The strongest player in history

Chapter 2555 Her Pride

This world is never black and white.In some places, black and white are mixed together, making it difficult to tell right from wrong.Chen Yang hated Mr. Mo Da for conniving Chifeng, but he was friends with Meng Qingchen.

He hates killing for no reason, but he respects his big brother Luo Feng the most!

This is where human nature is contradictory.

But this does not mean that Chen Yang will indulge himself.He will keep the way that should be kept.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said again: "I came to you, and there is one more thing I want to do."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Meng Qingchen was in a good mood and asked with a smile.

Chen Yang said: "I want to send Xiuwu's body back to his home so that his family can have a memorial place in the future."

Meng Qingchen was slightly taken aback. "You can arrange for those disciples to handle this matter!"

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and said: "You should have the respect you deserve. Xiuwu's death was caused by me. I still want to give it away myself. Maybe you think I have done enough for him, But it is far from enough. His life is gone, and everything I do is in vain. I thought, go to their house to see if there are any younger generations who can support me. In short, all I can give is this posthumous It's a shame."

Meng Qingchen shivered slightly, and she followed up and said: "You insist, I respect your wishes. How about this, I will go with you. Although people from the Ghost King Sect are not allowed in the Eastern Hemisphere, I always respect you. Di Huaixiu and those people are worried. I don't know if they will cause any trouble behind the scenes."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Meng Qingchen was overjoyed.She actually knew that there was no danger in going here, but she still wanted to spend more time alone with Chen Yang.

"Then tomorrow morning, let's leave." Chen Yang is a person who leaves whenever he wants.

Meng Qingchen said: "Okay, let me arrange the rest."

"The rest?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Meng Qingchen rolled her eyes and said, "Do you think we can leave immediately? I'll go and talk to Feiyan, and then... it's very important, I'm going to send nine-star disciples to the martial arts clan tonight, Explain the reason. Otherwise, if someone doesn't understand and bumps into us, should we kill or not?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course not!" He thought very simply.

"Outside, every word and deed is the majesty of the master. If you don't kill, the Jiangshen Temple will know, and maybe they will take action." Meng Qingchen said: "Okay, you don't have to worry about it, I will deal with it!"

Chen Yang said: "That's true, you should be more careful."

Meng Qingchen smiled and said, "Of course."

Chen Yang then returned to Huaqing Palace.

Meng Qingchen was not idle either, she went to see Di Feiyan first.

In the main hall of descending the gods, Di Feiyan has her own bedroom.Now, Meng Qingchen has officially become a member of the Temple of God, so Cang Nu did not stop Meng Qingchen.

But Meng Qingchen obviously couldn't spend the night in the main hall of descending the gods.

Di Feiyan's bedroom is called Feiyan Palace!

Luxurious and elegant inside!

The lights are bright and soft!

Di Feiyan's room was lit with thousand-year-old soul incense, which can soothe the soul and soothe the nerves, and it is a good thing that ordinary monks cannot afford.

Di Feiyan was very happy to see Meng Qingchen coming.

"Qingchen, come and sit!" Di Feiyan called Meng Qingchen to take a seat.

Afterwards, tea was served by a maidservant.

"I went to see Chen Yang today, and Mo Da also went to see Chen Yang." Meng Qingchen said first.

"Is Chen Yang okay?" Di Feiyan asked concerned.In her heart, she had long had a subtle affection for Chen Yang.It's just that she is a young lady and has her own pride.Therefore, I never want to show it in front of anyone.

And Meng Qingchen is more daring to love and hate than Di Feiyan.

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen explained Chen Yang's confusion and Mo Da's problems.

She is a free and easy person, she will not play tricks in front of Di Feiyan.She can only play tricks with enemies, and she will naturally treat sincere friends with sincerity.

"Chen Yang is not a pedantic person." After hearing this, Di Feiyan smiled slightly and said.

"That's true, what he insists on is not pedantic, but his principles of life." Meng Qingchen followed up and said: "By the way, I plan to go to Xiuwu's home with Chen Yang tomorrow."

"To Xiuwu's house? The two of you together?" Di Feiyan was slightly startled. At this moment, for some reason, she felt a little sour in her heart.

Meng Qingchen observed the details and immediately noticed Di Feiyan's emotions. "Yes, together!" Meng Qingchen said bluntly, "Feiyan, to tell you the truth, I have a good impression of Chen Yang... well."

"He has a wife!" Di Feiyan's tender body trembled, she was really not used to being straightforward like this, especially when it came to liking Chen Yang.

Meng Qingchen smiled lightly and said: "Then what's the problem? Men, especially male monks with great supernatural powers, how many of them don't have three wives and four concubines. Chen Yang doesn't just have one wife."

Di Feiyan said: "But... Qingchen, you are different! Are you willing to be one of the wives?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Actually, I didn't think too much about it. He will eventually return to the earth, the sea will change, and the universe will change. It doesn't matter if the relationship is settled or there is no result. The important thing is that when I like , I will like it and don't suppress my feelings. In fact, even if you pursue him too, I won't mind."

"I won't!" Di Feiyan said hastily.She then said seriously: "Since you think so, once you are really together, I will bless you. Really!" She said with certainty.

Meng Qingchen nodded and said, "Okay."

Di Feiyan's mood was very complicated, so she didn't say anything more.

Meng Qingchen said again: "Tomorrow?"

"Be careful!" Di Feiyan said.

"En!" Meng Qingchen stood up and said goodbye.

After Meng Qingchen left, Di Feiyan sat on the seat blankly.

Her thoughts were very complicated, but she was not at all willing to step into Chen Yang's emotional quagmire.Back then, she once liked a man of peerless elegance.That man's name is Yan Nanfeng!

Yan Nanfeng is considered a leader of the younger generation in the entire Balong Planet.

He does not belong to the Ghost King Sect, nor does he belong to the Temple of Adventuring Gods.He is invincible...

Di Feiyan and Yan Nanfeng fought several times, but they were always defeated.They appreciate each other, and their feelings are secretly born.

But Yan Nanfeng has always stated that he will go to Tianwaitian to find a treasure. He will go there for a hundred years, maybe even longer, and it is even more likely that he will not come back.

Di Feiyan knew that if he persuaded him to stay, he would stay.But Di Feiyan was also afraid of speaking first, and afraid of being rejected.Therefore, until Yan Nanfeng left, she never said the word to persuade her to stay.That relationship, which was also the only relationship in her life, just ended without a problem.

And now, if Chen Yang doesn't have a wife.If Meng Qingchen didn't like Chen Yang, if Chen Yang took the initiative to pursue him, maybe Di Feiyan would consider it.

But since this is the case now, Di Feiyan doesn't intend to think about it.

I would rather be emotionally barren than want an impure relationship.

This is Di Feiyan's character!

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