"Hey, there is Tyrannosaurus." In the void, Chen Yang saw the planet in front of him, and excitedly said to Hei Yi Suzhen.

Hei Yi Suzhen drove the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, and quickly flashed towards the planet.

Chen Yang gave Hei Yi Suzhen the direction.

So, on this sunny day, a strange light descended directly on Donglan Mountain, and broke through the protective array of Donglan Mountain.Afterwards, the Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot descended on the altar.

Then, Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen got out of the Jiulong Chenxiang Chariot.

Hei Yi Suzhen made a big move, and took the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot between her eyebrows.

At this time, Chen Yang was dressed in black, and Suzhen in black was also dressed in a long black dress.

Standing on the ground, Chen Yang was full of vigor and courage to the extreme.He gave people the aura of being the one who cuts across the sword immediately and only me, Generalissimo Chen.

"Di Shengtian, your grandpa is back, hurry up and die!" Chen Yang shouted.

His voice spread in all directions in an instant, and the sound waves vibrated, like thunder clouds rolling, rippling for a radius of hundreds of miles.

This action immediately alarmed everyone in the Eastern Temple of Adventuring Gods.

Followed, immediately the figure flickered.

The masters in the Temple of Advent came out immediately.These masters have already been alarmed...

At that moment, countless figures flickered over.

Afterwards, dozens of figures came up the altar.

Among them are Banjuesheng, Daoxu real person, Wuxu real person, Tianqiong real person, Qin Dong, ghost shadow, ghost witch elder and so on.

A total of more than ten masters arrived in an instant.

More than 20 disciples with extremely good cultivation bases also came.

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen were surrounded in the middle.

At this time, Qin Dong's eyes flashed with astonishment. He looked at Chen Yang, and then at Heiyi Suzhen... He couldn't see Heiyi Suzhen's cultivation level at all.

Qin Dong is a fine person, at this moment, he seems to understand something.

That is, why Di Shengtian suddenly seemed to be a different person.

Obviously, Di Shengtian was afraid.

The person he feared was obviously not Chen Yang.But now, Chen Yang dared to come over so blatantly.Then what he relied on was the woman in black in front of him.This black-clothed woman could be unknown to others, so she frightened Emperor Shengtian's courage first...

How terrifying is her cultivation?

Qin Dong dare not imagine.

So, he immediately said to Ban Juesheng beside him: "Stay here, and I will report to the eldest lady immediately!"

Nodding like Juesheng.

Qin Dong turned around and was about to leave...

"Qin Dong, I think you should stay!" Chen Yang suddenly smiled evilly.

Qin Dong's body trembled, and he subconsciously sacrificed the soul chariot directly.The dark, spooky soul chariot appeared, and he stood on top of the soul chariot, facing Chen Yang.

Qin Dong said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, there doesn't seem to be any personal grievances between you and me, right?"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "It's not about grievances. But at the beginning, you played me and Meng Qingchen. When He Yingzhen besieged me, you also contributed a lot!"

"That's not a personal grievance, but following orders!" Qin Dong said.

"You stand here honestly, I haven't figured out how to deal with you." Chen Yang said coldly.

"Your words are too crazy!" Qin Dong said.

At this time, Elder Tianqiong spoke directly, sneered, and said, "Chen Yang, you were very lucky to be able to escape last time. You dared to come to your door today, you are simply asking for death!"

"What did you say?" Heiyi Suzhen looked at Elder Tianqiong coldly.

Elder Tianqiong said: "I..."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "I'll give you the guts to say it again."

Elder Tianqiong couldn't help taking a step back, and then said: "Let's kill these two thieves together!"

"Okay, let's do it!" Master Wuxu and Daoxu also shouted loudly.

The three brothers are naturally of one mind.

Few of the people here have Qin Dong's thoughts.Everyone shot together immediately.

At this moment, the starry sky vibrated, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Immediately, thousands of silver needles burst into starlight, like countless stars blasting together, like the collapse of heaven and earth.

In the hands of Daoist Wuxu is an antique box, called an empty box!

The empty box was activated, and the abyss descended. In the abyss, countless rock walls collapsed, covering Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen.

There is also Daoxu real person, his eyes are blood red, he roared, and sacrificed a mouthful of blood evil sound knife!

All of a sudden, the blood cloud was churning, the sound of magic was rolling, and they all blasted and killed, like a catastrophe coming from heaven and earth!

The rest of the people all shot.

All magic weapons, greet them without hesitation...

Elder Ghost Shadow, Banjuesheng, Elder Ghost Witch, etc., all move... Ghost Shadow Demon Trace.

Chen Yang felt such a terrifying attack, and he felt that the only way he could do it was to use the origin copper coins to create a space-time channel.However, that has a big disadvantage, that is, it cannot last long.But the enemy's attacks can be endless...

At this moment, Chen Yang was not worried at all.

When the landslide in front of him was about to collapse, he dodged behind him calmly, only missing Xu Xian from the drama calling for his wife to save me.

Everything is only in an instant!

