The strongest player in history

Chapter 2661 Shenlong Qigong

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Of course I will recover faster than you. However, I only have the last trace of Lei Yuan now. This Lei Yuan is my last preparation to deal with it in this world." When needed."

Chen Yang said: "Oh. In other words, you can be regarded as powerless now?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "That's true, if I don't activate the Thunder Yuan, I feel like I was in the same state as when Miao Shan beat me into a remnant soul."

Chen Yang said: "That's not the case. Soon, you will be able to get out of bed and jump around."

Hei Yi Suzhen was not in a bad mood. She smiled slightly and said, "To be honest, I think this feeling is not bad. Knowing pain and hunger, this is a feeling I haven't experienced for a long time. I never thought that I would , but also have the opportunity to experience the feeling of being an ordinary person.”

Chen Yang wanted to say something more, but Suzhen Heiyi said: "Okay, let's stop talking. Talking too much will make people suspicious, so let's play your role well. As for how to find our sealed body, Then wait until you are discharged from the hospital, and then go to have a good understanding of the world before talking about it.”

Chen Yang said: "Well, that's fine too! Um, is there a mirror here? What do I look like now? How old is it? You're the only one, or my sister? Am I still a brat?"

Hei Yi Suzhen seemed to be in a really good mood, she smiled slightly and said, "You are about the same age as me, maybe fifteen or sixteen years old."

"Sister and brother? About the same age? Could it be twins?" Chen Yang said.

"No, it seems that the two of us are not related by blood, we were both adopted by Chen Leyi from the orphanage." Hei Yi Suzhen said.

Chen Yang said, "Oh, that's it! Then what's your name now?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Chen Jingyao!"

"Oh, that's a pretty good name!" Chen Yang laughed.

The two chatted quickly, and then Chen Leyi also came in.Chen Yang had a lot to know, but he didn't dare to ask more, because the more he asked, the more flaws he would have.Fortunately, we were also the ones who had a car accident, and some people believed us when we said that our memory was bad.

In the following days, Chen Yang has been recovering, and he and Hei Yi Suzhen are learning about the world.

There are also TVs in the hospital, and there are also mobile phones.So Chen Yang learned a lot from TV and mobile phone.This world is simply a replica of the earth.

Because this place was created by absorbing the power of the world on the earth, and the world view is the same as that of the earth.It's just that this world doesn't have the ability of the earth to create three thousand worlds.So in the end, only one existence similar to the Great Thousand World was created.

The country where Chen Yang is located is the country of Hua!

And the most powerful technological power is called Liguo!Chen Yang reckoned that it was about equal to... country M in the world.Here, you can also find the shadows of island countries and many countries in South Korea.Chen Yang checked the history on his mobile phone, and the history was surprisingly similar to the Great Thousand World.

However, the world seems to have begun to change in the past 100 years.

The current time is also the Year of the A.D.!

2020 AD!

Two years faster than Great Thousand Worlds!

This is what Hei Yi Suzhen said about the misalignment of time.

As for why it was misplaced, I don't know.

This world is called the Celestial World.

The scientists and elites of the celestial world actually found out that this is a simulated world.This is the world belonging to the celestial sphere, protected by the power of the world.Many of their detection instruments and technologies cannot leave the celestial world.

Even, they also researched that this celestial world was formed like this because it absorbed the power of a certain planet's world.They can find out the shadow of the earth, but they named the earth the original star.

In this world, there are various myths and legends in ancient times.The myths and legends are exactly the same as those on the earth. There are Pan Gu, Primordial Chaos, and even the Romance of the Gods, the Four Great Classics, and so on.

In addition, there is... the story of The Legend of the White Snake.

This is so fucking ridiculous and bloody.

Hei Yi Suzhen discussed with Chen Yang in a low voice. Although Hei Yi Suzhen is usually less talkative and indifferent, it does not mean that she is not smart.She told Chen Yang, saying: "I doubt that the formation of this world has not been that long. It is very likely that many of the histories are copied from the earth. History, and culture, are copied from the earth. It is like cloning... "

Chen Yang smiled and said, "You still know about cloning!"

Hei Yi Suzhen spat: "Get lost!"

Chen Yang immediately said, "I understand what you mean."

Just like the description in some science fiction novels, when a person is cloned, this person is born as an adult.But this person doesn't know this.He will have many memories of the original owner, and even feel that he is the original owner.

After all, this celestial sphere is a clone of the earth!

"Look, when did these histories diverge?" Hei Yi Suzhen said: "If you observe carefully, you know more about history than I do."

Chen Yang said: "It seems that in the past 100 years, various divisions have begun to appear. Huaxia has become Hua, and America has become Li."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Yes!"

Chen Yang said: "Look, it's really interesting. Although there is no mana in this celestial sphere, there is aura. So...the subjects are actually divided into liberal arts and martial arts. Students go to school, and they have to be divided into subjects from elementary school. Liberal arts is language and numbers, etc., while martial arts includes Taiji, Bagua, Xinyi Liuhequan, Bajiquan, etc. The basis of their martial arts is to practice Qingling Qigong... There are nine levels of Qingling Qigong! Only after Qing Ling Qigong has reached the ninth level can one practice the more powerful Shenlong Qigong. Shenlong Qigong also has a ninth level! There are only a handful of masters of the ninth level Shenlong Qigong. There are fire dragons, flying dragons, ice dragons, sky dragons, and heavenly dragons in Shenlong Qigong. The most powerful. The first-level Shenlong Qigong can cast a first-level Shenlong, and when it reaches the ninth level, you can ride a dragon and fly."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "I saw it. To put it bluntly, it is another form of mana! Because the spiritual energy here is very lush. It's just controlling this energy, there is no great mystery."

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "You think it's easy, but that's because of your experience. But the environment here is different, maybe it's not so easy for us to practice."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Give it a try, we are now on the same starting line. Don't be overtaken by me then."

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "Then don't worry, I'll cover you here. I'll cover you!"

"Here, your sister will always be your sister!" Hei Yi Suzhen dismissively.

This world seems to be extra interesting.

Chen Yang gradually reduced the anxiety in his heart, and he felt a little happy that Suzhen in Heiyi seemed to be in a happy mood here.

She became a human being again, and felt the emotions and desires, which might alleviate the pain of losing her sister in her heart.This is Chen Yang's idea, he wants to accompany Hei Yi Suzhen to complete this wonderful journey.

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