The strongest player in history

Chapter 2773 wearing golden armor

Chen Yang thought for a while, and then said to everyone: "You take my second brother back to Earth, and I will accompany my elder brother here."

Fu Qingzhu's face darkened, and he said: "The enemy hasn't seen what you said, so we are scared to the ground. Besides, how can I leave my friend behind."

Lan Tingyu said: "Let's not talk about these useless things now, since Brother Luo Feng insists on keeping the soul-suppressing fruit, then let's keep it together."

Master Luo also said: "The poor Taoist will never leave alone!"

Cheng Jianhua immediately said, "Of course I will follow Brother Feng!"

Luo Feng glanced at the crowd, he saw the determination in their eyes.Therefore, he knew that no matter what he said, these people would not leave him.

Tears welled up in his eyes, but after all, he didn't say much.

Luo Feng has always been a person who is not good at expressing emotions, but he will keep many human feelings in his heart.

A group of people hurried on their way again, heading towards the earth.

At the same time, Chen Yang and the others also began to have doubts.

Chen Yang said: "Brother, I really can't figure it out now. Who else can pose a threat to us? And they came for the soul-suppressing fruit. The beast was also repulsed by us before, and Hun Muyang is No.1 of the Poro planet, he has been seriously injured. What kind of existence came to hunt us down? Since it is for the soul-suppressing fruit, it must have a deep connection with the Poro planet. If they belong to Soul Muyang Allies, so why haven't we heard of it?"

Lan Tingyu said: "Whether it is Hun Muyang's allies or enemies, if they belong to the Poro planet, they should not be unknown. Now it seems that the strength of these people is still higher than that of Hun Muyang. Right?"

Luo Feng nodded, and said: "It is not yet certain what the source of those crises is, but what is certain is that its cultivation is really higher than that of Soul Muyang."

Fu Qingzhu said: "If it was the enemy army, why didn't they attack earlier? We can't stop it, but Hun Muyang can stop it? Why wait for us to escape before attacking?"

"Could it be that these beings who came to hunt us down have friendship with Hun Muyang, and they were embarrassed to do so before?" Taoist Master Luo said.

Cheng Jianhua said: "The appearance of the beast is really weird, and now a group of people have come. What is certain is that they are not Hun Muyang's enemies. If these people were Hun Muyang's enemies, Hun Muyang should have It no longer exists. They may not be from the Poro planet, but a mysterious foreign aid. The specific origin cannot be guessed."

Cheng Jianhua's analysis is still very reasonable.

Moreover, there is no point in speculating on the origins of these people now.

Chen Yang finally suggested, saying: "It's pointless to run away blindly now. It was useless for us to ride the soul chariot before. Not to mention now, let's find a huge black hole and hide in it, and then see if there is a chance .”

Chen Yang's proposal was very bold, but it also won the approval of everyone.

So the next step is to find large black holes.

After a lot of searching, I really found it.

The black hole is like a dark lake in the void of the universe, but there are wonderful substances surging in the black lake, and everything around it collapses towards the center.

Chen Yang took control of the black hole spar and entered the black hole first.

He has studied black holes very deeply, and feels like a fish in water in black holes.

Everyone present was in awe of the black hole.But Chen Yang was not afraid. Chen Yang told everyone that if the enemy had the ability to enter the depths of the black hole, then he could use the black hole spar and the entire black hole as power.

At the same time, everyone only needs to pass on their power to him, and he can absorb the power of everyone, and it will also have a miraculous effect.

The black hole spar shuttles inside the black hole.The mysteries in the black hole can be clearly seen by human beings, and the space inside is also infinitely large, unimaginable.

But everything is in a process of collapse.

Collapse toward the deepest point!

Although Chen Yang is powerful, he still needs to find out the law of the collapse of the black hole in order to survive.

Inside the black hole, Chen Yang and the others did not wait too long.

About a day later, the powerful enemy finally attacked.

At this time, it was not Luo Feng who felt the danger unilaterally.The rest of the people also felt the crisis!

Chen Yang's divine sense could no longer be shot out.

Because any force that goes out cannot exist for too long, and will be gradually absorbed by the black hole.

But what can be felt is that those powerful enemies were not stopped by the black hole.They then entered the black hole.

The sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger!

Chen Yang controlled the black hole spar and went all the way to the deeper part of the black hole, and the pursuers kept chasing after him.

Finally, to the depths of the black hole.

The surrounding black hole particles are already in a state of super rage, and the infinite black hole particles frantically strangle towards the black hole spar.The black hole particles of the black hole spar are washed away, and at the same time, some particles are absorbed into the black hole spar.

This is how to maintain a cycle to stabilize the figure!

Luo Feng and the others felt the berserk of particles outside, and they all gasped.

They couldn't help but look at Chen Yang with admiration.

