After Nuwa found out the whereabouts of the person behind the kidnapping of Princess Longji, she said to Princess Longji: "I'm going to track down the person behind the scene now, and Xuanyi will be here to accompany you and protect you."

Princess Longji said: "You have to be careful too!"

Empress Nuwa smiled lightly and said, "There are not many people in this world who can make me careful."

After saying that, with a flash of figure, he left the bedroom.

At the same time as leaving the bedroom, he also had the sound transmission apprentice Xuan Yi, so as to guard Princess Longji.

In the dungeon, Chen Yang's injuries have quietly recovered.

Now that he has practiced eighty-nine profound arts, even if his whole body is broken, it doesn't matter much.Especially since he still has the Mosquito in his hands, once he turns into a Mosquito, he will be even more powerful.

It's just that he doesn't want to turn into a magic mosquito right now, because he wants to hide the secret that he knows eight or nine profound arts.

After escaping this time, Yuan Sheng still needs to search his memory.

Therefore, how to get out of danger reasonably is a very important link.

The process of recovering from his injury was very secretive. Kong Lingzi didn't observe Chen Yang's pulse, so he didn't know that Chen Yang recovered from his injury.

Normally, it is obvious that the breath changes from weak to strong.

Kong Lingzi is not an idle person, he can be found.

But Chen Yang used the power of the Tiandao brush to hide, so Kong Lingzi didn't feel the energy fluctuations.

Chen Yang began to think in his heart: "Now that I am imprisoned, they really suspect that someone is colluding with outsiders inside and outside. Because Long Ji has been in Tianzhou all the time, he was simply kidnapped, which is indeed suspicious. There will also be worries, worrying that this is the first step for the enemy to deal with the heavens. So she will definitely find out the truth of this matter... To find out the truth, she finally captured Yuan Yuxian. With her ability, she must be able to find the aura belonging to Yuan Yuxian from Long Ji. After finding this aura, she will be able to hunt down and kill Yuan Yuxian. After Long Ji was rescued, Yuan Yuxian must understand that the matter has been exposed."

"Yuan Yuxian will definitely escape at this time... She can think with her toes that the only person who can accurately find Princess Longji is Empress Nuwa. Either Empress Nuwa or Emperor Fuxi... because she will definitely be on Longji's body Do some hidden means to prevent the aura from being exposed. Whether it is Empress Nuwa or Emperor Fuxi, if these two make a move, Yuan Yuxian must flee for her life. It seems that Empress Nuwa is looking for Longji's breath in Longji's room It took three days and three nights. This is because Long Ji was taken away for half a year, which was too long. The breath in the room was too weak... It was much easier for Empress Nuwa to find Yuan Yuxian's breath on Long Ji. Because Yuan Yuxian imposed a restraint on Longji... I don't know how long this process will take..."

"Once Empress Nuwa finds the breath of Immortal Yuan Yu, she will go to chase and kill Immortal Yuan Yu. She will definitely let her apprentice Xuanyi stay. I have to take advantage of Empress Nuwa's departure to start a counterattack... This Heavenly Court Now that there are many masters here, I have to flee for my life and also find out the situation of Emperor Fuxi, which is very difficult."

"'s not impossible!" Chen Yang began to make quick calculations in his mind.

At present, the most important thing for him is to determine the whereabouts of Empress Nuwa.It must be after Empress Nuwa leaves before she can act, otherwise everything will be empty.

After Chen Yang waited for about a day, he felt that it was time for Empress Nuwa to find out about Yuan Yuxian.

So, he decided to take a chance.

He suddenly smiled at Kong Lingzi who was meditating cross-legged beside him, and said, "Brother Kong..."

Kong Lingzi was startled, opened his eyes to look at Chen Yang, and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, what advice do you have?"

Chen Yang said: "I once got a talisman by accident. This talisman is extremely miraculous and has helped me a lot. Brother Kong, now I am willing to give this talisman to you. I hope you can help me out and try to say something nice."

Kong Lingzi immediately refused, saying: "Brother Xuanyuan, you should know that Empress Nuwa has already intervened in this matter. We absolutely can't do anything good for you..."

Chen Yang said: "At that time, it's good for everyone to beg for mercy together. I just want to save my life! I will benefit the others as well. Look at my Taoist talisman first, and even if you can't do it, I won't blame you. You can see if this talisman is worth it, okay?"

Kong Lingzi was still very interested in the talisman that Chen Yang said, and thought in his heart: "I'll take a look first, anyway, it's okay if you say you can't do it yourself. You will die in the future, and I don't have to feel guilty about you." .”

He knew that Xuanyuantai often had some weird things, and the magic weapon that Xuanyuantai gave him last time was very good.

At that moment, he took the talisman given by Chen Yang!

That Dao Talisman is exactly... the Extinguishing Talisman!

Kong Lingzi held the Tian Mie Talisman in his hand, and then sensed the Tian Mie Talisman with mana.

In an instant, I realized the magic and mystery of this Tian Mie Talisman.The more I feel it, the more I feel that this Heaven Extinguishing Talisman is incomparably miraculous, and it has the ability to surpass the heaven and the earth.

"My God!" Kong Lingzi was surprised and delighted, and said to Chen Yang: "Brother Xuanyuan, this talisman is amazing. The power inside has surpassed your divine power! Where did you get it from?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Brother Kong, don't make any noise."

