The colorful vortex absorbs the death fog and absorbs the energy around it!

After absorbing, these energies were integrated into the demon refining pot.The demon refining pot is an extremely powerful magic weapon owned by Empress Nuwa. It contains the world in the pot and the essence of heaven and earth, which can refine all things.

In the beginning, the demon refining pot was particularly powerful in refining goblins.Later, Empress Nuwa improved it, so now the demon refining pot can refine all things.

Just as Empress Nuwa was absorbing the surrounding energy and the dense fog of death... the man in red suddenly stepped back and merged into the dense fog of death.

Empress Nuwa was slightly taken aback.Then she felt a lot of dense fog of death rushing towards the colorful vortex!

After a while, the entire Holy Land of Death was absorbed by the Demon Refining Pot.

In the demon refining pot, colorful colors flow brilliantly, like stars all over the universe!

The thick black fog formed a huge monster in it.

The five-color essence turned into thousands of sword qi, and then it slashed towards the huge monster...

At this moment, a figure suddenly spewed out from the mouth of the huge monster!

But it was the man in red!

The man in red charged towards the sky, his figure was extremely fast.

Empress Nuwa immediately saw the intention of the man in red. The man in red wanted to destroy her demon refining pot from the inside.

At that moment, Empress Nuwa quickly activated her divine power, gathered the essence of heaven and earth in the demon refining pot, and fused the power of the five-color spar to kill the man in red.

The man in red slashed out a palm, and immediately, a black mist vortex formed in the Holy Land of Death, and it was once again strangled together with the spirit of heaven and earth in the demon refining pot.

Then, the man in red suddenly rushed out of all kinds of restraints, and came directly to a side of the demon refining pot!

His body suddenly turned into infinite black particles, those particles strangled the wall of the pot, and in the blink of an eye, these particles formed a black divine sword, with a bang...

The black Excalibur broke through the wall!

The light from the outside world shone in, and the demon refining pot burst open.All of a sudden, all the essence of heaven and earth leaked out.

The internal pressure is too high, and there is a gap at this moment, no matter how strong Nuwa Empress is, she can't stop the gap in the demon refining pot at this time.


The demon refining pot exploded.

This extremely powerful heaven and earth artifact turned into nothingness in an instant.

Fragments fly wild!

The man in red stood ten meters in front of Empress Nuwa, and a thick fog of death rose behind him.

Empress Nuwa's mouth overflowed with blood.

When the demon refining pot burst open, she was injured again.

Because this demon refining pot is her natal artifact.

The man in red once again unfolded the Deathly Hallows, completely covering the area.Then, he came up again, chopping with both palms.

The majestic holy power surrounds his palm.

Moreover, not only does he have holy power in his palm, the holy power also contains a strange power of death.

Empress Nuwa's demon refining pot was broken, and it was impossible to leave now.

And this time, all the disciples in Wa Palace will also suffer.

She has always been a hot and brave person, so she can't admit defeat.What's more, the man in red is still an unknown person... Immediately, he raised his palm and slashed towards him.

The two sides once again split more than ten palms at each other!

The aftermath vibrated fiercely, calling the eternal soul broken, and the heaven and earth shattered!

The death sanctuary of the man in red absorbs the aftermath of the surroundings, and the power is stronger now, so he presses on Nuwa Empress step by step.

Empress Nuwa's good fortune sanctuary has lost the support of the demon refining pot, and at this time it has become much weaker.

The man in red threw out two more palms, and Empress Nuwa backed away continuously, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that if things go on like this, Empress Nuwa will die at the hands of this man in red.

After the man in red gained the upper hand, his offensive became more fierce, and he really had a tendency to swear not to stop until he killed Nuwa Empress.

In the nick of time, in a time of crisis...

Empress Nuwa's eyes flashed fiercely, and the multicolored spar condensed in her palm, and then, a burst of multicolored holy power appeared.Surrounded by the holy power is the divine power of the heavenly dao... The power of the heavenly dao of Empress Nuwa is the earth and heavenly dao, and countless earth elements appear in it.

It seemed that the whole heaven and earth had become her support.

She slashed out with this palm, and immediately slashed with the palm of the man in red.The man in red immediately flew backwards, followed by a mouthful of blood.

Blood spilled from the ghost mask.

Empress Nuwa wanted to catch the man in red, but at this moment, a black vortex appeared behind the man in red.

A handprint appeared in the vortex and grabbed the man in red.

Empress Nuwa wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The man in red escaped into the black vortex, and following that, the black vortex also disappeared.

At this moment, Empress Nuwa finally understood that the purpose of the man in red was not to kill her, but to force her to use the power of heaven.

Once the goal was achieved, the other party left immediately.

After the man in red left, Wa Palace was in a mess.

However, the damage is not serious, and it is easy to restore.

Xuanyi, Caiyi and the other disciples of Wa Palace already knew that there was a change here, but it was difficult for them to enter outside the bedroom.

