The strongest player in history

Chapter 2774 Unidentified

Chen Yang represented the will of everyone, and at this time he confronted the middle-aged man as a representative.He then said: "Your words are hard for me to believe. Now, you need to honestly answer some of my doubts. Of course, you don't have to answer. It's just that you have pushed us into a hurry, and we will consider destroying the soul-suppressing fruit !"

The middle-aged man turned cold, and said: "If you destroy the soul-suppressing fruit, then you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Chen Yang immediately said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, no one is scared too much here today. If you make me angry, I will destroy the soul-suppressing fruit right now, what can you do to me? "

"I will kill you immediately!" The middle-aged man said every word.

Chen Yang said: "Since this is the case, it seems that we have nothing to say. Then, let's do it. In addition, brother, show them the soul-suppressing fruit."

Of course Luo Feng knew that Chen Yang was trying to intimidate those people, so he immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

The middle-aged man and his party couldn't clearly see what was going on inside the black hole spar, but the middle-aged man and others were still surprised when they heard Chen Yang's words.

The middle-aged man immediately said, "What do you want to know?"

Chen Yang said, "Why, are you willing to have a good talk now?"

The middle-aged man said: "With the soul-suppressing fruit, we still have room for discussion. That's right, this is your hole card, but if you destroy it, then you are not qualified to talk."

"Haha..." Chen Yang laughed loudly, and then said, "I'm not interested in this qualification."

"Young man, you are too confident." The middle-aged man said coldly: "This universe is huge, and there are many things you don't understand. There are also many things you can't deal with. Your words are too full. I Knowing the consequences would be terrible, but unfortunately, you didn't believe my warning!"

Chen Yang actually knew that the battle in front of him was inevitable, but he still had a lot of doubts in his heart, so he wanted to take this opportunity to clarify.At the moment, he said: "Who are you? What is your name?"

The middle-aged man was silent for a long while and said, "Are you willing to hand over the soul-suppressing fruit as long as I tell you?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I said yes, would you believe it?"

The middle-aged man said: "I don't believe it!"

Chen Yang said: "Let me tell you frankly, it is impossible to hand over the soul-suppressing fruit to you. But if you answer my question honestly, I can promise you one thing, that is, we will win by battle. But No matter what, we will not destroy the soul fruit."

In fact, no matter what, Chen Yang will not destroy the soul-suppressing fruit.

Therefore, Chen Yang dared to make this promise.

What the middle-aged man was worried about was that Chen Yang would jump over the wall in a hurry. Hearing what Chen Yang said, he felt at ease and felt that his goal had been achieved.Immediately said: "My name is Wu Liyang! These two are my juniors, Lianyun, Lianbi! And this one...he is Mr. Yu. We are from Yuguangyao star. Believe it, you already know it !"

Chen Yang said: "Guangyao Xing? Mr. Yu? It seems that Mr. Yu is still very honorable?"

Wu Liyang said: "Young Master Yu is indeed honorable!"

That Mr. Yu sneered when he heard the words, and said: "Why, you little thief, don't you want to hit me with your ideas?"

Chen Yang said slowly: "My lord is talking, why don't you interrupt your child, go!"

What Young Master Yu hates the most is being underestimated or treated like a child.Sure enough, when Chen Yang said this, he immediately became furious again. "Little thief, even though you are sharp-tongued at the moment, I will definitely let you survive and die later!"

Inside the black hole spar, Lan Tingyu and the others couldn't help feeling amused.

Although there were dangers ahead, everyone had seen the world, so they could still laugh.Everyone admired Chen Yang's sharp tongue, always inadvertently provoking his opponent into a rage.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said again: "Young master, I will naturally accompany you to have a good time with your uncle later, so you don't have to worry." Come here? Why did you go early? The soul-suppressing fruit has always been on the planet of power, isn’t it easy to get a soul-suppressing fruit with your skills? Why did you come as soon as we made a move? Or are you and the town? The Soul Dao Palace has friendship, and you want to help them find the soul-suppressing fruit?"

Wu Liyang said: "This matter is confidential and should not be mentioned to outsiders. But, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

The meaning of his words is actually very clear, that is, you are all a bunch of dead people anyway, and it doesn't matter if you say it.

Chen Yang and the others understood this, but they were not afraid.

Wu Liyang continued: "The soul-suppressing fruit was indeed taken back for Hun Muyang, but we have no friendship with Hun Muyang. It is the princess' request to retrieve the soul-suppressing fruit for the Soul-suppressing Taoist Palace... We have always I was looking for the princess, and in the past few days, I finally found the princess. The princess refused to go back to Guangyao Star with us, she said that after we retrieve the soul-suppressing fruit, we should return it to the soul-suppressing Taoist residence, so we can go back with us."

"Princess? What princess?" Chen Yang wondered.

