When Chen Yang walked out of the main hall of descending gods, he felt extremely happy and refreshed!

He knew that there was a higher existence above his head.But he finally has the ability not to rely on others.

He came to this place and saw himself as if climbing a high ladder.Although there are still people on it, there are fewer and fewer people on it.He looked down, but there was a sea of ​​people in the dark.

Although he is not under one person, he is definitely above ten thousand people.

Chen Yang then met Meng Qingchen and Di Feiyan.

The three met in Meng Qingchen's room in Meng Qingchen's gorgeous palace.

The barrier is set up.

Afterwards, Chen Yang smiled wryly and said, "I almost had a falling out with Feiyan's father just now, maybe blood will be splashed five steps in the main hall of descending god."

"So serious?" Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen were surprised at the same time.Di Feiyan immediately asked, "What's going on?"

Chen Yang said: "Your father has a deep prejudice against me. He thinks that I am going to kill his son and his masters. He specially warned me!"

"He didn't wrong you." Meng Qingchen smiled slightly and said, "That's what we planned. Of course, Di Huaixiu's life doesn't have to be taken away, but at least he won't do any more evil things. ability."

Di Feiyan said: "So, you contradicted my father?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, I asked your father directly if he wanted to kill me. Later, your father laughed, and we laughed away our grievances."

Meng Qingchen said: "It's just a superficial smile to wipe away all grievances and enmities. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, I think the Palace Master will kill you without hesitation."

Chen Yang said: "I'm too lazy to care so much, I'll wait for this matter. I will go back to Earth directly."

Meng Qingchen said: "If there is no Lightning Beast, the Lord will hunt you down, and you will not be able to escape." She paused, and then said: "When the time comes, I can give you a ride."

Chen Yang said, "Thank you!"

Meng Qingchen smiled lightly and said nothing more.

It was at this time that Di Feiyan finally noticed that there was something wrong between Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.She felt that something seemed to happen between the two of them.There was a strangeness in the politeness, unlike before, it was a kind of unbroken trust.

Di Feiyan was not easy to ask, she thought for a while, and said: "At that time, if my father really wants to deal with you, I will protect you! I believe, to choose between letting you go and losing me, he will Do this multiple choice question!"

Chen Yang said: "That's the best. Otherwise, there will be a real fight. If your father wants to deal with me, he should think carefully about it."

He, Chen Yang, was never easy to mess with.There are also many big bosses who died at the hands of him, Chen Yang.

"Now it seems..." Meng Qingchen said: "It's hard for Di Shengtian to believe the super tank. He should remind Di Huaixiu."

Chen Yang said: "Whether they believe it or not, even if they don't believe it, they will take a look. At that time, as long as there are enough people to rob, I am not afraid that Di Huaixiu will not make a move."

Chen Yang has a deep understanding of the greed of human nature.

The news of the super chariot spread up and down the Temple of Advent, and at the same time, the news spread to the outside world as if it had grown wings.

Someone began to find out that the former Kong Lingzi seemed to have stayed in Xiandu.

When the word "Xiandu" was spread to the world of Taoism, the whole world of Taoism was shocked.Back then, during the day, Xiandu was the object of worship for everyone!

In the world of monasticism, there is a sense of yearning and mystery for the fairy capital.

When the word "Xiandu" appeared, everything seemed to be in order.

When this news reached Di Shengtian's ears, Di Shengtian murmured a little.

What he couldn't figure out the most was, if there really was a super chariot, why would this news be passed on?

he is very smart.

He began to think, could it be that Chen Yang and his group were afraid of the people in Xiandu?

He didn't know what happened in Xiandu back then.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Di Shengtian's mind, and he felt as if he had discovered something.

And when the word "Xiandu" appeared, Di Huaixiu and Di Shengtian also thought of something together.

Therefore, many masters began to find out where the immortal capital might be.

The truth about the ruins of Xiandu was soon revealed. Anyway, the news was disturbing, and no one knew who leaked it.

Xiandu was once hidden in Tianmang Mountain!

Mang Mountain was located at the extreme north that day, it was the extreme north, covered with snow and ice, making it difficult for living people to approach.Moreover, in the place where Xiandu existed, there used to be space confusion.

The owner of the fairy city, Bai Tianchou, possesses an unrivaled cultivation, and no one can break the spatial barrier he has set up.

The ruins of the fairy capital are surrounded by vast expanse of white snow, the ice and the sky are overwhelming, piercing the hearts of the people.

The cold air gathered here has exceeded the normal weather range.

No one knows exactly where the Xiandu ruins are.

But there are already many masters of Taoism who have begun to patrol around, searching everywhere with their spiritual thoughts.

In this place, Meng Qingchen also created some spatial confusion.Ordinary monks came, but they couldn't find the place at all.

And finally, there was the first person who discovered the ruins of Xiandu.

That master is a hidden casual cultivator, and the cultivation base of this casual cultivator is the third level of the Good Fortune King Realm.His name is Yuan Ping!

Yuan Ping looked to be in his sixties, dressed in a silver robe, with a beard all over his face.

Yuan Ping is very eager for this kind of super tank.At the same time, he also dismissed the news.He thought, how could such bad news be true?