Now that the holy land of death and the holy land of good fortune have been withdrawn, they immediately rushed in nervously and concerned.

After they came in, they saw that Empress Nuwa was still dressed in snow-white clothes, her makeup was clean and delicate, she didn't look like she had just fought a battle at all.

"Master..." Caiyi said.

Xuanyi asked with concern: "Master, what happened?"

After glancing at the disciples, Empress Nuwa said calmly, "A mysterious man in red has come, and he came without a trace, and left very strangely. Yuan Yuxian was also rescued..."

"This..." Caiyi couldn't believe it, and said, "How is this possible?"

Xuanyi said: "Master, are you alright?"

Empress Nuwa smiled lightly and said, "It's all right!"

Then, she said: "The appearance of this man in red is quite strange. As a teacher, he needs to go to Zhongling Mountain. You guys clean up here!"

Caiyi and Xuanyi led the disciples together and said: "Yes, Master!"

Xuanyi thought of something, and said again: "Master, that man in red is so ghostly, if after you leave, he comes to attack us, what should we do?"

Nuwa Empress said: "Don't worry, he has already gone far. If the teacher's guess is correct, he should have returned to that Yuansheng. The way he left is very strange. It seems that it is most likely Yuansheng. The black corpse beside him."

In Zhongling Mountain, a black shadow quickly entered it.

God does not know, ghosts do not know!

All the masters in Zhongling Mountain didn't know that someone had broken in.

The black shadow then came to the Hetu cave in the back mountain, and after a while, it broke through the space corridor, and then came to the center of the stone formation.

"Who is it?" Emperor Fuxi was startled and asked loudly through the stone chamber.

The black shadow did not speak, but concentrated on cracking the stone formation.

Not long after, the black shadow broke the stone formation.

Afterwards, the man in black came before Emperor Fuxi.

At this moment, Emperor Fuxi still has white hair and beard, and is getting old.The breath on the body seems to be absent, with a sense of decay.

"Who are you? Sent by Yuan Sheng?" Emperor Fuxi looked at the man in black with a look of horror on his face, and said again: "Or, you are Yuan Sheng?"

The man in black didn't speak, and suddenly shot at Emperor Fuxi.

Emperor Fuxi suddenly exercised his kung fu, and at the same time, a huge pain flashed in his eyes, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.But he still worked out the power he wanted to work...

Raising your hand is the way of space!

Then, a dense wave appeared in front of the man in black.

It was obvious that Emperor Fuxi was right in front of him, but the man in black still had difficulty touching Emperor Fuxi.

The men in black ran and killed continuously in the power of the heavenly way of space, but they were all trapped by the heavenly way of space.

Although Fuxi the Great was struggling, he was able to trap the man in black firmly.

The man in black had been in a stalemate with Emperor Fuxi for more than an hour, and Emperor Fuxi was always sick, as if he was going to be unable to hold on at any time.But he can always breathe a sigh of relief... The man in black suddenly felt a crisis approaching from the outside world, and he knew that it might be Nuwa coming... With a flash of his body, he quickly exited the space and heaven.

Emperor Fuxi also wanted him to retreat, so he would not stop him.

Then, the man in black left.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word to Emperor Fuxi.

Not long after, Empress Nuwa came to Zhongling Mountain.She came to Hetu Cave in the back mountain for the first time, and met Emperor Fuxi.

At this time, Emperor Fuxi had returned to his original handsome appearance.

"Brother!" Empress Nuwa came across to Emperor Fuxi and sat cross-legged.

Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly and said, "They attacked you? I already feel that you have also used the power of heaven."

Empress Nuwa sneered, and said: "Now I can see Yuan Sheng's plan. He just wants to force me to display the power of heaven, and then deprive me of the power of heaven. If that's the case, he will do as he wishes!"

Emperor Fuxi was very grateful, and said: "Sister, thank you very much. I know that it is very distressing for you to abandon the earth and heaven."

Empress Nuwa said: "Old man Hongchen would even give up his life for the sake of the entire fairy world. I'm just cooperating with the acting, and I will pay a little later. It doesn't matter."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Someone came to attack me just now."

Empress Nuwa said: "I feel it."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I just don't know if this person is the same person who attacked you!"

Empress Nuwa said: "Absolutely not! The person who fought with me has already left through a kind of human body wormhole, and should have gone back to Yuanjie. The time will definitely not be up!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "How is that man's cultivation? What are his physical characteristics?"

Empress Nuwa said: "I'm dressed in red, wearing a ghost mask, and I didn't say a word the whole time. So if you ask me to describe it, I can't describe it. Its cultivation level is lower than mine. But it's not too much... ...If my estimate is correct, he should also have mastered the power of heaven. It's just that he refuses to use it..."

Emperor Fuxi said: "The man in black who attacked me is also extremely powerful. If I attack with all my strength, I should be able to restrain him." After finishing speaking, he took a breath and said, "This Yuan Sheng's subordinates are really terrifying. Send out two random people, and you and I will be able to fight on par with you!"

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