The strongest player in history

Chapter 3831 Tongtian Sect Leader

Yun Xiao didn't continue to ask Chen Yang too many things, and then arranged for Chen Yang to live in the Sanxiao Palace now.

Chen Yang lived in a specially prepared guest room in Sanxiao Palace.Bi Xiao and the others also have some friends. Occasionally, when friends come, they may stay here for a while.

It was a peaceful night.

Chen Yang had too much curiosity about this fairy world in his heart, and the memories left by Linghui back then were almost completely useless.Because earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fairy world over the years... Although he was extremely curious, he didn't dare to ask questions.

The next morning, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao came to see Chen Yang together.

In the bright sunshine, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao fell into the world like beautiful fairies by mistake.Especially Bi Xiao, there is an indescribable charm in every frown and smile.Qiong Xiao was quiet and calm.

Bi Xiao asked with a smile, "Sir, are you still used to being here last night?"

Chen Yang also smiled, and said: "I came here for the first time, and I thought in my heart that this place is very close to Tongtian Supreme. I seem to feel the supreme majesty of his old man in my heart, so I didn't dare to relax too much all night .”

Qiong Xiao chuckled and said, "Our master is very kind."

Bi Xiao said: "Of course, in this entire fairy world, goblins are not treated very well. It is our master who is sympathetic to the common people, saying that all living beings in the world, who have a heart for Taoism, can enter my Taoist door. In our Biyou Palace, no matter What kind of a creature, what kind of birth, as long as you follow the Tao in your heart, you will be respected by others!"

Chen Yang was in awe, and said: "I also admire him very much in my heart."

Bi Xiao suddenly smiled mischievously, and said, "Really? How about my uncle Yuanshi Tianzun? In your heart, who do you respect more?"

Qiong Xiao was helpless and said, "Second Sister, there are people who ask such questions."

Chen Yang is a well-rounded person, how could he be stumped by Bi Xiao's question, he smiled immediately and said: "It's not because I want to flatter Tongtian Supreme in this Biyou Palace, Tongtian Supreme has no education. I really admire him. As for Yuan Shitian respecting him as an old man, how can I dare to comment on such trivial skills. I respect Yuan Shitian respecting him extremely!"

Bi Xiao thought about it carefully, and felt that this guy seemed to have praised his master invisibly.But after careful study, it seems that he didn't say who he respected more.Of course, she didn't mean to make things difficult for Chen Yang, but she was just being naughty.

After that, Qiong Xiao returned to the main topic first, and said: "Mr. Xuanyuan, my eldest sister has prepared a breakfast banquet in the palace. After the breakfast banquet, you can go to Zizhi Cliff to meet my master."

Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, and said, "Would you like to see the leader?"

Qiong Xiao said: "Elder Sister told Master what happened yesterday, and Master also said that he would thank you face to face."

Chen Yang said, "I dare not take it seriously."

He was both happy and anxious at the same time.I am also afraid that my true identity will be seen through by the leader of Tongtian, and it is difficult to guess, if I really tell the truth, what kind of attitude will the leader of Tongtian treat me.

What is the attitude of Immortal Realm towards himself?

He really couldn't guess it, and he didn't dare to try it rashly.

With his current cultivation base, in this vast and majestic fairy world, it is really too thin.

This fairy world can be said to be full of saints, and half saints are like dogs!

The breakfast banquet was very rich, and the breakfast prepared by Yunxiao for Chen Yang can be said to be full of sincerity.

While eating breakfast, Chen Yang anxiously asked Yunxiao what he should pay attention to when meeting with Supreme Master Tongtian.

Yun Xiao smiled slightly and said: "There is nothing special to pay attention to, don't be stressed, our master is very kind."

Only then did Chen Yang feel a little relieved.

It's really weird to say, I think he used to be a high-ranking master, Supreme Master in many places.But now times have changed... He has become the one who wants to admire the Supreme.

"I still need to become stronger, stronger!" Chen Yang secretly said in his heart.

Such a cautious day is really uncomfortable.

He liked the feeling that the world is so big, but let me gallop.

After breakfast, Sanxiao sent Chen Yang to Zizhi Cliff and left first.Chen Yang was not used to it. He felt like he was sent to school by his parents, who then turned around and left.As soon as this idea came out, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Chen Yang, Chen Yang, you are really getting worse and worse. No wonder you haven't made any progress in your cultivation for so many years. That old man in the world has already frightened you. Courage!"

The scenery on Zizhi Cliff is beautiful, and all the small islands are surrounded by Zizhi Cliff, like the moon surrounded by stars.

In front of it is a Taoist palace with three big characters Biyou Palace on it.

The words "Biyou Palace" are splashed with ink, majestic... And when you look closely at these three words, you feel extremely deep, like a road with no end in sight!

When Chen Yang saw these three characters, he knew that Biyou Palace's Master Tongtian definitely lived up to his reputation.

The front of Biyou Palace is unguarded, it seems to be an empty Taoist palace.

He bowed his head in front of the palace, and said loudly: "At the end of the postgraduate school, enter Xuanyuan Terrace to pay homage to the Supreme Master of Heaven!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from inside.

"Little friends, please come in!"

There is a distant feeling in this thick voice.

