The strongest player in history

Chapter 2677 Physical peak

Chen Tiannan's expression completely changed.

"What do you mean?" Chen Tiannan asked.

Chen Yang said: "You can't tell a third person about this matter."

Chen Tiannan said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Chen Yang said: "In the future, I will have my own rewards. In fact, I am not Chen Jun, nor is my sister Chen Jingyao. We came here from the outside world. When we arrived, our souls had no support. I met Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao in a car accident, and they seemed to be dying soon. Therefore, we took over their physical bodies. I hope you don’t doubt this. Because if this is not the case, we can find healthy people to take possession of them. body."

Chen Tiannan was shocked and couldn't help himself. "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Chen Yang said: "Your researchers have also researched something, that is to say, the world you live in may be an imitation of the original star. Let me tell you the truth, I am from the original star. But our place is not called the original star, but the original star." Earth. In your world, there are rules of world power that restrict many things. Therefore, your mana level, in our opinion, is very low. When I was in my heyday, an instant was tens of thousands of miles away. Outside. With my thoughts, the sea can be dried up, and the stars can be transferred.”

" did you come to this place, how did you become what you are now? Is this true? Why do I feel like I'm listening to the Arabian Nights?" Chen Tiannan couldn't accept it for a while.

Chen Yang said: "Our planet is now in crisis. We came here to change the nature of an element. This element... how to put it, is very complicated. I can't explain it to you for a while. Clear. In short, my sister and I paid a great price for this matter, and were later involved in your world. Our physical bodies have been sealed up by the rules of this world, because this world cannot allow powerful the power to break the rules. That's why we are what we are today!"

"We came here with absolutely no malice towards this world. In essence, I am also a Chinese. Our Huaxia is equivalent to your Huaguo. Your history, 100 years ago, can be said to be highly overlapped with our earth .Do you know who my sister is?"

"Who?" Chen Tiannan asked.

"You know The Legend of the White Snake, right?" Chen Yang said.

Chen Tiannan said: "Of course!"

Chen Yang said: "She is Bai Suzhen! But the Legend of the White Snake is just a legend. The real Bai Suzhen is very different from that legend. In essence, she actually has a younger sister. She and her younger sister..."

Chen Yang briefly talked about some things about Hei Yi Suzhen.

After hearing this, Chen Tiannan suddenly realized.

However, he still couldn't fully accept such a huge amount of information for a while.

"I said this because I hope you can trust me." Chen Yang said: "I need time now, and RB doesn't want to conflict with that Yang Yu today. However, he deceives people too much..."

Chen Tiannan looked at Chen Yang intently.

"You said that, really?" he asked again.

Chen Yang said: "Whether it's true or not, I only need three months. Three months later, after I defeat that Yang Yu, you will naturally be able to tell the difference."

"Okay, I believe you!" Chen Tiannan said.

He paused, then said, "What's your name?"

"Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said: "My actual age is older than you, so in private, we can meet as equals."

Chen Tiannan smiled wryly.He then said, "What do you need me to do now?"

Chen Yang said: "I was treated by a qigong master in the Weilong Military Academy today. His Shenlong Qigong seems to be specially treated. Please help me find such a master to come over and heal me. I am now Because the leg was broken and the Qi and blood were not flowing, it was difficult to recover."

Chen Tiannan said: "I'll take you back to the base in Nanning, and I'll find the master to treat you."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!" He then said: "Don't tell anyone else about our affairs. Especially don't tell Chen Leyi, I don't want her to be sad. This secret will last a lifetime for Shen."

Chen Tiannan said: "Good!"

The next day, Chen Yang, Chen Tiannan and the guard Xiao Zhang returned to the military base in Nanning by private plane.

Chen Tiannan found a qigong master no less than Guo Feng for Chen Yang, who specially treated Chen Yang.

At the same time, Chen Yang also asked Chen Tiannan to grab a lot of medicinal materials and nutritional products for him to take.

Before, Chen Yang was indeed too difficult.

No one trusts him, and he has limitations in doing many things.

But now, Chen Tiannan is willing to trust him, so he can do as he pleases a lot.

After half a month of intensive supplementation, Chen Yang cooperated with the Sun Moon Meditation Art and the treatment of the Qigong master, Chen Yang's leg healed so quickly, it was unimaginable.

After half a month, Chen Yang walked slowly without any problem.

At the same time, Chen Yang gained weight.

The whole face rounded up.

Sometimes, Chen Yang would have a nosebleed.

Chen Tiannan was worried about Chen Yang, and said: "If you keep making up like this, I'm worried that you won't be able to make up for it!"

Chen Yang said: "It's okay, I know my body very well. In half a month, I will officially start to recover my strength. All these fats will turn into strength!"

Chen Tiannan said: "I have already obtained the spiritual consciousness pill you want. When do you plan to take it?"

Chen Yang said: "Take it when my physical strength has returned to its best state!"

Chen Tiannan said: "Good!"

Another half month later, Chen Yang's leg finally fully recovered.

The bones have healed completely, and Chen Yang can walk like flying.However, he also gained weight for two full laps, and he would be out of breath after running for a while.

After that, Chen Yang began to practice hard!

He operated the Sun Moon Meditation Art and the Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound to expel the medicinal power and impurities from the body.

Every day, he would excrete a lot of black sweat and mud.

Chen Tiannan stayed with Chen Yang all the time, and he just watched Chen Yang's body getting stronger and stronger day by day.

When the body becomes unobstructed and Chen Yang's body recovers, it will be a matter of course.Especially the aura in this world is still so abundant.He also took a breath into his body, but it wasn't that kind of particularly pure aura.

Chen Yang's internal boxing is at the level of a Mahayana master.

Anjin, already through!


As his body recovered and his strength increased, he also quickly unleashed his energy.

Follow, it is Jindan!

He rushed directly to Jindan, and reached the level of transforming gods within a month.

In the realm of transforming gods, the power of one punch can reach four thousand catties!

On Earth, this is definitely the pinnacle of the human body.

Further up, it can only be primordial spirit and mana.

But Chen Yang knew that here, the strength of four thousand catties was really nothing.

Because, the strength of the ninth level of Qingling Gong has reached [-] catties.

The eighth step is eight thousand catties!

The seventh level is the strength of six thousand catties!

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