After hearing Chen Yang's words, Ah Chen's face changed slightly, and he said, "What do you mean? Could it be that you want to challenge the authority of my master? Young man, your cultivation is not bad, but your cultivation is in front of my master. , but a child's play."

Yun Xiao was also a little scared, and said, "Sir, don't be fooled!"

Chen Yang ignored Yunxiao, smiled at Ah Chen, and said, "I will never drink this glass of wine. I will never return to the original road. Compared with the old man in the world, my cultivation is indeed nothing worth mentioning .But I also believe that the old man set up this pass is definitely not bored enough to see people kill each other."

A Chen said coldly: "The regulations of Hongchen Pass are like this, don't pretend to be smart!"

Chen Yang smiled, and said: "I thought about it, maybe the purpose of the Hongchen Pass is to make people break the rules. You can't drink this poisonous wine! You can't go back the way you came. I can't offend this old man in the world. But Miss Achen You... I seem to be able to offend some. If you let me go to see the old man Hongchen, I will spare your life!"

"You..." Ah Chen never expected that Chen Yang would actually do something to her.I couldn't help taking a step back, and said: "You are talking nonsense, I am here on behalf of my master. If you attack me, it is equivalent to attacking my master. As long as you make a move, my master will be struck by thunder. You can be killed in a short time. I advise you not to seek your own death!"

Chen Yang laughed, but ignored it.In the next moment, he made a move, showing his mahamudra to shoot towards Achen.

Ah Chen's cultivation is only at the seventh level of the Creation Realm, but she has some unexpected abilities relying on this world of mortals.As soon as Chen Yang made a move, her mana was quickly released, and the scene in front of her changed directly.The bamboo forest began to blur, and the laws of space surged...

There was a lot of space in front of Chen Yang and Yun Xiao, and it was as if thousands of mountains and rivers were separated between them and Ah Chen.

Yun Xiao didn't want to make a move at first, but since Chen Yang had already moved, she could only cooperate.So he stepped forward together with Chen Yang, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers in one step, breaking through numerous space restrictions.

Ah Chen quickly withdrew from the Red Dust Gate...

Chen Yang and Yun Xiao followed quickly, and in the next second, they also left this weird world of mortals.

After leaving the Red Dust Pass, he came to that island.In front of you is the majestic Hongchen Mountain...

A Chen stood where he was, glared at Chen Yang and Yun Xiao, and said, "You are so rude, dare to attack me, I will report to my master now!"

After saying that, with a sway of his figure, he rose from the ground and flew towards the mountain with lightning.

Yun Xiao wished to catch Ah Chen on the spot, but felt that something was wrong, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he retracted it again, and couldn't help asking Chen Yang: "What should we do now?"

Chen Yang said: "Fairy, the world of mortals has passed, you should leave here according to our previous agreement!"

Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "How can that be done? Now you have offended the old man Hongchen. If I don't mediate for you, you will have a way to survive?" After finishing speaking, he seemed to be talking to himself, saying : "I hope the old man Hongchen can see my master's face and forgive our rudeness!"

Chen Yang was thoughtful, but didn't say anything more.

After a while, that Dust left and returned, and came to the two of them, a little angrily, and said: "Fortunately for you, my master actually said that you have passed the pass of the world of mortals. Now, come with me!"

Chen Yang was not surprised by this, but Yun Xiao was both surprised and delighted, thinking it was too incredible.After thinking about it, I feel normal again.She thought to herself: "That's right, this old man in the world of mortals set up the mortal pass. He must not be so bored as to watch people come and stage love and hatred, life and death." It is to make people break the routine. The way to break the barrier is not to drink, but to drive back Achen. After defeating Achen, Hongchen will break through without attacking. But... Behind Achen is the old man of Hongchen. When I came to break through, I absolutely dare not do anything to Achen. This Mr. Xuanyuan is so courageous and clever, he actually saw through the joints so quickly and broke through this level."

At this moment, she admired Chen Yang greatly.

In fact, how did she know that Chen Yang dared to offend the Tianwei of the old man Hongchen if he hadn't embraced the mentality of dying and relying on the Tiandao brush.Otherwise, he and Yun Xiao would also dare not attack Ah Chen.

What Chen Yang thought in his heart was very simple, the big deal is to fight hard.Anyway, once you, the old man in the world of mortals, exert the power of heaven, I will certainly die, but you will not be much better.

He and Yun Xiao had different thoughts at this time, but they both flew into the air at the same time, chasing after that Ah Chen.

Ah Chen brought the two of them to a yard on the mountain, and there was a house in front of the yard.

All the facilities here are quite simple.

The yard is like a common man's yard...

Look around, the sun is shining brightly nearby...

In the distance is surrounded by clouds and smoke, accompanied by the mysterious power of the world of mortals.

There is a stone pavilion in the yard...

Ah Chen asked Yun Xiao and Chen Yang to sit down in the stone pavilion and wait.

