The strongest player in history

Chapter 2682 What is a Genius?

"Young man!" At this moment, Yang Yu's grandfather, Yang Qing, came to the martial arts arena in a flash.His speed is very fast. Although this old man is already eighty years old, his cultivation is at the sixth level of Shenlong.One can imagine his majesty.

Yang Qing looked at Chen Yang and said, "My grandson has already lost, and he was also injured. I can ask him to apologize to you, but kowtow, please look at me, forget it? Give me Yang this face, okay?"

Chen Yang couldn't see Yang Qing's cultivation clearly, but he knew that this fellow would definitely kill him.

He hates this feeling.

In a world with mana, he can go on a rampage.But here, he still has many fears.

At that moment, Chen Yang smiled slightly and said: "Ling Sun and I have already signed the certificate of life and death, and the contract is stamped with the seal of the Weilong Military Academy. Your cultivation base is much higher than mine. If you let me see you Forget about saving face, sorry, I don’t know you, and I have no affection at all. So, I can’t give you this face. But if the Weilong Military Academy feels that this contract has no effect at all, I am weak today, naturally It can't be forced."

Chen Yang's meaning is very clear, if you all cover up today, he has nothing to say.However, I was absolutely unconvinced in my heart.

There was still media present at the scene, and if this matter got out, it would do great damage to the reputation of Weilong Military Academy.

Yang Qing's face suddenly turned ugly, and he said word by word: "Young man, you have to forgive others and forgive others. You are young, don't block your own way."

Chen Yang ignored Yang Qing and remained silent.

It was also at this moment that Principal Yan Jiuzhong spoke.He said: "Chen Jun and Yang Yu are all students of our Weilong. Mr. Yang, this is Weilong's internal affairs, please don't interfere, go down."

Yan Jiuzhong spoke, what a majesty it was.

Yang Qing trembled, facing Yan Jiuzhong, he had no capital to be proud of.

At that moment, he took a deep breath and said to Yan Jiuzhong: "Principal, are you going to watch outsiders bully Wei Long's students like this?"

Yan Jiuzhong smiled slightly, and said: "Chen Jun has completed all the admission procedures three months ago. He is already a student of Wei, he is not an outsider. Also, even if he is an outsider, but , Wei Long has always respected the rules and the contract. Even if I, Yan Jiuzhong, lost here today, I should kowtow, and I must kowtow. Unless classmate Chen Jun offered not to pursue it!"

Yan Jiuzhong's words are worth a lot of words!

Yang Qing took a deep breath and said, "Okay!"

Later, he said to Yang Yu: "Son, this is a painful lesson. But lessons can make people grow. If so, let's kowtow. I hope you can remember this lesson forever!"

Afterwards, he left the martial arts arena.

Chen Yang stared at Yang Yu, his face pale.

At this moment, Yang Yu looked a little desolate and pitiful.

Yang Yu's reputation in the school is not bad, so at this moment, many students can't bear it.

Although the principal has already said that Chen Jun is a student of Weilong Military Academy.However, the students obviously still have no sense of belonging and identification with Chen Yang.

Yang Yu wanted to kneel, but he saw the pity, sigh, or mocking eyes of the students in the audience.His heart almost collapsed on the spot.

His legs couldn't be bent no matter what.

His eyes were red, tears were falling...

Seeing this, some girls couldn't help crying anymore.At this time, a figure from the audience flashed onto the martial arts arena.

It was Duan Sisi who came.Duan Sisi is very beautiful and heroic. She looked at Chen Yang and said, "It was his fault that he insulted you that day. But that day, I stood up to protect you. So today, can I ask you for favors?"

She paused, and continued: "From now on, you will also belong to Weilong. You don't have to make the whole school think you are an enemy, do you?"

"I don't care!" Chen Yang glanced at Duan Sisi, he smiled slightly, and said, "You helped me that day, and I am very grateful to you. From now on, I will definitely repay you. But today, he must kneel!"

"You..." Duan Sisi's face turned pale.

She then said, "Okay, I'll compete with you. If I beat you, forget about it, okay?"

Chen Yang said lightly: "Bi, there is a price. You win, of course I can let him go. But what if I win?"

Duan Sisi said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I don't want to do anything, if you lose, then, how about writing off your kindness for protecting me that day?"

Duan Sisi was slightly taken aback, then she nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang was a gentleman at the moment, and said, "Then, please!"

Duan Sisi took a deep breath, and then stepped on her feet repeatedly, and she had already bullied Chen Yang in front of him with one stride.

Duan Sisi stepped on Tiangang steps, but in his bones was the essence of Xingyiquan.

She arched her body like a heavy bow.Clenched both fists, and suddenly came out, it was the random arrows from the monkey-shaped fist!

As soon as the random arrows are shot out, the punch is stronger than the punch, and the punch is faster than the punch!

Duan Sisi is the seventh level of Qingling, with a strength of six thousand catties.

At this moment, all the strength of six thousand catties was released, like a violent storm, and the sky collapsed.

