The strongest player in history

Chapter 3824 Kunlun Realm

Xuanyuan Terrace did have a lot of accumulation, and Chen Yang collected all his elixirs and magic weapons.In addition, the mixed cave of the sky in Xuanyuan Terrace was also integrated.The inner foundation is innocent, but the outside looks like innocent.

At the same time, Chen Yang also learned about some spells of Xuanyuan Terrace.Basically will cast...

This is the magical effect of the Bajiu Xuangong!

After everything was settled, Chen Yang completely destroyed the space loophole.Then, he flew towards the fairyland.

After this flight, it took another ten years or so to arrive.

When I arrived, I saw clouds and mist in front of me... I couldn't see the planet, I only saw this area, all covered by clouds and mist.

Chen Yang rushed into the clouds without thinking too much.

In the clouds and mist, the laws of space stand everywhere, and the laws of time flow crazily among them.With Chen Yang's magical power, flying in it feels like an ordinary person is swimming against the current, which is extremely difficult.

"I'm afraid that if the cultivation base is below the fifth level of the Creation Realm, then you won't even be able to enter this fairy world." Chen Yang secretly said.

It took about three hours to go upstream against the current.

Within three hours, the countless barriers of space and time were broken, and the eyes finally became clear.


It's like getting out of the cotton wool.

Ahead was a clear blue sky, cloudless.

The sun is shining and the air is fresh.

Chen Yangren stood still in the air, looking at the hundreds of thousands of green mountains below.With a shake of his figure, he quickly flew towards the lower realm, and then settled in a mountain peak.

After settling down, he began to shoot around with his divine sense to find out what was going on here.

During the burst of divine sense, there was a lot of information soon.

The fairyland is now divided into six realms and eighteen continents.

The six worlds are the Heaven Realm, the Western Realm, the Asura Realm, the Kunlun Realm, the Nether Realm, and the Yuan Realm!

This is the Kunlun world!

The Tiantian Realm is where the Heavenly Lords are, and the Shura Realm is where the Demon Lords are.The netherworld was created by a great power who controlled the heavenly way of death.

In the world of Kunlun, there are Chanjiao and Jiejiao. The main altar of Chanjiao is Yuxu Palace, and Jiejiao is Biyou Palace.The two sides usually do not interfere with the water of the river... On top of the two religions, there is the Bajing Palace where the Taishang Laojun lives.Kunlun is divided into three continents, the continent where the teaching is located is called Yuxuzhou, and the continent where the teaching is located is Biyouzhou.The continent where the Taishang Laojun lives is called Kunlun Continent.

Taishang Laojun's Kunlun land is a kind of neutral place, and people from Biyou Palace and Yuxu Palace can walk in it.Those who do not belong to this teaching and interception can also walk in it.

Chen Yang is currently in Kunlun Continent.

"Explaining the teaching, stopping the teaching? I have already met Zhang Daoling Tianshi before. Now I want to meet more mythological figures."

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he flew down the mountain.

He is not familiar with the place here, so he still dare not act rashly.In fact, he really wanted to fly around and find out all about the Kunlun world.

It is said that it is going down the mountain, but in fact it has to fly through the vast space of the sea of ​​clouds, and it has to pass through many oceans in the middle, before finally arriving on a fairy island in the sea.The fairy island is very big, like countless sea islands connected together.

When Chen Yang landed on the island, he saw that the buildings on the island were retro, and there were no tall buildings.People walk in it and won't see anything modern.But those buildings are very delicate and full of character.

Around the island, surrounded by clouds and mist.

Chen Yang walked among them, absorbing his spiritual thoughts, not daring to survey randomly.

On the street, the sun is shining brightly.He couldn't help but look up, wondering what exactly this sunshine was?

Certainly not the sun.

There is indeed a sun-like sphere in the sky. Chen Yang looked carefully and found that it was a magic weapon.

At the same time, in the southwest, there is also a magic weapon similar to the moon.These two instruments alternate day and night to divide night and day.

There are many pedestrians on the street, and there are many vendors on both sides.

He learned that although there are many capable people in the fairy world, there are also many immortal practitioners.But at the same time, there are still many mortals in the fairy world.These secular people also know the existence of immortals, they do business honestly and make a living.The immortals will not do anything to them...

In this Kunlun world, there are strict rules and regulations.

Whether it is a fairy or a demon, neither can intervene in the lives of mortals.Not to mention killing mortals, or reneging on debts, etc.

The fairy world also needs pyrotechnics.

Moreover, many things that the immortals need must be circulated.Immortals are not good at doing business by themselves, so these things are circulated and traded in the hands of mortals with clearly marked prices.Many celestial beings are their own bosses and hire mortals to do business.

Basically, no one dared to rob.

Chen Yang walked among them, and soon saw an inn.

He entered the inn, and the restaurant in the inn was crowded with diners, very lively.

Among those diners, there are mortals, immortals, and fairies.

It's all very harmonious, and no one is looking for trouble.