Chen Yang and Yun Xiao came to sit in the stone pavilion... Yun Xiao couldn't help but look around.

Chen Yang's heart was full of ups and downs, and all those things on the earth decades ago came to his mind.He will never forget the scene when Mo Yu was forcibly taken away by Hongchen old man...

"Godfather, at this moment, you don't need to say anything. I know that in your heart, I am no different from Xiaoran. Between me and Xiaoran, whoever walks on this road is in your heart I can say that you are the saddest and most heartbroken person present. Have you ever been afraid of death in your life? It’s just that right now, even if you die, nothing will change. That’s why you It will be so painful... But really, you don't have to suffer for me, this is my best choice. Besides, I have long wanted to leave the earth. The flesh and skin are nothing to worry about!"

"Godfather, thank you for everything you have done to me! Farewell, daughter!"

At this moment, the sentence of farewell to my daughter was so clear in my mind, constantly echoing.

His eyes couldn't help being bloodshot, and his fists were clenched tightly.

A mad killing intent filled his mind, he wished he could cut that old man into pieces.

Yun Xiao immediately sensed that something was wrong with Chen Yang. She was too close to him, and she also felt his hidden killing intent.

"Sir... you...?" Yun Xiao was astonished, and secretly said: "Could it be that he really wants to kill the old man Hongchen? But isn't this courting death?"

Chen Yang woke up suddenly, calmed down quickly, and stopped his brain from continuing to think about it.After taking a deep breath, he smiled and said, "Fairy, I'm fine!"

Yunxiao sent a voice through his mind, and said: "Sir, I really can't guess what you are here for. But no matter what, you can't do stupid things! It is impossible for people like us to defeat Hongchen old man. With him Don't even think about the idea of ​​confrontation!"

Chen Yang nodded, and said, "I know, don't worry!"

Yun Xiao saw that Chen Yang was still a little absent-minded, so he wanted to take Chen Yang away, but he also knew that there was no turning back after reaching this point.She could only bite the bullet and take one step at a time.

After a while, an old man walked out of the house.

Chen Yang looked over.

The old man was dressed in white and had white hair. He was the long-lost... the old man in the world of mortals.

The feeling of the old man in the world is cold, unfathomable, and unapproachable.It's not like the Tongtian leader, who is very kind and feels like a spring breeze.

After the old man Hong Chen appeared, Chen Yang and Yun Xiao stood up.

The old man Hong Chen came to the stone pavilion, Chen Yang saluted with Yun Xiao, Yun Xiao said: "Bi You Gong Yun Xiao, I have seen Senior Hong Chen!"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Xuanyuan Terrace, I have met Senior Hongchen!"

The old man Hongchen didn't seem to notice Chen Yang's strangeness, and said indifferently: "Everyone sit down!" While talking, he took his seat first.

Chen Yang and Yun Xiao also took their seats.

Ah Chen brought fairy fruit and fairy wine, and then stood by to serve.

The old man Hongchen glanced at Chen Yang and Yunxiao, then his eyes fell on Yunxiao's face, and said: "I don't have much friendship with Biyou Palace, and I just met Master Tongtian. I don't know that Miss Yunxiao has put in so much effort this time. Come here, why? Does the Master know that you have come to this old man?"

Yun Xiao said: "The junior is here to accompany friends, seniors please forgive me for being abrupt!"

The old man Hongchen was stunned for a moment, and said, "Accompany a friend?" He looked at Chen Yang, and said, "So, it's my friend who wants to see you? Not many people in this world know the exact location of Hongchen Mountain, so come here Here, it must have taken some thought and setbacks, right?"

Chen Yang had mixed feelings in his heart, and said calmly, "It's true that I have spent a lot of trouble."

The old man Hongchen said: "Little friend can pass this mortal pass, which shows that he is not an easy person. What can you ask this old man for? As long as it is not too complicated, this old man will try his best to solve it for you."

Chen Yang said: "I want to worship under the senior's door." He turned his head quickly, and thought of countless excuses when he came.

In the end, it was found that this argument was the most convincing.

Even if the old man Hongchen disagreed, he could stay in this place for a few more days to see if he could meet Mo Yu.

The old man Hongchen and Yunxiao were stunned.

But Ah Chen had a look of disdain on his face.

Yun Xiao didn't believe that Chen Yang really wanted to be a teacher. Just now, she clearly felt Chen Yang's hatred and killing intent.

The old man Hongchen's face turned cold, and he said: "The old man never accepts disciples."

Chen Yang said: "Everything has a precedent and a beginning. I hope that I can become this exception."

The old man Hongchen said coldly: "If you came here to apprentice, I can tell you clearly that it is impossible! If you have nothing else to do, then you can go."

Chen Yang said: "I have gone through untold hardships to come here. I just hope to become your disciple, senior. I hope senior will give me this opportunity." After finishing speaking, he got up and bowed deeply.

"Ah Chen, see off the guests!" The old man Hong Chen stood up and said coldly.

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