Master Tongtian was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect Chen Yang to ask this question when he opened his mouth.After pondering for a while, he said: "Pin Dao doesn't know much about the world of mortals and the old man of mortals. More than 100 years ago, Yuan Sheng used the primordial purple energy to change the divine power of the heavens in the heavens. At that time, my two senior brothers and I quickly realized , and quickly seized some of the power of the way of heaven. There are many types of power of the way of heaven, and only when you reach the realm of a saint can you feel the subtle changes of the way of heaven."

"So that's how it is!" Chen Yang secretly said: "This principle is really like in the vast world of the earth, rich people can always quickly seize the opportunity after various outlets appear. The strong are always strong, that's it. reason!"

Master Tongtian continued: "As for the world of mortals, it is quite strange. An old man of mortals was born in the world of mortals. When he was born, he was in the form of an old man. The birth of this old man is quite similar to the master of the poor. The master of the poor is The primordial spirit born from the chaos... Pindao has never been in contact with the old man of the world, so he doesn't understand it."

Chen Yang immediately said: "Boy, I heard a few disciples chatting that day, saying that several of you saints have signed a covenant with Yuan Sheng. What is the covenant? Didn't the old man of the world participate?"

Master Tongtian was not surprised that Chen Yang knew about the covenant, and said: "The covenant is similar to what you understand, that is, everyone should not use the power of the law of heaven. As for why everyone is willing to sign this covenant, it is also because once the power of the law of heaven is used Power is harmful to everyone and has no benefit. If the power of heaven is used too much, it will be weakened. At the same time, it will also cause invisible damage to the ecology that has been formed in the entire fairy world. This time it was proposed by Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng's Dao of Life and Heaven is the most domineering, since he suggested that everyone should not use it, we naturally have no objection."

"As for the old man in the world, he was present when the legal agreement was signed, but he left after signing the legal agreement. Pindao didn't communicate with him. He didn't communicate with anyone!" Tongtian Cult Master said.

Chen Yang said: "Then do you know where the old man in the world lives?"

Master Tongtian smiled slightly and said, "My little friend seems to be quite interested in the old man in the world of mortals?"

Chen Yang said: "The kid is interested in the things about the saints. Just ask casually..."

Master Tongtian said: "The old man Hongchen lives in the Western Realm now, and there are saints in the Western Realm who are allowed to mention and guide the saints. But the old man Hongchen is not with them, he is only in his own Hongchen Continent."

Chen Yang said: "So that's how it is." He was a little relieved in his heart, and finally made some progress.

Afterwards, he asked again: "Master, there is still one thing I don't know, kid."

Master Tongtian said: "But it's okay to ask."

Chen Yang said: "If you sign this covenant, will you abide by it? If you don't abide by it, what should you do?"

The leader of Tongtian said: "If you don't abide by it, heaven and man will punish it together. We all know and know the changes in the power of heaven, and whoever uses it will also know. As long as someone violates it, we will punish it through the law. .We can work together to deprive them of the power of heaven, and then divide it equally... Yuan Sheng said that he is the person in charge. At that time, those who violate the rules will be punished, but they will not participate in the power of heaven. "

Chen Yangdao: "It seems that this Yuan Sheng is quite fair. But as far as I know, Yuan Sheng was a native of the planet Kepler back then. He must have a deep-seated hatred for our entire fairy world. Pain, have the leader and all the saints forgotten?"

Master Tongtian took another look at Chen Yang, then smiled, and said: "No one will forget what happened back then. The sacred tree of Wugu Sheji can be said to be a kind of reincarnation and karma. I have been practicing Taoism for so many years, and I finally understand some days and karma. Now that the structure of the fairy world has changed drastically, for me, the most important thing is to follow the development of things and not try to interfere with the number of days."

Chen Yang said: "The boy is stupid, and he doesn't quite understand the reason. I just know that if all the saints work together to eradicate Yuan Sheng, wouldn't the crisis in the fairy world be lifted?"

The leader of Tongtian said: "Yuansheng is the most powerful now, and there is the help of Lingzun by his side. All the saints do not work together. If the fire is not ready, forcing will only hurt the body. You are also a cultivator. You should understand nature." The four characters of change, we must be in awe of natural changes and follow natural changes.”

Chen Yang felt that he didn't understand, but it was not good to continue to entangle on this issue.

He really still had a lot of doubts to ask, but then, Master Tongtian said: "Little friend, let's stop here for today's conversation."

The other party doesn't want to talk about it.

Chen Yang was helpless, but there was another kind of peace in his heart.That is, these bigwigs really can't use the power of heaven.In this way, your own safety factor is greatly increased!

He then said: "Master, I have one last question."

Master Tongtian didn't show any impatience, he smiled slightly and said, "Please speak!"

Chen Yang said: "The teacher said it was wrong, the boy is a little strange, what is wrong? Is it because of the boy's identity in the heaven, or is it because of other things?"

Master Tongtian smiled lightly and said, "I really want to know?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm really curious!"

