao Wumian's current appearance a week ago, he was a little bit decadent.

"Brother Xun, I'm looking forward to you." When Zhao Wumian saw Xun Wu, he hugged Xun Wu excitedly, which made Xun Wu a little confused.

Seeing Xun Wu's confused appearance, Zhao Wumian sighed and couldn't help chatting with Xun Wu.

As the trump card of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, although he is not of high grade, if the Ministry of Criminal Justice encounters any major case, it will definitely send Zhao Wumian to deal with it.According to Xun Wu's personal understanding, Zhao Wumian may be equivalent to the trump card of the serious crime team in his world.

But here comes the problem. In the feudal dynasty, not to mention serious cases every day, there must be some cases involving a wide range of cases after a period of time. Therefore, the trump card of the criminal department is often involved in several cases in a row. Work day and night non-stop.

Nearly half a month ago, he was still working outside. After finishing the case, he was going to fish for a while, but the third prince contacted him, hoping that he would come back quickly to help.

As a member of the second prince's family, he couldn't refuse. He had no choice but to run back and investigate the gold theft. Of course, this also gave him a reason to take fewer tasks and say that he had " Confidentiality."

But now, it's not so easy.

Now, there are only three days left for the "Three Divisional Trial" held by His Majesty's relatives, but Zhao Wumian still has several tasks to deal with at the same time, and now, related to the bronze statue mold, there may be leftovers in the manufacturing process. All the people who entered the secret door have been arrested by him.

Although these people were all related to the second prince, he didn't mean to hide it. After all, it involved the interrogation of the third department, and he couldn't be a hindrance. After all, although his bottom line was not high, it was not that low either.

But to investigate the case and make sure that these people are fine at the same time, it would be too embarrassing for him, it was no different from tearing him in two. Now, seeing Xun Wu, he was naturally relieved.

"Aren't Senior Zhao going to rest?" Seeing Zhao Wumian preparing to leave again, Xun Wu couldn't believe it.

"Alas—it's about human life, I can't rest." Zhao Wumian sighed, shook his head, and after talking to Xun Wu about other details, he hurriedly led a few people to continue his work.

This made Xun Wu think highly of him a lot.

Although this person is full of "power", but to be able to say such things, at least for the common people, it is quite good.

Xun Wu soon took over the job of guarding. Many arrests from the Ministry of Punishment showed expressions of relief. Only a few arresters looked at Xun Wu and the others, a little unhappy.

In addition, there were a few others who were left behind by Zhao Wumian to help guard—but this group of people obviously didn't help guard, but watched Xun Wu and others, and they took shifts every once in a while.

This is no problem for Xun Wu.

He first asked the arresters of the Yamen to stand in the positions of various important roads, and then placed a few arresters in positions where it was easy to jump into the house, and finally brought Zhang Bumo and Roman to guard several people s position.

According to the records, there were a total of three people captured by Zhao Wumian this time.

Xun Wu glanced at them first to see if they were wearing any disguise, to confirm that they were not wearing any outrageous human skin masks, and then looked at their faces.

No, no, not this one either.

Xun Wu immediately frowned.

We are short of people.

One person is absent.

Huang Dachuan.

That is, the senior technical talent who was arrested by the Gang of Five Immortals in Yunzhou and locked up in the mine to make copper coin molds.

When Xun Wu went to the warehouse to look at it, he saw Huang Dachuan's mark on the molds of the bronze statues.

Ji Lian'er once said that technical people like Huang Dachuan always like to make some marks on their works, and the possibility of repetition between different people is actually not high. After all, Huang Dachuan's The standard is there, he is a high-level technical talent who can even make copper coin molds. His own mark, the most important point, is "showing off skills".

Ordinary people cannot imitate.

Xun Wu still has the copper box that Huang Dachuan asked Ji Lian'er to hand over to this day. It is obviously only a small square, but it has recorded a lot of information, which can be called a supernatural workmanship.

Therefore, since the mold bears Huang Dachuan's mark, Huang Dachuan cannot be suspected.

But among this group of people, there was no Huang Dachuan.

Is this Zhao Wumian's mistake?Or did he deliberately not catch Huang Dachuan?

There were only three days left before the interrogation of the third department, and Xun Wu had entrusted Boss Jin to help find Huang Dachuan. If he couldn't find Huang Dachuan earlier, Xun Wu might have to ask Ji Lian'er to find Huang Dachuan himself.

Of course, Xun Wu still had to ask these people questions casually.

For example, "Do you know Huang Dachuan?" "What is your relationship with the second prince?"

These words cannot be used as evidence at present, mainly because Xun Wu has a general understanding.

Then, Xun Wu began to strengthen his defense again according to his own understanding.

The first thing is to divide the three people locked in the same cell into three opposite and adjacent cells in the same area.

The main purpose of doing this was that Xun Wu was worried that one of the three would be a traitor, and when others were not paying attention, he would kill the other two before committing suicide.

Xun Wu had seen similar plots and had to guard against them.

And this set of actions obviously made the group of craftsmen a little confused and complained twice.

Immediately afterwards, Xun Wu did not make any other arrangements, and sat quietly in the aisle of the cell, guarding himself.

Since he came here, he naturally had to take good care of these people. It was impossible for him to arrange a group of people and then sneak away, sleep, and do nothing.

Perhaps it was boring to sit like this all the time, so through the person sitting between the two of them, he asked, "Xun Butou, do you think someone will come?"

Xun Wu didn't turn his head, and said directly, "Of course."

He looked at a few people and said, "They even dared to kill General Deng. Why wouldn't they dare? Maybe early in the morning, maybe the night after tomorrow, when we are relaxing, that group of hidden people will suddenly charge Come in and kill them all three."

Roman was a little stunned and nodded.

It makes sense and makes sense. As expected of Xun Wu, he made himself understand in one sentence.

Since this group of people are so bold, they will naturally not give up easily, and if they want to succeed, they must find a suitable time.

So, when will that time be—

He squinted a little, looking at the drafty window of one of the cells, and punched right there.

A small green fist flew out of his hand and hit the iron window with a bang. At the same time, several thin silver-white needles also flew over at this time, and happened to collide with Roman's fist. Was beaten and flew out.

Roman stood up, snorted coldly, looked at the room of the other two, waved his hands, and kept punching.

But, after all, he is a person with his own energy, and it is difficult to take care of it completely. This has caused him to not take it very seriously, and he is often far behind—but fortunately, he is still protected.

The next moment, a sword light erupted from the man's window, and the iron window was cut open, and then, a man rushed into the cell, laughing loudly: "Hahaha, stupid, how stupid to lock people separately! "

He hadn't finished speaking, and the person hadn't left, the man in the cell touched the ground twice, and suddenly took out a broken sword, waved it with one hand, and before he could use his strength, At that time, a star-like sword energy directly hit him, cutting him to the wall!

It's Zhang Bumo!

He changed his clothes early on, and switched identities with a craftsman in a position where no one outside could see!

Zhang Bumo raised the sword expressionlessly and swung it a few more times.

Say Xun Catcher is stupid?

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