The strongest player in history

Chapter 3839 The Poison Of Celestial Eclipse

Chen Yang said: "But you know I'm looking for the old man Hongchen." Zhuge Zhi said: "But I don't know your intention to find the old man Hongchen." Chen Yang said: "Don't say these things are useless, I will ask you again, why did you Knowing the whereabouts of the old man Hongchen, but refusing to tell me?”

Zhuge Zhi said with a bitter face: "Old man Hongchen is a powerful person with supreme ability. Not many people know where he lives. If you go and offend him, he will inevitably find out who leaked his information." Whereabouts. At that time, if the old man comes to investigate, how can the old man afford it! Therefore, if the old man is not forced, he will never reveal his whereabouts."

Chen Yang said: "There is some truth to it!"

Zhuge Zhi said: "The old man will keep his mouth shut and not reveal anything to the public. Unless an old man from the world of mortals comes to ask the old man, then the old man will tell the old man that the old man has no choice but to tell you."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, since that's the case, I'll save your life!"

In fact, he also knew that killing Zhuge Zhi to silence his mouth was the best way, but after much deliberation, he couldn't do it.This Zhuge Zhi didn't offend him, he came to him... Killing people for no reason is really not his Chen Yang style.

"Forget it, I'm already entangled in karma, so I'm afraid of these messy consequences!" Chen Yang then left Zhugezhi.

As for Sinan, Chen Yang just sent a message across the air: "It's over here, you don't have to follow me anymore, go back!"

Sinan immediately thanked him a thousand times.

Afterwards, Chen Yang found an inn in Tianxing City and stayed there.

He did not immediately go to Hongchen Mountain.

Going to Hongchen Mountain still needs a sense of mortal...

He felt that this world of mortals should not simply find a woman, at least it should be of a decent level of cultivation.Otherwise, it would be too easy to just find any mortal woman to go with.In this way, the meaning of mortals set by the old dog of mortals is meaningless.

Chen Yang is still thinking about another serious question, that is, do he really want to go to see the old man in the world so desperately?

I really saw it, what can I do?

What will happen?

Can you bear the consequences?

On the one hand, Chen Yang desperately wanted to know about Mo Yu's situation, and also wanted Mo Yu to know that he was coming.That way she would see some hope in the darkness.

On the other hand, he also felt that it was unwise to do so!

It is not a good choice to go forcibly now.

After hesitating again and again, Chen Yang still made a decision and went forcibly!

The reason why he chose to go after all had his own considerations.

One is based on the Tiandao pen in the body!

Second, based on the fact that the old man Hongchen also signed the legal agreement, he believes that the old man Hongchen will not easily display the power of heaven.After all, the consequences are terrifying...

Therefore, the danger of going here is not too great.

What if the old man Hongchen can't see his real body?

That's even better.

After making up his mind, Chen Yang's thinking became clearer.

After that, he first went to the Hongchen Mountain that Zhuge Zhi mentioned.

After flying for about three days, I just arrived at the legendary Hongchen Mountain.

Hongchen Mountain is also located in the middle of the sea, on an island.

When Chen Yang came to the outskirts of the island, he saw that the sky was full of fog.

With a flash, he broke into the mist.

Spiritual thoughts shot around at the same time, and felt that the mist was wet, like countless water vapors formed.In the water vapor, there are countless space laws filling it, a drop of water, there is a small world.If you want to completely penetrate this fog, you don't know how many small worlds you have to penetrate.If it is resolved in this way, I am afraid that it will not be resolved in the next life.

Soon, Chen Yang gave up on rushing into the Red Dust Mountain!

Because he found that it is impossible to rush in... Not only are there a large number of space laws in this fog, but there are also mortals and heavens filling it...

The way of heaven has always existed, but the law prohibits individuals from exerting the power of the way of heaven!

The old man in the world of mortals evolved from the way of heaven. Where there are people, there is a secular world in the world of mortals, so he can also activate the power of the way of mortals and heaven.

Right now, this place is the dojo of the old man of the world.

Unless the Tiandao Brush is used, it is unlikely to break into the Red Dust Mountain.

"The Tiandao Brush is my secret weapon, and it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary." Chen Yang secretly said.

"I'm going to find a random woman to try and see if I can achieve the worldly spirit." Chen Yang thought about it, and then left Hongchen Mountain.

After flying out of the sea for about half an hour, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him.

Chen Yang was slightly startled and stopped.

The figure stood still in front of Chen Yang, but the one who came was... Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao was wearing a red dress at this time, stunning and moving.

Chen Yang was quite surprised, and said, "Why is the fairy here?"

Yun Xiao smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to worry about why I am here, you just need to know that if you want to find the Red Dust Pass, enter the mist with me and you will find it. I can help you reach the Red Dust Pass."

Chen Yang was overjoyed, and said: "That's really great." He wondered in his heart, couldn't Fairy Yunxiao have been following him?So curious?

Yun Xiao said: "I also have a condition for helping you break through the Red Dust Pass."

