The strongest player in history

Chapter 3825 Demon Conference

Chen Yang simply ate something in the inn. This inn not only serves some human delicacies, but also some immortal wine and immortal fruits.And paying the bill uses a special rune, which can also be said to be banknotes.

In the fairy world, this kind of rune banknotes are all in circulation.

But rune banknotes can only buy some fairy wine, fairy fruit and ordinary things in the world.As for the more expensive instruments and so on, it is obviously impossible.

Mortals can exchange rune banknotes for many things they want.The products of the entire fairyland are still very rich.Fairy fruit and fairy wine are planted and brewed with the help of mortals, but they cannot be separated from the help of immortals.

Chen Yang had a lot of rune banknotes left by Xuanyuantai in his hand.

After paying the bill, he walked out of the inn.

The sun is starting to set...

Chen Yang looked at the sky, but was a little confused for a moment, not knowing what to do next.

"I still don't know much about explaining teachings and cutting teachings. I don't know much about the distribution and situation of the six worlds. I have to find a way to understand in depth, and then make plans. But to understand, I have to find a Only someone who is very familiar with the entire fairy world. Where can I find this person?"

Chen Yang walked aimlessly on the street.

At the same time, looking around, he wanted to find someone with no background to start, and then learn more about this Kunlun world.

For the time being, he didn't dare to attack those who explained and interrupted the teaching, but he was also afraid of getting into some big trouble.

Walking along the way, I also have some understanding of the people who explain and stop teaching.

People from these two religions practiced different techniques, so the aura they exuded was also slightly different.This breath is very mysterious.It is difficult to tell at a glance if the cultivation level is not as high as Chen Yang's.

After leaving the street here, you will come to a mountain.

Soon, the sun went down.

A new moon appeared in the sky.

Chen Yang stood on the mountain and looked into the distance. Wherever he could see, he could see the endless sea.

The sea is misty!

He didn't shoot the entire Kunlun Realm with his divine sense, but he also found that just one Kunlun Realm seemed to be much larger than the earth.

The Kepler planet itself is not much bigger than the earth...but today's Kepler has already become extremely miraculous.

There are three thousand worlds in the earth, and now Kepler is only six worlds, so it is not surprising that it is bigger.

"I don't know if Susu has come to the fairyland?" Chen Yang suddenly thought of Suzhen in black again. "What is the relationship between her and Empress Nuwa? If she is really Empress Nuwa's daughter, it will be much easier. You can go to Empress Nuwa to help bring Mo Yu out. I don't know if Empress Nuwa has the power of heaven ? And the person who explained the teachings said that the big bosses signed a covenant together and were not allowed to use the power of heaven, do you know if it is true or not?"

While he was meditating, he suddenly felt a sad mood tens of miles away.And there are still people who are communicating with their minds...

Chen Yang couldn't sense the communication between the masters who were too powerful.

But the cultivation of the two people who communicated was not high, and Chen Yang could sense it.

Immediately, spiritual thoughts enveloped the past... It was soon clear that it was a pair of father and daughter who were communicating.Right now it's the daughter who is crying...they're all fairies, but...foxes.

Generally speaking, foxes, monkeys, and apes are the majority among goblins.Because they are smart enough!

The daughter was quite beautiful, with pear blossoms and rain on her face, and she said: "The three-eyed man, when he sees his mother, sister, and uncle, he kills without saying a word. Daddy, I came from my mother's broken soul." I saw it. They're all...gone."

Later, the daughter cried bitterly.

The father was a middle-aged man with a burly appearance. He couldn't help shaking at this time, and tears fell from his eyes.

"Too much bullying, too much bullying!" the man roared angrily.

After crying for a while, the daughter said, "Daddy, everyone is gathering on Wan Yao Island now, trying to find a way to deal with Yang Jian. Let's... go too."

The man nodded and said: "Chanjiao, Yang Jian, why did you ever treat us as human beings? After the goblin cultivates into a human being, he becomes a human being. Don't we even have the right to live? Let's go to Wanyao Island!"

After that, the pair of father and daughter flew into the air, turned into a light and shadow, and flew towards that distance.

Chen Yang became curious, so he caught the breath of the father and daughter, and followed them all the way.

Wan Yao Island is also in a place in the sea, and the sea is full of clouds and mist everywhere, filled with the laws of space.Even with Chen Yang's cultivation, he couldn't fly too fast.In the process of flying, you have to constantly break the laws of space, otherwise, you will fly a lot of useless distances in the air.

About three hours later, the father and daughter finally arrived at Wan Yao Island.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the moon was in the middle of the sky. It was really big and round.

There were no lights on Wan Yao Island, the silver moonlight shone, and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of silver gray.

After the father and daughter entered Ten Thousand Demon Island, a goblin came to inquire. After some conversation, the goblin showed the father and daughter the way.Chen Yang followed him quietly with his supernatural powers, but no one could find out.

