The strongest player in history

Chapter 2466 The Great Escape

Ouyang Yu wanted to refine Chen Yang's ashes for 49 days.But soon, Ouyang Yu discovered the strange situation in the sacred furnace, which was discovered three days later.During the tempering of the divine fire, many fragments began to appear.Those fragments were obviously the fragments after Chen Yang's death.

"It's really weird. I didn't notice it before. But why didn't these fragments be burned into ashes, but became brighter and brighter?"

Ouyang Yu found that instead of being burned to ashes, those fragments began to crystallize, like pieces of gemstones.In the divine furnace, there are innumerable pieces of this kind. No matter how the divine fire tempers them, these fragments will not be disturbed, and it seems that their texture has been refined to become purer.

"How could this happen?" Ouyang Yu couldn't help being surprised.

That's when the fragments began to fuse together.

"Damn, hate!" Ouyang Yu roared.

Earth, Great Thousand Worlds, Yanjing!

Six days have passed since Chen Yang disappeared.

Lan Tingyu and Fu Qingzhu looked for Chen Yang everywhere, but they couldn't find him.For this reason, Fu Qingzhu went to Tianzhou and asked Xuan Zhenghao to help him find it.Xuan Zhenghao and Di Xuan also found nothing through the calculation of the compass of the past life.

At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao found out that in Yuqing Gate, Tanlao and his party have not returned since they left!

Fu Qingzhu asked Xuan Zhenghao to investigate Ouyang Yu, but he did not find any whereabouts.

"Don't worry too much, Elder Tan, Ouyang Yu and others haven't come back, it means the matter hasn't been resolved." Xuan Zhenghao finally said to Fu Qingzhu. "Chen Yang has experienced a lot of wind and rain, and nothing will happen."

Fu Qingzhu also had no choice but to say: "I hope so!" Although he has a whole body of ability now, he can't help Chen Yang at all.

Then, for the current Fu Qingzhu, the only thing he can do is help Chen Yang guard Yanjing.

So Fu Qingzhu returned to Yanjing.

Lan Tingyu returned overseas, and they echoed each other from afar to protect the world together.

Other than that, the two of them couldn't do anything else.

The world of mortals is in chaos forever!

When disasters come and enemies come, human beings will fight, fight among themselves, and betray each other.Because, this is human nature!

But what happened to Chen Yang at this time?

Of course Chen Yang didn't die, he had many means, but under the tempering of the Sun God Fire of the Sun Moon God Furnace, all of them paled in comparison.The power of Taiyang Shenhuo seemed to suppress even his Xuanhuang Shengu seeds.

This Sun Moon Stove is really evil!

Chen Yang didn't know if the immortals had ever thought of using divine fire to burn the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji.Perhaps, the level of cultivation of the caster can also form different effects.

When Chen Yang was faced with the burning fire, it was true that he couldn't resist, but he did have his own thoughts.That is to merge into one furnace to see if the body can be reborn from Nirvana.It was risky, but Chen Yang succeeded.

At this time, Ouyang Yu saw that the fragments were about to merge, so he immediately grabbed these fragments, and he wanted to separate them.Ouyang Yu didn't know much about the body of immortality.But with his profound cultivation, he could still guess a thing or two, knowing that Chen Yang was going to be resurrected.

Ouyang Yu's big hand was directly captured into the sacred furnace with the void handprint. Chen Yang accelerated the fusion, and those fragments instantly covered Ouyang Yu's handprint.

Ouyang Yu wrapped Shenhuo, and the Shenhuo emitted a terrifying tearing force in his handprints, trying to tear Chen Yang's pieces into pieces.

This divine fire formed a Tai Chi vortex, and the profound meaning in it had been integrated with the Taoist essence! Chen Yang didn't think too much about it, and directly displayed the power of the Xuanhuang God Valley seed and the Great Devouring Technique!

He absorbs this power quickly.

At this time, Chen Yang and Shenhuo merged into one furnace, and the power absorbed by Shenhuo would not be burned at all.

He violently absorbed Ouyang Yu's power, and at the same time, his body gradually appeared.

In this sacred furnace, Chen Yang recovered his body. He was still wearing a black long gown, his hair was fluttering in the divine fire, but he was not damaged at all.

"Damn it!" Ouyang Yu couldn't help being furious.

Afterwards, Ouyang Yu withdrew his strength.

The Black Hole Excalibur was condensed in Chen Yang's hands, and his Black Hole spar was also tempered, and the power of Divine Fire was integrated into the black hole particles.On the body of the Black Hole Excalibur, black flames are burning!

He gathered one-third of his strength, and suddenly unleashed a sword Donglai.

How strong is Chen Yang's mana!

When this sword goes out, it will destroy the sacred furnace!

The sacred furnace was right between Ouyang Yu's eyebrows.The sacred furnace was shattered, but it was not known whether Ouyang Yu would still be alive.

At this time, Chen Yang slashed with his sword, and the sacred furnace suddenly seemed to disappear.Ouyang Yu's whole body was wrapped in the divine fire, as if Ouyang Yu and the divine furnace had become one.

Ouyang Yu's eyebrows were cut open.

Chen Yang then flashed out and appeared in front of Ouyang Yu.Ouyang Yu was not damaged at all, he bathed in the divine fire, and then his eyes sparkled, he squeezed the seal with both hands, and the divine fire in his hand danced like a wild dragon!