Wu Liyang said: "At the beginning, our princess fled from Guangyao Planet privately in order to escape the marriage contract with the prince of the Earth Star Clan. We have been looking for the princess for 300 years..."

"Damn it, could it be that the soul master is the princess you are looking for?" Chen Yang couldn't help but said.

Lan Tingyu and the others also immediately thought of that mysterious soul master.

Wu Liyang was surprised, and said, "What soul master?"

Chen Yang said: "Hun Muyang has a soul master under him, who hides under the black veil all the year round, with a mixed voice, and his identity is extremely mysterious."

Wu Liyang said: "That's it."

Chen Yang said: "It seems that your princess exposed her whereabouts just now in order to retrieve the soul-suppressing fruit in a hurry. She has a deep affection for that soul Muyang..."

When he said this, he changed the subject again, and said: "I'm still surprised that there was a divine beast that came to catch us before. It was very powerful, but we beat it away later. That divine beast was also for the soul-suppressing fruit..."

Wu Liyang was slightly taken aback, and his brows furrowed.

But soon, he said: "I don't know about this."

Chen Yang is also a person who can read words and expressions, and when he sees this, he knows that Wu Liyang must know something.It's just that he didn't say it!

Chen Yang immediately said: "Okay, we have almost understood what we should understand. I have one last question!"

Wu Liyang became a little impatient, he said in a deep voice, "Ask!"

Chen Yang said, "Where is your princess now?"

Wu Liyang said: "The princess is in my cage."

"How dare you put the princess in prison?" Chen Yang said.

Wu Liyang said: "This is the second question."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you don't answer this question. There is one more question... This time it is really the last question!"

Wu Liyang said: "Speak!"

Chen Yang said: "If we solve you, will you still have experts coming? This is endless and troublesome!"

"Hahaha..." Young Master Yu laughed first.He followed with a sneer and said, "You little thief really figured it out, can you solve us with just you? Who gave you such confidence?"

"Damn it!" Chen Yang was also annoyed, and said, "You little bastard, you really don't know how powerful the world is. I'll fight with you first to see how capable you are!"

Mr. Yu smiled and said: "Very well, you have the courage, I will look up to you."

Inside the black hole spar, Lan Tingyu immediately said to Chen Yang: "Right now, the black hole will suppress our power. Since the black hole can't suppress them much, why don't we go outside to fight a decisive battle."

Chen Yang said: "I really can't see whether the black hole has any influence on them now. These people are really weird."

Luo Feng also said: "Just go out and fight."

Originally, Chen Yang thought that black holes could have a great impact on those who came.

But now it seemed that Chen Yang had miscalculated this move.

Therefore, it would be better to go out and fight.

Chen Yang had a plan in mind.

He fought Young Master Yu first, and killed Young Master Yu by surprise.After that, it would be much easier for them to attack and kill the other three together.

At that moment, Chen Yang said to Wu Liyang: "Wu Liyang, you have also seen it. Your little bastard is not cleaned up, so let's leave here first. After that, I will fight alone with him, life and death will be no worries. No one should intervene, if you dare to intervene, we will immediately destroy the soul-suppressing fruit."

At this time, Lian Yun, Wu Liyang's younger brother, couldn't help but said: "You don't have to threaten us, you also worked so hard to grab the soul-suppressing fruit, and you will destroy it cruelly?"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "That's not necessarily true."

Mr. Yu immediately said: "Wu Liyang, I will fight him. You don't have to worry about me, I can handle it myself!"

"But, son, you..." Wu Liyang said.

"No but!" Young Master Yu said coldly.

Wu Liyang was helpless, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, it's up to you!"

Chen Yang thought of something and felt strange, so he said: "Since the princess has been captured by you, why don't you go directly to Guangyao Xing."

Wu Liyang said: "The princess said that if the soul-suppressing fruit is not returned, she will commit suicide as soon as she is free. We can't tie the princess up forever. She is going to marry the prince of the Earth and Star Clan. On the contrary, she She has made an oath to us, as long as we return the Soul Requiem Fruit, she will marry the prince of StarClan there."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.After that, the group quickly left the black hole.

Coming outside the black hole, Chen Yang and others all came out of the black hole spar.

There are six people on Chen Yang's side, but Cheng Jianhua's cultivation base is too weak, and the level of creation is first level, so I'm afraid it's not enough to see.

Lan Tingyu asked Chen Yang if he could fight Young Master Yu.After all, Chen Yang is the backbone...

Chen Yang rejected Lan Tingyu, and the two communicated secretly through sound transmission. "This Mr. Yu hates me so much. If it were you, he might not be willing to fight alone. Besides, it doesn't matter if I die, I can recover if you delay for a while."

Lan Tingyu said: "All right!"

Chen Yang immediately came out of the crowd, and said to Mr. Yu: "Little bastard, get out and die!"

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