The strongest player in history

Chapter 2662 The Celestial Master Returns

Looking at the earth from a distant void, the earth is extremely calm, still rotating and revolving.It seems that nothing has changed.But only those masters with great supernatural powers know that the earth is already in a precarious state.

The earth has always forbidden people with the power of the world to approach the earth!

Even Hei Yi Suzhen, who possesses the power of the world, cannot return to Earth.This is also the reason why Heiyi Suzhen didn't want to collect the power of the Dark Lord back then.

Even if Mo Yunyu and Long Kongtong came to attack this time, if Heiyi Suzhen came back, she could only leave the earth with Lin Zhan first, and fight them in the void.Just like before, Yuanjue repelled Zulong several times and later fought against Star Lord against the Dark Lord and His Majesty Zulong.

In Tianzhou, in the Dakang imperial city, in the back garden of the palace, Chen Ling took Ye Qingcheng, Ouyang Lifei, Xu Qing, Long Ying, and Monica from M country.

At the same time, Chen Ling's daughters, Chen Miaoning, Chen Miaojia, Xu Tong, Chen Jiahong, and Dongfang Tianci all took over.

Moreover, some grandchildren were brought over.

Chen Ling's younger sister, Chen Siqi, also came over.

This is a great family reunion.

Chen Ling has been away for many years, especially in the past ten years or so, the world has become more and more violent, and he has less time to see his family members.

Although Ye Qingcheng and Ouyang Lifei are over 60 years old, they still look very young and beautiful.It seems that these years, the years have not left any traces on their faces.

In today's world, celebrities are all good at beauty.And Chen Ling gave them pills, immortal wine and so on.And specially refined beauty pills for them, they can live up to three hundred years without any problem at all.

Chen Ling cherished his family even more.Now that everyone is older, being together will not be so embarrassing.

Chen Ling has too many confidante.

In addition, there are Nie Xiaoqian, Hai Lanzhu, etc., and he plans to meet again later.

Even after so many years, his women still don't know how many women he has.

When Shen Murong saw this scene, she began to feel that Chen Yang from her family was more reliable.

Long Ying was originally the princess of Buzhou Shenshan, and she and Chen Ling also experienced life and death back then, and later gave birth to a daughter for Chen Ling, who became Chen Miaoning.

Today, Chen Miaoning is also in her 30s. Her husband is a doctoral student, and she puts science first.But later, Chen Miaoning was completely convinced.Chen Miaoning has also acquired some spells, but her cultivation has only reached the Immortal Realm.

Now that Chen Jiahong has changed his mind, he also married the little girl Yuncai, and they have a son.

Chen Ling didn't want to disturb his family's life. He was gathering with everyone this time, and after that, he would ask Tianchi Pavilion to arrange for everyone to return to their respective lives.

Concubine Ouyang Li wants Chen Jiahong to return to the Great Thousand World.

Chen Ling also persuaded.

Chen Jiahong and Yun Cai finally agreed to go back to the Great Thousand World.

In these years, Chen Ling still has one more regrettable thing, that is, he, Ye Qingcheng, Monica and other wives did not have a child.

Including Nie Xiaoqian and Hai Lanzhu, they also have no children.But this matter is really hard to force.

For ten days in a row, Chen Ling and his family were very happy together.I can't help but have a good time at night...

"Master!" On this day, Xuan Zhenghao suddenly called Chen Ling.He summoned Chen Ling in the boat of one yuan.

Chen Ling immediately came to the boat of one yuan.

On the bridge of one yuan, Xuan Zhenghao wore a bright yellow gown and a purple gold crown on his head, looking extremely solemn and dignified.

And Di Xuan was also in formal attire.

Dongfang Jing almost came in with Chen Ling.

"Why, did something happen?" Chen Ling asked slightly startled.

When Xuan Zhenghao saw the two, he smiled and said, "It's something that happened, but it's a good thing. A senior is coming. Sect Master, you are about to get dressed, let's welcome together."

"Senior?" Chen Ling said, "Is that senior? Do I know him?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Although you haven't seen it, you must have heard of it."

"Oh?" Chen Ling said.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said: "This senior is the founder of Wu Dou Mi Dao, the real first-generation celestial master, Senior Zhang Daoling!"

Chen Ling was startled when he heard the words, but then he was overjoyed and said, "That's really a good thing. I really want to straighten my clothes, bathe and burn incense to welcome me. When will I come?"

"There is still an hour, there is still time!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Ling nodded.

Chen Ling didn't really go to take a bath, he was in a hurry.But he still put on formal clothes, and so did Dongfang Jing.

Afterwards, Chen Ling said again: "I was really worried about the sudden loss of the power of the world. Because the power of the world was there before, the masters of the Empire's sky boat did not dare to act rashly. But the empire's sky boat has accumulated tens of millions of years. There must be masters. Once they come to attack, how can we resist it?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I believe Senior Fashen will definitely be able to think of such an obvious hidden danger. Since he dares to do this, he will definitely be sure."

Dixuan said: "I don't know what this Zhang Daoling is really capable of. If he had the power of the world in the first place, and the god of law can contact him, then why bother to destroy the power of the world?"

Dongfang Jing said: "When I meet this senior, the answer to the mystery will be revealed."

