That night, although Bai Yupan heard about Bao Ce from the people in black, he was not in a hurry.

He has to wait.

He is a professional catcher, and he has made up his mind and thoughts long ago, and he will not change easily.

And what he was waiting for was naturally Xun Wu.

Xun Wu finished dealing with the trivial matters related to fire prevention, apologized to the brothers in the submerged fire shop, gave some wine money, and returned to the yamen.

Of course, watching the fire in the submerged fire shop was originally his duty. The reason why Xun Wu invited them to drink extra was mainly because of the need to establish a good relationship.

Coincidentally, it happened at such a time. Although they did not belong to their police officers, according to Xun Wu's personal habits, whether it was firefighting or hunting for corpses like seals, they all belonged to "police". If this group of people builds a good relationship, sooner or later they will encounter cooperation.

After finishing this matter, Xun Wu took the policemen who rushed over to clean up the scene here, and brought all the corpses, various bows, weapons, and herbs back to the government office.

The originally empty work room was suddenly filled with a lot of things, which made Bao Yuan, who really felt a little idle these days, complained several times.

With so many corpses, how can you keep her busy?

Fortunately, there is Hilda, who basically has nothing to do, who can help her and study the situation of those crossbows.

Although neither of them knows martial arts, they are "high-tech talents" after all, and they are extremely precious.Those who have no strength to restrain the chicken have really not been able to help these days, after all, it is not easy for other people to ask them to help with things.

But looking at it like this, the two of them will be tired in the future.

What's more important is the information Xun Wu gained when he confronted Mr. Snake before.

Not only that, but Ji Lian'er, who was called out by Xun Wu to help investigate Bao Ce, also returned to the Yamen at night and explained the situation to Xun Wu.

"Really..." After Xun Wu finished speaking, he fell silent.

Ji Lian'er couldn't force a smile on her face anymore, so she could only look at Xun Wu and see what he would do.

"You let Fang Xian lead the team. After all, Bumo has been on a mission today, let him rest." Xun Wu only hesitated for a moment, then made a decision in an instant, told Ji Lian'er, and then immediately turned around "I'll go talk Your Excellency said."

It's not that Xun Wu can't accept this kind of thing.

For Xun Wu, committing a crime is not terrible, what is terrible is getting deeper and deeper, and he will never change.

Just like Hai Baozi, he was always a man in the green forest before he worked for the Yunzhou Yamen, so even if he is useful to the Yunzhou Yamen, he must first squat for a while, and then he has to perform meritorious service before he can enter the "observation period" ".

Of course, if the crime is too big, or if you are in a serious power problem, such as the Juetian old man of the Juetian Society, although that kind is understandable, it cannot be forgiven.

In short, tell Bao Fu Yin first.

After Bao Huaiying listened to Xun Wu's report, he didn't reprimand Xun Wu. Even if he sent Ji Lian'er to investigate his cousin, he didn't show any displeasure.

Instead, he first opened his mouth and praised: "Guard Xun, you did a good job."

He closed his eyes gently, thought for a while, then opened his eyes: "Catch."


Xun Wu nodded without hesitation.

"Is that caught here, or..."

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate."


Xun Wu responded with a deep voice.

Speaking of arresting only means that Baofu Yin dares to arrest and wants to arrest.

But where to catch is the most critical place.

If the Yamen is caught, it will give Bao Ce a chance, give Bao Ce a chance to persuade Bao Huaiying, and give Bao Huaiying a chance to soften his heart!

Although the Sheng Jin Dynasty has always had a regulation that relatives cannot be responsible for interrogation, if it is done properly, for example, arresting one's relatives in advance, and arranging some things quickly, then even if it has to be handed over to other departments later, there are still ways to alleviate it. The guilt of relatives.

Therefore, Bao Huaiying asked Xun Wu to send him to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Only in this way can he really do his own thing well-he can think of reasons for Bao Ce, and find ways to exonerate and reduce his crimes, but if Bao Ce's guilt is reduced, what about the Deng family?