"Of course!" Kong Lingzi said.

"Don't move!" Chen Yang said again suddenly.

Kong Lingzi said, "Huh?"

Chen Yang said: "You sensed carefully, didn't you notice the danger?"

Kong Lingzi immediately sensed a hint of danger.

"What do you mean?" Kong Lingzi's expression changed.

Chen Yang said: "You have seen the power of this talisman. I have set up a mechanism in the talisman. As long as I move my mind, this talisman will explode immediately. You will never have time to avoid it. This talisman is also highly poisonous. The fragments will enter your body and you will die instantly."

Kong Lingzi was shocked.

"Don't think about throwing it away. Don't shake your hands. Once you shake it, it will explode. If you don't believe me, you can try it!" Chen Yang said again.

Kong Lingzi didn't dare to move at once.

The hairs all over his body stood on end, he was really terrified and shuddered.He is not a coward, but he does feel the slightest danger.

"Brother Xuanyuan, what are you doing? You said earlier that it's not my fault." Kong Lingzi said with sweat on his forehead.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Brother Kong, I want to leave this prison."

Kong Lingzi said: "You should know that we can't leave the dungeon from inside. This place was set up by the emperor, how can we have this ability?"

Chen Yang said: "You don't need to worry about this, I have the ability to leave. I just don't want you to fight with me. If there is too much noise, it won't work!"

Kong Lingzi said: "Okay, I will cooperate with you. But this talisman?"

Chen Yang said: "After I go out, I will take back this talisman at the right time. Don't worry, I'm not willing to use such a good thing on you."

Kong Lingzi said: "Okay!" After a pause, he added: "Are you really a traitor?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't talk nonsense about things without evidence."

Afterwards, he drove the magic mosquito.

"Your injury, is it healed?" Kong Lingzi finally noticed this level, and said incredulously.

Chen Yang said: "This is nothing!"

He had already arranged for Yuan Sheng to heal his injury so quickly.

That is the Heavenly Desolation Divine Art plus the Magic Mosquito.

This can be checked by Yuan Sheng...

Chen Yang himself felt too tired, and now he was too restrained to act.

He also wanted to make trouble on the human side, and he was also afraid of exposing too much and making Yuan Sheng suspicious!

It's really hard to be an undercover agent!

After that, he let the magic mosquito come out to bite the wall.

The wall was originally impenetrable...but under the bite of the magic mosquito, a gap soon appeared.

After that, Chen Yang said to Kong Lingzi: "Brother Kong, I might offend you. I have to hit you seriously and let you sleep here for a while. Compared with death, you should be able to accept this, right?"

Kong Lingzi smiled wryly, and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang immediately said: "I will grab my talisman with one hand and stun you with the other. I won't let the talisman explode..."

Kong Lingzi said: "Come on!"

Chen Yang grabbed the Tian Mie Talisman with one hand, and pressed Kong Lingzi's neck with the other.

In an instant, mana burst out.

Kong Lingzi suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and his internal organs were overwhelmed... All limbs and bones were bearing this terrifying electric current.Then, as soon as his eyes went dark, he passed out.

Chen Yang took the Tian Mie Talisman, and then escaped from the prison through the gap.

After leaving the prison, Chen Yang was sure that Empress Nuwa had left.

I don't feel that powerful saint breath anymore, and I don't have that sense of fear anymore.

He thought of Kong Lingzi in the prison, but he also felt a little funny.In fact, he didn't do anything to Mietian Talisman, nor could he do anything.It's just that after Kong Lingzi took the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman, he was releasing the murderous intent that seemed to be there.As a result, Kong Lingzi was overwhelmed by the power of the Tian Mie Talisman and threatened by his words, and could no longer tell where the murderous intent and danger came from.

Chen Yang's figure was as fast as lightning, and he came directly outside the Yunxiao Hall.Just as he was about to enter the Yunxiao Palace, the Xuanyi flashed out, blocking Chen Yang's way.

"Why did you come out?" Xuanyi's expression changed when he saw Chen Yang.

Chen Yang shouted: "Offended!"

After finishing speaking, he slashed at Xuanyi with one palm!

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Xuanyi snorted coldly, and slashed at Chen Yang with a backhand palm.

The palm of Chen Yang's left hand contained all his strength. He had already devoured the longevity fruit and activated the divine power of nine snow mountains in an instant.


The palm strength of the two people hacked down, but they were evenly matched.

Xuanyi couldn't help being astonished, he never thought that Xuanyuan Terrace was only a mid-level Ninth Level of the Creation Realm, and could actually take his own palm.

She still didn't use her full strength before, because she responded hastily.

But what she didn't expect was that Chen Yang's strike was not finished.With a quick palm of the right hand, he slashed again.

Xuan Yi greeted him immediately.

In Chen Yang's palm, the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman has been hidden.


In an instant, the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman burst open...

Divine light flickers...

Sensing the danger, Xuanyi retreated quickly, and cast out the Heavenly Phoenix Sacred Realm, intending to envelop the power of the Heaven Extinguishing Talisman.

At this critical moment, Chen Yang didn't fight Xuan Yi at all.The body flickered and directly entered the Yunxiao Temple.

Princess Longji's injury has healed a lot, but not completely.

Chen Yang quickly came to Princess Longji...

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