The snake sword is different from the straight sword, the sword body is curved, like a snake.

Normally, few people will use this kind of sword, because the force, force, and cutting position of the sword are very strange, it is difficult to leave serious injuries, and compared with normal swords, it is also more difficult to learn.

And those who walk around the rivers and lakes and use this kind of weird weapon are probably a little bit astonishing.

"Xun Wu be careful, he is the Snake Master!"

Although Shuang Manqiu couldn't leave, but after fighting the snake sword man a few times, he recognized him immediately and greeted the two people outside the house.

Mr. Snake?

Xun Wu narrowed his eyes.

Viper Sword, Mr. Snake!One of the four sons of Jianghu, the son who became famous earlier than Hua Wuji!

Xun Wu immediately realized the danger.

Zhang Bumo didn't hesitate, when Mr. Snake bullied him, he raised his broken sword and struck him.

ding ding ding-

In the gap between Xun Wu's breathing and recovery, Zhang Bumo confronted Master Snake with swords.Although the sword used by Mr. Snake is quite weird, Zhang Bumo is familiar with all kinds of swordsmanship, whether it is snake sword or soft sword, and he comprehends sword skills very quickly. It is extremely difficult to take down Zhang Bumo in a short time.

Moreover, just after the two of them fought each other for more than a dozen moves, Zhang Bumo focused his eyes and found the flaw in Mr. Snake's moves.

When this sword stabs me, at most it will scratch the abdomen, but if I take the opportunity to attack him, break his hood, and join forces with Xun Butou, even a top-notch expert will not be able to defeat us——

Can fight!

Zhang Bumo was the same as before, from the battle in the Yunzhou military camp to the current situation, he has always been like this, always thinking about the maximum effect.

But he didn't notice that the corner of Mr. Snake's mouth was slightly raised.

Hey naive!

"No silence, go back!"

Xun Wu's voice suddenly sounded, and Zhang Bumo shuddered, almost subconsciously burst into internal energy, and forcibly took a few steps back.

"Heh——" Mr. Snake held the Snake Sword upside down, held it in front of his forehead, said inwardly that it was a pity, and then looked at Xun Wu who had recovered, "As expected of Xun Wu, the northern hero, he is really as rumored, with his eyes like a torch and his heart like a hair. "

He sneered sneer, gently pulled a sword flower, raised his clothes, and looked at Zhang Bumo in a rather chic way: "If you just changed this trick with me, you should be lying on the ground now .”

Since this trick didn't work, he didn't bother to pretend anymore, he laughed twice, pretending to be free and easy.

There is no poison on his sword.

But his martial art is poisonous art.

Viper Sword, Mr. Snake, in the final analysis, he is all saying that he has a vicious mind.

There are not many such titles as son in Jianghu, but to be able to become the top four sons of Jianghu, he is naturally very good in appearance, similar to Hua Wuji, very handsome and handsome, belonging to the rare goods in Jianghu—— Handsome guys like Xun Wu and Zhang Bumo are all masculine, so in the real world, there are still very few handsome warriors like this.

And the reason why he is called "Mr. Snake" is not Hua Wuji's surname, but because he often dissociates between several forces, tries his best to grab benefits, and is good at stirring up disputes between different forces. He even caused several sects to wither, which amazed many people in the Jianghu, so it is called his snake sword.

Xun Wu only heard the approximate names of the other three people from Hua Wuji, but he really didn't know what kind of martial arts these people had mastered. Now that he saw Zhang Bumo fighting him with more than a dozen moves, he finally saw through. less detail.

No wonder he gave up the confrontation with Shuang Manqiu so resolutely, because he has no possibility of defeating Shuang Manqiu-poison kung fu can be said to be a "weak killer" in the Jianghu. Use it well, like Mr. Snake This kind of person may easily defeat dozens or even hundreds of people, which is something even Shuang Manqiu finds it difficult to do.

But if he encounters someone who is strong enough, or who is not afraid of poison, then he is pure waste.

