The snake's speed is slow motion to the cat's eyes.

The previous sentence is purely made up, mainly depends on the body type and type.

But the truth is still the same.

Although Mr. Snake's realm is higher than Xun Wu's, the comprehensive value may not be much higher than Xun Wu's, especially in the eyes of Xun Wu, special abilities such as reaction, eyesight, and camouflage are basically non-existent.

Xun Wu didn't even know what he was trying to put on there, wouldn't he think that if he could deceive others, he could deceive Xun Wu, right?

The words that Mr. Snake said really surprised Xun Wu, but the surprise was nothing but surprise. Xun Wu himself had expected it, and he had already taken precautions. It was impossible for him to affect his state by a few words.

This is the typical appearance of a person who has never experienced beatings in society. A bold person like Ji Lian'er is scared to death when he comes to the capital. He actually thinks that his scheme will not be seen through.

But none of this matters.

When Xun Wu's knife cut through the forehead of Mr. Snake, Mr. Snake's whole body became "numb".

Not just being scared physically, but traumatized mentally.

He subconsciously touched his hair.

In terms of actual effect, Xun Wu's knife is not a cutting machine or a haircutting machine after all, but a saber spirit, so naturally it can't be that kind of exquisite sense of repair.

He touched his head. There was a piece of hair on his head, and a piece of hair was missing. It was mottled, it seemed to be bald, and it seemed to have some hair.

To put it simply, he was almost beaten into a monthly head by Xun Wu, with hair on both sides and none in the middle.

"Ah...Aba...uh..." He was trembling, trembling, and he seemed to be unable to move his hands very well, and he was in a daze.

Xun Wu didn't take the opportunity to use the sword because he used another combined super output move and began to enter the slow recovery state again.

And he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

" hair..."

He panicked.

He was really panicked.

Others may not understand it, or even see it clearly, but he himself knows it best.

What does he rely on to walk the rivers and lakes?

Is it a trick in your head?

Is it a powerful poison skill?

Or a tricky swordsmanship?

Do not!


It's the face of riding a horse!

If it weren't for being good-looking, how could he have the opportunity to meet people who he didn't have the opportunity to get close to?

If it wasn't because he looked like a gentleman enough, how could he have the opportunity to know Bao Ce?

You may think this is outrageous, but it's actually quite true.

A good-looking person is born with a little advantage over others, just like the imperial examination will designate the most handsome man as "Tanhua", this is an advantage.

If it is divided by "attributes", everyone can assign some attributes to themselves when they are born, such as physique, intelligence, family background, charm, etc. Mr. Snake belongs to the type that does not need physique and has more charm.

He knows that this is his advantage, so even in battle, he often maintains his demeanor and arranges his clothes repeatedly.

But now, he's bald.

And the bald ones are extremely discordant, the bald ones are very weird, and the bald ones are unbelievable.

"Ahhh! I'll kill you!!" Young Snake roared, hysterically mad, his whole body overflowing with madness, like a powder keg that would explode at any time, "I will definitely kill you! No! No no! I'm going to cut you alive!!

I'm going to eat you raw! ! ! "

Xun Wu held the knife cautiously, he was not frightened, his face was expressionless, and he was not surprised.

This Mr. Snake has become like this, and it is estimated that he will be removed from the four young masters soon. After all, the fourth young master, among other things, must have basic requirements such as being personable and ethereal.

Now stay for a month to replace the head, hey, maybe you can become a star if you go to the Demon Cult, but you basically have to wear a wig to live in the Central Plains.

It's perfectly normal for him to be so angry.

It's just that Xun Wu is a little uncertain about what kind of thing he will do.

Will he angrily die with himself?

The answer will be revealed soon - no!

After uttering a thunderous roar and declaring that he must kill Xun Wu alive, a burst of green energy exploded from his body, which was obviously the color of his real inner energy—obviously, his real inner energy was dark green, poisonous inner energy Qi, but it has been disguised as red bloody inner Qi. At this time, he can't hide it, so he can only burst out like this.


He immediately jumped onto the house, using both hands and feet, and started running away as fast as a stray dog.

He was cowardly.

hit?fuck it!

His mentality is broken now, he dare not maintain such a makeup to fight in front of so many people, not to mention that Xun Wu's knife really scared him enough.

Losing all his cards, his mentality exploded, he was ashamed to see others, and he was surrounded by many difficulties. He felt that his sword was a little unsteady. If he went to fight Xun Wu and Zhang Bumo at this time, he would basically die.

Moreover, he is also very clear that Xun Wu and the others will definitely not come to pursue, because Xun Wu and others will definitely rush into the house to assist Shuang Manqiu.

So as long as he runs, he will be able to run.

As for His Highness?


He's just a quack, and he didn't swear allegiance to that person, so what's the big deal!

Run—run, run, run to a place where there is no one, run outside the city, run to the border, run to the wilderness, hide until you fix it yourself, otherwise how will you see people!

Xun Wu and Zhang Bumo looked at each other, and walked directly into the room without even speaking.

"Put down your weapons and stop resisting immediately, I can spare your lives!"

Xun Wu yelled loudly, but more crossbow arrows responded to Xun Wu, but Xun Wu used half of the door as a shield to slap the crossbow arrows aside, combined with Zhang Bumo's sword energy, he would not be injured.

After all, Xun Wu is second-rate and can resist flying props.

However, Xun Wu soon discovered that the number of crossbow arrows had dropped sharply.

He frowned, feeling the temperature around him gradually rising. It was obvious that the group of unknown people set fire to the house without a leader.

Xun Wu felt something was wrong, very strange, and heard a series of "duk-duk" sounds, and the counterattack in the courtyard seemed to disappear.He dropped half of the door almost subconsciously, and rushed directly into the side room to see what happened.

As soon as he walked in, he found...


are dead.

This group of unidentified people shot at each other with crossbows, and no one survived!



Not afraid of life and death!

Xun Wu's eyes widened.


What kind of power is it that can cultivate such dead warriors?

This is definitely not an ordinary Jianghu force!

He couldn't help sighing.

But then, he pulled himself together again.

This may be a difficult problem, but it doesn't matter. What I like most, Xun Wu, is the joy of solving puzzles. What I am most interested in is the answer to every question!

He walked towards the main house with strides, quickly and directly: "Bumo, Guardian Frost! Let's put out the fire and move the corpses, and we must not make any mistakes!"

As he spoke, he also picked up a corpse that had not been burned at all, grabbed it directly outside the house, and placed it far away from the residential area.

Although he didn't find any iconic things in these people, he would always have a chance to use them if he stayed.

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