The strongest player in history

Chapter 2556 Shang Lian

The next day, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen set off.

Shan Lingyue will practice in the gorgeous palace, and now, Shan Lingyue is Meng Qingchen's official disciple.No one dared to bully Shan Lingyue anymore, even other masters could not do anything to Shan Lingyue.Otherwise, it would be openly provoking Meng Qingchen.

What's more, Chen Yangcai has established his prestige in the Temple of the Gods.Everyone is still afraid of Chen Yang's existence.

Before going, Meng Qingchen sent two nine-star disciples to Xiuwu's family.

After Meng Qingchen became Master Xuanjin, some disciples came to swear allegiance.Meng Qingchen also took in some disciples, who were on her side.

Chen Yang actually took some to order.

These are not real disciples, but mutual benefits.

But if these disciples served well, they would have the opportunity to join Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen's sect.

Xiuwu's full name is Shanglian Xiuwu, and his surname is Shanglian.

The Shanglian family is located within the boundaries of one of the eastern hemisphere countries called Jinpeng Kingdom.

There are more than [-] large and small countries in the eastern hemisphere, among which the Jinpeng Kingdom is considered to be one with a vast territory.According to the rumors, the founding ancestor of the Jinpeng Kingdom was King Jinpeng, with profound mana.

Later, the royal family of Jinpeng Kingdom also worked hard...

Whether a country is strong or not depends not simply on the strength of the army and the prosperity of the country.Within the borders of monasticism, whether the country is strong or not depends on the reserve of monks in the country.

There are many big families in every country. If an outstanding monk emerges from a big family, the status of the whole family will rise with the tide.

As for the royal family, they are even more concerned about cultivating monks.The royal family will also search around for those talented teenagers to join the royal family.

In any case, they must strengthen the training of monks.

On the whole, the monks in the royal family are generally much stronger than other families.

This is because of genes, and financial resources.

As for the Shanglian family, the Shanglian family is located in a wealthy city in Jinpeng Kingdom.That city is called Shanglian City.

The old man Shang Lian Xingsheng is the lord of Shang Lian City.

Shang Lian Xingsheng's cultivation base is Taixu Nine Heavens, and he can be regarded as the overlord of one side.It is precisely because of the strength of the old man that Shang Liancheng has not been bullied by other cities.

Xiu Wu is the grandson of Shang Lian Xingsheng.

In recent decades, the Shanglian family has been short of resources and withered talents.Some of the disciples who entered the God Advent Temple were condemned and sent back when they reached a certain age and failed to meet the requirements.

And Xiu Wu, who was less than 20 years old, had already entered the Temple of Advent and became a two-star disciple under the condition of lack of resources.It was originally the hope of the Shanglian family, but this fate... really is a huge blow to the Shanglian family.

On Shang Liancheng's side, the Shang Lian family already knew the tragic news of Xiu Wu's death that night.Shanglian's family was full of gloom and mist.

Xiuwu's father and mother almost fainted on the spot.

Those who came to report the letter were two nine-star disciples, namely Xue Ying and Sheng Hong!

Xue Ying is more than 300 years old. He looks to be in his thirties, very calm.In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, when everyone was mourning, Xue Ying was wearing a dark long gown with a serious expression on his face...

In the hall, there was a lot of noise and crying.

Shang Lian Xingsheng already has gray hair, and he is not young anymore.

He has been in charge of Shang Liancheng for more than three hundred years. Over the years, watching his descendants wither, he feels pain in his heart.Moreover, he himself had a fortuitous encounter back then, and he had only cultivated to this level.Now, it is really difficult for him to move forward.

His resources are also scarce!

Shang Lian Xingsheng knew that as long as he died, all the Shang Lian family he founded would be quickly wiped out by his opponents, leaving no one behind.

The royal family doesn't care.Because the whole kingdom is a jungle of the jungle!

The royal family also only welcomes the allegiance of the strong.

Xue Ying and Sheng Hong came here overnight, they were ordered by Xuanjin Master Meng Qingchen to report the news, of course they had to clear everything up.

It was dark when they arrived.

Xue Ying frowned and glanced at the crying people in this room, he said to Shang Lian Xingsheng: "What's your name?"

Although Shang Lian Xingsheng was sad, he didn't dare to offend a venerable like Xue Ying.He suppressed his grief and said: "The villain is still prosperous, Xiu Wu is the grandson of the villain."

"In such a big family, the death of a grandson is nothing." Xue Ying said coldly.

What he said really added fuel to the fire.

Xiuwu's father, Shanglian Qiangsheng, couldn't help being furious when he heard the words. He was extremely angry, and said: "My lord, my beloved son has died tragically. Why do you still have to be so sarcastic? Don't you have any heart?"

"Presumptuous!" Sheng Hong, who was with Xue Ying, immediately said: "Your Shanglian family is afraid of extermination, right? How dare you speak like that in front of my senior brother Xue Ying?"

"Kneel down and admit your mistake immediately!" Shang Lian Xingsheng was also taken aback, and then he yelled at Shang Lian Qiangsheng.

Shang Lianqiang was stunned for a while, and then tears flowed from his eyes, but he still knelt down.

In the face of power, there is no warmth and human touch!

How dare they offend a powerhouse like Xue Ying!

