All the teachers and students present, including Yan Jiuzhong and Yang Qing, felt that this was impossible.

Yan Jiuzhong also didn't see that there was something wrong with Chen Yang's seventh-order power.After all, it is difficult to find a second person in the entire celestial world who can train his body to its peak state before practicing Qingling Gong.

A person whose cultivation base is lower than his own, logically speaking, it is impossible to hide his strength.Therefore, Yan Jiuzhong, Yang Qing and the others always thought that Chen Yang was the seventh level of Qingling.

Promoted to two ranks in 5 minutes?

This is simply not possible!

It has never happened in the history of martial arts.

Yan Jiuzhong stared at Chen Yang firmly.

Lin Jianfeng also stared at Chen Yang firmly, and all the teachers and students in the school stared at Chen Yang with bated breath.

Among those present, only Chen Tiannan knew the truth.

He knew that Chen Yang was already at the ninth level of Qingling.Now it's just a pose.

At the same time, Chen Tiannan couldn't help but admire Chen Yang's wisdom.Right now, with his actions like this, isn't he going to become famous all over the world in one fell swoop?At that time, wouldn't Su Lumo regret to die?

Moreover, there is an advantage in doing this now, that is, it will make Yan Jiuzhong believe that Chen Yang is a peerless genius, so he will do anything to keep Chen Yang.Through this incident, Chen Yang could find Yan Jiuzhong as a great backer.

But immediately... Chen Tiannan frowned slightly again.

Chen Tiannan felt that although Chen Yang's move had many advantages, it also had great disadvantages.That's because they are too sharp. The current duel is not only in the school, but also broadcast live in the media.

Therefore, this incident will soon shock the whole world!

Chen Tiannan was a little worried that Chen Yang would die because of this.

For Chen Tiannan's worry, Chen Yang also had it in his heart.

He felt that what he did now would allow Yan Jiuzhong to extend an olive branch to him.However, it will also shock the world.

Chen Yang couldn't tell whether it was beneficial or harmful to do so.

However, Chen Yang doesn't want to think about it so much now, what he wants now is to have fun.

It belongs to the hearty joy of a real warrior!

So, soon, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Yang's cultivation broke through the eighth level!

"Oh my god, in 2 minutes, he really broke through to the eighth level of Qingling!"

"He's still climbing!"

"This guy, is he a human?"

"Perhaps, he has already reached the peak of the seventh step. The reason why he didn't break through is to humiliate Yang Yu." Some students suddenly expressed different opinions.

"But he is still sprinting towards the ninth step!" Someone said again.

At this moment, what Chen Yang did was a blow to all the students who practiced martial arts, but it was also an encouragement.

It's like playing a game and hitting a boss.You can't beat it no matter what, and in the end you feel that this setting is too unreasonable, and it should be defeated.But at this time, a person came suddenly, and with excellent operation, easily killed the boss.Then, you may be able to cheer up and maintain a good attitude to defeat this boss.

"It's 5 minutes!"

"My God, he has really risen to the ninth level of Qingling!"

"It really did it, Chen Jun! This guy is really inhuman! Peerless genius, peerless genius!"

"It turns out that he has such talent, and he was recommended to our school just now. But at that time, we all felt that he had no ability. Now it seems that we were wrong."

"Such a genius must be arrogant. Senior Yang Yu insulted him in front of so many people that day. No wonder he refuses to let Senior Yang Yu go today."

At this time, the voices of the school students began to change. There were several voices and several opinions.

Some people think that Chen Jun is not broad-minded enough.

But there are also different students who think that Confucius once said, repay virtue with virtue, and repay grievance with hatred!

At this time, Chen Yang stood up.

The referee teacher handed over the life and death certificate.Chen Yang took it, and signed his name with a few strokes.

The referee teacher handed Lin Jianfeng a life-and-death contract.

Chen Yang immediately said: "Senior Lin Jianfeng, it's too late for you to regret it now. You don't need to go through this muddy water."

Lin Jianfeng glanced at Chen Yang indifferently.What a proud and arrogant man he could he endure the humiliation of retreating without a fight.

If he came up before, it was only for Yang Yu.

So right now, it's all for myself.After seeing Chen Yang's sharpness, if he just retreats.Then, there will always be a shadow in his heart.It will be difficult for him to make any progress in his cultivation from now on.

Lin Jianfeng signed his name with a few strokes.

Afterwards, the referee teacher retreated with the life and death contract.

Military academies favor martial arts, this martial arts is the martial arts of killing the enemy, not the martial arts of strengthening life, so life and death fights are always inevitable.

The country, the government, and the school all support this kind of bloodiness!

Martial arts without bloodshed will never become real martial arts!

In the field, Chen Yang and Lin Jianfeng stood opposite each other!

At this moment, Chen Yang also became serious.He knew that facing Lin Jianfeng at this moment, he did not have much advantage.The strength of the ninth level of Qing Linggong is [-] jin, and Chen Yang's strength also stays at [-] jin!However, his only advantage is that his strength and flexibility are higher.

For decades, Chen Yang has traveled all over the stars and universe, and he has never felt timid in close combat!

So at this moment, although he is dignified, he is absolutely not timid at all!

"Start!" The referee teacher shouted.

As soon as the words fell, at this moment, Chen Yang and Lin Jianfeng moved together.

In an instant, there were two afterimages in the air.

Lin Jianfeng practices Taijiquan and Baguazhang.Baguazhang is mixed with Taiji, and there is also the elegance of Taiji in Bagua.

Tai Chi is the softest to practice and the most rigid to fight!

Baguazhang, practiced to the extreme, is like a big millstone spinning at high speed, and that kind of grinding force can make people feel like being hit by a ten thousand volt electric current in an instant.

He saw Lin Jianfeng's feet were like plowing the ground, and the hard martial arts field under his feet was cracked inch by inch.Then, all the broken stones seemed to have eyes, and they shot towards the vital points of Chen Yang's body like bullets.

At the same time, Lin Jianfeng closed his fists together, swallowing and spitting, like an angry dragon sailing out to sea, crashing towards Chen Yang's heart.

This shot was really extraordinary, it was earth-shattering!

Chen Yang changed faster, and his figure flashed, avoiding the killing of the gravel.

Lin Jianfeng is a ferocious beast, and Chen Yang is a light flying swallow at this moment.He almost dodged close to Lin Jianfeng's body.Lin Jianfeng suddenly stopped, and came up with the simplest trick of the old bear hitting the tree!


When he bumped, his whole body trembled, like a high-speed electric drill, like a king unloading a tripod!

"Turn around and move the hammer!" Chen Yang's hands were closed, and he took Lin Jianfeng's body to perform the move and hammer.

As if removing the barrier, Lin Jianfeng couldn't stand still, and sent it forward.

Chen Yang's solution showed his textbook-like solution to the teachers and students of the school.

Then, Chen Yang's figure suddenly became bulky.

Bulky in stature, but fast as lightning.

Chen Yang stepped on Tiangang's footwork, and instantly bullied Lin Jianfeng behind him. He swayed from side to side, shook, and his muscles and bones all over his body crackled.The pair of fists blasted away like a thunder storm...

Lin Jianfeng felt the violent storm behind him, how could he turn around at this time, so he could only sweep forward.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Jianfeng was at a disadvantage.

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