The two of them intercepted Bao Huaiying's frame and knelt down in front of the frame, in order to beg Bao Huaiying to give General Deng an innocence and a truth.

If the clues to Bao Ce's incident were broken, how could he have the face to see the two of them again?

Xun Wu moved very quickly, and Ji Lian'er had already determined the location of Bao Ce, so Xun Wu quickly led the team to defend Bao Ce's current position.

He took a look, walked into the post house, took out the token and showed it to a few people, then came to Bao Ce's door and knocked lightly on the door.


"Mr. Ce, it's me." Xun Wu said slowly.

There was a moment of silence.

According to the past, Xun Wu would start tearing down the door at this time, but now he did not do so, but waited quietly.

"Oh—you wait until I get dressed." Bautzer replied.

After a while, he gently opened the door, and saw Xun Wu who was ready to go.

"Xiao Wu." Bao Ce looked at Xun Wu and gently raised his hand, "I didn't expect such a day to come."

Xun Wu didn't expect it either.

"Why is Mr. Ce?"

"I... am also a county magistrate. I have tried prisoners. Many people have committed evil deeds and have reasons, but I never ask." Bao Ce said softly.

To commit a crime is to commit a crime.

Reasons are just reasons.

"Really..." Xun Wu nodded, "Then, please forgive me for being rude."

Bao Ce didn't say anything more, just being picked up by several other policemen, he started to walk slowly, and it didn't take long before he came to the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

However, what surprised Xun Wu was that he saw a figure in blue clothes in front of the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

White jade plate?

why here?

is waiting for me!

After a little thought in Xun Wu's mind, he figured it out, led the people to the white jade plate, and explained the situation to him.

"Oh, that's how it is." After listening to Xun Wu's words, Bai Yupan briefly learned about Bao Ce's situation from Xun Wu's mouth, and then nodded lightly, "Then I understand. Brother Xun, please wait a moment, I'll go in." Please ask the adults."

He walked in, and not long after, he led a group of people, handed over from Xun Wu, and escorted Bao Ce to the detention center in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

At least compared to the old and dilapidated jails in the yamen, the facilities in the Metropolitan Procuratorate are much more comfortable.

"You go back first."

After finishing these things, Xun Wu told the police behind him, without looking back, he stared at the white jade plate closely.

Several policemen hesitated, but they were quickly stopped by Fang Xian and left slowly.

"Your boy... and Mr. Bao, you are really admirable... Even I can't do this kind of thing..." Seeing Xun Wu, Bai Yupan didn't look at the black-clothed man before. I was so contemptuous when I was young, but I actually showed a smile, "I was wondering when you guys would come, but I didn't expect that you would come without hesitation..."

In the case involving the four famous arresters back then, all the clues pointed to Yue Sichou, but he didn't make up his mind until the end, and he is still looking for her, wanting to ask her face to face.

"This is an adult's decision and has nothing to do with me."

"Hehe... By the way, before you came, I deliberately collected information and searched for doubts about Bao Ce in the past few years. Even if there are problems with this matter, I can't be guilty of death.

However, you are also fast enough. "

Xun Wu was somewhat relieved.

Fortunately, it was just in time, if Bao Ce committed something bigger, he might not survive.

Moreover, looking at it like this, this white jade plate really has something to say: "Then why is Brother Bai waiting for me here?"

"Don't call me Brother Bai, just call me Lao Bai." Bai Yupan laughed.

"Oh, I see, Brother Bai."


"Aren't you curious, why am I waiting for you here?"

"Not curious, because you heard about Mr. Bautzer from someone in advance, didn't you?"

"...Then you should have also met a Jianghu person related to Bao Ce, right?"

Bai Yupan thought inwardly that it was dangerous, and almost failed to install it.

"Oh—I see." Xun Wu lowered his head and thought for a while, then smiled, "Brother Bai has something to ask of me, hehehe..."


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