Time goes by minute by minute!

Finally, a strange light appeared on the bridge of the Unitary Bridge.

Then, a figure appeared on the bridge of one yuan.

The person who came was a Taoist.

But this Taoist rode this tiger. The tiger had eyes and a white forehead. It was a majestic steed. It was two and a half meters tall and weighed [-] kilograms.

The Taoist is wearing a Taoist robe, but he has a green and sharp sword on his back!

He has silver hair all over his head, but his face is like that of a young man.

A pair of eyes, sharp with the wisdom and sharpness to see through the world!

This Taoist is Zhang Daoling.

"Junior Xuan Zhenghao!"

"Junior Chen Ling, Dongfang Jing!"

"Under Emperor Xuan!"

"Welcome Heavenly Master!"

Xuan Zhenghao and his party saluted respectfully.

This Taoist mausoleum is a legendary figure, and its cultivation base is extremely terrifying.None of the people present could see Zhang Daoling's cultivation.

So at this moment, no matter whether they are in the strength or the position of the other party, everyone must be respectful.

"Infinite longevity!" Zhang Daoling got off the tiger's back, waved his hand, and put the tiger into his sleeve robe.He was not arrogant at all, strode forward, smiled again, and said: "In the four seas, there are all fellow Taoists! Why are you so polite, and fellow Taoist Emperor Xuan, your age is especially above that of poor Taoists!"

Dixuan smiled and said: "Brother Dao, you are being polite. As the saying goes, those who are masters are respected, and I am indeed my next."

Zhang Daoling laughed.Then he looked at Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Ling, and Dongfang Jing. "Mr. Xuan, Mr. Chen, Miss Dongfang, although Pindao has been away from the earth for a long time, he has always paid attention to the affairs of the earth. You have done many earth-shattering things over the years. It is really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead!"

Chen Ling clasped his fists and said, "Senior is too humble, you are such a prodigal, junior and others can't push you away!"

"Haha..." Zhang Daoling laughed out loud.

Xuan Zhenghao and Dongfang Jing also laughed.

The atmosphere of this meeting was very harmonious.

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "Senior, this junior has already prepared drinks, how about we drink and chat?" Zhang Daoling said: "It's so good!"

Among Taoist priests, there are two kinds of Taoist priests.

A Taoist monk, fasting, never married.

There is also a kind of Taoist Huoju, who abstains from alcohol and meat except during the fasting period.For the rest of the time, he was not taboo about wine and meat, and married wives and had children.

Zhang Daoling's sect is exactly Huoju Taoist priests.

That's why Xuan Zhenghao dared to arrange food and drinks.

There is also a folk proverb that ridicules that monks who are pure-hearted but want nothing but are all fat, and Taoists who are not taboo about wine and meat are all thin.

Xuan Zhenghao followed with a wave of his big hand and led everyone to the Qingxin Hall in the palace.

Everything has been prepared in the Qingxin Palace, and the palace people have all retreated.

The food and wine are good.

Everyone takes their seats...

Chen Ling raised his glass first, and said, "It's my honor to meet senior today, respect to senior!"

Zhang Daoling also raised his glass, he smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, I have heard many of your deeds, and I admire you very much! Do it!"

The two drank.

After that, the rest of the people continued to toast Zhang Daoling.

After that, Xuan Zhenghao said: "Senior came back suddenly this time, do you plan to live on the earth forever?"

Zhang Daoling said: "Pindao was practicing outside, and suddenly felt that the power of the world on his body was no longer able to bear it. Only then did he feel that something big was going to happen to the earth. In these years, Pindao was far away from the earth, and he used the Tiangang hexagram I know that the earth will not be peaceful in these years. I just thought that I can’t come back anyway, so I didn’t worry about it. After the power of the world went wrong, Pindao predicted that the god of Yuanjue I was afraid that something went wrong. So, I hurried back."

He then said in a deep voice: "When I came to Earth, Pindao already felt that Yuanjue Dharma God had passed away. I didn't expect that this time, things on Earth would be so tragic. Back then, when Pindao was far away, he also saw God of Dharma. God of Dharma has great kindness for poor people."

When Zhang Daoling said this, he sighed deeply, and said: "Unexpectedly, the farewell that day will be a farewell forever. On that day, Pindao promised the God of Dharma. If the earth is in trouble in the future, and there is a place for Pindao, Pindao will never turn back. Now that Pindao has lost the power of the world and is no longer restricted by the rules of the earth, of course he will come back and live and die with the earth."

Xuan Zhenghao beamed with joy, and said: "With you back, the stability of the earth will be even deeper."

Chen Ling said: "Seniors are righteous, and juniors will admire you!"

Zhang Daoling laughed, and said: "You don't have to be polite to the poor, right now, we are all Earthlings."

He paused and said: "Because of the restrictions of the earth's rules, it was not only the poor who stayed away from the earth. I believe that in the future, old friends will return one after another. On the earth, there are also some hidden masters who hide in time and space. In the depths. I believe that at a certain time, they will all come out to guard the earth together."

In this world, there are insidious and selfish villains, and there are also gentlemen with great hearts!

And at this moment, it's a gathering of gentlemen!

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