The strongest player in history

Chapter 2790 Continental Structure

For Fu Yue, all this was a disaster that was caught off guard.

Soon, Na Yinghong brought Xiaotao over.Xiaotao was naturally dumbfounded, not knowing what happened.Chen Yang warned in Fuyue's mind: "Don't let anyone know of my existence. Once my identity is exposed, I don't mind breaking your head when I leave!"

Fu Yue's heart skipped a beat, so she said to Yinghong: "I already know the ins and outs of this matter, let them all go down."

Now it was replaced by Yinghong with a dazed face.

But she obediently let Xiaotao and the others go down.After the servant girls went down, Yinghong asked Fu Yue, "Sister Yue, did something happen? Today's incident, I always feel a little weird?"

Fu Yue said: "I roughly understand what's going on, so don't ask me any more."

Yinghong said: "Huh?"

Fu Yue smiled and said: "I will tell you later. Now is not the time."

Yinghong also smiled and said, "You rarely hide anything from me."

Fu Yue said: "It's not an important matter, you will understand later."

Yinghong didn't get to the bottom of it anymore.

Fu Yue then said: "Okay, I'm going to meditate and practice, and think about some things by the way. Go down and rest too!"

Yinghong nodded and said, "Okay!"

When she walked to the door, she couldn't help but turned around and asked, "Is there really nothing important? If you have any difficulties, please tell me, and I will try to solve them for you."

Fu Yue didn't dare to make small moves to Yinghong. Although Chen Yang was in her mind, she could still see and hear all directions.

At that moment, Fu Yue said: "Don't worry, what can happen."

Yinghong felt helpless and said, "Okay!"

After Yinghong left, Chen Yang warned coldly, and said: "The conversation between you and Yinghong has left clues in the open and in the dark. Why, do you want her to warn the police?"

Fu Yue said: "I didn't mean that, it's just that she has become suspicious about what happened just now. The more I cover it up, the more suspicious she will become. Now that I say it like this, she will feel relieved."

Chen Yang said, "All right, I'll trust you for now."

Fu Yue said: "Who are the friends you mentioned?" Chen Yang said: "You Lao, do you know?"

Fu Yue said: "You Lao, You Fangdao?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know what his name is, but those subordinates call him You Lao."

"It seems that the only one who can defeat you is You Lao." Fu Yue said: "You Lao is the lord's trusted army, and his status is very high in the entire Yaotian Sect. If your friend is captured by him, It is very difficult to rescue."

Chen Yang said: "You don't need to say that, if it's easy to handle, I won't attack you."

Fu Yue said: "My husband's cultivation is far inferior to You Lao's. You want me to do it, but I can't do it. My husband can't do it either!"

Chen Yang said: "Don't refuse in a hurry, and I won't force others. Now I want you to help me find out the situation of my friends. After that, I will think of a way."

Fu Yue was silent for a while, then said: "Okay!"

She paused, and said, "You'd better describe the situation in detail so that I can make a judgment."

Chen Yang immediately talked about how they went to fetch the soul-suppressing fruit and how they brought out Mingjiaolong.When Fu Yue heard that Chen Yang and others killed You Lao's son, she couldn't help shaking.

"My God, that Mr. Yu is the heart and soul of You Lao. Mr. Yu's cultivation base has reached the third level of the Creation Realm, and his future is boundless. In the future, he will inherit the mantle of You Lao, and you actually killed him?" Fu Yue's face turned pale.

Chen Yang rubbed his nose and said: "I killed that guy. When we first met, that little bastard was very arrogant. He kept saying that I don't know what real power is. In the end, when we fought, he just couldn't do it. I still want to fight." They tried to transform into the real body of a divine beast, but in the end, they were also slaughtered by Lao Tzu. Including Wu Liyang, do you know Wu Liyang?"

Fu Yue was surprised again, and said: "Wu Liyang is also one of the top masters in our Yaotian Sect. Don't tell me, he died too?"

Chen Yang said: "He died, and even transformed into the real body of the beast, which was also slaughtered by us. In addition, the two junior brothers who followed, what are they called Lianyun and Lianbi, were all killed by us."

"Are you...are devils? These are the cutting-edge forces in our Yaotian Palace!" Fu Yue said.She paused, and then said: "If the lord finds out, your friends will definitely be hacked into pieces!"

Chen Yang said: "A few of my friends have been protected by the space-time vortex. You Lao wanted to kill them, but he didn't catch them. Otherwise, with You Lao's temper, he would bring them back there. You go now Check my friend's situation, and then I will slowly figure out a solution."

Fu Yue said in a deep voice, "Okay!"

You Lao, You Fangdao is in Yaotian Sect, and his status is respected!

In Guangyao Star, masters emerge in endlessly.

The legend of the god of the first day resounds forever in the entire starry sky.

In addition to the gods of the first day, the elders also left splendid legends.There were five emperors in the Celestial Race, and Emperor Junyang stepped on the galaxy.Emperor Wuhen, who came and went without trace... There are also Emperor Tianmang, Emperor Shengji, Emperor Xingyun and so on.

Above the Great Emperor, there used to be the existence of the Sanjue Old Man!

