The strongest player in history

Chapter 3852 Yuan Sheng visits

Mo Yu saw the contents of the letter.

"Xiaoyu, my daughter, when I found out that you were safe and sound, the joy in my father's heart is beyond words. It has been more than ten years since you and I have been separated. Every time I think of the day when you were forcibly taken away by the old man of the world in front of my eyes, my father will It's like falling into an endless hell, and it's hard to escape. I always ask myself, do I really treat you like my own? Why can I let you suffer this kind of pain instead of Xiaoran? Did I make a selfish choice in my heart? Also, are you and Xiaoran the same in my heart? Over the years, I have been troubled by this question for a long time. Later, I finally figured it out. In my heart as a father, I can say responsibly that you are indeed It is as important as Xiaoran. The reason why you agreed to this choice at the beginning was because you were stronger than the two children. But no matter what, being a father is not good to you. Fortunately, you are all well, For the rest of my life, I will protect you as a father. Chen Yang... leave a note!"

Mo Yu burst into tears after reading it!

In her heart, she never doubted Chen Yang's personality.There was no doubt that Chen Yang treated her and Xiaoran favorably.

She is Xiaoran's older sister, no matter how she looks at it, she feels that she should stand up.

Let's talk about the Kunlun Realm, the Yuansheng is rushing to Penglai Island in Biyouzhou with Yuanyuxian and Heishi.

When he was about to enter Penglai Island, Yuan Yuxian was a little worried and said: "Master, do you think they will attack us in groups?"

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly, and said: "It's their worst strategy to attack them in groups, they won't do it."

A few days later, they came to the outskirts of Penglai Island.

Yuan Yuxian raised his voice and said: "Junior Yuanjie Yuan Yuxian, today I come here with Master Yuansheng to pay homage to the leader of Tongtian, and hope that the leader can meet us!"

She yelled three times in a row.

After three beeps, the fog in front of him immediately dissipated, and a door to the void appeared afterward.

Afterwards, two disciples of the Master Tongtian came out of the Gate of the Void.

But it was the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the Holy Mother of Wudang.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the Holy Mother of Wudang both look extremely beautiful, and their cultivation base is extremely advanced, both of which have reached the realm of half-step saints.

The most powerful disciple of Master Tongtian is Taoist Duobao. Unfortunately, Taoist Duobao has disappeared for many years and his whereabouts are unknown!

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit is wearing a fiery red dress, which is glamorous and moving.

The Madonna of Wudang is dressed in a long white dress, which is refined from the world.

The two holy mothers came to greet him, which is considered to be very important to Yuan Sheng.

They saluted at the same time and said: "Junior wait to see Senior Yuansheng!"

Yuan Sheng smiled and said: "They are all fellow Taoists, so you are welcome!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also smiled slightly, and said: "The teacher knows that the senior is coming, and has already prepared thin wine in the palace."

Yuan Shengdao: "Then I will ask two fellow Taoists to lead the way!"

Our Lady of Jinling and Our Lady of Wudang led Yuansheng into the island and came to Biyou Palace.

Master Tongtian led his disciples to wait in front of the hall. As soon as Yuan Sheng came, Master Tongtian greeted him and said, "Sage Yuan is here, and my Biyou Palace will be full of splendor. Welcome!"

Yuan Sheng smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Tongtian, this old man came here uninvited this time, and please take care of me if I am so abrupt!"

Master Tongtian said: "Friend Daoist Yuan said such things, that's really outrageous. The poor Taoist has already prepared thin wine in the hall, please!"

A group of people entered the side hall.

In the side hall, the Lord Tongtian and the Holy Mother of Jinling, and the Holy Mother of Wudang are seated.

The rest of the disciples withdrew.

Yuan Sheng and others also sat down.

Between each other, first raise a glass and drink.After drinking for three rounds, Yuan Sheng said: "Fellow Tongtian Daoist, I'm here to tell you the truth, it's because of the old man in the world."

Master Tongtian said: "It's really sad that the old friend of Hongchen passed away. If you need help from the poor Daoist, you can just tell me."

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "I am too embarrassed to speak, but I found out that your disciple Yun Xiao was there during the investigation. The old man Hong Chen used the power of heaven, obviously he encountered a strong enemy, but Yun Xiao returned safely What happened. The old man felt that he had to figure out what happened. Our fairy world is a common prosperity, a loss and a loss. That person can force the old man in the world to use the power of heaven and retreat. The old man I don’t think it’s a small thing…”

Master Tongtian said: "It turned out to be for Yunxiao, Fellow Daoist Yuan. Pindao had already asked her after Yunxiao came back. She said that she had been to Hongchenzhou, but when she left, she didn't see anything unusual. She I have never seen the old man Hong Chen, if she is really involved, with her little ability, how can she come back safe and sound?"

Yuan Shengdao: "What Fellow Daoist Tong Tian said is reasonable, but this matter is of great importance, the old man still wants to ask Yun Xiao personally, is it possible?"

Master Tongtian smiled and said: "Of course!" Then he said to the Holy Mother of Jinling: "Go and call Yunxiao."

The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit stood up immediately, saluted slightly, and then took her leave.

Not long after, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit brought Yun Xiao over.

After Yunxiao came in, he first saluted the Master Tongtian, and then saluted Yuansheng.