However, it is also possible to join in the fun!

So, he also came to visit the North Pole.

He felt that even if he couldn't find a super chariot, he might be able to discover some of the benefits of Xiandu?

You know, he is really lucky.I found the ruins of Xiandu!

At this time, Yuan Ping's heartbeat was accelerating.He felt that he was very lucky, and later, he successfully deciphered the formation of the Xiandu ruins.

He saw some historical atmosphere in the ruins of Xiandu, and he can basically confirm that this is the ruins of Xiandu.I found it again in a quite secret place... that crazy, crazy super chariot.

It is said that the super chariot has not been completed yet, and there are many seals on it!

Yuan Ping also has no way to witness the authenticity of the super chariot.

The chariot was sealed in a box, a small black box.

He treasured it and kept it in his collection.

What would Yuan Ping want to do the most after getting the giant treasure?Of course, leave this ghost place and go as far as possible!

Therefore, Yuan Ping took the black box and hid it in the storage ring.Then, the old man will fly away from the Xiandu ruins.As soon as he flew into the air, there was an infinite formation space descending.

Afterwards, figures around him continued to patrol.

The space array was colorful and completely blocked his way.

Yuan Ping couldn't help but lose color slightly, he is a top expert, of course he won't mess himself up.

"Where are you idiots!" Yuan Ping shouted.

The figures in front of him stood still, and there were four people in total.

These four people are all dressed in strange clothes.

Yuan Ping recognized it.He sneered and said, "Oh, the old man recognized it. It turns out that it was the four of you. You four South China Sea Pirates are not staying in the South China Sea. What are you doing here? Why do you block the old man's way?"

The Four Pirates of the South China Sea are not ordinary pirates. They operate the South China Sea with profound mana.The boss among them is known as the Flying Thief, and his cultivation level has reached the second level of the Good Fortune King Realm.

The rest are also at the first level of the Divine Creation King Realm.

Flying pirates, flying pirates, cold-blooded pirates, butcher pirates!

Flying Thief first sneered, but this Flying Thief looked like a gentleman dressed in white.He looked to be in his thirties.

At this time, he stared at Yuan Ping closely, and said, "You old man, I don't know where you came from. Do you think that you were the first to discover the ruins of the fairy capital? Our four brothers are squatting here It's been several days. I've been waiting for someone to find out. We watched you put a black box into the storage ring with our own eyes. Now, you hand over the storage ring, and our four brothers can spare your life! "

"Hahaha..." Yuan Ping laughed loudly: "It's up to you? You four pirates of the South China Sea may have stayed in that desolate place in the South China Sea for a long time, and you no longer know the heights of heaven and earth. Do you have the right to be arrogant in front of the old man?"

"Old dog, you are looking for death!" The pirate's eyes flashed coldly, and he cursed directly.

Then, the war broke out immediately.

Although the cultivation of the Four Pirates of the South China Sea is generally not as good as Yuan Ping's, the four brothers have the Dinghai Jingping Bottle and work together.

Yuan Ping's magic weapon, the golden compass, was no match for the Dinghai Jingping Ping. After several rounds, Yuan Ping was completely lost. In the end, he was seriously injured, and barely managed to escape by leaving behind his storage ring.

The Four Pirates of the South China Sea got the black box and left the scene immediately.

Yuan Ping flew quickly in the air, not long after he flew out, suddenly a big handprint caught him in front of him.Poor Yuan Ping was seriously injured, and there was no way he could withstand it now.That big handprint directly captured Yuan Ping...

Yuan Ping felt his eyes go dark, and then he was caught on a snow peak.The person who arrested him surprised Yuan Ping.

Because the person who came was none other than Ghost King Zongli, the master of Tianzong!

Tianzong has six divisions!

This person is the head of the Six Divisions, and the leader of the Yin Gui Division is so unique!

Ban Juesheng's position in the ghost king's sect is as light as light, but he is a master of the fourth level of the God of Creation King Realm.Dressed in plain black clothes, he looked to be in his forties, with a cold complexion.

Ban Juesheng sat cross-legged, and asked Yuan Ping calmly, "What's in the black box?"

Where did Yuan Ping dare to go against someone like Ban Juesheng?Not to mention that Ban Juesheng's cultivation was higher than him, even if he was a fellow practitioner, with the background of the Ghost King Sect, he would not dare to offend him.

What's more, Yuan Ping is still seriously injured.

"In the black box, there is indeed a sealed chariot!" Yuan Ping said with pain.He paused, and said: "Sir Ban, I, Yuan Ping, am willing to follow you in the future and swear allegiance to the death. Please take me in!"

Ban Juesheng smiled slightly.

It is rare that the person in front of him is so knowledgeable and interesting, Ban Juesheng is still very happy.

He is also very satisfied to be able to get such a titan.

At that moment, Ban Juesheng said: "Get up quickly, don't be formal!"

Yuan Ping breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that his life was finally back.

"In that box, is there really a super chariot?" Ban Juesheng asked again.

Yuan Ping said: "My lord, there is indeed a chariot in that box. It's just that the sealed power is very powerful. I haven't figured it out yet. I originally planned to study it after leaving. But I didn't expect that the four pirates of the South China Sea..."

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