"The villain's words are meaningless, and he offended senior, please punish him!" Shang Lianqiang knelt down and kowtowed his head.

"Hmph!" Sheng Hong snorted coldly.

Shang Lian Xingsheng immediately apologized sincerely to Xue Ying.

Xue Ying said indifferently: "Okay, there is no need to say more." He paused, and said: "In our God's Advent Hall, the strong are always respected. There is really nothing to say about the death of a two-star disciple. This point, you send When he went to the God Advent Temple, he should have known it in his heart. However, this deity can also see clearly that your Shanglian family is really poor now. Even a martial artist has become your hope."

Xue Ying's voice paused for a moment when he said this, and then he continued: "But you should know in your heart that martial arts is indeed not outstanding in the Temple of Advent, and it is almost impossible to stand out. Even if you are prosperous, your cultivation has stopped at This is it. When you reach a certain point, when the calamity comes, you will end up dead. In the journey of cultivating the Tao, if you do not advance, you will retreat. If you cannot break through the shackles in front of you, then you will have to endure the calamity. Isn’t it?”

Xue Ying's words are not pleasant, but they are absolutely true.It is a cruel fact!

Shang Lian Xingsheng burst into tears, and said: "The venerable taught me the lesson!"

"However, you are very lucky!" Xue Ying said lightly.

"Huh?" Shang Lian Xingsheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what Xue Ying said.

"The reason why I say you are lucky is because Xiu Wu's death brought you a chance for the Shang Lian family!" Xue Ying said.

"My lord's meaning, the villain doesn't understand!" Shang Lian Xingsheng became more and more confused.

"It's a long story!" Xue Ying said.

Na Shenghong said: "If we can come in person, you should know that this matter is no small matter."

Xue Ying followed up and said: "Shang Lian's family, listen carefully. We are here for interrogation and errands. Tomorrow's business is very important. If it fails, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The members of Shang Lian's family were shocked when they heard the words, and then they all knelt down.

Shang Lian Xingsheng said: "Please tell the venerable!"

Xue Ying said coldly: "The reason why Xiu Wu died was because that day, a newly promoted Xuan Jin Master, Chen Yang... Well, Master Chen Yang passed by and saw Xiu Wu and the others practicing Taoism!"

When the members of Shang Lian's family heard the words, they felt miserable.He secretly thought that his child died because he violated the master level.They really didn't even dare to harbor hatred, what kind of person is Master?That is the person they dare not think of revenge in their next life!

"My son's life is unlucky. It turned out that he offended the master. He really deserves to die!" Shang Lianqiang cried with red eyes.No one knows what he is thinking at this moment, maybe it is hatred, but there is nothing he can do about it.

He dared not even speak a word of the truth.

"What are you thinking?" Sheng Hong reprimanded from the side: "Do you think it was Master Chen Yang who killed Xiuwu?"

"Isn't it?" Shang Lian Xingsheng asked with his heart skipping a beat.

Sheng Hong said: "Of course not! Master Chen Yang has a kind heart and is the best good person in the world. How could he do such a thing? On the same day, Master Chen Yang instructed them on the spot, and they were all promoted to a higher level. After that, Xiuwu I am grateful to the master, and I praised Master Chen Yang in words, but it was inevitable that I was disrespectful to other masters in my words. On the spot, Master Chen Yang expressed that he would protect Xiuwu."

Sheng Hong sighed at this point, and then said: "Hey, how do you know, there is a villain instigating this. Senior brother Chifeng from the Temple of God, who is about to be promoted to a master, he listened to the villain's slander and turned his martial arts skills He was still killed. Xiuwu was really wronged to die!"

Xue Ying also said: "This happened in the past two days. On the day of Xiuwu's death, Master Chen Yang was extremely furious. He took Xiuwu's body to find Senior Brother Chifeng. Senior Brother Chifeng is deeply loved by our hall master. His master, Mr. Mo Da, is even a master of black gold, and his strength is extremely strong. But... Master Chen Yang insisted on seeking justice for martial arts, and he did not hesitate to fight Mr. Mo Da on the altar. In the end, Master Chen Yang defeated Master Mo, personally killed Chi Feng on the God Advent Stage, and avenged Chi Feng!"

"Is this true?" Shang Lianqiang couldn't help saying after hearing this.

"Really?" Xue Ying's eyes turned cold, and he said: "You Shanglian family really don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and don't think about it carefully. Do you have the right to let us lie? If it's true, we don't need it at all. Give you any explanation."

What he said was too harsh, but it was a cruel fact.

Shang Lian Johnson and Shang Lian Xingsheng hurriedly expressed their thanks again.

Xue Ying said: "Okay, we are here because Master Chen Yang is kind-hearted and wants to send Xiuwu's body back in person tomorrow morning. My Master Qingchen and Master Chen Yang are best friends. We know that Master Chen Yang has a good temperament, so I am afraid of you Otherwise, even if Master Chen Yang doesn't care about it, we will come to save face from the Temple of Adoration. This is what everyone doesn't want to see!"

Shang Lian Xingsheng quickly said: "Master Chen Yang is a great benefactor of our Shang Lian family! Our Shang Lian family will definitely worship Master Chen Yang every day in the future, and we will always be grateful for Master Chen Yang's kindness!"

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