Over the past few days, Xun Wu and the others were busy tidying up the government office, and the white jade plate was naturally not idle either.

As the detectives of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, generally speaking, their work is not on the table, so he has a lot of time to collect information, and besides them, the Metropolitan Procuratorate also has many spies similar to Jin Yiwei. Organization, his overall work pressure is actually far worse than Zhao Wusian.

To be precise, among the four famous arresters, Zhao Wumian was undoubtedly the most tiring one, with almost no chance to rest, while the other three were relatively relaxed.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yupan simply collected things about Xun Wu these days.

Although he doesn't like to say it, in fact, he has always regarded Zhao Wumian and others as his opponents.In his opinion, even if Zhao Wumian is not very decent, he is still a first-class expert and a powerful catcher. However, Xun Wu can solve the problem that Zhao Wumian has not solved after so many days of thinking. There must be something.

Either it is a matter of power, or it is personal ability.

So he investigated and checked some of Xun Wu's deeds, specifically looked at the two known and reported incidents in Yunzhou and Yizhou, and found out a lot of strengths in Xunwu's details, and at the same time he was basically sure. , Xun Wu has absolutely no background, he is a person who really has no backing at all!

This is very scary.

This means that Xun Wu is really better than Zhao Wumian in one aspect!

Although he is proud, he is not conceited, and he will not foolishly think that he is omnipotent and unmatched by anyone.

Therefore, this Xun Wu must have his own advantages, and he is a formidable thing ahead of their four famous arresters.

He is indeed one of the four famous arresters in the capital. Even if he didn't have a few words with Xun Wu, unlike Ye Zhenji who went to the market with Xun Wu for a day, he could still feel that Xun Wu was in various details. He even realized that Xun Wu had a kind of cognition that transcended the times.But it's a pity that he is human after all, and he can't think of such a bizarre thing as time travel.

"I can be sure that there must be no ears around here listening to the two of us. Even if there are, they must be master-level masters. If that is the case, I have nothing to do." Xun Wu followed the white jade plate, walked to the other side, and Bai Yupan observed the surrounding area together, and said, "So, if Brother Bai needs my help, as long as it is within my ability—and does not affect my work, I can help."

"Oh, very good." Bai Yupan nodded slightly when he heard Xun Wu's words, and felt that Xun Wu was more pleasing to the eye.

His basic principle is not to affect the results of the work, at most it will be delayed, which is why he asked Xun Wu for help.

"You should have met a certain master of the rivers and lakes today, right?"

"That's right, the fourth son of the rivers and lakes, Mr. Snake."

"Master Snake? Is that the thing?" Bai Yupan's evaluation of Mr. Snake is obviously not very good. Although the Four Young Masters of the Jianghu seem to be much more generous than the four famous arresters in Beijing, it sounds like the scope is much larger, but in fact Bai Yupan felt that among the four young masters, the first one was alright, and the others were purely for fun - of course, including his good brother Hua Wuji.

However, even if he was just joining in the fun, he was still a top-notch expert. How did Xun Wu win?

He didn't think about the possibility of Xun Wu losing, because the incident had already happened, and Xun Wu was not injured at all, so he must win.

"So, your martial strength should be adequate..." Bai Yupan rubbed his chin and pondered for a while.

The strength of the second rate is actually not bad in Jianghu, and the average level of the younger generation in Jianghu is this level.

But in the capital, the second-rate is not enough, because every day there are new first-rate masters coming to the capital, and first-rate masters who can't get along leave the capital.

This is also the reason why the basic standards of the four famous arresters are all top-notch. After all, without this strength and brains, there is no way to solve the case.

He thought for a while and made up his mind: "In this case, let's talk about this time, the transfer of the corpse, and the things behind it."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, knowing that Bai Yupan was about to get to the point.

Bai Yupan didn't say anything to Xun Wuzang, and quickly revealed the existence of the man in black, including when he was approached by this group of people, and how he helped them with something through personal work, and gained a lot of money. A piece of news about worry, etc., etc., all told Xun Wu.

"This mysterious organization has existed for a long time." Bai Yupan touched his chin and told Xun Wu.

"If you want to get close to others through this method, then Mr. Bao Ce was definitely not approached recently, and this will take a long time."

"At least four or five years."

"Four or five years, from contact to slow grinding, to careful design... The scale of this organization will not be small, and the entire organization has a history of at least ten years."

"The second is financial resources. Bao's surname is definitely not a special case—no, he is Bao Huaiying's cousin. This organization may think that Bao Huaiying will return to the capital sooner or later because of Bao Huaiying's deeds, so he will pay extra attention to him. But as a whole, they must try their best to corrupt those who need it, and they are definitely not just looking for a few special cases."

"Moreover, if one person succeeds, it may affect another person by the way..."

Xun Wu and Bai Yupan talked in a low voice, you and I said a few words, and slowly built a huge organizational image hidden in the shadow of Sheng Jin, interconnected like a spider web.

"Well, then this thing, the picture is not small." Bai Yupan felt a little headache.

"It's nothing. There are too many people in the world engaging in conspiracies and tricks." Xun Wu said flatly.

Bai Yupan looked at Xun Wu, who was expressionless, as if he didn't understand what he said.

Tsk, why does this kid always like to pretend to be stupid? Xun Wu's stupid appearance in the hall left a deep impression on him and made him very unhappy.

But Xun Wu was not embarrassed by him watching all the time.

He is not a member of the royal family, so he is not in the mood to study the inside story of the royal family.

Will it be the Seventh Prince?

Xun Wu didn't think it looked like it, it was too obvious.

"In short, I can't take the initiative to investigate them, or if I do, they will definitely run away." This is not arrogance, but a judgment of reality.

This group of people came to him and used "tricks" to lure him and threaten him. He was also willing to play with them slowly. You can play around pretendingly, at worst, you will hit once when you meet them, and you can vent and be happy.

But once he went to investigate, even if it was just a sign, this group of people would immediately cheer up and run away without a trace.Then change a group of people, change their appearance, continue the previous thing, or engage in other conspiracies, and he has no way to start.

"Well, this organization is indeed related to this incident. It is very likely that it is the organization that killed General Deng Yuan. If I can dig them out, it will be beneficial to my work." Xun Wu nodded slightly. Just thank Brother Bai for telling me these things and sharing information. Don't worry, I won't let others know. You told me about this.

Then... what does Brother Bai want. "

"All I want is news... news about Yue Ruchou."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.

The top four famous arresters, the moon seems to be worried?

He didn't know about this person at all, and Shuang Manqiu never told him about it.

"OK, alright."

Bai Yupan heaved a sigh of relief, then pulled himself together and patted his face: "It's not over yet."

Xun Wu nodded and understood what Bai Yupan meant.

"Stop talking, let's go, Brother Bai, I'll buy you a drink, drink now!"

"Hmph, go and inquire about the north and south of Fengzhou. I, Bai Yupan, are invincible at the wine table!"

They raised their voices, hooked their shoulders and walked towards the restaurant.

"What about Mr. Bao?"

"Hmph, I'll talk about it after you drink it! It's definitely impossible to treat your uncle badly!"

"Hahaha——Brother Bai, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

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