The strongest player in history

Chapter 3900 Lightning Responsibility

Empress Nuwa said: "Then it wouldn't be random."

Emperor Fuxi was stunned, then smiled, and said, "Sister is right!" Empress Nuwa said, "We have lived for so many years, and we have achieved this by focusing on mystical cultivation. If we can come out casually, two people will come out with us." If the fight is evenly matched, that's fine!"

Emperor Fuxi laughed and said, "Your temperament has not changed for so many years."

Empress Nuwa also smiled, then changed her tone and said, "Actually, I don't quite understand your arrangement this time. According to my thinking, it is impossible for Immortal Yuan Yu to be rescued... Besides, I won't give it to you." The man in red has a chance to leave. If I kill the man in red, you kill the man in black. In this way, wouldn’t it be just a matter of losing the two generals under Yuan Sheng’s command?”

Emperor Fuxi said: "First of all, I can defeat the man in black. But I can't kill him... Also, are you sure you can keep the man in red? As you said just now, he can pass through a kind of human wormhole Just leave. You don't even know what his power of heaven is, so you dare to say that you can keep him? That Yuan Sheng is an extremely smart person, he will not leave such an obvious flaw. Not to mention sending two members The general will let us kill! On the contrary, we are really fighting each other desperately, and the consequence may be that they will run away directly. At the same time, we have figured out our situation, and what's more terrible...Chen Yang will be in danger. If you know the truth of the Sacred Heart Mou, I'm intact again... What would Yuan Sheng think of the information Chen Yang brought back?"

Empress Nuwa thought about it carefully, and felt that her brother's arrangement was more secure.

"Well, I was a little reckless!" Empress Nuwa said.

Emperor Fuxi said: "If my guess is right, then Yuan Sheng will come to deprive you of the power of the heavenly law. At the same time, because I didn't sign the law of the heavenly law at the beginning, but this time I used the power of the heavenly law again. Therefore, He will ask me to also join the covenant of heaven."

Empress Nuwa said, "What if you don't join?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's very simple, he can tear up the covenant of the law of heaven. I guess, his goal has been achieved. He will be happy to tear up the covenant of the law of heaven now. Whether it is torn up or not, he can accept it. But he I will never accept that someone is outside the covenant of heaven..."

Empress Nuwa said: "The man in black and the man in red are obviously not within the law of heaven!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "This is the brilliance of Yuan Sheng. We can't even name those two people. As for whether they have the power of heaven, we don't know now, let alone give them the power of heaven. Force it out." "Once this power of heaven is used, it can no longer be hidden!" Empress Nuwa said in a deep voice, "When I fought the man in red, I wanted to see if he had the power of heaven. It's just I didn't expect that there was a strange human wormhole behind him!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "I have been studying the changes in this fairy world for these years. According to my inference, what you encountered should not be a human wormhole. Because this fairy world does not have the conditions for the existence of wormholes... neither can human wormholes." "Nuwa Empress said: "This... But I do feel that the man in red has gone through that hole!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "The space in the fairyland is so magical that even a sage can't penetrate it. Many spaces, to be precise, are not impossible to detect, but have formed a real distance, which must be flown. The wormhole is in the Among them, they cannot survive, and cannot achieve the purpose of shuttle. As for why the man in red can go far away, there must be some secrets that we don’t know. But I think about it carefully, and I can be sure that it is not a human wormhole. "

Empress Nuwa said: "Brother is proficient in the way of space, if you say it's impossible, then it's definitely not."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I can force out the power of heaven from the man in black, but it's a pity that if this is the case, Chen Yang will be in danger again. Therefore, I have no choice but to give up."

Nuwa Empress said: "Yuansheng has already made two shots, and the Kunlun Grand Meeting is his first shot. Now it is the second time, and it can be seen that his shots are getting stronger every time. The original saints regarded Yuansheng as a terrorist. I don't take it seriously. Looking at it now, this primordial sage really cannot be underestimated!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Back then, Yuan Sheng was able to find another way to deal with us by relying on the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji to deal with us. At that time, we narrowly won. Now that he has made a comeback, he has definitely taken everything into consideration. So, if we are reckless, It will only fail miserably. The three sages of Kunlun Mountain should have already seen this point. After being reckless, it will only drive Yuan Sheng even more crazy... We cannot bear the next step of Hongmeng Ziqi, Yuan Sheng It is also unbearable. So right now, we are dealing with it gently."

Empress Nuwa said: "I have indeed calculated the next step of the Primordial Purple Qi, but I can't see it clearly. Daozu also calculated it. He said that if we continue to go on, it is not just a disaster of the fairy world, but it may be the destruction of the universe."

The Great Emperor Fuxi said: "Although I am proficient in spells, I am still not as good as Daozu. What he calculated must not be wrong!"