A lot of disciples from the God Advent Hall had already gathered around the God Advent Altar, and when they saw such a scene on the God Advent Altar, they were all dumbfounded.

That kind of explosive and destructive power was the first time they had seen it in their lives.

They were already trembling with fear just by being around.

And at this time, Hei Yi Suzhen also made a move.

Hei Yi Suzhen's pretty face was cold, and she shot very quickly.She just grabbed it with her big hand, and a dark element quickly appeared in her slender hand.

The dark elements instantly formed a dark vortex, and the dark vortex became bigger and bigger, and directly swallowed all the attacks and kills.

Then, Hei Yi Suzhen grabbed it again, and the dark vortex shrank, and finally condensed into a black spar.She grabbed the spar in her hands, and then shot towards the real Tianqiong.

Just a second ago, the world still collapsed!

In the next moment, everything was calm.

Then, the black crystal projectile shot at Tianqiong Daoist.Reverend Tianqiong immediately used his strength to resist, and the silver dust whisk rolled, but when the black spar came to kill him, it instantly shattered the silver whisk of Reverend Tianqiong into pieces, and then, the black spar bounced into the center of the eyebrows of Reverend Tianqiong among.

Daoist Tianqiong's eyes widened, and then all the power exploded...

Boom! Daoist Tianqiong was directly smashed to pieces...

The aftermath of that explosion carried infinite terrifying secrets, bombarding it in all directions...

Seeing that, in the blink of an eye, the entire Temple of Advent and the entire Donglan Mountain will be destroyed...

At this moment, a figure flashed in the void.

Wearing a golden robe, this figure shot out instantly, grabbing all the aftermath of the explosion into the palm of his hand, and then sealed all the aftermath of the explosion into a pill, which was then ejected into the void.

This ejection will travel a hundred thousand miles away before it explodes!

Then, the figure settled in front of everyone!

The one who came was Di Shengtian!

"He is the old man Di Shengtian!" Chen Yang immediately said to Hei Yi Suzhen.

Hei Yi Suzhen looked at Di Shengtian.Di Shengtian also looked at Heiyi Suzhen!

At this moment, the masters in the field were all shocked!

Shocked by the power of the woman in black, she also looks forward to Di Shengtian coming to turn the tide.

Elder Tianqiong is Master Xuanjin, such a formidable person, it is too terrifying to be killed by the woman in black.

"You are Di Shengtian?" Hei Yi Suzhen asked with a sneer first.

Di Shengtian nodded, then said in a deep voice, "Young lady?"

"It's easy to say!" Chen Yang spoke first, and said, "Di Shengtian, I'm sure you won't forget that when you wanted to kill me, I tried my best to persuade you. I told you that I have a friend named Bai Suzhen. It doesn't matter to me, if you mess with her, you will die. It's a pity that you insisted on going your own way at that time, so now, you should also accept your blessing that day. You said that even if she came, it would be a challenge. Very good, I want to see if you can stand this challenge."

"Bai Suzhen?" Di Shengtian was shocked.

"That's right, I'm Bai Suzhen!" Heiyi Suzhen said with a sneer, "I heard from Chen Yang that he saved you once. Unfortunately, instead of thanking him, you were aggressive towards him. Almost killed him Your hand. Just now, that bull-nosed Taoist dared to threaten Chen Yang in front of me, so I killed him. And you are more than just threatening. Now, do you want my aunt and me to do it yourself, or you kill yourself? Own."

Di Shengtian took a deep breath and said, "Okay, since you're here. Then there's nothing wrong with me..."

"Crack!" At this moment, Hei Yi Suzhen suddenly stretched out her hand...

She actually slapped Di Shengtian across the face just like that.

Immediately, half of Di Shengtian's cheeks became red and swollen.

"What, you dare to call yourself your seat in front of your aunt?" Hei Yi Suzhen sneered.

The audience was stunned!

Including Emperor Shengtian!

Di Shengtian looked at Heiyi Suzhen in horror. He originally wanted to have a fair fight with Bai Suzhen.But this slap woke up Di Shengtian instantly.

"What? Didn't you see clearly?" Hei Yi Suzhen suddenly smiled, and then she stretched out her hand again.Another slap on Di Shengtian's other cheek.

Di Shengtian's cheeks were red and swollen.

Immediately, he stood there in a daze.

"No, it's impossible!" Di Shengtian's expression shook, as if he had lost his mind. "It's impossible, why, why is this happening?"

Qin Dong and the others were even more stunned.

They couldn't believe that such a terrifying Di Shengtian didn't have the slightest resistance in front of this black-clothed woman.

Is this woman's cultivation level as high as the sky?

"Do you want to fight again?" Hei Yi Suzhen asked coldly.

Di Shengtian looked at Heiyi Suzhen in horror. Ever since he fought Chen Yang, the seed of fate had kept him in a nightmare.

At this time, when he looked at Heiyi Suzhen again, he felt that this was no longer a nightmare, but a reality.

"No..." Di Shengtian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to his knees, his hair messed up. "Why? Why? I have worked so hard all my life, but in the end, why is she not even as good as one finger? Why?"

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