Chen Yang was startled, and then asked, "What conditions?"

Yun Xiao said: "You have to tell me, what are you trying to find the old man in the world for? I have been thinking about this problem all these days, and I really can't figure it out. Let's talk about revenge. With your cultivation base, it doesn't matter at all. It may shake the old man in the world of mortals. Going like this is just to die! It’s something else, it’s not quite like it.”

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "So the fairy has been following me?"

Yun Xiao blushed slightly, and said, "It's not like I've been following you all the time. I knew you were coming to Hongchen Continent, so I set off here first. After you finished looking for Zhuge Zhi, I also went to look for Zhuge Zhi."

She had deepened her approval of Chen Yang in her heart because Chen Yang didn't kill Zhuge Zhi and Si Nan.Before, she had a mentality of returning favors, but later she was curious... But after knowing that Chen Yang didn't kill Sinan and Zhuge Zhi, she was sure in her heart that Chen Yang was a good person.

"I..." Chen Yang didn't want to lie to Yun Xiao, but he couldn't tell the truth.He wanted to hide his identity as much as possible...

Seeing that Chen Yang was in a dilemma, Yun Xiao sighed, and said, "Forget it, I was joking with you. If you don't want to say it, don't say it... I will accompany you to pass through the world of mortals and meet the old man of mortals."

Chen Yang still hesitated, and said: "Fairy, I hope you will leave after helping me pass through the world of mortals. I really have some things that are very inconvenient to deal with when I come here. If the time is right in the future , I will definitely explain everything to you truthfully.”

"This..." Yun Xiao was a little unhappy, but seeing Chen Yang's earnest words, he thought about it and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being grateful, and said, "Thank you fairy!"

Yun Xiao said: "You're welcome!"

The two turned back immediately, and half an hour later came to the periphery of Hongchen Mountain again.Follow into the mist...

After entering the mist, Yun Xiao took the initiative to hold Chen Yang's hand, and said, "If you want to feel like a human being, you must hold hands with a man and a woman, one yin and one yang, and feel the surroundings."

Chen Yang also guessed this in his heart, but he was not ashamed to bring it up.

The moment he held hands, he felt a tinge of coldness in the softness of Yunxiao's jade hands.But soon, Yunxiao's palms were stained with sweat. Obviously, she rarely held hands with men, and she was very nervous at the moment.

Chen Yang held Yun Xiao's hand and walked in the mist.

After a while, the fog in front of him began to change, and a door to the void appeared in front of him.

Without hesitation, Chen Yang and Yun Xiao entered the door with a quick flash.After entering, the void gate disappeared.

What they came to was a small bamboo forest!

The bamboo forest was gloomy and windy.

In front of the bamboo forest, stood a young girl, who looked eighteen years old, and was beautiful and moving.

There is a table in front of the girl, and there is a glass of wine on the table!

Chen Yang and Yun Xiao came to the girl.

Yunxiao cupped his fists first, and said: "Biyou Palace Yunxiao, I'm here to ask to see the old man Hongchen!"

Chen Yang also cupped his fists and said, "I'm going down to Xuanyuan Terrace!"

Although Su Huanqing's name was agreed with Heiyi Suzhen, but with the old man Hong Chen, using the name Su Huanqing might not be able to pass the test.I just hope that the identity of Xuanyuantai can be fooled!If you really can't make it through, let's talk about it!Anyway, there is determination to kill the fish and break the net.

The girl's face was cold, and she said: "Who are you and what is the purpose of coming here, it has nothing to do with me. I am just the gatekeeper in this world of mortals... You can call me... Achen! On this table The wine is a cup of poisoned wine, and the poison in it is the poison of heavenly eclipse born in the chaos. It is very simple to pass the red dust test. After one of you drinks this glass of poisoned wine, the other person will pass the level. As for What will happen after drinking this cup of poisoned wine? I can’t tell you! Maybe you’ll be fine, maybe you’ll die miserably, maybe you’ll lose your cultivation. If you don’t want to, you can just go back the same way..."

Yun Xiao couldn't help but change color, she never imagined that the Hongchen Pass was set up like this.

Chen Yang grabbed the wine glass from the air and held it in his hand.Yun Xiao was taken aback, and said: "Sir, you must never... the future will be long, there is no need to sacrifice your life."

Chen Yang smiled at Yun Xiao, and said, "Fairy, don't worry, I'm not so overwhelmed." After saying that, he smelled the wine...

There was a pungent corrosive smell in the wine, and when this smell entered Chen Yang's body, he immediately felt overwhelmed.

It is conceivable that once this glass of wine enters the stomach, what terrible consequences it will have!

Chen Yang can already conclude that this glass of wine is definitely not a bluff.Once eaten, even Da Luo Jinxian will turn into a puddle of blood.

"Which one of you wants to drink?" Achen asked lightly.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "None of us wants to die, so no one knows how to drink."

A Chen said coldly: "Then put down this wine and go back the way you came."

Chen Yang said: "What if I neither want to drink nor go back the same way?"

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