Master Luo said: "Pindao feels the particle changes in the outside world, and feels alone in it, and it is already difficult to leave this place. Little friend Chen Yang, you can still hold on, and use this as a battlefield, Pindao admires you! "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "This is the limit I can go down. If I go any further, my black hole spar will be completely washed away. At that time, I will not be able to leave this place."

"They are coming!" At this moment, Luo Feng said.

Sure enough, in the violent particle explosion and collapse, there were four figures like gods walking out of the violent snowstorm.

The four figures quickly surrounded the black hole spar, and shot directly.

Chen Yang and the others finally saw the four figures clearly, they were four...human beings!

Of the four men, the youngest looked to be in his twenties, and the oldest was only in his forties.

It looks exactly the same as humans on Earth.

All four of them were wearing battle armor, and the older one was wearing a silver battle armor, majestic and majestic.

The young ones wear gold armor.

They only showed their faces outside, and violent black hole particles poured down from above, crazily strangling.

These four people seemed to be standing in the center of a storm, but those black hole particles failed to cause any harm to them.

Chen Yang glanced at the cultivation bases of these four people, and immediately noticed that the cultivation base of the elderly man in the silver armor was at the fifth level of the Creation Realm.

And the young ones are the weakest in cultivation, at the third level of the Creation Realm!

In other words, the cultivation bases of these four people are actually not terrifying.But they gave Chen Yang and others an indescribable sense of crisis.

At the same time, watching them calmly and calmly in the black hole, everyone in Chen Yang felt that it was a big shame.Even Chen Yang, if he loses the protection of the black hole spar, he will have difficulty moving in this place, and may even be completely swallowed by the black hole.

At this moment, Chen Yang began to doubt whether it was right or wrong for him to choose this place for the battlefield?

The elder at the head is a strong man in the fifth level of the realm of creation.He looked at the black hole spar, and said in a deep voice: "You won't stay here for long. We are here today only for the soul-suppressing fruit. If you are sensible, hand over the soul-suppressing fruit. As long as you hand over the soul-suppressing fruit, we will You can leave immediately!"

His words are not the language of the Poro planet, but another strange language.

But Chen Yang and others immediately learned the essence of his language.

While learning the other party's language, they also learned about the other party's history and humanities from the language.

Chen Yang and others got a lot of information in their brains instantly.

"The planet that is closer to the sun in the solar system is called Guangyao star! The climate in Guangyao planet is extremely hot. But because of the special material of the planet, it has not been roasted by the sun. In Guangyao star, nothing grows, and light The people of Yaoxing survive by eating the meteoric iron from the planet. The people of Guangyao are extremely smart and talented...In Guangyao, there are several sects...among them, the Yaotian sect is the most powerful."

There is a lot of information, but everyone can only get some superficial information.

It is impossible to know the specific information from the other party's sentence.

Chen Yang immediately said in a deep voice: "I'm Chen Yang, and I'm asking you all for your names!"

He spoke the other party's language, and he didn't want the other party to know more information from his language.

The leading middle-aged man immediately said: "Who are we, you don't need to know. Just hand over the soul-suppressing fruit!"

Chen Yang said: "Even if you are going to die, you must be a sensible ghost." He paused and said: "You are very powerful, we admit it. But here, if we don't want to hand over the soul-suppressing fruit, you have nothing to do Yes. You choose to deal with it in a compromise way, aren’t you afraid that we will destroy the soul-suppressing fruit? Moreover, how can I be sure that you will keep your promise after taking the soul-suppressing fruit?”

"What exactly are you trying to say?" the young man in the golden armor said coldly.

Chen Yang sneered, and said, "It's better for children not to interrupt when adults are talking."

"What did you say?" The young man was furious immediately, and then he said sharply: "You little thief is so brave, you dare to laugh at me. Later, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Chen Yang is afraid of this group of people, but he is also a person with a temper.Immediately, he also cursed back: "Little bastard, the hair hasn't grown yet, but the mouth is very sharp. I'll see if I don't beat your ass to pieces later!"

The young man was furious... This young man seemed to be born noble, and he had never been angry.His eyes were bloodshot at the moment, and he said to the middle-aged man: "What are you talking about, kill them all, kill them!"

The middle-aged man is also quite afraid of young people, so he immediately said with the technique of sound transmission: "Young Master Yu, our main purpose this time is for the soul-suppressing fruit. Don't be reckless or foolish. What's the use of killing them, if it fails Without the soul-repressing fruit, everything is meaningless.”

Young Master Yu gritted his teeth, but he also knew that what the middle-aged man said was true, so he could only hold back his breath at the moment.

The middle-aged man then said to Chen Yang: "You can rest assured that we are not only interested in the soul-suppressing fruit. We are not interested in you, and there is no need to kill you all. We have important things to do manage."

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