The strongest player in history

Chapter 2585 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Ban Juesheng pondered for a while, then said: "This super chariot, the black box appears very strange. Even if there is a chariot in the box, it may be fake, and someone is playing tricks on it."

Yuan Ping was slightly taken aback, and then said: "However, Xiandu is indeed a mysterious place. However, what you said makes sense, my lord. The chariot in the black box may indeed be a trap."

"It's just, what is this trap for? To cause everyone to kill each other? Is there a hand behind?" Ban Juesheng thought about it, he paused, and said: "Anyway, the chariot in the black box, although very The big ones may be fake. But there is also a slight chance that it may be real, the chariot is very important, and this seat must not miss it."

"My lord is right, I am willing to do my best for you." Yuan Ping said immediately.

Ban Juesheng nodded, and then he said: "This seat will plant a spiritual imprint in your brain, and after that, I will give you the holy medicine for healing. In the future, as long as you serve this seat faithfully, this seat will not be without your benefits! "

Yuan Ping was taken aback.

How could he not know what the spiritual imprint meant, it was eternal control!

But right now, he was seriously injured, and he didn't even have the qualifications to escape.

"The villain is willing to follow the adults forever!" Yuan Ping endured the humiliation and knelt down.

The monastic world of Tyrannosaurus Planet is completely unbalanced.

Xiandu, super chariots, and blockbuster bombs shook the hearts of all the masters of the monastic world on this Tyrannosaurus planet.

That super chariot is what makes the masters crazy!

With chariots, their combat effectiveness and mana have been greatly improved.Moreover, chasing, escaping, everything is going against the odds!

No master doesn't want to get a super chariot!

Then, the Four Pirates of the South China Sea found the black box in the ruins of Xiandu.

Afterwards, the Four Pirates of the South China Sea were besieged by Yin and Yang sons, potential dragon scholars, and death-killing scholars among the top ten talents of the earth on their return journey.

The Four Pirates of the South China Sea died tragically on the spot, and the black box fell into the hands of Mr. Yin Yang and others.

While Young Master Yin Yang and others were researching the black box, Ban Juesheng, the head of the Six Divisions of Ghost King Zong, joined forces with Qin Dong, who was ranked second among the top ten talents of the earth.

Young Master Yin Yang was killed on the spot!

Qin Dong owns a soul chariot, and the Qianlong scholar and the deadly scholar are all loyal to Qin Dong in order to survive.

The black box was in the hands of Qin Donghe Ban Juesheng.

After Ghost King Zong took action, the credibility of the super chariot became even higher.But, the sad thing is, after Ghost King Zong made a move, other casual cultivators really didn't dare to make a move.

Who dares to fight against Ghost King Zong?

Except... the Temple of Advent!

Moreover, Qin Dong has a soul chariot, who can catch up with Qin Dong?

However, just after Qin Dong and Ban Juesheng got the black box.They did not immediately return to the Ghost King Sect, but left the Tyrannosaurus Planet in a soul chariot.

Obviously, Qin Dong and Ban Juesheng did not represent the Ghost King Sect this time.Instead, they represent themselves!

The soul chariot shuttles lightning fast outside the Tyrannosaurus planet, and its speed is unimaginable.

In other words, from this moment on, monks without chariots have been kicked out of this treasure hunting battle.

While the soul chariot was leaving quickly, Chen Yang incorporated Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan into the black hole spar.Chen Yang rode Dongxiang, and Wuyou was also in Di Feiyan's storage ring.

Dongxiang ran like lightning, chasing the Soul Chariot.

"Young master, do we still have to go through this muddy water?" Elder Tan asked Emperor Huaixiu on the Tiangang chariot.

Di Huaixiu's brows were tightly frowned, and then he raised his eyebrows and said: "Of course we have to go. The chariot is fake, it's best. Even if it's real, it won't be a big problem if it falls into the hands of Ghost King Zong. But if it is true, it will fall into the hands of my sister and the others. Will we still have the capital to compete with them in the future? They already have lightning beasts, and add chariots..."

Immediately, Emperor Huaixiu took Elder Tan, the real person in the cemetery, and Qingxuan!

Qingxuan is a beautiful woman and a black gold master.She and Di Huaixiu have mutual admiration...

Di Huaixiu has privately promised that if he gets the chariot this time, he will give it to Qingxuan.

Di Huaixiu already had a chariot, so of course he didn't want a chariot anymore.

It is also impossible for him to give Elder Tan and Daoist Mausoleum.

The Tiangang chariot is golden and majestic, flashing in the air, traveling through the endless void, biting the lightning beast in front of it tightly.

"Even if the chariot is fake, it doesn't matter. Now, when they bite dogs, let's watch from the sidelines. Let's reap the benefits of the fisherman in the end." This is what Di Huaixiu said at the end.

Among the Soul Chariot, Qin Dong, Ban Juesheng and Yuan Ping were studying the black box.

Qin Dong didn't receive any instructions about Meng Qingchen.

He vaguely felt that this chariot, Xiandu had something to do with Meng Qingchen.Because Meng Qingchen got the fairy staff in the end.

"This black box is indeed fake. The chariot is also fake!" After a while, Qin Dong said.

Ban Juesheng sneered, and said, "If you count on others, you count on yourself. Now, they've taken the bait."

Qin Dong said: "Meng Qingchen planted a primordial bomb in my brain, although she has some doubts. But this primordial bomb, I have never erased it. She will have a fluke in her heart!"

Ban Juesheng said: "Meng Qingchen and the others seem to be targeting Di Huaixiu and the others who are chasing after them."

"Although the chariot is fake, but if this battle is successful, we can help the suzerain get the Tiangang chariot and two lightning beasts. This is really a dog bites a dog. You probably can't dream of killing Shengtian with your mouth. , His two children will kill each other to this point. In the end, they all took advantage of us!" Qin Dong said.

Ban Juesheng thought of something, and said again: "By the way, the Yuanshen bomb is in your brain, and you have completely blocked Meng Qingchen, right? She can't possibly hear our conversation, right?"

Qin Dong said: "What are you thinking? If I could let her hear it, I wouldn't tell you about it. The Yuanshen bomb has already been wrapped in the colored glaze cave by the suzerain and me. I don't even think about it at all. It will be passed to Meng Qingchen."

Ban Juesheng said: "That's good. Meng Qingchen, a traitor, dared to kill the young master together with Chen Yang and others. Today, let them all pay with their blood!"

Dongxiang is flying in the universe with lightning.

Inside the black hole spar, Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang conveyed their thoughts: "We guessed right, Qin Dong is not under control. I didn't feel the situation on his side very early, but I didn't know what magical thing to use , wrapped my Yuanshen bomb. It is estimated that when my Yuanshen bomb detonates, that thing will also absorb all the power of the explosion."

Chen Yang sneered.

Di Feiyan said: "Now, Qin Dong and the others should already know that the black box and the super chariot are fake."

Chen Yang said: "Hmph, Ghost King Zong's Ying really hated the three of us. He hated us for killing Yinghong. Now he is planning to lure us out and kill us."

"So, if we run away now..." Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "Then, the one who is most anxious will win the truth."

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