On the other side, Mr. Snake also stared at Xun Wu, although he had a warm smile on his face, but he was calculating in his heart.

During this period of time, he was invited by a certain Highness.His Highness said that a major event that would shock the world was about to happen, and invited him to come and do it.Although he is not very strong in martial arts, he thinks highly of himself, and has always looked down on other people who are as famous as him. Now that there is such a big matter to be involved in, he must of course be serious!

As for good and evil?

That's what a hero needs.It's not a compulsory course for "Young Master".

If people in the Jianghu knew about his plan, they would only applaud him as a hero.

Of course, not on the table.

But now, Mr. Snake feels that something is not easy to handle.

His swordsmanship can't be said to be too exquisite, but it's not bad, but if compared with Zhang Bumo, it pales in comparison.It is really difficult to defeat Zhang Bumo purely through swordsmanship. If it is not for the support of his first-class internal energy, I am afraid that there is no possibility of winning by half a point.

But this is not his specialty after all, what he is really good at is poison kung fu, but Xun Wu's eyesight is too good, Zhang Bumo didn't greed for kung fu when he heard Xun Wu's words, so he immediately retreated, making his poison kung fu useless at all. play out.

And if you want to poison the two of them purely through internal air release, it is not impossible. After all, this place is carefully selected by him. There is no ventilation around it. The poisonous mist spreads, and it is feasible to use it slowly. of.

But... this Xun Wu was born with supernatural power, he could even kick open an iron door, and throw an epee at will. With this kind of strength, as long as he grabs half of the door, the poisonous mist will be useless.

It's a pity that the body has already been obtained through that package policy, but it's too late...

However, it is not impossible to fight——

"Haha, Beixia, it's quite interesting to meet you here today."

Mr. Snake flicked his clothes, straightened his hair, and straightened his crown.

Young master, those who have the burden of idols should take care of it.

"Stop talking nonsense." Xun Wu was too lazy to say a word.

"Hehe, don't you want to know how I got the corpse out?"

Xun Wu frowned: "Who is it?"

"That's right, but it was Bao Huaiying's younger brother, Bao Ce who helped! Hahahaha!"

"Impossible!" Xun Wu became excited.

"Impossible, there's too little time!" What Xun Wu said meant that the time between Bao Ce leaving the government office and going to Xun Wu to transport the corpse was not enough for one round trip.

Mr. Snake sneered.

He didn't know how Xun Wu got here, he definitely didn't leave any flaws, but it didn't matter.

"Maybe you don't know yet? Bao Ce has been with us for a long time. Before he entered your government, the corpse is already in transit."

This is undoubtedly a lie. The real situation is that before he boarded Bao Ze's carriage, he had people go outside Dali Temple ahead of time. more than half of the time.

Including this place, it is all prepared in advance.

"This..." Xun Wu hesitated.

"He has long been one of His Highness's people. Going to your place is just to delay the time and let you miss the opportunity. I didn't expect that the person you trust the most is the person who entraps you the most!"

Xun Wu was dumbfounded, and Zhang Bumo couldn't help frowning.

"Captain Xun?" He understood the feeling of being betrayed, so he also knew that the pain was hard to suppress.

"Hahahaha——" Mr. Snake laughed and moved his fingers slowly.The Snake Sword technique he practiced is full of ghosts and ghosts, changing for no reason. Even if he stands still, he can find ways to extend it, which is most suitable for sneak attacks.

This Xun Wu is standing here now, without defense, as long as he takes him down, he will surely win this battle.

But just as he was stretching, a silver light suddenly lit up.

The moonlight seemed to shine in this secluded alley, Xun Wu's waist knife had been unsheathed at some point, and accompanied by a lot of starlight, a long crescent moon attacked Young Master Snake.

!! ?

Mr. Snake was stupid.

He hastily raised his sword, his inner energy trembled crazily, the life-saving poisonous mist no longer hid, and he used it to protect his body like crazy, but even with this unloading force, he still couldn't completely resist the peaceful knife, and could only barely knock it away ——

But in this way, his crown disappeared, and his hair became bald!

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