Chen Yang stepped forward.

The entire Dao Palace is empty, without any decorations.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have found it hard to believe that the world-famous Biyou Palace was so simple...clean.

The hall was still empty.

Standing in front of the throne at the top of the main hall, Chen Yang was at a loss for a moment, not knowing what was going on.

At this moment, a person walked out from a corridor on the left.

Chen Yang looked and saw that the man was wearing a gray Taoist robe and cloth shoes.The man looked about sixty years old, with a bun on his head, he looked like an ordinary Taoist.But what makes him different from ordinary veterans is that he has an unspeakable affinity and gives people a feeling of stability like a mountain.

As if standing behind this Taoist, you can be fearless of all the wind and rain in the world.

Chen Yang was sure that this person was the legendary Tongtian Supreme.

I will salute now...

The leader of Tongtian came to Chen Yang, smiled slightly, and said, "You don't need to be polite, this is not a place for conversation, come with the poor!"

Chen Yang responded yes.

Then, Master Tongtian led Chen Yang to a garden behind Biyou Palace.

There are no exotic flowers and plants in the garden, which is not too different from the garden on earth.

When Chen Yang walked all the way, he also observed secretly, and finally found that the Biyou Palace looked ordinary, but after observing it, it was still ordinary.Is it really ordinary, or can't I discover the mystery?

For a while, he couldn't find the answer.

When they came to Shiting, the leader of Tongtian asked Chen Yang to sit first.

Chen Yang said, "How dare you!"

Master Tongtian didn't say much, so he sat down first.

Chen Yang followed and sat down.

Master Tongtian took out a jug of wine and two cups from his arms, and filled them up separately.Said: "This wine is Hongmeng fine wine, very intoxicating, young friend, try it."

Chen Yang couldn't help being curious, and said, "What is Hongmeng Qiongye?"

Master Tongtian Sect smiled and said, "Little friend, taste it first, and then talk about allusions after you are poor."

Chen Yang said quickly, "You're welcome with such a boy." He held up the wine glass respectfully with both hands, and tasted it carefully.This fine nectar enters the throat, it is extremely docile, but after entering the abdomen, there is a very ferocious heat.This heat is harmless to the body, and soon, the limbs and bones feel abnormally warm, and even spread to the brain, making the whole body feel a little light.

"It's amazing!" Chen Yang praised sincerely.

Master Tongtian said with a smile: "Hongmeng Qiongjiu is ordinary immortal wine with some innate energy in the primordial spirit added. The innate energy is used to stimulate the alcohol... The nutrition is not very good, but it can make me and other cultivators healthy. It's a good feeling. My little friend has reached this level of cultivation, so he should know how rare it is for people like us to truly enjoy this light and ethereal feeling without any scruples."

Chen Yang said: "It is true!"

In the greeting room, Chen Yang felt that the Master Tongtian was indeed extremely kind and kind.It made him want to be honest about everything.However, he quickly dispelled this idea. It would be too immature to reveal his true identity now.

Master Tongtian then said: "Yesterday, my little friend saved two of Pindao's apprentices in Yang Jian's hands. Pindao is extremely grateful!"

Chen Yang said: "The leader is polite, but it's just a little effort, so it's nothing to worry about!"

Master Tongtian said: "Pindao doesn't make any detours with my little friend. You offended Lu Ya and Yang Jian. These are not problems. The poor way can solve it for you... As for you want to worship the poor way, that's a big deal. It's really inappropriate!"

Chen Yang's heart turned cold, but he didn't force anything, so he smiled bitterly and said, "The boy is blessed, the leader has no intentions, and the boy dare not force it!"

Master Tongtian smiled slightly, and said: "Everything is about fate, you and I have no fate of master and apprentice. However, the favor of my little friend, Pindao has written down. Pindao will give you a wooden puppet first, this wooden puppet can help you In addition, Pindao will first go to Yuxu Palace to explain the matter to his brother, so that the education will not embarrass you. As for Lu Ya, if he can find his position, Pindao will also suppress him .”

Chen Yang said: "Boy, thank you leader!"

Master Tongtian said: "You don't need to thank me. If you have any difficulties or difficulties in the future, you can come to Biyou Palace to find a poor way." While speaking, he took out a wooden puppet and a jade tablet.

"This wooden puppet was forged by Pindao himself. As for this jade card, you can freely enter and leave Biyou Palace. If you encounter ordinary difficulties, if you show the jade card, the other party will give Pindao some kindness. If you are in trouble, you bring the jade card to Pindao, and after Pindao takes back the jade card, he will try his best to resolve the disaster for you!" Tongtian Sect Master said.

Chen Yang stood up, accepted the jade token and the wooden puppet, and thanked him again.

Afterwards, he sat down again and said: "My boy has been away from the fairyland for a long time, and many things in the fairyland are no longer clear. Today, I have the courage to ask you some questions from the leader. I wonder if the leader can enlighten me?"

Master Tongtian smiled slightly and said, "No problem."

Chen Yang always felt that the Master Tongtian seemed to know his identity, but he didn't seem to know.But there was a feeling that he would not harm himself.He took a deep breath, summoned up his courage, and asked, "Do you know the way of life in the world of mortals?"

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