I saw that the father and daughter soon came to a cave, followed by the fairy guarding the cave and let them into the cave.

With a flash of Chen Yang's figure, he passed in front of the cave guard fairy.But the cave guard fairy didn't even see a ghost.

Entering the cave, Chen Yang performed eight or nine mysterious skills and turned into a mouse.He hasn't swallowed a mouse spirit, so it's not so seamless.Fortunately, at this moment, no one will notice the mouse in the corner.

The cave is very lively and crowded with people.

After the goblins come in, they will be seated.

There is an empty throne above the cave...

The goblins in the audience were drinking fine wine and talking a lot.All kinds of voices were extremely noisy, Chen Yang listened carefully, most of them were complaining and scolding how cruel and inhumane the three eyes were.

Some are suggesting ideas, and they want to find someone from Biyou Palace to help them out.Some people worry that the people in Biyou Palace won't care...

Some said they were going to join Biyou Palace.

Some goblins said that Three Eyes didn't want everyone to go to Biyou Palace, so they killed them.

They discussed for a long time, but Chen Yang didn't hear any key information.It can also be seen that these goblins are not very popular.

After observing it for a while, I found that the one with the highest cultivation level is only a Celestial Realm!

After two hours, finally a goblin stood on the stage and spoke, saying: "Everyone be quiet, the Three Immortals of Xiaoyao are here."

"Ah? Is it really here?" The group of monsters were suddenly excited, tears welled up in their eyes, and they shouted for help.

Chen Yang also knew something about the three immortals from the mouths of these goblins.The Three Immortals of Xiaoyao are famous casual cultivators, and they all have the body of a fox.Their cultivation bases are the sixth level, seventh level, and eighth level of the Creation Realm respectively.

For a long time, the goblins have respected the three immortals.

Now that they are willing to come out to help everyone, the group of monsters are naturally grateful.

Soon, from the other side of the cave, the Three Immortals of Xiaoyao came out.

Chen Yang looked over, and saw that the eldest of the three Xiaoyao immortals was indeed at the eighth level of the Creation Realm.He is a man in his fifties, dressed in a silver robe, showing his majesty.

His name is Lan Ling!

The second child is called Lan Zhan, and his cultivation is at the seventh level of the Creation Realm.

The third child is called Lan Feng, and his cultivation is at the sixth level of the Creation Realm!

Seeing the Three Immortals of Xiaoyao, the group of demons couldn't help cheering together: "Mighty, mighty!"

Lan Ling's face was heavy, and he motioned for everyone to keep silent.

The monsters immediately quieted down.

After Lan Ling glanced at the group of monsters, he said in a deep voice: "The reason why Yang Jian, the third-generation disciple of Zengjiao, killed us this time is indeed because we were at fault first. The two centipedes eat virgins, not for the sake of Practicing kung fu is not for any hatred, but purely to satisfy the desire of food and drink. The methods are cruel and shocking! In addition, Yang Jian's former adoptive parents were killed by our kind, so this time, he was completely enraged. "

A goblin with the appearance of a young woman stood up and cried out: "Mr. Lan, there are indeed many of us goblins who are wild. But they are only a few... Are there few humans who burn, kill and loot? Can he, Yang Jian, kill all humans just because there are scum among humans? He can't! In the end, he is just bullying our monster race!"

"That's right!" The group of monsters suddenly became excited.

"Everyone be quiet!" The second child, Lan Zhan, shouted like thunder.

The group of monsters were all startled, and fell silent again.

Lan Zhan said loudly: "I know everyone is very angry, and they want to tear Yang Jian into pieces. Yes, Yang Jian did too much this time, and he has his reasons. But he killed so many of our companions, the fault is absolutely On him. But what can we do? Do you really think that holding a group of demons and calling us over will turn things around? No! The three of us together, plus all of you together, may not be that Yang Jian's opponent. We defeated Yang Jian, and Yang Jian still has the whole teaching. If any second-generation disciple comes, we can't stand it! So, some of you just said that in the final analysis, we are still weak. Yes, it is indeed Because our monster race is too weak. We are weak, so we can only swallow our anger."

"Swallow your breath... I'm afraid, even if we are willing to swallow our anger, they still won't let us go!" Someone among the group of monsters couldn't help but mourn.

"Yes..." All the demons agreed.

A goblin cried again: "Poor my child, he was only ten years old, and he was killed by Yang Jian because he didn't understand anything."

"My wife was also killed by Yang Jian who killed that day!"

"My father too!"

The group of monsters cried and complained, cursed and cursed...

The scene became noisy again.

At this time, Lan Ling spoke again, and said, "Everyone be quiet, listen to me!"

The monsters had to forcefully quiet down.

Lan Ling said: "Everyone is gathered here today, and we all understand everyone's difficulties. Right now, there is no other way but to seek peace. Everyone, don't think about dealing with Yang Jian, this is simply nonsense! Yang Jian dares to kill us like this It’s also because he relies on teaching and has nothing to fear!”

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