Chen Yang and his party couldn't speak their temper in front of Empress Nuwa.Speaking of which, they are also masters at the eighth or ninth level of the Creation Realm, and they can be regarded as one party.But in front of Empress Nuwa, that's really worse than an angry little daughter-in-law.

The black-bearded old man was extremely embarrassed, and said: "I...we will follow the empress to rescue the princess, but the empress is too fast, we... can't keep up!"

Empress Nuwa snorted coldly, and said: "What can I expect from you? It's good if you don't lose sight of this family."

Chen Yang hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, where is Your Highness the Princess?"

Empress Nuwa glanced at Chen Yang and said, "She's fine, but she suffered some injuries and is currently recovering. Don't bother her!"

"It's great that Your Highness is fine!" Chen Yang said happily.

The rest of the people followed suit.

Chen Yang was still thinking about Yuan Yuxian, and was also afraid that Yuan Yuxian would be caught by Empress Nuwa.However, he still reminded Yuan Yuxian very early not to be with Princess Longji.Now it seems that Yuan Yuxian should be obedient.

He suppressed the curiosity in his heart and didn't ask anything.

But he didn't ask, but someone else asked.

The white-bearded old man said: "Your Majesty, what's going on this time? Have you caught the person who arrested Her Highness the Princess?"

This is also a question that everyone is curious about, and everyone looks at Empress Nuwa.

Nuwa Empress heard the words and said in a deep voice: "When I looked for it, I only found that Longji was trapped in a ring sumeri deep in the sea. As for the person who arrested her, I didn't meet her."

Kong Lingzi said: "This person is so strange, he captured Her Highness the Princess but didn't take him away, why did he just trap him in the depths of the sea? Could it be that he has enmity with the Princess?"

"Why don't you just kill him if you have a grudge?" Zhenjun Beidou said.

"What is this for? It seems a bit confusing." The black-bearded old man said.

Everyone can't discuss why.

Empress Nuwa glanced at the group of old men with black beards, and said calmly: "From my point of view, I'm afraid this person's target is not Long Ji. It's because Long Ji is a bit of an eyesore in Zhongling Mountain, blocking some people's actions. "

"What does this mean?" Everyone was astonished, and the white-bearded old man said: "Could it be that the empress suspects that some of us are traitors? But whose traitor is it? What is the purpose?"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Empress Nuwa is really her mother, how could she guess the trick so easily?

Now I'm afraid I'm going to suspect Lao Tzu.

Empress Nuwa glanced at everyone, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chen Yang is a master of acting, and his psychological quality is extremely high, so he will definitely not show any flaws.

Everyone was discussing matters outside Yunxiao Hall, and Xuan Yi accompanied Longji in the hall.

The black-bearded old man was silent for a while and said: "It's hard to say what the truth of this matter is. But if anyone is suspicious, I think the only one is... Xuanyuan Terrace."

Everyone looked at Chen Yang.

The white-bearded old man said: "That's right, Xuanyuantai, you were chased and killed by Taoist Lu Ya last time, and escaped inexplicably. Now that you ran back, your highness chased you away, but you didn't leave. Tell me, do you have anything?" Purpose? Was it instructed by someone?"

Chen Yang immediately said speechlessly: "I still don't know anything, so I want to grab and bite first?"

"Taoist Lu Ya?" Empress Nuwa frowned slightly, and said, "What's the situation?"

The old man Heibeu immediately told about Taoist Lu Ya's visit.

The more Chen Yang heard it, the worse it got, and he secretly scolded that dastardly Xuanyuantai cheating father for doing so many immoral things.

Empress Nuwa became angrier the more she heard, and then said to Chen Yang: "Did you really do such a vile, despicable and shameless thing?"

The old man with white beard said: "He admitted it himself."

Chen Yang immediately bowed and saluted, and said, "This subordinate was confused at the time, and now knows his mistake."

Empress Nuwa waved her sleeve robe.

Chen Yang only felt the strong wind in front of him, and he could have avoided it, but how could he avoid it at this time, so he didn't dodge or dodge.


Then, he flew upside down, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

When he got up, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Empress Nuwa then said: "Xuanyuantai, you should have been hacked into pieces for doing such a thing. But there are many things that are not clear at the moment, so I will spare your life first." The old man said: "You watch him, don't let him escape."

The old man with white beard said: "Mother, now Xuanyuantai is so evil that he can escape under the hands of Daoist Lu Ya. You can impose more restrictions, otherwise, the subordinates will be afraid of him escaping."

Chen Yang's viscera were in severe pain, and he couldn't help secretly slandering the white-bearded old man for being such a jerk, he really didn't show any loyalty at all.

Empress Nuwa nodded, and then swung her palm at Chen Yang again.


Chen Yang spat out a mouthful of blood again, and almost passed out.

There was also a pale color on his face.

Terrible injury!

Empress Nuwa said indifferently: "He can't make waves now."

The black-bearded old man was relieved after waiting for this.

Empress Nuwa asked Chen Yang again, "Are you convinced that I treat you like this?"

