Yang Yu's cultivation is at the seventh level of Qingling, that is to say, his strength has reached six thousand catties!Although he is still a student, his explosive power is extremely terrifying.

In other words, Yang Yu's strength is two thousand catties more than Chen Yang's!

The concept is still scary.

Of course, the art of fighting does not mean that whoever is stronger will definitely win.

An inch is long and an inch is strong, and an inch is short and an inch is dangerous!

The opponent is powerful, and if he punches down, if he cannot grasp the flexibility of the strength well, he will not be able to turn around.Just like the speed of a car, too fast, even the brakes can't stop.

As for the power of the dragon rank, it is even more exaggerated and terrifying.

Chen Yang really doesn't have the capital to be arrogant in front of Chen Tiannan now.

But Chen Tiannan can be regarded as having completely believed Chen Yang's words, because Chen Yang has jumped from being disabled to a master in just over two months!

In Chen Tiannan's bungalow, Chen Yang said: "There are still fifteen days left, the day when I will challenge Yang Yu. Now, I am absolutely sure of defeating Yang Yu. However, it is not guaranteed. Defeating Yang Yu After that, there may be follow-up troubles!"

Chen Tiannan said: "Following troubles?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't talk about him anymore, I'm going to start taking the Divine Consciousness Pill now. Do you know why I'm taking it now?"

Chen Tiannan was puzzled, and said, "Why?"

Chen Yang said: "Only when you have reached the Shenlong level can you break through the chaotic blood aperture in your brain and let your body flow smoothly. But I have already flushed out the chaotic blood aperture. Now, I will take the spiritual consciousness again Dan, you can get twice the result with half the effort! This is sharpening the knife and chopping firewood!"

Chen Tiannan was taken aback, and said: "The Chaotic Blood Aperture is extremely mysterious, if you don't reach the ninth level of Qing Ling Gong, you absolutely dare not move it."

Chen Yang said: "That's because your power comes too easily. So you lack a lot of perception and understanding of the body."

Chen Tiannan smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to where you will reach in the next half month."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'm also looking forward to it. Next, I'm going to retreat. You call me the day before the appointment. At that time, we will go to Weilong Military Academy together."

Chen Tiannan was in high spirits, and said, "Okay! I'm also looking forward to seeing the expressions of those people now."

After Chen Tiannan left, Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the bed in the room.

Then, he swallowed the pill of Divine Consciousness into his stomach.

The grade of this Divine Consciousness Pill is not much different from that of Chunyang Pill, and it is better than Chunyang Pill.In the past, Chen Yang Tun Chunyang Pills were at the level of tens of millions, often hundreds of millions.Now a divine grade spiritual consciousness pill here is very precious.

The nutrition of this Divine Grade Spirit Consciousness Pill is not very strong, but it can be used as a medicine!

After Chen Yang swallowed it into his stomach, he felt a rush of energy in his stomach.

Chen Yang is now able to nourish his qi. He allows this qi to fuse with his body and not let it dissipate.

At the same time, Chen Yang began to feel the aura outside through this aura.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt as if his eyes had been opened.

In the past, he could feel the strong aura, but he couldn't tell the difference.Right now, he can feel that there are many varieties of these auras.There are low grades, middle grades, top grades, and god grades!

Chen Yang's Divine Consciousness Pill naturally absorbs the best and purest spiritual energy.

"These auras are so weird. There are other things in the aura. No wonder Shenlong Qigong can summon Shenlong." Chen Yang secretly said.

Chen Yang took a big breath, like a killer whale sucking water, and sucked the pure aura into his body.

Suddenly, the Qi in the body began to surge.

Qi and strength are combined, strength and body are combined!

Chen Yang closed his eyes, he could feel that he seemed to be integrated with the outside air.

It was as if he was in a torrential river, and the aura was like a magnetic field.

The difference between these qi and mana is that mana can mobilize the external magnetic field.

But these qi must be absorbed into the body.After fusion in the body, it can become its own power.

Qi was swimming in Chen Yang's body, faster and faster!

Inside Chen Yang's body, Qi was swimming like an ocean, and he absorbed more and more Qi.

He already knew the key to Qingling Gong from Chen Tiannan, and Qingling Gong is a technique to control Qi.But Chen Yang doesn't need any clearing spirit skills at all, he already knows how to control Qi!

Chen Yang compared the changes in his body according to the changes in Qing Linggong.

In just one day, Chen Yang had already reached the fifth level of Qing Ling Gong!

Chen Yang's own strength was already four thousand catties, and after merging with the power of this Qi, his strength had reached six thousand catties!

The strength of the fifth level of Qing Linggong is three thousand catties!

But this fusion of power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.Chen Yang's body is quite different from those who simply practice Qingling Gong.The deeper his background, the more flexible he can operate, with ease!

What's more ingenious is that Chen Yang's strength and aura are integrated, and his cultivation is difficult for outsiders to see.

This is the true combination of Qi and strength, strength and body!

It can be said that in this world, it is difficult for masters below the Shenlong rank to be more flexible than Chen Yang's body fusion.

