Master Tongtian said: "Of course not, the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building!"

Yun Xiao felt extremely guilty when he heard the words, and said, "Master, it's all caused by the disciples." Master Tongtian smiled slightly, and said, "Don't think so, disciple, everything happens in natural changes. This is Bi You The calamity of the palace is also the calamity of being a teacher. For many things, it is better to happen sooner than later."

Yun Xiao was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled.

Our Lady of Golden Spirit and Our Lady of Wudang also comforted Yun Xiao, don't think too much about it.

After Yuan Sheng and his party left Penglai Island, Yuan Yuxian said to Yuan Sheng: "Master, it seems that everything is as you expected!"

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said, "Then proceed according to the original plan."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Yes!"

Let's say that after Chen Yang left the Nether Blood Sea, he flew over the Blood Sea.What he is going to at this moment is the Kunlun Realm.He felt that he had to visit Yunxiao and sort things out by the way.

Flying all the way, after a month, he left the Netherworld and arrived at the vast sea.

After flying over the vast sea for more than half a month, he finally entered the heaven.

There are Tianzhou, Dizhou, Prajnazhou and Xilingzhou in the heaven.

Chen Yang is now walking in the identity of Xuanyuantai, so the last thing he wants to be in is the heavenly realm, and he is also afraid of meeting acquaintances in the heavenly realm and showing his flaws.

Among the heavens, Tianzhou is mainly used for the residence of heavenly monarchs.

Dizhou, Banruozhou, and Xilingzhou are home to many casual cultivators.

In heaven, it is relatively free.The Heavenly Monarchs are also a mess now, so no one manages other continents.

Within the territory of the heavens, there are hundreds of millions of ordinary human beings.

Chen Yang was flying over the heavens, starting from Xiling Prefecture, passing through Prajna Continent, Dizhou, and finally Tianzhou.Only after passing the Tianzhou can we leave the heaven...

There is also a vast sea between each continent.

On this day, Chen Yang left Prajna Continent and entered the vast sea again.

As soon as he entered the vast sea, he felt something was wrong.

There is a feeling of being watched.

"What's the situation?" Chen Yang was secretly startled, and unconsciously speeded up.But no matter how fast the speed is, the people behind will chase after him.

"It should be unlikely that Yuan Sheng came to me. It is impossible for Yuan Sheng to find out my true identity. At least it is impossible to find out so quickly!" Chen Yang is now afraid to use the identity that Su paid off, mainly because of the previous The prime that has been used has been paid off, if it is used again, it is likely to be found by Yuan Sheng.

He ran a while, and the fire came up, so he waited in place.

Over the vast sea, clouds and mist hang around.

Chen Yang waited not long before a man and a woman chased after him.Chen Yang looked at the couple, but he didn't know any of them.The woman was an extremely delicate beauty, she looked to be in her 20s, her beauty was icy cold.

Its cultivation is only at the seventh level of the Creation Realm!

Chen Yang felt that she was nothing to be afraid of.

As for the man, it was much weirder. The man was dressed in black, with a skinny figure, and he looked like a ghost.His face was also lifeless, only a pair of black eyes were alive.

The man's cultivation is... the ninth level of the realm of creation!

Extremely dangerous!

This is Chen Yang's feeling.

However, for today's Chen Yang, there is actually nothing to fear.

Chen Yang didn't speak first, mainly because he was afraid of revealing his flaws.Since the other party has caught up, it must not be for no reason.

"Xuanyuantai, you finally dare to show your face." The woman said with a murderous look and snorted coldly.

Chen Yang's thoughts turned and he searched Xuanyuan Terrace's many memories.After the eighty-nine profound arts are fused with the essence of Xuanyuantai, they know the other party's memories and exercises.However, Xuanyuantai's memories were too complicated, so Chen Yang didn't check them all.

At this time, the appearance of this woman immediately made Chen Yang nervous.He searched Xuanyuantai's memory, and finally found information about this woman.

It turned out that this woman was called Guan Qing!

Xuanyuantai met this woman on the road back then, and felt that she was charming and glamorous, so he had evil thoughts and wanted to capture her and take her as a concubine.How do you know that Guan Qing's Taoist companion Feng Xian is a disciple of Lu Ya Sanren... After Xuanyuan Terrace killed Feng Xian, he took Guan Qing forcibly.Originally, he wanted to kill Guan Qing, but in the end Guan Qing pretended to leave Xuanyuantai, and while he was having fun with Xuanyuantai, he slipped away quietly with an escape talisman.

Xuanyuantai was afraid that Lu Ya would come to the door, so he didn't dare to follow Guan Qing, so he quickly escaped from the fairyland.

This is all the fault of Xuanyuantai!

What did Xuanyuantai say that day because of a woman... After a long time, that's what happened.

When Chen Yang saw Guan Qing, he couldn't help touching his nose in embarrassment, thinking that this was fucking fun.

After thinking about it, I feel that this villain can only pretend to be the end.

When Xuanyuantai, at least the enemy is only Lu Ya.

When returning to the main body, the enemy is Yuan Sheng!

He rubbed his nose, looked at Guan Qing, smiled wickedly, and said, "It turns out that you are the one who is chasing after me! I have been away from the fairyland for more than 100 years to avoid you. Why can't you let go?" ? Do you still miss the taste of the past and want to be happy with Lao Tzu again?"

"You..." Guan Qing was ashamed and angry at once, and cursed: "You villain, you killed my husband and humiliated my body that day. You don't want to escape this karma today."