Master Tongtian laughed, and said, "It looks like a flower but it's not a flower, it looks like a mist but it's not a mist, the secret of heaven must not be leaked!"

Chen Yang was shocked.

He always felt that his true identity was clear to the leader in front of him.It's just that he didn't know how to prove it, and he didn't dare to take the risk.

Afterwards, the Master Tongtian left.

Chen Yang also returned to Sanxiao Palace.

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao were very concerned about Chen Yang and asked how the situation was.

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "I am blessed, and I have no chance to become the leader's direct disciple."

"This..." Bi Xiao said, "How could this be? I'll ask Master."

"Second Sister, don't do it!" Qiong Xiao hurriedly stopped her, saying, "Master has his own reasons for doing things, how can we intervene more?"

When Bi Xiao was about to say something, Yun Xiao also came out and said, "That's right, Second Sister, don't be too reckless. Although Master usually spoils you, it doesn't mean that you can be so unscrupulous. This time you bring It's a big mistake to ask Sanmei to provoke Yang Jian. If Master doesn't punish you, I will punish you."

"Sister, what's wrong with me? Then Yang Jian is too much." Bi Xiao said unhappily.

Yun Xiao said in a deep voice: "It's not about Yang Jian's right or wrong, but about your sense of propriety. If it wasn't a coincidence that Mr. Xuanyuan rescued you this time, would you have thought about the consequences? It doesn't matter if you die, but you have hurt the third sister." .It will even make our Biyou Palace and Yuxu Palace become evil, have you thought about all these consequences?"

Bi Xiao was at a loss for words.

Chen Yang was by the side but didn't say much.After Yun Xiao walked over, he said to Chen Yang: "Since my master doesn't accept Mr., there must be a reason for it. Yun Xiao will always remember Mr. Sister's life-saving kindness to my sister. He will definitely repay it someday!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "Fairies don't have to worry about this matter, because the leader has already given me a lot of benefits and accepted this favor. So I have settled with the three fairies... Since I have no chance to invest If you are under the sect of the leader, you will not bother me any more, and I will bid you farewell!"

Bi Xiao suddenly felt indebted, and said: "But you go out like this, there is still Lu Ya to teach..."

Yun Xiao said: "Second Sister, master will resolve it on the side of explaining education. It's just that Lu Ya's whereabouts are secretive, so it's not easy to solve." After a pause, he said to Chen Yang: "Sir, you still have to be more careful."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Thank you three fairies for your concern. The leader has given me the means to save my life. Even if I encounter Lu Ya, I should have a means to escape!"

Bi Xiao breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

After that, Chen Yang bid farewell to the three fairies, and left the area of ​​Penglai Island.

After leaving Penglai Island, Chen Yang was in the middle of the vast sea, and he still didn't know anything about the distribution of this fairy world.How to go to other realms is also unclear.

But after learning that the saints are not allowed to use the power of heaven, he is still relieved a lot.

His survivability has been greatly improved invisibly.

It's not that I'm afraid of Lu Ya, and I'm not a vegetarian either.

Three days later, he found an unnamed island to stay temporarily, and then began to figure out how to go next.

On that island, hide the black hole spar underground.

Then, Chen Yang came to Jiexumi Villa.

At this moment, he lay comfortably on the bed, and his body and mind were relaxed.Ever since he came to the fairy world, his mind has been tense.The whole person is like the kind of newcomer who just went to work in a new place... Now he finally got off work and returned to his home.

He let out a long sigh of relief, then turned on the giant screen and started watching a movie.

The movie happened to be playing a movie about Fengshen.

The image of the Tongtian leader inside is disgusting, indistinguishable from right from wrong...

Chen Yang thought of the Tongtian leader he had met earlier, and couldn't help but find it funny. This is the difference between reality and legend.

It's ridiculous to think about those film and television dramas.How could it be possible for a saint-level Tongtian leader to have such an image!

TV, sofa, villa...

right in front of his eyes.

But the outside world is Biyouzhou. In Biyouzhou, there is Penglai Island and the leader of Tongtian.

Beyond Biyouzhou, there is Yuxuzhou and so on!

What is reality and what is illusion?

For a moment, Chen Yang felt a little dazed.

Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou?

His thoughts returned to the summer night hundreds of years ago, the days with Su Qing, so ordinary, so real.

"Hot pot, barbecue, beer...supernatural powers, spells, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian leader, hahahaha...absurd, such two extreme things, I have seen and witnessed them one by one. How many secrets are there in this world? Woolen cloth?"

"If I hadn't walked this path, I would have grown old later, but now I have already been buried in the loess, right?"

Chen Yang thought a lot, and he also thought of Hei Yi Suzhen.

At this time, he wished that Hei Yi Suzhen was by his side.

If she was by her side at this time, even if she met a saint, as long as they didn't use the power of heaven, they would be able to fight, right?

However, after all, I still have to have the power of heaven to be at ease.

There is a difference between having a sword in your hand and not using it, and not having a sword in your hand.

"By the way, Tiandao Pen..."

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