People in this world practice spiritual skills first.The qi of Qingling Gong is integrated into the body, and the huge power bursts out, all thanks to qi! In fact, their bodies have not been developed to perfection.

However, when entering the Shenlong stage, their bodies will be fully developed.In other words, with all of Chen Yang's current experience, he doesn't have any obvious advantages when facing the dragon-level masters.

To enter the Shenlong rank, one has to wait until reaching the ninth rank of Qingling to realize a more brilliant aura.

In this world, there are all kinds of dragon spirits!

In this kind of dragon energy is the condensed dragon.

Chen Yang didn't need any cultivation secrets at all, he already understood them.

After all, one way is all right!

Eleven days later, Chen Tiannan came to inform Chen Yang that he could go to the capital.

At the same time, Chen Tiannan also saw clearly Chen Yang's cultivation.

Ninth level of Qing Linggong!

It's just one step away from stepping into the Shenlong rank.

Chen Yang is actually comprehending the mystery of the Dragon Rank...

"You actually reached this point so quickly?" Chen Tiannan was very surprised.

Chen Yang smiled wryly, sat up from the bed, and said, "To be precise, you knock on the door a little later, and it's not a problem for me to step into the Dragon Step."

Chen Tiannan said: "..."

Chen Yang said with a smile: "It's not a problem anymore. Let's go, let's go!"

Chen Tiannan said: "It's simply unheard of, unseen, unbelievable!"

Chen Yang said: "It's nothing, I guess, Bai Suzhen's cultivation has far surpassed mine. I originally wanted to compete with her in this world. Now it seems that there is no contest."

Chen Tiannan smiled wryly, and said: "I originally thought you were arrogant when you said that you would visit Su Lumo in a year's time. Now it seems that after a year, maybe you will really be able to fight Su Lumo."

Chen Yang said: "It is indeed arrogant. At that time, I didn't understand the spirit of the dragon. Now that I understand it, I realize that the cultivation of the spirit of the dragon really takes time."

Chen Tiannan said: "I have confidence in you."

Chen Yang said: "I'm going to hide my strength now. I'm not strong enough now, and any dragon-level master may pose a threat to me. Therefore, I can't be too sharp. Now that I think about it, with that Yang Yu kid It's not worth fighting for this moment of enthusiasm. However, at that time, the crazy words had already been released, but right now, there is no other way."

Chen Tiannan said: "I can understand you, you are a genius, how could you allow that little man to be so humiliated!"

As Chen Yang's strength began to return, Chen Yang's whole person also began to get angry.

In the Weilong Military Academy in Kyoto, in an apartment.

It was in the afternoon, the sky had cleared and the snow had melted.

In the dormitory, Sima Feng said: "Tomorrow is the day of life and death, but there is no news from that Chen Jun. I guess, he was just trying to be brave at the time, and he just wanted to find a way for himself. Next. In three months, can he still conjure a flower?"

Huangfu Yi also said: "That's right, but we can't just let it go, can we, Brother Yu?"

Yang Yu's face was gloomy at the side. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "If he doesn't dare to compare, then he will kowtow to me in front of the teachers and students of the whole school. If he doesn't come tomorrow, I will speak out in the school." From now on, I want to make him a laughing stock."

"Haha, being a laughing stock is probably better than dying! I guess he thinks so." Sima Feng said.

It's not just Sima Feng who are discussing!

And the entire Weilong Military Academy has been paying attention to this big event.Even the principal Yan Jiuzhong was alarmed by this incident.

In the school, in private, the students all set up handicaps, betting on who would win.Basically, one-sided opinion is that Yang Yu can win.

Many people thought that Chen Jun was just talking bravely!

But until now, Chen Jun hadn't come yet, and everyone felt that he didn't dare to come.

This incident was not only circulated within the Weilong Military Academy.

The outside world is also rumored about this matter, after all, this is an era of advanced Internet.

Many media wanted to obtain the exclusive rights to broadcast this matter, so the business-minded school investment director negotiated a price with a media and got a fee first.

This media is called Rumor Media.The editor-in-chief of Rumor Media, Tang Zheng, was in charge of following up on this matter!Tang Zheng was in his forties, and he led his reporters to make a lot of preparations, and he also fired up the momentum.

But right now, Tang Zheng also has a headache.Because if that Chen Jun didn't come, he must have lost the deal.However, he also had a way out. He felt that if Chen Jun didn't come, he would have to interview Yang Yu first, and then interview Chen Jun.

In this spare time, Tang Zheng asked three of his reporters to interview Yang Yu first.

Under the shade of the trees beside the playground, the setting sun is shining...Yang Yu was interviewed in school uniform with Huangfu Yi and Sima Feng.

Over there, many students were also watching the interview.

Duan Sisi, a beautiful woman, was also watching.

The beautiful reporter who interviewed Yang Yu was called Xu Yan.Xu Yan asked Yang Yu: "Hi, student Yang, we heard that you and a special recruit will have a life-and-death duel in Weilong's martial arts arena tomorrow, right?"

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