The strongest player in history

Chapter 2647 The Beloved Father

Di Shengtian's golden big handprint captured all the masters present!Immediately, at this moment, all the masters including Di Feiyan felt bathed in a golden ocean.The world, the surroundings, are all filled with the breath of Nirvana.

In this kind of Nirvana, there is also the profound meaning of majesty, majesty, and suppression!

Di Feiyan was the first to feel the oppression. She felt uncomfortable and suffocated, and an inexplicable fear rose from the bottom of her heart.

At this moment, Di Feiyan felt frightened from the bottom of his heart!

She knew that her father's cultivation base had already achieved good fortune, but she never expected that it would be so powerful!

Powerless to resist, absolutely unable to resist!

This path of cultivation has never been determined by the number of people.

The way of cultivating the Tao is determined by the realm.

Only when there are as many masters as mountains and seas can they pose a threat to people of high realm.But now, all the people present were powerless to resist Di Shengtian's golden majesty.

After all, not everyone has the ability of Chen Yang.

Meng Qingchen possessed the magic staff of Xiandu, but she still couldn't stop Di Shengtian's three punches and two kicks.

Sweat dripped from everyone's foreheads soon.

After that, Di Shengtian withdrew his power.

At this time, everyone no longer had any doubts in their hearts.Then they all knelt down, and Di Feiyan couldn't help but knelt down too, and everyone shouted together: "Hall Master Shenwei, my subordinates are waiting for you!"

A satisfied smile flashed in Di Shengtian's eyes, and he said immediately: "Everyone, get up quickly."

Qin Dong and the others, even if there was a trace of doubt in their hearts before, all of them disappeared at this moment.On the contrary, now, Qin Dong and others are more and more confused about what kind of medicine is being sold in Di Shengtian's gourd.Di Shengtian then said: "At that time, Feiyan will take care of the East Temple of the God of Advent. And all of you present here are talents of the Temple of the God of Advent. I hope that you will assist Feiyan wholeheartedly in the future!"

"The subordinates are willing to be loyal to the palace master forever, and also willing to be loyal to the eldest lady forever!" Qin Dong and others immediately said first.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Di Shengtian said very satisfied.

Afterwards, he said again: "Qin Dong, Feiyan, you stay. The rest of you, please leave first."

People take orders.

Soon, the crowd retreated, leaving only Qin Dong, Di Feiyan, and Di Shengtian in the hall.

Qin Dong immediately said: "How can this subordinate be so good? He is also a traitor from the former Ghost King Sect. I really dare not take on such a heavy responsibility. I am willing to assist the eldest lady forever in the future. Therefore, regarding the master of Jiangshen West Palace, Please also ask the Hall Master to take back the order."

Di Shengtian laughed, and then said: "Qin Dong, don't be polite to me. I know you and trust you. If you talk too much about this matter, I will punish you."

Qin Dong was overjoyed. Although he was still a little suspicious, he knelt down and said gratefully: "Thanks to the great love of the Palace Master, this subordinate will serve you faithfully and will never betray you!"

Di Shengtian said again: "Okay, you go down and make arrangements. Choose a day that is closest to you, and perform the succession ceremony on the altar!"

"Yes, Palace Master!" Qin Dong said: "This subordinate will leave!"

Afterwards, Qin Dong also retreated.

Di Feiyan looked at Di Shengtian.

At this time, here, there are no outsiders anymore.

Di Shengtian also looked at Di Feiyan, his gaze was full of tenderness, even a hint of kindness.

Di Feiyan didn't speak, she really didn't understand why her father did this.

She found that she didn't understand her father more and more.

It's like never knowing each other.

Di Shengtian spoke first. He waved and said, "Come on, Yan'er, sit next to Weifu. When you were young, you liked to lean on Weifu the most."

"That was already when I was a child. Now, my daughter has grown up. Father, if you have anything to say, just say it. My daughter sounds like..." Di Feiyan said lightly.

Di Shengtian's face froze slightly.

It seems that at this moment, he has become a lot older.After a long silence, he said: "I don't blame you, I don't blame you, it's my father's fault!"

After he finished speaking, he said again: "Are you surprised why the father suddenly changed again?"

He didn't wait for Di Feiyan to speak, and continued: "These days, my father feels as if I have been possessed by a demon. Especially after being taken away by the ancestor of the heavenly demon, although the ancestor of the heavenly demon failed to seize the house. But the demon is in his mind , catalyzing the desire to be a father. After a breakthrough in the cultivation base of the father, I felt that everything in the world should be under the feet of the father. The father began to become self-respecting and could not tolerate any disobedience. Even You didn't feel any sadness at the death of your brother. Father should be thankful, this time to arrest Chen Yang, the force they mobilized made him feel the threat of death again!"

"For the first time, the patriarch Tianmo gave Weifu strength. Weifu escaped from the dead, and felt that the world was better than me, and life was not easy, so he had to satisfy himself. The second time, Weifu escaped from Chen Yang and the others again. , My father began to feel that life should be cherished and respected. Yan'er, tell me, is it too late for my father to return from his mistakes?"

When Di Shengtian said this, he looked at Di Feiyan sincerely.

Di Feiyan was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, she heard her father's words from the bottom of her heart.The joy in her heart was uncontrollable.

Di Feiyan's eye sockets suddenly turned red. "Father!" She was full of grievances, and at this moment she finally had a place to vent.

"Come, come!" Di Shengtian waved.

Di Feiyan came in front of Di Shengtian, and she sat beside her father, leaning on his shoulder.

Di Shengtian patted Di Feiyan on the shoulder and said, "My good boy, everything is over. I don't want to deal with the grievances in this world anymore as a father. From now on, I will study the Dao for my father. You, The responsibilities on your body will also be very heavy. You have to manage the Temple of Advent, but at the same time, don't delay your practice because of it, you know?"

Di Feiyan nodded heavily.

Afterwards, Di Feiyan asked again: "Dongxiang and the others?"

Di Shengtian said: "They have already left. Although I know their location, I don't want to interfere with them anymore."

Di Feiyan nodded and said, "If possible, I hope they can come back. Also, Shan Lingyue, Shang Lian Xin'er and the others..."

"These are trivial matters. As a father, I have no objection to how you want to treat them." Di Shengtian said directly.

"Thank you father!" Di Feiyan said.She paused, and then asked: "Then, did something happen to Meng Qingchen?"

"No!" Di Shengtian said with certainty: "Weifu felt that the injury was unbearable at the time, but for some reason, Meng Qingchen's injury suddenly healed. After her injury healed, Weifu's injury followed. Healed. Therefore, as a father, I can tell you responsibly that they are all fine!"

"That's great!" Di Feiyan was overjoyed.

When Di Feiyan left the main hall of descending gods, the bright sunlight shone on her clothes.She felt that the sky was so blue and there was a fragrance in the air.

This was very different from her gloomy mood when she entered the main hall of descending gods.

This was the moment when she was in the best mood in decades.

In particular, even Meng Qingchen was fine.Di Feiyan felt that there was no more burden in his heart.

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