The strongest player in history

Chapter 2789 Control Moon

Futian didn't stay here for a long time at Fuyue, after a while, Futian got up to leave.Fuyue doesn't do anything to keep her!

When Futian left, the attendant would naturally follow.Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Chen Yang quietly occupied a servant girl in Fuyue's mansion.He also transformed that maid in an instant...

All of this is unknowingly, unknowingly.

In addition, his cultivation base was much stronger than Fu Yue's, so Fu Yue didn't discover Chen Yang's existence.

There are still masters in Fuyue's Fuzhong, but the highest ones are the existences of the first level of the Creation Realm.

Ming Wuji may still have masters under his command, but such masters definitely will not live in Fu Yue's residence, this is a taboo.

Besides, where a master who has reached a certain level can be wronged, he is not allowed to have his own mansion!

In addition, this place is in Yaotian Palace, which is heavily guarded, so what kind of foreign enemies will be afraid of intrusion there!

After Fuyue finished socializing, Futian went back to the room.

Her personal maid arranged for the servant girl to serve the fairy bamboo.

The personal maid is an existence at the first level of the Creation Realm, called Yinghong.

Chen Yang hadn't seen Yinghong before, but when he wanted to make a move, he realized that Yinghong was Fuyue's personal maid.

This time, we have to deal with two Creation Realm Level [-] ones.Chen Yang suddenly felt a little troubled.

Of course, Chen Yang was not discouraged, he soon had an idea in his mind.

Duanxian Zhuhe's errand was snatched by Chen Yang, and those maids were all controlled by him at will.

There was another maid with Chen Yang.The two came to Fuyue's room together, and then knocked on the door.

Yinghong accompanied Fuyue in the room, and with a wave of her hand, the door opened.

Chen Yang and the maid entered Fuyue's room, and after putting down the fairy bamboo, Chen Yang urged the maid to say, "Miss Yinghong, Xiaotao from the back kitchen seems to be a little abnormal."

Fu Yue was sitting cross-legged, she and Ying Hong were slightly surprised when they heard the words.Fu Yue first said: "Why is it abnormal?"

Chen Yang said: "Xiaotao has suddenly gained cultivation recently, as if she has some treasure on her body. But she hides it very tightly... The maid found something wrong, so she specially reported it, and asked the mistress for forgiveness!"

Fu Yue smiled lightly and said: "If what you say is true, I will naturally reward you. But if you fabricate truth, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Chen Yang hurriedly said: "My servant dare not!"

Fu Yue immediately said to Yinghong: "Why don't you go and have a look?"

Yinghong nodded and said, "Okay!"

Immediately, Yinghong asked Chen Yang and the other maid to lead the way.

Chen Yang and the maid took Yinghong out of the room. After going out, Chen Yang immediately drove the black hole spar into the ground from the maid's feet.

The black hole spar is as thin as a hair, and it drilled out from the pores of the maid, but it was unknown to anyone.

Although these actions of his are secretive, they cannot be hidden from those whose cultivation level is higher than his.

It's a pity that Yinghong didn't have the ability to find out.

The maids are all controlled by Chen Yang, so they won't show their feet for the time being.

After Yinghong and the others walked for a while, Chen Yang immediately broke into Fuyue's room with a flash.

In an instant, the mysterious space of the black hole descended!

"Who?" Fu Yue was startled, and suddenly shouted sharply.

Unfortunately, her voice was completely blocked.

There is no movement outside.

Chen Yang appeared in front of Fu Yue.

At this moment, Fu Yue seemed to understand something. "You controlled that maid, did you intentionally drive Yinghong away?"

Chen Yang sneered and said, "That's right!"

He still talks nonsense right now, so he shoots directly.

But at this time, the phantom also made a move.

Behind Fu Yue, the sword light flashed, extremely fierce.But judging from Chen Yang's experience, Phantom's sword was indeed merciful.

Phantom is good at killing people.She is deliberately not looking for the best time now, so as not to have an occupational disease and kill Fu Yue with a single sword strike.

Fu Yuewan didn't expect that there was a killer move behind her, and the hairs all over her body suddenly became startled.

With a flash of her figure, she quickly avoided the phantom's sword light.

At the same time, Chen Yang's black big handprint suppressed it.

A battle armor suddenly appeared on Fu Yue!

"Tianmang Armor!"

Pure silver battle armor...

A battle spirit appeared in the battle armor, roared, and turned into a ferocious beast...

The fierce beast was bathed in divine fire, and charged towards Chen Yang's big handprint.

"Damn it!" Chen Yang cursed secretly.

"The people from the Guangyao star really can't be provoked, everyone has unique skills!"

Although Chen Yang's big black hole handprint was terrifying, the opponent's divine fire burned and was directly defeated by his handprint.

Fu Yue changed extremely quickly, and a sharp look flashed in her eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the hands are sealed!

The scales in the battle armor quickly turned into a white sword!

The divine sword came towards Chen Yang's eyebrows.

Chen Yang wanted to yell again, and of course it would be no problem to get the sword done.But this drags on and on, what's the quick fix!

At that moment, Chen Yang simply activated the Great Fate!

The power of fate is entangled, and then gather the power of the palm!

With a palm strike, he grabbed the divine sword in an instant, and smashed it into pieces with a shock.

Then, Chen Yang grabbed Fu Yue's snow-white neck.

"Little girl, are you looking for death!" Chen Yang was quite annoyed.

Fu Yue was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't react.I just feel that the opponent's power is like hell and the sea, unfathomable and unstoppable.

"I have cast the ultimate profound meaning of Tianmang armor, even my husband has a hard time dealing with it. This person is so easy to resolve, such a master, why have I never seen it before?" Fu Yue was surprised and astonished.

"Who are you?" Fu Yue couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, you must first understand that if I want to kill you, it's like crushing an ant. If it wasn't for catching you alive, why bother me?"

"I have no grievances or enmities with you!" Fu Yue said.

Chen Yang said: "Stop talking nonsense, I didn't come to kill you. You cooperate obediently, and after I achieve my goal, I will naturally let you go. Now, open your mouth..."

Fu Yue felt Chen Yang's fierce killing intent, her heart trembled, but she really didn't dare to say anything more.

Afterwards, Fu Yue opened his mouth, and Chen Yang collected the black hole spar, which turned into a ray of black light, and quickly flashed into Fu Yue's brain.

Everything is back to normal!

Not even a chair was broken.

After Chen Yang occupied Fuyue's brain, he communicated with Fuyue: "If I damage your brain now, you will die immediately. I hope you can understand this point!"

All of this happened too fast for Fu Yue!

She took a deep breath to calm down a little.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Fu Yue asked word by word.

Chen Yang said: "Let me tell you the truth, Mingjiaolong has been captured and brought back."

"Are you a friend of Her Highness the Princess?" Fu Yue seemed to understand something.

"I'm not her friend." Chen Yang said: "I didn't come here for her. When you arrested her, your people also arrested some of my friends. I came here to save my friends! "

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