The three old men, the old man who is the best in the sky, the old man who is the best in the earth, and the old man who is eternal!

Among the Dark God Clan, there is also the existence of the Dark God Elder.

In the Earth Star Clan, there is also the legend of the Earth Star God Emperor.In addition, there are four saints.

The Guangyao star back then was extremely brilliant.

But for thousands of years, the great gods have disappeared.

No one knows where these powerhouses ended up going and what happened to them.

In today's Guangyao Star, newcomers have appeared.

The master of the Yaotian Sect, Mingyou's cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Realm!

With the Obsidian God Armor in his body, it seems that there is a trend of Guang Yaoxing No. 1.

The Dark God Race has been hiding in the eternal night, and the situation inside is unknown to outsiders.

As for the Shadow Clan, it was as if the Shadow Clan never existed.

In the Dixing clan, the old emperor Feng Taixuan was so beautiful.Even Mingyou has to be afraid of Feng Taixuan, but unfortunately, Feng Taixuan acted too hastily, causing him to go mad.Now he has been dormant, and no one knows his situation.

However, there is no end to the Star Clan.

That Bingxuanxin Tianzong's capital, controlling the Star Clan, is also safe.But now, Kazami Shinobi is even younger, and he is catching up, which is frightening.

You Fangdao, known as You Lao.His official wife is called Yin Xing, and Young Master Yu is the child of him and Yin Xing.

At the same time, You Lao still has twelve concubines.In fact, he has many children, but the most favored one is Mr. Yu.Mr. Yu has the highest understanding, and in the future he will glorify his family.

Moreover, Mr. Yu is still the child born to him and Yin Xing.

In You Lao's heart, he only regards Mr. Yu as his son.Everything else is just a foil.

Fuyue came to Youfu.

She also has some friendship with Yin Xing, so it's not too abrupt to see her today.

The gate of Youfu is tall and majestic.

Inside You Mansion, the guards are strict.

In the side hall of You Mansion, Yin Xing, the housewife, met Fu Yue.

Yin Xing's face was gloomy, obviously in a bad mood.However, she still wanted to give Fu Yue face.Because there is the Fu family behind Fu Yue.Not only that, Fu Yue is also a member of the Ming family.

Even though You Lao is strong and Yin Xing is arrogant, but facing Fu Yue's identity, he dare not take it too seriously.

Yin Xing asked the maids to serve tea. She forced a smile and said, "Sister Yue, why are you interested in coming to my place today? Where is Yinghong? She has always been with you, why is she not here today?"

Fu Yue smiled and said: "Yinghong has learned a lot about her cultivation recently, so I let her learn it by herself. I won't delay her!"

Yin Xing said: "So it is!"

Fu Yue suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Sister Xing...I heard..."

Immediately, Yin Xing's eyes turned red, and said, "You know everything?"

Fu Yue turned pale and said, "Could it be true?"

Yin Xing burst into tears, and said: "Although the body has not been found yet, my husband said that it has been confirmed. But this matter, the Lord said that the current situation is delicate, and it is not suitable for outsiders to know. Therefore, we are not allowed to hold a funeral!"

Fu Yue immediately shed tears and said: "Young Master Yu is a talented person, and he is extremely talented. He will inherit the mantle of You Lao in the future, how could such a tragedy happen? Who is this person who is so insane? How dare you make such a murderous move!"

Yin Xing turned her head away and said, "My Yu'er is here to find Her Highness Princess. How could she have thought that she would encounter a thief from an alien planet."

"This hatred must be avenged!" Fu Yue said, "I want those culprits to be hacked into pieces, and their whole family must be killed!"

This Fuyue scolded very happily!

Chen Yang was very depressed when he heard it, and said, "Who are you scolding?"

Fu Yue ignored Chen Yang, she continued to scold the thief with Yin Xing.

Na Yinxing immediately said: "There is no need to take revenge, my husband has already killed the thief. The remaining helpers of the murderer have also been arrested."

Fu Yue was surprised and said: "Have you caught it?"

Yin Xing said: "Yes!" Fu Yue said: "If it wasn't for hearsay, I wouldn't even know that such a big event happened in the palace!"

Yin Xing suddenly said suspiciously: "Who did you hear about this?"

Fu Yue said: "It's been rumored that it's Mr. Yu this time... I didn't believe it at first."

Yin Xing couldn't continue to ask, she said: "It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles!"

Fu Yue said: "Sister Xing, you must mourn!"

When Yin Xing heard this, tears fell again.

The pain of bereavement, how can we mourn so easily!

Fu Yue then said: "Those thieves' helpers deserve to die. Even if the Lord wants to keep it a secret, you should kill them yourself, sister, to relieve the hatred."

Yin Xing's eyes lit up immediately, and she said, "That's right!" She really gritted her teeth, and said, "I'm going to see the Lord now."

Fu Yue said: "Let me go with you, sister. I also watched Young Master Yu grow up, and I will help sister stab you a few times, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of this hatred in my heart!"

Yin Xing nodded, and said: "Sister Yue, I will remember your love in my heart."

Afterwards, the two women left You Mansion together.

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