There are tens of millions of these crazy dragons, and they absorbed the energy of the sun and stars in the air, and then completely enveloped Chen Yang!

It's really blotting out the sky and blocking out the sun, it's horrific!

Chen Yang didn't say much, and immediately launched the black hole vortex, the great devouring technique, and the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley!



Chen Yang absorbed all these energies in his body, and then he came east with a sword and killed them.

The sword light flickered, and it directly chopped off the mad dragon in front of him, and went straight to Ouyang Yu's eyebrows.

Ouyang Yu didn't dodge either, he absorbed Chen Yang's sword light and hiccupped at the same time.Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: "Is it also an immortal body? Now the immortal body is rotten?"

But soon, Chen Yang figured out the joint.

"That's right, Ouyang Yu and the Sun Moon God's Furnace are integrated into one body. At this moment, he is the Sun and Moon God's Furnace, and my power can be refined and absorbed by the God's Furnace and God's Fire. It's really not easy to kill this guy .”

All of a sudden, Chen Yang realized that he had nothing to do with Ouyang Yu.

"There is no real immortal body. When the power is exhausted, the Sun Moon Stove will become empty." Chen Yang thought: "But I can't fight with him here, it is close to the sun, his Sun Moon Stove There is inexhaustible energy."

Chen Yang then displayed the black hole world.

The black hole spar flashed black light in the air, and within the black light, there was another golden light hidden in it.In an instant, it enveloped a hundred miles around.In this black hole world, there is a mysterious space comprehended by Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao, and now it is fused with the sun god fire. No matter how powerful Ouyang Yu's god furnace is, it cannot break through this space barrier.

Chen Yang grabbed it again, and the black hole world was shrunk into a black hole spar.He hid in the black hole spar, and then flew into the distance.

Elder Tan and his team have been monitoring this place, and when the black light flew out, Elder Tan immediately felt the slightest change.

Elder Tan felt the black hole spar in his divine sense!

He has dealt with Chen Yang a lot, so he also knows that the black hole spar belongs to Chen Yang.Immediately, Old Tan's expression changed: "This little thief is really not dead, he even escaped!"

Afterwards, Elder Tan immediately bit Chen Yang's breath tightly, and chased after him.

In that space, Chen Yang was getting farther and farther away from the sun.He flew lightning in the void, and when he saw the wormhole, he jumped immediately.

Tanlao's quadruple power of creation shows no sign of weakness.Moreover, there are other masters in Hunyuan Jindou, and everyone is tired of chasing them, and they can change chasing them.

Chen Yang didn't expect that Elder Tan's group of people were still lingering. He immediately hid in the dark space, blending the black hole spar and space into one, and hid it like this.

This trick is very useful.Before that, he had avoided Meng Qingchen and the pursuit of the elf king Arthur.

But soon, Chen Yang was disappointed.Elder Tan actually tracked down Chen Yang's whereabouts accurately, and ran over directly.

"What's going on, isn't it working?" Chen Yang couldn't help wondering.He immediately figured out the joint again.It turned out that his black hole spar was originally integrated with the dark void and the universe.But Sun Shenhuo is different, it is opposite to darkness.Although the black hole spar is fused with the sun's fire, the dark universe cannot integrate this kind of sun's fire.The sun god fire is like a bright light in the universe, guiding the direction of Tanlao.

Although Chen Yang was conceited of his abilities, he also knew that it would be of no benefit to fight with this group of people.Now that their hole cards are almost all exposed, they will not give themselves a chance to be resurrected.

Before Tan Lao and the others succeeded in encircling them, Chen Yang hurriedly ran away again.

"We just kept chasing, we have so many people, we take turns to chase and take turns to rest." Dong Wuxian said: "He is alone, and he will collapse sooner or later."

"That's right!" Cheng Junyun, an envoy of the Third Level of the Creation Realm, also said.

At this time, the real person in the cemetery also said: "But we must prevent him from escaping back to the earth."

"The direction here is not going to the earth. If it is going in the direction of the earth, we will send people to the earth to intercept it first!" Tan Lao said.

Everyone was determined to catch Chen Yang this time.

Chen Yang is not only trying to escape, but also dealing with Ouyang Yu.Although Ouyang Yu can't burn Chen Yang's mysterious space, there is a factor of the sun god fire in Chen Yang's space, and Ouyang Yu is finding a way to leave the space according to the factor of the sun god fire.

Ouyang Yu is also a genius in this world.

While fleeing, Chen Yang fought wits and courage with Ouyang Yu, changing the matrix and arrangement of the space.

This is also consuming Chen Yang's mind.

Chen Yang ran between the stars in a panic, and he knew very well in his heart that if he returned to Earth, the other party would definitely not give him this chance.So, to the Danube?

Danube has helpers, and Senior Ling's cultivation is supreme.

It's just that these powerful enemies of mine are too strong, so if you go away rashly, if you harm Senior Ling, then you will hold a grudge for the rest of your life.

But if he continued to escape like this, his magic power would eventually be exhausted, and he would really be a dead end at that time.

"I'm looking for a black hole, a black hole with a limitless size. There are endless mysteries in that black hole. With my immortal body and the black hole spar, I can definitely get twice the result with half the effort!" Chen Yang secretly said.

After this escape, another ten days passed.For ten days, Chen Yang was sleepless.

Chen Yang gradually felt the strain as the other party gnawed at his back.There was really no time to rest, and Ouyang Yu was making trouble all the time.

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