Xun Wu, who had taken on a new mission, discussed the details of the mission with Bao Longtu before returning to the "cadre meeting room".

Xun Wu was originally in charge of presiding over the meeting. Although his personality was not Fang Xian's "central air-conditioning" type, most of the people in the meeting joined the imperial court because of him, so he was more eloquent.

After Xun Wu was gone, Ji Lian'er unceremoniously took over the power to preside over the meeting, and had some cheerful discussions.

Although she is out of tune, her overall style is basically the same as Xun Wu's, but more lively than Xun Wu's, so the discussion is quite normal.

When Xun Wu re-entered the door, Ji Lian'er smiled, bounced back to her seat, put it on the table next door, and asked curiously: "Xun Wu, what happened?"

"Field work." Xun Wu himself is very familiar with this type of work, so it's not a big deal, but apart from him, only Zhang Bumo has experienced similar field work, and Xun Wu briefly explained it.

"Protection of witnesses?" Ji Lian'er frowned, and pouted her mouth lightly, "Tsk, the Criminal Department is short of people, just go through the process and find an adult to transfer people, why come here in person..."

"Is there some kind of conspiracy?" Fang Xian raised a possibility in the heat of discussions with Roman and Ji Lian'er before.

After he became a police officer, he has been working very hard, attaching great importance to daily actions and learning how to detect cases, so he is also the most thoughtful person in the meeting.

"It's also possible that I have received some rumors, and I am afraid that I will not be able to clear up the suspicion." Relatively speaking, Roman prefers to think for the better.

Zhang Bumo was expressionless, nodding his head subconsciously.

"Hey, don't be silent."

Zhang Bumo shuddered visibly, his whole body seemed to tremble three times, which made Ji Lian'er couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Bumo stood up, cupped his fists to say hello, and didn't speak.

Xun Wu couldn't help being amused again, didn't say anything to him, but said: "No matter what the situation is, it's the same for us. In short, we have to watch people. So the focus of this operation is definitely not this .”

The crowd nodded.

"This action... Bumo, don't turn your head, do you think I can't see you by pretending not to look at me? You can't stay!"

Xun Wu laughed and cursed like a teacher teaching students.

Zhang Bumo couldn't help but sighed.

On the other side, Fang Xian was a little excited and looked at Xun Wu excitedly.

This is a very meaningful thing, very suitable for his "dominant" research.

"And Roman, you. Although you haven't been here for long, you just happened to encounter such a thing, and it's very meaningful to you."

Roman nodded slightly.

Fang Xian was slightly disappointed, but after thinking about it, Roman is also a new brother after all, so it would be good to let him experience it.

"Xiaobai, do you want to go?"

Ji Lian'er heard Xun Wu asking her, looked up at the beam for a while, and said, "I'm not going."

She thought about it, and felt that whether she went or not, it was meaningful.

If someone attacked by herself, she can follow up and investigate; but if she stays here, she can also protect Hilda and Bao Yuan. After all, these two are not Roman, and their fighting power is too low. If the government is attacked by surprise, she can also Protect these two.

"Then you and Fang Xian can stay together, be careful."

Fang Xian sighed slightly in his heart.

Of course he knew that Xun Wu didn't look down on him, on the contrary, he trusted him very much. Only in this way, he kept him here to guard against accidents, but he really wanted to go out and join in the fun.

But in fact, the real reason why Xun Wu kept him staying was that his "father way" was strong enough.

The rest of the people left behind, whether it is Zhang Bumo or Roman, are all "individuals" in the final analysis, and the strongest force in their government has never been a single person, but a group of soldiers and arresters.

Others can't command. Except for Xun Wu, there is really no one who can command well. Roman doesn't understand, and Zhang Bumo can't do it. Only Fang Xian, the "big daddy", can be responsible. it is good.

"That's all right—speaking of the important thing, everyone, did you discuss any general scope when you discussed it?" Xun Wu glanced at Bao Yuan at last.

Bao Yuan took a sip of tea expressionlessly.

"Yes, yes—" Hilda, who was sitting next to Bao Yuan, immediately straightened up and shouted.

This little girl from a foreign country now has completely black hair. After a period of exercise, she has adapted to the current work intensity, and she likes the capital very much, so she looks very good recently.

Anyway, it must be stronger than Zhao Yu.

The capital city was the most prosperous place in the Shengjin Dynasty, and it was also the time when there were the most things happening in the Shengjin Dynasty. When Hilda was free to rest, she still liked to go around the capital city. After so many days, she saw a lot of interesting things. Now she is in a state of excitement .

"Sister Bao and Sister Bai restored the last experience of the deceased, and Mr. Luo gave many answers based on their deduction."

While speaking, Hilda also handed something in front of Xun Wu's eyes, respectful and standard, regular and formal as always.

Xun Wu was a little surprised. Didn't expect Hilda to work part-time as a meeting recorder?

He glanced down.

Hmm...the characters are ugly, even uglier than the person in the mirror.

Xun Wu gasped and pinched the bridge of his nose slightly with his fingers.

But yes, understandable and understandable.

After all, Hilda is a foreigner, and she stumbled in learning Chinese, and she didn't understand many living habits of the Sheng Jin Dynasty. Even if she knew the characters of the Sheng Jin Dynasty, her writing was not good.

However, Hilda was as serious as ever, obviously more similar to a "tea party", but Hilda saw it very formally, and she wrote down everything the people in the conference room said, like a study committee member who didn't know how to adapt Same.

Ok?Xun Wu saw a detail.

Xun Wu looked up at Ji Lian'er.

"Why?" Ji Lian'er felt a little guilty.

Xun Wu lowered his head and took another look.

"The cat catcher is gone. I'm your big sister now. Listen to me—Hilda, don't forget this."

Ji Lian'er turned her head to look out the window, pretending not to hear.

Xun Wu couldn't help laughing.

After the fun was over, Xun Wu read the key points.

According to Bao Yuan, Ji Lianer, and Hilda's restoration, Zhang Bumo, Fang Xian, and Roman have a general direction. The three are disciples of famous families and heirs of the strong. Naturally, they know a lot of martial arts and listed a lot possibility.

Among them, some were screened out by them, some were under suspicion, and some were "lost". The three of them couldn't be sure whether they would reappear like Old Man Juetian.

Even so, there are several possibilities.

Among these several possibilities, Xun Wu noticed a kind of martial art, and narrowed his eyes slightly for it.

Xiang Gemen, Yantao Yunxia Mingming Miraculous Art!

This Xianggemen has disappeared now, but Xianggemen's inheritance of martial arts is extremely famous, and a part of it still survives in the world. It is said that only those who have the "celestial appearance" can learn it, and this kind of kung fu is easy to learn. It's Yantao Yunxia Mingming Miraculous Art!

It is said that when these magical skills are practiced to great success, it is like a sword fairy coming to the dust, no one can block the edge!

And this magical skill, now, the recorded successor seems to be... a white jade plate!

It couldn't be a white jade plate, Xun Wu didn't believe it.

Then...could it be Bai Yupan who taught this kung fu to others?

Just like myself and Ji Lian'er?

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