"Just the two of you?" Chen Yang dismissed it.

At this time, the man opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "I am Guan Qing's senior brother, True Monarch Poison Corpse. Are you Xuanyuantai?"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said: "That's right, if I don't change my name when I'm going, or if I don't change my surname when I sit, it's Xuanyuantai!"

The Poisonous Corpse True Monarch said: "Back then you insulted my junior sister and killed my junior brother Feng Xian, but was it you?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right! But I have been hiding for more than 100 years, why are you still chasing after me like this? What a big deal!"

When he said this, he felt a little disgusted.

Feeling in my heart, it seems that I am still not suitable to be a scumbag!

The Poison Corpse True Monarch was furious, and said: "If you have been hiding for 100 years, can the matter be exposed? Xuanyuantai, I don't care how strong your background is, today I will definitely ask you to pay with blood!"

"Haha..." Chen Yang laughed loudly, and said, "Then come on, I just miss this little lady quite a bit. Since it's delivered to my door today, I won't be too polite."

True Monarch Poison Corpse made his move immediately without saying a word.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, the black clothes suddenly enveloped Chen Yang like a sky curtain.

All around are the clothes of True Monarch Poisonous Corpse...

How could Chen Yang envelop him like this, retreating violently, and quickly escaped from the envelopment of the Poisonous Corpse True Monarch.Then, he condensed the Heavenly Sword.

The Celestial Sword is condensed from Xuanyuan Terrace's celestial chaotic hole.

The Celestial Sword quickly slashed towards the back of Zhenjun Poisonous Corpse's head, and then, Chen Yang also used his big handprint to grab Guan Qing.

True Monarch Poison Corpse snorted coldly, and said, "How can you be presumptuous in front of me!" He slapped his palm.I saw that his palm was full of Heisha, and Heisha hit Chen Yang's big handprint. Immediately, super corrosive divine power came and smashed Chen Yang's big handprint.

At the same time, True Monarch Poison Corpse waved his sleeve again.The sleeve strangled the Sky Excalibur, and then the sleeve turned into countless black liquids, which invaded the Sky Excalibur.

Chen Yang felt the various profound meanings of the Sky Excalibur, and the particles were dissipating.Then he knew that the black liquid was extremely poisonous.

If it was before, he would definitely be poisoned by it.But now that the mosquito king is in the body, there will be fear of these poisons.No matter how poisonous it is, is there any mosquito king poison?

He quickly retracted the Celestial Sword.

True Poisonous Corpse King has a figure like lightning, and he quickly shuttles around the field, while opening his mouth to spit out the poison of his own corpse.Those black corpse poisons walked through the air densely like countless rotting insects, and then came to bite Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt that the ability of the Poisonous Lord was a bit like that of the Mosquito King.

Without thinking too much, he quickly cast out the void of the sky, sucked a lot of corpse poison into the void, and then crushed it.

A sneer flashed in the eyes of True Monarch Poison Corpse.

Because of such absorption, the other party must be poisoned.

Chen Yang has merged with the mosquito king, so he is not afraid of these poisons at all.While casting the hole, it also activated the power of the mosquito king to quickly absorb those toxins and convert them into energy.

The two sides stalemate for a while, and the Poisonous Corpse Lord saw that not only did Chen Yang show no signs of being poisoned, but he became more and more fierce.

"You're not afraid of poison?" True Monarch Poison Corpse was quite surprised.

Chen Yang laughed loudly, and said, "If I don't have any skills, would I dare to come back to the Immortal Realm?"

The poisonous corpse true monarch said: "Okay, okay!" He suddenly collected all the poisonous gas around him into his palm, and then used the poisonous corpse to hide his hole.Fusing his 360 eight-muscle poisonous needles in the muddy hole!

With the blessing of Hundong, the Baxu poisonous needle is even more crazy and powerful!

In the next second, True Monarch Poison Corpse sent out the poisonous needle with eight beards!

The dense eight-bearded poisonous needles shot at Chen Yang in all directions.Chen Yang immediately covered his body with the void of the sky, and the void of the sky is a void of innocence...

Many poisonous needles were all frozen by the chaotic hole in the sky, unable to move forward.

But True Monarch Poison Corpse is still exerting his strength, and these poisonous needles begin to corrupt the innocence.

As a result, small cracks began to appear in Wuwang Hundong.Then, the cracks got bigger and bigger.

In this instant, Guan Qing also made a move.The seventh layer of creation is not a vase, she condenses the strongest blow, Tianhuo Slash!

A natal Tianhuo sword condensed all her secrets, laws, and power, and slashed towards Chen Yang's chest.

At the same time, the hole of innocence burst apart inch by inch.

All the eight-muscle poisonous needles shot at Chen Yang quickly!

That's not enough, Zhenjun Poison Corpse also sent out a poisonous palm, and slapped Chen Yang between the eyebrows.

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "If a tiger doesn't show its power, treat me like a sick cat!" I saw him forming a seal with both hands, and quickly displayed the powerful law of space.In the midst of the laws of space, his whole person appears extremely small.So all the eight-muscle poisonous needles are shot towards the center...

At this time, Chen Yang grabbed it with his big hand, and the mixed hole in his hand was used to the limit. He forcibly grabbed all the poisonous needles with eight beards in his hand, and quickly smashed them with the mixed hole.Then, with a flick of the fingers and a bang, Guan Qing's Skyfire Slash was sent flying.

The divine power contained in his light flick is terrifying.

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