Chen Yang was not afraid of his own injury, and the two blows by Empress Nuwa really hurt him a lot.However, he had silently practiced eight or nine profound arts.So it seems that the injury is serious, but it can recover quickly.

Empress Nuwa didn't know much about Chen Yang's body, but she also didn't know that he could recover quickly.

Chen Yang immediately replied with difficulty: "The subordinate did make a big mistake back then. Even if the empress wanted to kill the subordinate, the subordinate would have nothing to say. However, the subordinate is absolutely innocent in the matter of Her Royal Highness being arrested."

Empress Nuwa said: "I punish you today, which has nothing to do with Long Ji's arrest. Moreover, this is only a preliminary punishment. Heaven will not tolerate a scum like you. After I find out about Long Ji, I will punish you according to the rules of heaven."

Chen Yang still knew about that day, and he couldn't help crying when he heard it.

Before the emperor was not there, the Heavenly Court naturally didn't bother to talk about any rules.

Princess Longji has a dull temperament, and when everyone said she would not pursue it, she was too lazy to insist.

But now, Empress Nuwa came back and brought up the rules of heaven again. How could this prevent Chen Yang from complaining endlessly.

It was said in the regulations that day that if you commit crimes such as rape, robbery, etc., you will be killed without pardon!

In the heavenly court, the disciples have been scattered over the years.The immortals are not all clean outside, but most of them don't leave any tails.If Chen Yang didn't go and kill Xuanyuantai, then again, Xuanyuantai wouldn't even come to the fairyland.

So Chen Yang felt that he was still asking for trouble.

But now, what should I do?

Could it be that he quietly confessed his identity?

But in this way, I'm afraid there will be problems at Yuansheng's place.

His mind turned, and he began to think of a solution.

Empress Nuwa ignored this side, turned around and entered the Yunxiao Palace.

Chen Yang was arrested by the black-bearded old man and the others and taken into the dungeon.

There has always been a dungeon in the heavenly court.

In the prison, the old man with black beard sent Kong Lingzi to guard Chen Yang.

Everyone takes turns!

Chen Yang's treasure bag, including the jade token that entered and exited the barrier of Zhongling Mountain, was also taken away.

However, Chen Yang hid important things such as longevity fruit and Tian Mie Talisman in a mysterious place in his stomach.It's hard for outsiders to notice...

The prison was clean this day, and there were no other prisoners.It was white inside, and there were no tables, chairs, etc.

There is not even a prison door... To go out, you need the help of the outside world to open the door of the void.

It is impossible to touch the void gate of the outside world from the inside.

This prison was set up by Emperor Fuxi himself, and it would not be easy to escape.

Chen Yang sat on the ground wearily, feeling quite depressed.I thought I was smart enough to think everything was going well.It turned out to be the present situation, which was really beyond his expectation.

That Kong Lingzi was a man who looked to be in his fifties, always dressed in a gray cloth shirt, plain and ordinary.But the cultivation base is also the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm...

Kong Lingzi is a person who doesn't like to stir up trouble, and even less like to stir up trouble.

So right now, he said to Chen Yang: "Brother Xuanyuan, I was only following orders. You know, from the beginning to the end, I didn't speak ill of you. None of us dare to disobey the orders of Empress Nuwa!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Understand, understand! Brother Kong, don't worry, even if I get out of this shackles in the future, I will never hold grudges against you."

Kong Lingzi said: "That's good!"

After Princess Longji rested for a day, her injury was under control.Empress Nuwa asked Princess Longji some detailed questions, but Princess Longji couldn't tell why.He only said that after being captured that day, the woman didn't say anything to her, and sealed her in the depths of the sea.

Empress Nuwa said to Princess Longji: "Now I have some doubts, that woman arrested you to cooperate with someone's actions in the Heavenly Court."

"What?" Princess Longji was taken aback.

At this time, Empress Nuwa and Princess Longji were talking alone in the bedroom.

Princess Longji said: "Godmother, what do you mean?"

She was adopted by Empress Nuwa, so she always called Empress Nuwa her godmother.

Nuwa Empress said: "Brother has been retreating now, I don't know what the situation is. It seems that someone wants to explore the bottom of the heaven...their first step is to explore the bottom. After the bottom is clear, Maybe it’s time to start.”

"Who are you talking about? Yuansheng?" Princess Longji said in shock.

Empress Nuwa said: "At present, everything is just my guess, so I must find out this matter. If the inside and outside cooperate, then the person who arrested you may still be in Tianzhou. Even if you escape, it should not be far away. .I want to collect some of that person's breath from you."

Princess Longji immediately said: "I will cooperate as you want me to do!"

Immediately, Empress Nuwa asked Princess Longji to sit cross-legged.Afterwards, Empress Nuwa sat cross-legged opposite Princess Longji.She kneaded the seal with both hands, and quietly cast the holy power... About ten hours later, countless firefly lights were drawn from Princess Longji's body.After condensing these rays of light into a small ball, it began to sense the ball again.

"Hmph!" Empress Nuwa suddenly opened her eyes, with a cold look in her eyes, and said, "Sure enough, I guessed right, that person is fleeing to the outside of the heaven, and he hasn't even left the state yet."

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