Chen Yang felt that this scene was very strange, so he immediately found a table in the corner and sat down.The words of the fairies and the immortals reached Chen Yang's ears.

On a table on the left sat three immortals, all of whom were around the cave fairyland.

I only heard one of the young people say: "Have you all heard about it? Recently, bigwigs from various parties gathered in Yuanjie and said that they signed a legal agreement together."

"What covenant? Where did you hear about it?" The elder immortal asked with a slight frown.

The third sage was a man of few words, who only listened but did not speak.

The young man said: "The day before yesterday my uncle told me that he drank too much."

"Your uncle?" The taciturn fairy's eyes lit up, and he said, "Is that Uncle Chi Jingzi?"

The young man smiled proudly, and said: "That's right. The uncle said that our patriarch, the Supreme Master, and the Tongtian Master of Biyou Palace all went together. They signed a legal agreement, and all of them are not allowed to use the power of heaven." Power. Whoever uses it will be punished together.”

The elder immortal couldn't help but glanced around, then lowered his voice and said, "How can you talk nonsense about such things outside?"

The young man said: "Hey, this will not be a big secret, it is said that it will be announced in a few days."

The taciturn immortal said: "Why do the masters all agree not to use the power of the heavenly law?"

The young man said: "I don't know much about it."

The elder immortal said: "We just need to listen to what the masters have decided, and we can't talk too much, let's talk about other things."

The young man said: "Good!"

They really didn't talk about it in the future.

Chen Yang was listening with gusto, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Hey, do you know?" At this moment, the fairies over there started whispering together.They are several snake demons, all of whom are enchanting and good-looking.When they talk, they also communicate with their minds... Chen Yang's mana is so powerful that he can decipher their mind communication.

There are four snake demons in total, and most of them are in the fairyland.

Only the leading snake demon has reached the Tianyu Realm. She has an outstanding temperament, and she looks like a big sister at first glance.

The smallest snake demon began to gossip, and said to the first snake demon, "What do you want to say?"

The snake demon who spoke first looked to be in his 20s, wearing a cyan skirt, with some greenness on his face.That green gas is the poisonous gas that hasn't completely faded away...

The snake demon in the green skirt said: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's the little uncle in Yuxu Palace, do you know?"

"That one, there are many junior uncles in Yuxu Palace." The little snake demon said.

The other snake demons also echoed, saying: "That's it!"

"The one with three eyes." said the snake demon in the green skirt.

"Yang Jian!" The little snake demon's beautiful eyes glowed, and said: "I heard that his mana is very powerful. Although he is a disciple of the third generation, his cultivation level is not far behind those of his masters. It can be said that he is the master of Yuxu Palace. The number one master of the younger generation! What's wrong with him?"

The snake demon in the green skirt said: "Don't be crazy about him, he hates us elves the most. We are from Bi Youmen, so he hasn't attacked us yet. He is going crazy now, he has been catching those loose cultivators Goblin. Kill if you see it..."

"Why do you want to do this?" The elder snake demon frowned slightly, and said, "It's too unreasonable for him to do this."

The snake demon in the green skirt sighed, and said: "He was living in the rivers and lakes when he was young, and his adoptive father and mother were killed by goblins. The hatred for goblins has never disappeared over the years... and he is worshiping under Yuxu's sect. Yuxu Palace The school rules have always been about the orthodox Taoism. There, like our master, anyone can learn, regardless of class. Recently, I heard that two centipede spirits ate many young children, which angered him."

The elder snake demon said: "It is true that fairies are harmful to the sheep, but there are also many scum among humans and immortals. It is not good to vent your anger like this!"

The snake demon in the green skirt said: "All the goblins who practice casually want to join our Biyou sect, in order to seek protection."

The elder snake demon said: "Although our school rules are that there are no distinctions, but if you want to join the sect, not just anyone can join. Those with evil intentions will not be able to enter the gate after all. It's just that Yang Jian killed so recklessly. Eventually something will happen.”

"That's not it!" said the snake demon in the green skirt: "It is said that those goblins who are casual cultivators have gathered together and are ready to deal with Yang Jian."

The elder snake demon said: "It's not easy, Yang Jian's cultivation is unfathomable. And even if they kill Yang Jian and offend the Yuxu Sect, they may really have no way out."

The snake demon in the green skirt said: "But now Yang Jian won't give them a way out!"

The elder snake demon sighed and said, "Hey, these are beyond our control."

The snake demon in the green skirt said: "I see this matter, we can ask the master for instructions. If the master communicates with Yuxumen, maybe Yang Jian can be restrained."

The elder snake demon pondered for a while, then nodded, and said: "Okay, let's go back to Biyou Palace." Several snake demons immediately paid their bills and got up, and then left the inn.

Chen Yang watched them leave, and said in his heart: "Yang Jian, Yang Jian of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu... I really want to learn it if I have the opportunity. However, this is not the purpose of my coming here. I still have to figure out the ins and outs of Hongchen as soon as possible, and try to get out of here." It would be better to save Mo Yu!"

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