Master Tongtian said: "Yunxiao, senior Yuansheng has something to ask you. This matter is related to the mystery of the death of an old friend in the world of mortals. You must not cover it up. You must answer truthfully."

Yun Xiao said: "Yes!"

Yuansheng said to Yunxiao: "Young friend Yunxiao, please sit down first, the old man is just asking casually, don't feel pressured."

Take your seat in the sky.

Yuan Shengcai said: "Little friend Yunxiao, when did you go to Hongchen Continent? Why do you suddenly want to go to Hongchen Continent?"

Yun Xiao said: "The junior left for Hongchen Continent in March, the reason why he went was because he was very quiet and wanted to move, so he just walked around."

"Go alone?" Yuan Sheng asked.

Yun Xiao said: "On the way, I walked with a fellow Taoist. His name is Su Huanqing. His cultivation base is about the seventh level of the Creation Realm. I don't know where he came from. I just met him by chance. We walked together, just to explain The journey was lonely. We traveled all the way, and finally parted ways in the Western Continent in the western border. After parting ways, I went to Hongchen Continent for a trip, and then left Hongchen Continent."

"Haven't you seen the old man Hongchen?" Yuan Sheng asked.

Yun Xiao shook his head and said: "I haven't seen it before. Hongchen Island is very big, and the old man Hongchen has always been mysterious and never sees outsiders. Even if I want to see it, I can't see it."

"You're lying!" Yuan Yuxian immediately stood up, and said in a deep voice, "My master detected your existence in the Red Dust Mountain. You have clearly been to the Red Dust Mountain, Fairy Yunxiao, what are you trying to hide?"

"I have never been to Hongchen Mountain!" Yun Xiaochu remained calm and said, "If you must say that I have been, please show evidence. Also, this is Biyou Palace. I answer your questions out of affection. Answer Yuan Senior Saint's question is my etiquette. And is it too rude for you to ask such a question?"

"Yuxian, you are too presumptuous." Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice, "Apologize to Miss Yunxiao!"

After Yuan Yuxian took a deep breath, he apologized to Yunxiao.

Yun Xiao would not care about Yuan Yuxian.

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng said to the Master Tongtian: "Fellow Tongtian, to be honest, I did find out that Miss Yunxiao had been to Hongchen Mountain. Fellow Daoist, I should believe that this old man still has this ability."

Master Tongtian immediately asked Yunxiao, "Rebel, have you ever been to Hongchen Mountain?"

Yun Xiao immediately knelt down and said, "Reporting to Master, this disciple has indeed never been to Hongchen Mountain. If Master doesn't believe me, this disciple is willing to die to show his ambition."

Master Tongtian said in a deep voice, "Really?"

Yun Xiao said: "Disciple will never dare to lie."

Master Tongtian said to Yuan Sheng: "Friend Daoist Yuan, my disciple has always been honest. If she has really been there, she will not hide it."

Yuan Shengdao: "Fellow Daoist Tongtian, if you allow me, this old man can perform a Taoist technique on Miss Yunxiao. This Taoist technique can be retrogradely calculated to reveal all her whereabouts in Hongchen Continent. At that time, whether she lied or not, we all It's all clear."

"Even if it is a calculation, there is a possibility of error. With your ability, Yuan Daoist, if you want to add some unnecessary things, it is easy." Tongtian Jiaozhu said: "Yuan Daoist, I don't know that you are suspicious. What. Does my disciple Yunxiao have the ability to kill Hongchen old people? Obviously not. You come to visit Pindao, and Pindao is very welcome. You want to interrogate, and Pindao also asked Yunxiao to come out to answer. Pindao meets Yuandao Friends, you can be said to be extremely polite, but if you continue to be unable to ask for it, then the poor will have no choice but to issue an order to expel the guest."

Yuan Sheng hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist Tongtian, calm down, I absolutely did not mean to offend you. It's just that the death of the old man in the world is a major event in the entire fairy world. Now that the old man is in charge of life and heaven, he must be responsible to all saints. This matter, the old man needs to find out the truth, and the old man has absolutely no malice towards Miss Yunxiao, but it is true that she has been to Hongchen Mountain, and he wants to use her to restore the truth of what happened that day."

The Master of Tongtian said: "Poverty Daoist has exhausted his words here, Fellow Daoist Yuan, please go back!"

Yuan Sheng was stunned, then sighed, got up and said, "Let's go!"

"Master..." Yuan Yuxian said.

"No need to say more." Yuan Sheng immediately took Yuan Yuxian and Hei Zang away.

After they left, in the side hall, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was about to speak...

Master Tongtian waved his sleeve robe, and suddenly, a wave of holy power swept out, sweeping a layer of golden holy brilliance out of the hall.

"This Shenghui is...?" The Holy Mother of Wudang was taken aback.

Master Tongtian said lightly: "This is the aura left by Yuan Sheng. If this aura is not swept away, he can hear everything we say!"

"Despicable!" The Virgin of the Golden Spirit said angrily.

Tongtian Jiaozhu said: "This layer of breath is left naturally, and the teacher swept it away right now, just to prove to him that we are hiding something. But it doesn't matter. We both know what we are hiding. bright."

The Holy Mother of Wudang said: "Master, do you think Yuan Sheng will let this go?"

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