The Nuwa Empress said: "The universe is so big, and there are many civilizations and creatures above us. It is hard to imagine that we can destroy the universe just by tossing around on this one-third of an acre of land!"

Emperor Fuxi smiled and said: "We seem to have lived a very long time, but compared to the age of the universe, we are only a short-lived in the pan. Not to mention the universe, compared to the existence of the earth, we The time to live is also very short. Perhaps, beings lower than us have changed something, and finally destroyed the universe. The universe is a community. We know this from the mana we exert, the molecules we feel, the magnetic field, etc. In the community, the changes of many elements will involve the whole universe!"

Nuwa Empress said: "Hey, I don't even bother to think about these messy things. There are quite a lot of troubles recently. It made me angry. I really want to have a quick fight with that Yuansheng."

Emperor Fuxi said: "That can't be done, sister, now is not the time to be reckless!"

Empress Nuwa said: "Don't worry, I mean it!"

When the primordial purple energy changed the fate of the heavenly way, the saints stole the power of the heavenly way from it.

When everything returns to calm, it will be impossible for those who come later to grasp the power of heaven.

The way of heaven is a kind of power, and things like death, the world of mortals, and the earth are attributes of the way of heaven!

If Empress Nuwa gave up the earth and heaven, no one would be able to grasp the attribute of the earth.But the power of the way of heaven can be eaten by the saints and strengthen themselves!

Let's talk about the Western Holy Sect in the western world. On this day and night, Yuan Sheng suddenly asked to see the leading saint and Zhunti saint.

Jieying Saint and Zhunti Saint also felt the change, and quickly met Yuan Sheng.

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "It was Empress Nuwa who used the power of the heavenly way of the earth and the heavenly way."

"Your Majesty won't use the power of heaven for no reason!" Zhunti Shengren said: "What happened to this?"

Yuan Sheng said: "No matter what, we must go to the heaven immediately to find out the matter. We all signed the covenant of the law of heaven. Now that Nuwa Empress has violated the covenant of law of heaven, we must also deal with it fairly. Both of you Saint, what do you say?"

The Zhunti sage and the receiving sage looked at each other, but couldn't say anything.

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng asked Zhenren Good Fortune to go with him.

The good fortune man also went with him.

On the way there, Yuan Sheng said to them: "This matter is extremely serious, and I cannot decide arbitrarily. Therefore, this matter should be gathered together with all saints to discuss and deal with it together!"

Jieyin sage said: "It should be so!"

Yuan Sheng then said to the real person: "Fellow Taoist Good Fortune and Xiao Ling, the Immortal King of Asura, are best friends. On the side of Asura Realm, I hope that Fellow Daoist Good Fortune will go to invite you. As for Kunlun, I will fight with them next time." It was not very pleasant, so I hope to guide you to invite the sage. I will go to the heaven with the sage Zhunti first to investigate and understand. I have arranged this way, do you know if the sages have any opinions?"

The sage Na Zhunti was taken aback when he heard the words, and said: "On the side of Kunlun, let me go with my junior brother. On the side of the heaven, you can go first, Fellow Daoist Yuan!"

How dare he walk alone with Yuan Sheng?

Naturally, he was also afraid of the other party's black hand.

When Yuan Sheng heard the words, he stopped insisting!

Soon, everyone began to split up.

As soon as they split up, they felt a kind of power from heaven again.

The way of space and heaven, Emperor Fuxi!

Guide the saint and Zhunti saint to travel through the clouds with lightning.

"Emperor Fuxi also made a move, and used the space and heaven. It seems that something big happened in the heaven!" The saint who received and guided couldn't help but said.

Saint Zhunti said in a deep voice: "Brother, who do you think would do it? Who else in this world can force Empress Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi to use the power of heaven together?"

"It seems that only Yuan Sheng has this ability!" Said the receiving saint.

Zhunti Saint said: "The Taoist ancestor also has this ability."

Jieyin Shengren said: "But Kunlun and Tianjie have always been close friends, and they will definitely not meet each other!"

Zhunti Shengren said: "Who forced Empress Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi to use the power of heaven? I still can't guess it. But it must have something to do with Yuan Sheng... I have been wondering how this Yuan Sheng can do this." As leisurely as he was, he discussed with me for several months. It turned out that he wanted to prove his alibi... He has been with us all the time, so the incident on Zhongling Mountain has nothing to do with him?"

"Old and cunning!" The receiving saint snorted coldly.

Zhunti Shengren said: "He is playing evil tricks everywhere. Although we can see through it, it seems that there is nothing we can do about it!"

Jieyin Shengren said: "The Emperor Fuxi has not joined the covenant of the Heavenly Dao, so it is nothing to use the power of the Heavenly Dao. It is hard to say about the Nuwa Empress."

Zhunti Shengren said: "It's hard, it's hard!"

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