Chen Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, he took a step back slightly, then made a block with his left fist and a block with his right fist, followed by his left and right fists like opening bows, unexpectedly he did not give way to Duan Sisi's random arrows, and he received them hard .

Bang bang bang!

The two exchanged about thirty punches in a row, and after thirty punches, Duan Sisi retreated abruptly.She only felt that the muscles all over her body were sore, and there was a faint electric current rushing through her body, which made her feel numb all over her body.

Duan Sisi couldn't help being astonished, she thought that she and Chen Yang had an even fight.But it was only at this moment that she realized that during the punching attack just now, the opponent's drilling force had completely penetrated into her body.

Still unknowingly...

Duan Sisi suddenly felt another piercing pain in her body after being paralyzed.It's like a muscle spasm.

At this moment, Duan Sisi's face turned pale, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

"I lost!" Duan Sisi said in a deep voice.

Chen Yang said lightly: "You can go."

Duan Sisi stopped talking, turned and left the martial arts arena.

"Now, you can kneel down." Chen Yang faced Yang Yu again and said lightly.

Yang Yu looked at Chen Yang, his eyes were complicated, filled with resentment, humiliation, and mixed emotions.

There is nothing he can do...

Chen Yang's eyes were extremely indifferent, he looked like a cold-blooded person without emotion at the moment.

Yang Yu roared and said, "Okay! Chen Jun, I will never forget the humiliation today. If you want me to kneel, I will kneel!"

After Yang Yu finished yelling, he was about to kneel down.

At this moment, another figure flickered and arrived on the martial arts arena.

"Wait!" the man shouted.

Chen Yang raised his head, and saw a young man standing in front of Yang Yu.

When all the teachers and students saw this young man clearly, they were all pleasantly surprised.

"Wow, it's Senior Lin Jianfeng!"

"When did Senior Jianfeng come back?"

"Three years ago, Senior Jianfeng had already reached the eighth level of Qingling, and defeated the genius of the island country Takeshi Kitano at the martial arts exchange meeting with the island country!"

"It is said that Senior Jianfeng wants to stay in the school to teach, and the principal also intends to accept him as a student? He has a bright future!"

"This Chen Jun is indeed very powerful. However, he is still a little tender in front of Senior Jianfeng."

There are various discussions.

Chen Yang also looked at Lin Jianfeng.

He could tell at a glance that Lin Jianfeng was at the ninth level of Qingling.

Yan Jiuzhong in the auditorium had an interesting look on his face.

Lin Jianfeng then looked at Chen Yang, and said, "We are all classmates. As the saying goes, it is better to resolve enemies than to tie them together. Chen Jun, forget it?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a narrow-minded person, and I will retaliate. If he loses, he has to kneel. In fact, I should kill him. You heard the cruel words he put down just now. I Not killing him is my kindness to him. The state of life and death depends on life and death."

Lin Jianfeng said: "You are not being kind, but humiliating!"

"That's simpler. If he hits his head to death, that's fine. If he hits his head to death here, I think he's still a character!" Chen Yang said coldly.

Lin Jianfeng said: "You really don't want to forget it?"

Chen Yang said: "Never!"

Lin Jianfeng said: "Well, I heard about your deeds. You have grown from scratch in three months and cultivated to this level. I will give you another three months. After three months, we will duel here , and sign the certificate of life and death. If you lose, this matter will be completely canceled. If I lose, I will kneel here in front of the teachers and students of the whole school!"

"Senior Jianfeng is really responsible!" Someone in the audience immediately commented.

"Senior Jianfeng is good, this Chen Jun, aren't you crazy? If you have the ability, fight with Senior Jianfeng right now!"

"Yes, fight now!" The students shouted.

The crowd is outraged!

"How?" Lin Jianfeng ignored all the students and asked Chen Yang.

"Of course!" Chen Yang smiled slightly, and then he said, "But..."

"Haha, I knew he didn't dare!" Someone laughed loudly.

Chen Yang ignored everyone. He said to Lin Jianfeng: "Three months, there is no need. You give me 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, we will fight here."

"5 minutes?" Lin Jianfeng wondered, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Yang said: "You are at the ninth level of Qingling. I thought about it and decided to go up to the ninth level of Qingling."

"What did you say?" Lin Jianfeng's eyes widened. He wondered if the kid in front of him was crazy.

"Could it be that it takes 5 minutes for this guy to decide to rise to the ninth level of Qingling within 5 minutes?"

"Is he crazy? Did he think he was playing a game?"

"But he has cultivated to this point in three months?"

There is a lot of discussion...

"Are you sure?" Lin Jianfeng said word by word.

Chen Yang said to the referee teacher: "Please, go to the life-and-death contract!"

The referee teacher had complicated eyes, and then he nodded.

At that moment, Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the martial arts arena in front of everyone, and closed his eyes.

"Is he really planning to break through to the ninth level of Qingling within 5 minutes?"

"My God, how is this possible!"

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